it smells normals until about 2pm and then it takes on a foul cheese like smell. Went for second and third opinions from ENTs, nothing obvious. I am on the regimen, and I have a few red marks. Although, it will make skin more sensitive to sun. You can give that a try.I got a bottle of it at Walgreens for 10$, and It is a really good brand. Here are just a few of the most common reasons behind your dog smelling like cheese and what you should do about it. It is supposed to help with red marks. Answered by Dr. Hunter Handsfield: Yeast infection? Discharge smells like old cheese Hi, I have been treated for chlamydia almost two months ago and have been experiencing a White milky old cheese smelling discharge since two weeks. The discharge looks like cottage cheese. A yeast infection is likely the cause of your dog smelling like cheese all of a sudden. Therefore, it will probably have some discharge such as pus, your wound may turn white due to it and give off an unpleasant odor. Can get painful and I end up spending quality time with a sterilised needle and a wad of tissues. The build up of the yeast and sebum on the skin causes the stinky cheese odor. 1. In men, the smell is typically based mostly within the region between the phallus and therefore the pouch. my discharge is watery and clear. "ive had two false positives for syphilis. I get them from time to time either on my neck, behind the ears, upper back/shoulder and chin. Only thing was cloudy sinus cavity on LEFT side (smell is from right nostril), so probably not it. Surgeon couldn't find anything wrong. Mechan says that the cheesy smell is most likely due to a trichomoniasis infection, commonly referred to as "trich," a common sexually transmitted disease, or bacterial vaginosis. At the same time, this will stop it from scarring properly and completely healing. ive also had a fever with this. Sounds like a deep set blackhead or a cyst. What is it That Creates Jock Itch Smell Like Cheese or Fish? bodysore?" im weak and my heart has been bothering me.urine smells like cheese and vaginal burning and itch. In several cases, these sorts of smells square measure the results of the microorganism infection. Your Dog is Suffering from a Yeast Infection. The fact that a wound smells bad is a sign that something might be wrong. I am starting the AHA (alpha hydroxy acid) today. Sweat in your groin space could increase the scent. It can be so thick that you might notice a thick white coating in and around your vagina," says Dr. Nucatolah says. When there’s an overgrowth of yeast, your coochie can smell like sourdough bread, wet pizza crust, or the bread aisle, which Dr. Gersh says is a telltale sign of a yeast infection. Most likely a sebaceous cyst as they harbour a cheese like pus. When I rub finger inside tip and smell the clear discharge (not runny, just damp), smells like cheese-like pus. No pain or swelling. My Dad gets them a lot...thanks Dad. Most likely it is an infected wound or one which has not healed properly. Got CT scan.