var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); font-family: 'GothamBold-Regular'; $('.js-mobile-sub-category-menu select').prev().html($('.js-mobile-sub-category-menu select option:first').html()); Actions jQuery( ".navPages-list .navPages-item" ) Veterinary research has also shown that stinging nettle can help in preventing issues like laminitis, founder, arthritis and rheumatism. xmlHttp.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); Stinging Nettles Acute laminitis is something I, fortunately, have minimal experience with, but I have heard several things about nettles being good for laminitic horses, so I will pass it along for you to research. Nettles contain large amounts of vitamin C which is a powerful antioxidant, mopping up circulating free radicals, especially during a laminitis episode. } $('.js-mobile-sub-category-menu select').append(new Option(htmlEntities($(this).find('a').html()), $(this).find('a').attr('href'))); Nettles also serve as a strengthening tonic and can be a source of energy for horse’s who may need an extra boost! }); 'google_business_vertical': 'retail' return String(str).replace('&','&').replace('<','<').replace('>','>').replace('"','"'); } feeding them herbs, like mint and parsley, or plants such as dandelions and stinging nettles that are fragrant and tasty. Also, due to its strong anti-inflammatory effect, it’s a great treatment for arthritic horses and horses with allergies, such as hives or reactions to midge bites. ... Laminitis treatments you won't believe. For horses that won’t eat feed with added stinging nettle there is a way to benefit from external use: Put 300g dried stinging nettle into 1L of water, bring to boil and let simmer for 10 minutes, drain through a sieve. Based on stinging nettles which have a natural anti-inflammatory action effect and cleansing effect on the body, Denes Greenleaf Capsules help to remove toxins and other unwanted metabolites, which can cause symptoms such as a joint pain and stiffness. jQuery(this).find('.navPages-action.has-subMenu').addClass('is-open').attr("aria-expanded","true"); Stinging nettle root is used for urination problems related to an enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia [BPH]). Helps in the elimination of waste products through the functions of the liver and kidneys. Health. For horses that won’t eat feed with added stinging nettle there is a way to benefit from external use: Put 300g dried stinging nettle into 1L of water, bring to boil and let simmer for 10 minutes, drain through a sieve. Some people use the above ground parts of stinging nettle for internal bleeding, including uterine bleeding, nosebleeds, and bowel bleeding. /*Sidebar Menu*/ }; It was thought to have been introduced to the UK by the Romans who used them to lash themselves with in a process called … $('.js-mobile-category-menu select').prev().html($('.js-mobile-category-menu select option:first').html()); }); Stinging Nettle Rich in vitamin C, iron, calcium, potassium and dietary fibre. //$('.js-mobile-category-menu').css('display','none !important'); } jQuery('.search_popup .search_error').hide(); //$('.js-mobile-sub-category-menu').css('display','none !important'); }); jQuery(this).find('.navPages-action.has-subMenu').removeClass('is-open').attr("aria-expanded","false"); xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); It contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids which are extremely toxic to horses. Stinging nettle root is also used for joint ailments, as a diuretic, and as an astringent. I heard from someone that if i clip stinging nettles and dry them out i can fed them to my horse as an excellent source of vitamins and mieral etc. Composed of 100% dry plants, PHYTO FOURBURE provides a good circulatory support for hoof and helps to eliminate toxins, against laminitis. copyright © 2021 The Herbal Connection All right reserved. These problems include nighttime urination, too frequent urination, painful urination, inability to urinate, and irritable bladder. Enter your email address to receive special offers and promotions. Home / Uncategorized / what is horse nettle good for. event.preventDefault(); It is recommended to stop the cure 72 hours before the tests. Ingredients: 100% Organic Nettle Leaf (urtica dioica), dried, Serving Size: 1/2 - 1 cup per day (approx 10-20 grams), per 1,000 lb horse. window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; Many plants are poisonous to equines; the species vary depending on