This is what you must say to the person;" As you have found it necessary to belittle me in front of other people, then I can only put it down to a lack of education, charm and good manners, so therefore I feel that must reply to you with words that your standard of education will allow you to understand, so, "Fuc* off you obnoxious bastard" , thank you for listening and … 4 things to do if your boss bashes you in front of other employees. Openly comparing you to someone else's better spouse: "You're so lucky to have a husband who's so attentive and actually communicates like an adult." When you think it’s possible that your boss didn’t mean to embarrass you in front of your team, for instance, a simple, direct response, in private, might be best. Or if they keep putting you down in front of other people, tell them you’ll have to reconsider your relationship. Then he drops phrases that put him in front of others as overworked poor guy, who's wife treats him terribly. Coping with a condescending spouse can be hard work, but you can set boundaries for their behavior to help protect yourself. Years ago, a friend introduced me to someone who asked what I did for a living. Dealing with a supervisor or manager who talks down and belittles you can make your workday feel like a nightmare. 2. An excerpt from Don Miguel Ruiz’s The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom, explains this idea well: “What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. They belittle them, they make fun of them, and they put them down. Posted Aug 26, 2014 We run a business together. Remember that other people’s behavior is always more about them than it is about you. “I work on an online video series,” I said. 1 0. 1 decade ago. If you are on the receiving end of this type of behavior, it can really hurt your feelings. I come to work 3-4 times a week, and our house is totally my responsibility, cleaning, cooking and washing. For example, tell them that you’ll leave the room if they’re condescending towards you. Likewise, engineer Lamia Amine warns readers to steer well clear of "people who want to know every single thing about your life and others' lives, just to gossip about it." "- And I'll say, "SO YOU CAN CLIMB OFF MY AZZ!" Some people like to have a little dig at others whenever they can. "- In which they'll reply- "WHY? If a comment was made to a broad group or said to multiple people… I will look them squarely in the eye, and say- "NEED A LADDER? What do you do when somebody belittles you in front of others? Anonymous. I'm not very nice so most people don't belittle me cause I have a very sharp tonuge. The 30 Most Common Reasons People Might Criticize You...and 14 questions to ask yourself before you strike back. Even when you try your best, show up on time, get along with co-workers and don't rock the boat, you might still suffer at work if you face a toxic, unprofessional and demeaning supervisor. Published Fri, Aug 4 2017 4:04 PM EDT.