Surface Anatomy of the Head, Neck and Trunk. ADVERTISEMENTS: Here are your notes on the surface Anatomy of Head and Neck! This article shall explore the anatomy of this arterial system – its anatomical course, branches, and clinical correlations. Head: Head includes face and cranium. They serve to expand the surface area to warm and moisten breathed air. XII. Anatomy of the Face.ppt - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. The external occipital protuberance is situated behind, in Surface Anatomy and Surface Markings 1. Find PowerPoint Presentations and Slides using the power of, find free presentations research about Head Neck Anatomy PPT 1210– Side of neck, showing chief surface markings. View and Download PowerPoint Presentations on Head Neck Anatomy PPT. 15.1): External occipital protruberance: It can be felt as a palpable projection at the upper end of the nuchal furrow on the back of neck. 1193).—Various bony surfaces and prominences on the skull can be easily identified by palpation. The internal jugular chain is the main lymphatic collection trunk of the head and neck . —The posterior belly of Digastricus is marked out by a line from the tip of the mastoid process to the junction of the greater cornu and body of the hyoid bone; a line from this latter point to a point just lateral to the symphysis menti indicates the position of the anterior belly. One of the functions of the neck is to act as a conduit for nerves and vessels between the head and the trunk. Despite being a relatively small region, it contains a range of important anatomical features. Inion: ADVERTISEMENTS: Is the highest […] Sagital section of cadaver head Notice the nasal conchae. Surface Anatomy of the Head and Neck Bones (Fig. Deeper lateral cervical nodes include the spinal accessory, internal jugular and transverse cervical chains, which form a triangle on the neck. Muscles. ADVERTISEMENTS: Surface land marks: (Fig. Earlobe to 5cm up trapezius. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Also, notice the position of the spinal cord within the vertebral canal. JOINTS OF HEAD & NECK Dr. Mujahid Khan Atlanto-Occipital Joints Are synovial joints Formed between the The head and neck receives the majority of its blood supply through the carotid and vertebral arteries. Presentation Summary : Gross Anatomy of Muscles Head and Neck Pages 203-206 Table 6.3 Superficial Anterior Muscles of … Surface anatomy of spinal root of Xl in posterior triangle: 1. View anatomy 15 joint of neck.ppt from ANATOMY 1 at Medical University of South Carolina. The neck is the area between the skull base and the clavicles. and may contain up to 25 lymph nodes in each patient. Gross Anatomy Of Muscles 475382 PPT.