location, climate, and grazing conditions.In many cases, entire genera are poisonous to equines and include many species spread over several continents. //e.preventDefault(); Anaemia, laminitis, cellulitis, lymphangitis, arthritis, rheumatism, assists healing of all injuries, skin allergies, blood cleanser, spring hair tonic to hasten shedding of winter coat, nutritive. $('.category-list ul.navList li').each(function(){ }); Dangers, Health. PO Box 63, Seneca, SC 29679; 864.606.4673; These problems include nighttime urination, too frequent urination, painful urination, inability to urinate, and irritable bladder. Provides iron and vitamin C to help strengthen and enhance the circulatory system. Is this true and has anyone tried it? }); if (this.selectedIndex!==0) { window.location.href = this.value; j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!='dataLayer'? $('.category-list.sidebar-custome .navPage-subMenu-action').removeClass('is-open'); $(this).toggleClass('is-open'); '&l='+l:'';j.async=true;j.src= The clinician should also be aware of common injuries in the discipline in which the horse is competing. src: url(""); jQuery(this).find('.navPage-subMenu').removeClass('is-open').attr("aria-hidden","true"); A detox course with stinging nettle over 4-8 weeks feeding 30-50g of the dried herb to the horse with the feed (or brewing a tea with it that is added to the feed) shows great results in regards to coat, mane and tail of horses and is a great way to help with eczema and other skin conditions. jQuery(this).find('.navPages-action.has-subMenu').addClass('is-open').attr("aria-expanded","true"); $('.js-mobile-category-menu').hide(); Nettles is a diuretic and urinary canal cleanser. } 'send_to': 'AW-942092298', Uses. X - A - X Horses often enjoy picking out the ones that appeal to them most. var href = $(this).find('option:selected').val();'POST', '/events/trigger-visit-event'); The above ground parts are also used for anaemia, poor circulation, an enlarged spleen, diabetes and other endocrine disorders, stomach acid, diarrhoea and dysentery, asthma, lung congestion, rash and eczema, cancer, preventing the signs of ageing, “blood purification,” wound healing, and as a general tonic. }]'POST', ''); function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} if(window.innerWidth > 1025){ } I understand you should feed them as fresh as you can and your horse will wait for the nettles to wilt before they eat those. xmlHttp.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); } $('.dropdown-menu').toggleClass("is-open f-open-dropdown"); //you can list several class names src: url(""); jQuery(this).find('.navPage-subMenu').addClass('is-open').attr("aria-hidden","false"); ' Nettles can be used to help treat- Anaemia, laminitis, cellulites, lymphangitis, arthritis, rheumatism, respitory issues, assists healing of all injuries, skin allergies, blood cleanser, spring hair tonic to hasten shedding of winter coat, nutritive boost. $('.js-mobile-category-menu select option:first').attr('selected','selected'); Once cooled apply careful on the horse’s coat. function close_popup(){ In an herb class I took, this alkalizing blood tonic herb was referred to as the "pee tea". Stinging nettles are not toxic to horses who graze on them, but rolling on the plants may cause a painful skin rash. gtag('js', new Date()); $('.js-mobile-sub-category-menu select option:first').attr('selected','selected'); }); .on( "mouseenter", function() { Stinging nettle has to be dried or cooked before use so that they don’t sting anymore. $('.js-mobile-sub-category-menu').hide(); $('.category-list.sidebar-custome .navPage-subMenu-item').find('.navPage-childList').removeClass('is-open'); $('.js-mobile-sub-category-menu select').change(function(){ In foods, young stinging nettle leaves are eaten as a cooked vegetable. @font-face { $(".form-select").onchange = function() { if(window.innerWidth > 1025){ Veterinary research has also shown that stinging nettle can help in preventing issues like laminitis, founder, arthritis and rheumatism. .on( "mouseleave", function() { All Rights Reserved. 