Can anyone please help with their experience in mediation as to what this might be and whether I should stop? You may feel all sorts … It was the coolest and most amazing feeling I had ever felt. If you think this is progress and sometime it stops you would be disappointed. Blessed . I felt as if I woke up from a deep restful sleep. The science behind the health benefits of wearing silver. When you match the cosmic frequencies, your kundalini vibrates and gets invoked (just vibrates and gets invoked not awakened). I felt as though I was talking telepathically to someone (I think my master guide but not sure) and I felt this most overwhelming sense of love/acceptance. When a new cause appears and associated sensation arises. I will keep this in mind and not venture too far. etc. It helps if you can really visualize each spinning center with its individual color as this will assist the cleansing and healing process through your creative mind. While sleeping, your … I don’t believe that 10-15 minute meditation sessions would cause any problems. I am so scared. I have read that there are really good experiences and other health benefits of meditation too. What does "reasonable grounds" mean in this Victorian Law? We offer the finest quality of 925 Sterling Silver and 9/ 10 kt Gold Meditation Rings or Spinning Rings. Spinning and dizziness during meditation --Question: I enjoy your meditations, but at times when I meditate I begin to spin and get dizzy. site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. It could help you to research the more science aspects of meditation, I know I was amazed at how it physically changes your brain. The breath during meditation is not rapid or forcefully deep. All I do is sit for 10 mins in silence and focus on my breath. During meditation, “om” or “aum” is often chanted to help the meditator concentrate and remain relaxed through the process. Spinning during mediation help! Whether you saw these things, I cannot know, only you can know. This is completely normal. In my case the Kundalini started on its own accord after a very traumatic period in my life that lasted nearly ten years and really screwed up my outlook on life. You would also experience lot of discussions within towards positive and negative side of things and those discussions would actually tire you so badly as the mind gets keeps thinking restlessly. Sale Price $45.00 $ 45.00 $ 90.00 Original Price … I have not attained the first Jhana yet so it is hard to say it is normal. These types of experiences happen due to karmic or just due to the nature of conditioned existence. Shop Now. There can be shifts in subtle energies in the body as it moves toward greater balance. An example of a relatively common physical reaction during meditation is what’s known as a “kriya.” A kriya is a jerk or spasm of the body that while not painful can be powerful. As far as sensations, I’ve only ever felt the rested and decompressed feeling afterwards, like you’ve had a nice nap. I was really scared as I am doing this on my own and the classes/groups around me don’t seem like the thing for me as they try to push their cult like thinking to get more clients, if I may use the word. I believe it’s nothing to be scared about at all, and most likely just a little bit of vertigo from the combination of controlled breathing and the stillness that you might not have been used to before. Spinning Sensation During Meditation; Results 1 to 11 of 11 6Likes. Rated 5.00 out of 5 $ 329.00; … What other sensations or visions have you experienced? During the session, the effort is to keep bringing the attention back whenever it wanders, and to disengage it from being busy with other things. Ive felt that before, especially when I first started meditating. Trying to suppress it also will not work, permanently or as you would want it to, since it might bounce back with a vengeance sometime later. Generally speaking, when are the deadlines applying for PHD's in Europe? etc. Does somebody have similar experiences or some advice? These experiences can actually cause us to breathe … With consistent practice of two to three hours in the morning or night, these visions during meditation start appearing frequently, and they start remaining steady for a long time. Also when you keep examining it you will start seeing the nature of it is to arise and pass. Any of the above phenomenon are nothing to be alarmed about nor do they hold much significance beyond serving as an indicator that you are just beginning to touch the edge of your bigger mind. So it is the play of Magnet and Magnetism kind of environment. Since then this happened every time I meditated. My intention is to calm myself down and just relax. Colors During Meditation Pertain to Healing. Electrons, protons etc that rotate in their orbit around the NUCLEUS would also have their on Nucleus within, which also resonates as per the ACTUAL NUCLEUS. Today when I was meditating I started spinning again and my head started to roll around too. You gave me relief from the anxiety of meditation (haha what a paradox) . Top; All; This Page; 1 Post By ThreeRainbows; 1 Post By zelcrow; 1 Post By Zthread; 1 Post By zelcrow; 1 Post By Caradon; 1 Post By Appamada; Thread: Spinning Sensation During Meditation. Ideas to Contemplate When Meditation is Difficult. I have never tried such things before and I do not want to lose control over my life by getting stuck in between worlds as I have read horror stories about these. Help understanding how "steric effects" are distinct from "electronic effects"? Do we actually ‘see’ things or is it just the stillness? Thank you sooooo much for your reply! I understand prolonged meditation as you suggest might be too much but do you feel that just a few minutes to calm myself would cause damage? My experiences have been unsettling to say the least. It lasted for a few minutes and when I came out of my meditation … Genuine Moonstone Spinner Ring, Meditation Fidget Ring, Sterling Silver Ring for Women, Moonstone Ring, Moon Stone Ring, Crescent Moon Ring BlissfulBohoDesigns. I want my son to have his shirt tucked in, but he does not want. It wasn’t caused by meditation, although I believe it can be brought on by it, which is why I am warning you. Ahh the sense of vertigo. Then move back to the primary object. There is nothing in Christian doctrine nor in the Bible which mentions Kundalini, but it is a fact. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. There are many of such people who experience spinning in meditation across the globe are here – You can check this TouTube Channel –  . How safe is it to mount a TV tight to the wall with steel studs? I did. You noticed that it eventually subsided meaning you saw (if you were mindful of it) that it was subject to cessation and uncontrollability. Author Topic: Body spinning during meditation (Read 8555 times) andreainspace. What is "mission design"? This is the first thing I am reading since morning that doesn’t involve kundalini, demons, etc and you actually calmed me down! Also, I tend to rock side to side as well. if you were mindful during the processes of the object, not after or later, but while they were happening. It wasn't significant at first but it kept getting more intense and eventually to the point where I … Or is this just my body releasing any tension? This can be your breath, an affirmation, visualization, mantra, anything. When you meditate, you are tapping into an energy, a ‘life-force’ that comes in through your head. What are the 7 Mantras? Also you will be one of the following sensations associated with it which can be pleasant, unpleasant or neutral. Buddhism Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for people practicing or interested in Buddhist philosophy, teaching, and practice. Do the sensations change? To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Futher exramination you will see this experance leads to craving or the unwholesome roots of ignorance that you cannot depend on the experience when it is neutral, longing for more when it is pleasant and wanting less of it when unpleasant. This other day I was meditating and I got a feeling as if I spinned around on an axis, counterclockwise wise and really fast. Read. The kundalini spinning, happens at various chakras and nerves so spontaneously and due to spinning, the IMPRESSIONS (SANSKARAS) get erased quite faster and thus it is a THE FASTEST route for self realization. Ask Question Asked 3 years, 7 months ago. This is perfectly normal. Experiencing Spinning or Rotation or involuntary movements in Meditation is an advanced path of self realization process called "Nature Kriya Yoga" or "Spanda Kriya Yoga" in which Kundalini awakens with the Direction of The Nature Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total), This topic has 9 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated. These sensations are Dependently Arisen or Causality Arisen of which you do not have control over the process. I suggest you keep your eyes open when you do meditation. Those engaging in meditation may … You noticed it proceeded in bursts, meaning its not permanent but ever-changing. The next time I meditated and started to reach a really mindfull state my head started spinning really hard. The spinning is the reality of Kundalini. It is real. The spinning is actually real. In Vipassana meditation one treats every object equally. Alright guys, I was doing a past life regression guided meditation on youtube because I had the time today. The fact that it was suggested by your GP actually helps! Perhaps it was my introduction to it from a medical and neurological angle that gave me a different view, who knows! A few years ago I had an amazing experience while meditating. How to increase your energy with your Meditation Spinner Ring? I checked online and there are various explanations about astral projection, kundalini, demons and what nots. Those situations are actully the design of Nature so you cut your karma and at the same time, that makes you search for the solution and then you will naturally land up with Yoga, Meditation, Meditation related books and so on. How is your experience during meditation if I may ask? I got so dizzy that I had to stop." So overall I felt really fresh. If you get attached or interested in it, then note that and take it as an object. These last few months my body started to spin counter-clockwise during meditation. Thank you so much for the insights and I am sorry to hear that you are in so much pain. LinkBack URL; About LinkBacks ; Bookmark & Share ; Digg this Thread! Spinning during meditation? Your stories and your wisdom are just as meaningful as mine. Issues related to health, career, relations and many. My intention is to calm myself down and just relax. Do you think around 10-15 minutes would cause problems? The vibrations produce energy. You will start waking up in life. Please seek professional care if you believe you may have a condition. Sometimes during meditation, we may be uncomfortable with some of the feelings that arise. Cosmic Kundalini is nothing but the God or OM or Nucleus of the cosmos, the cause of the creation. It's about us. Later on it became more of a left>right feeling alternating feeling in short bursts, and eventually it subsided. It's ours. What stops a teacher from giving unlimited points to their House? There are the emotional databases which you should try to avoid. The vibrations Hindus or any one calls it OM (combination of light and sound that produce electro magnetic field that actually sustain electrons , protons etc who rotate in their own orbit). (every day for 1 week) This is really frustrating because I just reached a Highlight in my short meditation life(1/2 year). It's merely a feeling. While sitting and reading a book, your breathing rate is significantly lower. It started off with my body jerking a … Due to this invoking of the kundalini, you will touch the deep layers of your soul in … Is there a way where we can  control up to what level we can do mediation without going up this level? Shop Now. As if I am the centre of the axis and I am wildly spinning around myself clockwise. Yes, ie. LinkBack. Spinning or Rotations in meditation or involuntary movements in meditation happen due to, you meeting the cosmic Kundalini frequency. I do not want to get stuck in spiritual beings etc. “In classical yoga, there are eight steps to this process. Due to certain spiritual practices in previous lives that actually put you into universal thinking, thinking about others, helping others, positive thinking, being honest and living honestly and so on. Kundalini is the nucleus within you. if you were mindful during the processes of the object, not after or later, but while they were happening. The sensation of spinning during meditation can be explained as the oxygenation of the body. “Mindfulness” is the practice of being aware in … I once had the experience you described whilst meditating, although I was oscillating back and forth rather than ‘spinning’. The content on Tiny Buddha is designed to support, not replace, medical or psychiatric treatment. Humming this vibration has the capability of helping meditators have an easier time opening their third eye. This understanding also can be considered progress. Can you explain this? What do mission designers do (if such a designation exists)? I am scared of them too. Plot a list of functions with a corresponding list of ranges. You noticed it proceeded in bursts, meaning its not permanent but ever-changing. Spinning sensation during meditation? Featured Products. What is known/taught about yawning during meditation? This can be considered progress. Before using the site, please read our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. The purpose of mediation is purely for my anxiety and nothing else. If you don't like it you might want to try focusing on the ground and your legs during the meditation and see what happens. But I got really deep into it to the point where I saw full light (in a dimly lit room) behind my eyes and I felt like my mind was spinning.