Most families are attracted to obtaining their chickens from us because we are completely ... from the beginning, baby chicks are perfect. Today the breed is the most popular and ubiquitous ornamental chicken breed. Hence breeders can't really cull out silkie roosters from growing pens to allow extra space for just the females. Here are some of the top reasons to raise Silkies: They’re Inexpensive To Keep. Plumage (30 points) This is what makes the silkie a silkie! The silkies are usually about 1lb at the market, but a live 3 lb bird will dress out at 1.5 but cost more to raise. Pet chicks for sale normally cost from about $3.00 to $7.00 per chick. A Silkie hen will comfortably raise 6 to 8 chicks. See here for all of the color options of silkies that we offer. These chickens can be classified as bantams or by many breed standards, large fowl. ; They will lay about 100 to 120 eggs each year. 1. I love silkies. The appearance of a Silkie can vary. Marco Polo talked about black-skinned, furry chickens while traveling in Asia in the 13 th century. There are more photos of Silkies on our breed page here. No one is 100% about the Silkies’ origins, although it is believed they started somewhere in China or India; somewhere in Asia. Chickens, Bantams, Guinea Keets, Turkeys & Waterfowl can be mixed & matched. The American Silkie Bantam Club was established in 1923 and has been going strong ever since. They were first introduced to Europe in the 1800s and because of their appearance they quickly became a novelty bird.. So if you want to produce more eggs yearly you might want to … Dec 11, 2020 - Explore Savannah S's board "chicken coop for silkies", followed by 110 people on Pinterest. When one thinks of the Silkie Chickens, one thinks of soft silky, fluffy hair – its lovely plumage. They truly all look alike. Light Sussex cockerel. Not so in silkies. Similarly, how much do show chickens cost? Saddle feathers are located in front of the tail. Shipping a small order of live chicks can be expensive though. When buying a hen, you can expect to pay up to $50 per Silkie chicken. Last month I lost the biggest little silkie rooster Ernie. Everyone is now doing better. And as they are ornamental chickens, so on average a mature Silkie chicken will require around or up to 10 square feet of housing space. They are a lightweight chicken with a broad, stout looking body which is covered in fine fluffy feathers. urgent. Feeding the birds with very good quality, healthy and nutritious food is the most important part of Silkie chicken farming business. Become a sustainable agriculture rockstar by finding silkie chickens for sale, easter eggers for sale (rainbow chicken), even fancy chickens! Vaccinat... Hollywood. The feathers should be profuse and thick, and cover the thighs, run down the shanks and cover the middle and outer toes. Silkie chickens are mainly kept and raised for eggs and show-off (sorry if I sound rude). He gave his life defending his two big hens. Complete with hair-like plumage and an incredibly sweet temperament, Silkies have black skin and bones and 5 toes instead of the normal 4. White, black and browns. Space and exercise between 7-9 years . Cost. And they are kept for both ornamental and exhibition purpose. White Silkies are a striking combination of black skin and fluffy white feathers, set off with a deep mulberry comb and wattles. Purely Poultry. How much does a pet chicken cost? Silkies are expensive, as I have mentioned above, so they are generally bought between $20 to $120 per bird. Things to know about keeping silkies for meat: Financially it is not really worth it, they take a long time to grow out and they are small. The hens were so sad I got them a 5 month old silkie rooster to keep them company. In addition, Silkie hens make wonderful mothers and are even known to adopt baby ducks if given the chance! Silkies cost from around $20 to $120 per bird; it’s best to buy them from a breeder. SHIPPING CO STS Silkie Chickens for Sale Our day old silkie chickens (sometimes called silky chickens or bantam chickens) hatch mid-February to November. The reason many people caponize/neuter roosters is to remove the testicles on the male bird. Average Straight-Run Silkie Price: $5.76 As a family-owned business, Purely Poultry has some of the best customer service around. The origin of the Silkie hen is uncertain although they have been around for several hundred years. White bearded Silkie bantam chickens (Exhibition Type) where the first Silkie variety admitted to the American Standard of Perfection, in 1874. Hatcheries, your local farm store, or private breeders. The Silkie chickens are classed as a large breed. They can stop laying altogether during the hot summer months. Backyard chickens aren’t that expensive. Silkie enthusiasts claim some game bird breeders will also often look to buy Silkie hens to foster game chickens. The Silkie Chicken has been around for a very long time. 1. You will get roughly 50% blues, 25% dark blue/black, and 25% splash Silkies. These bantam chickens are gentle, quieter than most, docile and like people. featured. There is often some confusion around whether or not Silkies are bantams. The Silkie (also known as the Silky or Chinese silk chicken) is a breed of chicken named for its atypically fluffy plumage, which is said to feel like silk and satin. These fluffy chickens are cute! No - they're wonderful at sitting on eggs, but if you want a good layer, don't have Silkies. Although, they are much more popular and even the full-size Silkie is smaller than a regular chicken. Also, how long do silkie chickens live? In Australia, the cost of