'items': [{ new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], ; For horses that won’t eat feed with added stinging nettle there is a way to benefit from external use: Put 300g dried stinging nettle into 1L of water, bring to boil and let simmer for 10 minutes, drain through a sieve. }); $('.js-mobile-category-menu select').append(new Option($(this).find('a').html(), $(this).find('a').attr('href'))); Keep in mind, that horses are not grazers (like cows or sheep), but rather, they are foragers. } Stinging nettles are useful for addressing sweet itch, laminitis, arthritis and rheumatism. what is horse nettle good for. Usages: Haemorrhaging, anaemia, rheumatism, arthritis, laminitis, sweet itch, spring tonic, allergies, milk production, appetite, coat and skin. © 2021 Simply Equine. Nettles have many benefits for horses and are used for ailments, such as laminitis, lymphangitis, blood cleansing, detox, kidney flush, skin allergies and arthritis. font-family: 'fontawesome-webfont'; window.location.replace(href); The content in proteins is even larger than in soy! (function () { jQuery(this).find('.navPages-action.has-subMenu').removeClass('is-open').attr("aria-expanded","false"); jQuery(this).find('.navPage-subMenu').addClass('is-open').attr("aria-hidden","false"); What we do : We are the experts when it comes to getting your horse performing at its best naturally. The benefits to horses of the common stinging nettle. xmlHttp.send('{"store_id":"999655979","timezone_offset":"10","timestamp":"2021-02-18T11:47:55.15275600Z","channel_id":1,"visit_id":"846620c1-23b8-480b-9919-4ab20300e343"}'); jQuery(document).ready(function() { ... any laminitis /founder which seems to be from underexercise and overweight. 'id': '%%ORDER_ID%%', Actions: Alterative, Antiseptic, Astringent, Diuretic, Expectorant, Galactagogue, Haemostatic, Rubefacient, Stimulant, Tonic. }); Nettles have a compound that balances sugar in the blood and prevents insulin “spikes”; so can be very helpful for an insulin resistant horse or a horse with laminitic episodes. } if( !$('.category-list ul li').length ) { Nettle in Bali, Indonesia is called as Lateng, Jelatang. I am a bit worried about the sting. This product may contain doping substances. The above-ground parts are also used for allergies, hay-fever, and osteoarthritis. I feed my horse who has laminitis and is on week 9 boxrest a bucket full of nettles/cleavers/dandelion with the root and hawthorn tips daily as a detox/cleanser - she so looks forward to them. $('.custom_cart').on('click', function(e) { if(href!='') {'+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f) Nine poisonous plants to horses you've never heard of. In Africa, the oil expressed from nettle seed is used as burning oil in lamps; and since ancient times it has been made into twine or … Tea Tree This essential oil is for external use only and acts as an antiseptic, mild disinfectant and fungicide. We know that one of the contributory factors to laminitis is vaso-constriction and subsequent damage to the lamella in the hoof capsule so if we can clear, blood vessels of plague and help blood flow with vaso-dilation then that has to be a good thing to help this symptom. Vitamin E and enzymes act detoxing, encourage bowel movement, stomach and gut action, liver, pancreas and gall. }) Veterinary research has also shown that stinging nettle can help in preventing issues like laminitis, founder, arthritis and rheumatism. STINGING NETTLE. } When cut and dry, nettles loose their stinging properties and only goodness remains! xmlHttp.send('{"initiator":{"id":"","session_id":"21bc284bc5ce91b93d99ad7cfd1891b8e56d6599","type":"ANONYMOUS","visit_id":"846620c1-23b8-480b-9919-4ab20300e343","visitor_id":"b32908b2-0465-488e-9e19-4a5ff0190150","facebook_event_id":""},"referer":{"url":""},"request":{"url":"https:\/\/\/nettle--urtica-dioica\/"},"product_id":332}'); })(); I haven’t looked up the teaching or medicine of nettle yet, but I feel drawn to it for several reasons. 'value': '%%ORDER_AMOUNT%%', Ace got diagnosed as having laminitis last monday, after a few days of him not feeling right. Stinging nettle root is also used for joint ailments, as a diuretic, and as an astringent. $('.js-mobile-category-menu select').change(function(){ window.location.href = href; @font-face { Stinging nettle contains large amounts of essential minerals and nutrients, a lot of vitamin E and enzymes, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin C and a variety of proteins. jQuery(this).find('.navPage-subMenu').removeClass('is-open').attr("aria-hidden","true"); Dr. Carol Michael PhD says that, ideally, horses should eat 25 different plants per day. Usages: Haemorrhaging, anaemia, rheumatism, arthritis, laminitis, sweet itch, spring tonic, allergies, milk production, appetite, coat and skin. //. var BCData = {"csrf_token":"b0a8955c87a905d82be3b14a46b8a825c1ece4999972553834b85795e4a5437c","product_attributes":{"sku":"HT.NETK","upc":null,"weight":null,"base":true,"image":null,"stock":null,"stock_message":null,"instock":true,"purchasable":true,"purchasing_message":null,"price":{"without_tax":{"formatted":"$32.80","value":32.8,"currency":"AUD"},"tax_label":"GST"}}}; if(href!