Give this bright light prayer a try, and as you do, really feel the light entering into your space as you keep your awareness focused on your heart center. Then a line came to me that I felt would make the prayer even more powerful. Let’s tell God to shine his light on us. We can be struck with troubles, heaviness, and darkness, but His light … John 16:33 I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. Give me, I pray, Light on my right hand . When we remember that God seeks and saves the lost (Lk. So now, our God, listen to the prayer of Your servant and to his supplications, and for Your sake, O Lord, let Your face shine on Your desolate sanctuary. Light of the World – Prayer for January 3. God's Love Prayers; Unity Prayers; Click to Submit a Prayer. And light behind me. Bible Verse for Today “Arise, shine, for your light, has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you.” (Isaiah 60:1) ... For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. 6:9-10), we are compelled to pray that injustice and the immoral assault on the sanctity of human life would be thwarted. And light in my tongue . Verse Concepts. Job 29:3. And light above me . ... the light of God cannot be fully overcome. His Word is a lamp for our feet, and a light unto our path (Psalm 119:105).. Use these prayer points to pray for the light of God to shine in your situation. The power of this prayer comes not just from reading or even speaking it. 19:10) we are encouraged to pray for our lost friend. PRAYER Muhammad’s Prayer of Light . That is the way we first printed it. ... and they will not have need of the light of a lamp nor the light of the sun, because the Lord God will illumine them; and they will reign forever and ever. 30 Days of Prayer: Pray to Be the Light in this Dark World I don’t know if you’ve noticed a similar trend, but the enemy is working feverishly to steal the verbiage of the Kingdom. A Prayer for Light in the Darkness. Oh Jesus, Light of the world, my Friend, Fill me with Thy Light and send A Prayer to Hear God's Voice. Lead me Lord in the way that I should go, and guide me Father by Your Word of Grace and Spirit of Truth into a deeper understanding and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, Who is the light of the world, and Who illumines the path of all that trust in His saving power. When we remember that God desires that his name be hallowed and his will be done (Mt. Any prayers you find on this site, including this one are meant for you to use, try, and make your own. The Light of His Presence offers forty of these tender, honest prayers for real-life situations as an invitation to deepen your own prayer life through worship, confession, thanksgiving, and intercession. In this world you will have trouble. Let’s dig in to learn how to let our little Light shine. And light in my feeling . We Asked. Therefore, as a Christian, we must be glowing and showing the glory of God. Prayer for Being Filled With Christ's Light Lord, help me follow Your Light today, Let Your Light be in all I say, Let Your Light be in all I do, Lord, let my heart reflect from You, Your holy love, Your peace, and joy, Let my life shine for You, Lord! Prayer For Illumination And Light . Lamps. And light on my left hand . Namely, the concept of Light and Love. O God, give me light in my heart . We are joint-heirs with Christ, he is the light of the world. "The light of God surrounds me, The love of God enfolds me, The power of God protects me, The presence of God watches over me." And light in all body . And light before me . The Word of God says that “God is light” and “the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it” (John 1:5). And light in my sight . And light in my hearing .