each test is between $15 to $18 for each bird tested. Coop aside, the estimated annual cost for keeping 10 chickens … See more ideas about chicken coop, coop, chickens backyard. Silkie Chicken Overview. If just starting out, breeders recommend buying Silkies in pairs or in threes. They pride themselves on their knowledge of their products, selection, and how-to details related to everything they offer, including ducks, chickens, geese, and lots of other birds!. You may pay as much as $15 per chick or as low as $5 per chicken. Cons of keeping Silkie chickens. See our list here of where to buy chickens. Both hens and roosters have main tail fathers, but only the males have saddle feathers. How I make $1,000 a month from just 15 chickens! By choosing the right breeds for your area and marketing them correctly, you can make up to $250 a week from your flock. They are great roosters with standard size hens. Most chicks can be sexed with 80-95% accuracy unlike eggs. They have the “awwwww” factor, so if you are looking for a pet chicken, get yourself a Silkie. In their homeland (China and the Far East) the Silkie had been providing eggs and meat for the affluent for many centuries. Silkies that are show quality might cost hundreds of dollars, while ones hatched at a high quality breeder might cost less. Lost to the neighbor dog. Where can I buy Silkie chickens? Caponizing/Neutering the rooster eliminates the testosterone that they produce which changes the way the rooster acts, making him less aggressive with other males, causes him to lose interest in mating, is said to cause the bird to gain weight faster and makes the meat of the bird to be less stringy. Despite some information on the internet that blue-earlobed chickens lay blue eggs - that's a myth. Species : Silkie Chickens; We have gorgeous 18 week old silkie hens for sale. Saddle Feather Sexing. Day old silkie bantam chicken imported all vaccination done also available the day old for sale at affordable prices only serious buyers needed please Ashanti, Kumasi Metropolitan, FEB 2 – Livestock & Poultry 4. They are not the perfect egg laying chickens. 4) The only reliable, proven way to sex a silkie chick is via DNA testing from blood or feather samples. Description. So a rooster looks much like a hen until adulthood. 4) The only reliable, proven way to sex a silkie is a DNA swab test. It's possible to make money with chickens even if you only have a small flock. Feeding. Note that breeding a blue bearded Silkie to another blue Silkie will not produce 100% blue offspring. That’s the Silkie, and with that, comes an equally lovely personality. Appearance. What Is the Typical Cost of the Silkie Chicken? According to Wikipedia, the average weight of a female Silkie … The bantam Silkie is actually a separate variety to the full-size Silkie. Beautiful quality from show stock. The breed has several other unusual qualities, such as black skin and bones, blue earlobes, and five toes on each foot, whereas most chickens only have four. Calm birds and easy to handle. The Silkie roosters are brought to farms either for breeding or for their extra delicious meat. Currently, the cost of each test is at least $25.00 for each bird tested. Can't you tell why? The Silkie Bantam chicken has been talked about for years. He was 3 months short of 10 years old. However, if you are buying Silkie chickens as chicks, the cost is often a lot lower. The largest outright cost is a coop, then it’s just bedding, feed, and other small miscellaneous costs. Black bearded Silkie bantam chicks available Albertinia, Western Cape WhatsApp Pieter @ 067-0696251The Silkie (sometimes spelled Silky) is a breed of chicken named for its atypically fluffy plumage, which is said to feel like silk and satin. Show chickens usually cost about 5-15 dollars a chickbut if you are wanting one to win at national shows, you could order from an extremely good breeder and buy birds for a fortunebut you really can't get a bird that will "always win." Roosters sport longer, more pointed, and narrower hackle feathers (located on the neck). It should be silky and fluffy with hair-like feathers throughout. Bantams weigh up to 32 oz and the large fowl being between three and four pounds.. Silkies can have white, black, gray, brown, and golden feathers. Silkie chickens have been known to lay around 100 to 120 eggs a year, which is not a big number of eggs per year considering all the other breeds. There is a bantam version of this breed. Silkie chicken was first admitted into the American Poultry Association’s Standard of Perfection in 1874. Golden silkie chicken Black silkie chicken White silkie chicken Call 07429337177 between 12pm-4pm or text with your name and I'll call you back £25 each no offers … Silkies are an extremely calm breed that do well in confinement. I’m a silkie lower, I have been raising them for about four year , and I feel very happy , but there is something that make me very sad , two years ago I found my best buff hen dead in the coop, there was two other hen and a rooster , all silkies , I so that the rooster kill her , because he act so means whith the hens when he wants to mate whith them , I give him away. This makes it very cost prohibitive… Most DNA sexed silkie pullets sell for $75.00 each. Of all the ornamental chicken breeds, the Silkie Bantam is the most popular. Orders of 3 -14 Birds will incur a $25.00 Small Order Handling Fee. It is thought that they originated in India, China or Japan and they arrived in Europe around 200 years ago where they were sold as crosses between rabbits and chickens! Uses. There should be an absence of hard feathering.