='') { Divide between AM & PM offerings, if possible. $('.category-list.sidebar-custome .navPage-subMenu-action.has-subMenu').click(function (event) { jQuery('.search_popup .search_popup_wrap').hide(); [CDATA[ Ragwort. Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica L., latin) is a wild plant that grows in Indonesia, Asia, and Europe. $(this).parent('.navPage-subMenu-item').find('.navPage-childList').toggleClass('is-open').slideToggle(); Tea tree can accelerate healing, strengthen the immune system, ease swelling and reduce inflammation. Stinging nettle root is used for urination problems related to an enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia [BPH]). Nettles stimulate the circulation so are good for conditions like Laminitis, rheumatism, muscle wastage and arthritis. NETTLE, STINGING NETTLE Urtia dioica . } .on( "mouseleave", function() { } Stinging nettle above ground parts are used along with large amounts of fluids in so-called “irrigation therapy” for urinary tract infections (UTI), urinary tract inflammation, and kidney stones (nephrolithiasis). } • Laminitis • Intrasynovial sepsis ... Stinging nettles may cause both an urticarial reaction and inability to bear weight on the affected limb for several hours. Hilary Page Seif, author of A Modern Horse Herbal, says nettles will stimulate circulation and is ideal for conditions of laminitis, rheumatism and arthritis. So how can we provide this kind of natural plant and herb variety for our domestic horses? @font-face { Horse colic prevention and management. " Ability to cleanse the blood makes it useful in treating sweet itch, laminitis, arthritis and rheumatism. Nettle, also known as stinging nettle, is an herbaceous perennial flowering plant in the urticaceae family. if(window.innerWidth > 1025){ Our 100% natural WildPets Stings & Bites Remedy helps with stinging bites that produce these symptoms, especially from bee stings, wasp stings, hornet sting, yellow jacket sting, spider bites, red ant bites, fire ant bites, snake bites, scorpion bites, rat and other animal bites (rabied & non-rabied), even nettle … It can clothe you, feed you, light your lamps, and be medicinal! Some offer stinging nettles to their horse and if interested, it is a sign the horse is in the early stages of a laminitis attack. window.location.href = href; Once dried, nettle loses its sting. The toxins build up over time and cause irreparable liver damage which will quickly result in liver failure and ultimately death. // create the dropdown for mobile }) Nettles are a valuable herb and a great spring tonic to help remove all that winter hair Spring has arrived very early in most regions of Australia, but despite the very warm weather, even if it is still dry, spring grass is popping up, presenting a danger to ponies and horses prone to laminitis, or those who are already overweight. Vet said she never seen anyone catch it so early. Improvement should show within a short period of time and dull coats become healthier and shinier. What is Nettle? // page redirect on change // page redirect on change }); gtag('config', 'AW-942092298'); Stinging nettle above ground parts are applied to the skin for muscle aches and pains, oily scalp, oily hair, and hair loss (alopecia). Nettle, so often snubbed as merely a weed, has an amazing array of talents. if(window.innerWidth > 1025){ Ragwort is one of the most important plants to NEVER feed your horse. (function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start': } src: url(""); Finished stinging nettle plant/flower essence – ready to go in the fridge Why am I drawn to stinging nettle? An extremely good blood tonic that can "quicken the spirit" particularly in a thoroughbred. var href = $(this).find('option:selected').val(); Buy dried nettles to … window.location.replace(href); gtag('event', 'page_view', { function htmlEntities(str) { if( !$('.custom-shop-by-price ul li').length ) { The stinging nettle (Urtica Urens) is part of a wider family termed Urticaceae, and includes the purple, yellow and white dead nettle which aren’t really nettles at all but enough of that, and it can be found in just about all of the UK and indeed it has relatives all over the world.