The former Medfield State Hospital This bucolic 134-acre site on the banks of the Charles River includes 35 buildings (about 700,00 square feet). Medfield State Hospital Master Plan Committee Update. Medfield State Hospital was built in 1895 and closed in 2003. Click on the links below for each of the various episodes: This section includes information regarding the reuse of other former State Hospitals throughout the Commonwealth. Join us for any one session (or all three) at the Zullo Gallery on Thursdays this summer July 11, 18 or August 8 anytime between 7 pm – 9 pm. A copy of the Warrant Articles for the March 10, 2014 Special Town Meeting is available for review here. Farm, a therapeutic equestrian riding center. And you are directed to serve the Warrant by posted an attested copy thereof, in the usual places for posting warrants in said Medfield, fourteen days at least before the time of holding said Special Town Meeting. Small Group Discussion Guidance    Blank Matrix, Summary of Comments at the May 24, 2017 MSH Community Workshop. MEDFIELD - A measure to rezone the Medfield State Hospital property narrowly passed at Town Meeting this week, with proponents and opponents of the change debating the future of the parcel. This work is in development, with a full production slated for May 2, 2020. Definitions. Town House       459 Main Street       Medfield, MA 02052       Phone. According to Todd Trehubenko, MSHDC committee chair, the Master Plan is meant to be a guide based on input from townspeople over a multi-year period; it is possible that development proposals may vary in some respects from what is described as the “Preferred Scenario” in the 200-page Master Plan. It is not the final plan for the site. Description: The Medfield Board of Selectmen has tasked the Medfield State Hospital Development Committee (MSHDC) to obtain developer input on the recently completed Medfield State Hospital Strategic Reuse Master Plan (“Master Plan”). For over 17 years, Abandoned has been dedicated to documenting abandoned and historic properties across the United States. For MSH Development Committee minutes, please click here. Members include Todd Trehubenko, Johnny Martinez, Patrick Casey, Randy Karg, Chris McMahon, Mike Metzler, Selectman Gus Murby, and Nicholas Milano, Assistant Town Administrator, Ex Officio. November 18, 2019: Special Town Meeting (7 pm, High School Gymnasium). Mentioned during the award presentation was the attention to community involvement, best practices, and sustainable development principles. Read the market analysis and financing and operations pro formas by ArtsMarket here and read the building analysis and cost estimates by DBVW Architects here (and presentation to MSHMPC here). It will last for approximately two hours. In 2001, during the Swift administration, and previously during the King administration (1981), Massachusetts developed policies relating to the preservation and maintenance of agricultural land. Key features include: The nomination was submitted by Sarah Raposa, Town Planner and Kathy McCabe, Consultant and Owner of McCabe Enterprises. “The Medfield Anthology,” created by MAPC Artist-in-Residence Hortense Gerardo is comprised of several vignettes depicting the history of the institution based on archival research and interviews with residents of the Town of Medfield. This map shows an outline of the state hospital property as well as an overlay of land that was identified as “prime agricultural soil”. Maintains the original character and design of the site with additional open space including the surrounding farmlands. The vision for the redevelopment of the Medfield State Hospital is intended to reflect the values of the Medfield Community. It will last for approximately two hours. Performers in the “Dad’s Brass Band” include Medfield residents Don Rankin on tuba, and Tom Duprey on trumpet. The plan received the 2019 John Keller Award for Outstanding Planning Initiative at the association's national planning conference earlier this month. The Medfield State Hospital Re-Use Committee held a series of workshops and visioning sessions to gather public comment, ideas, questions and or suggestions as to the potential re-use opportunities at this site. The engineering firm C3 was hired to update the findings of the Lozano Baskin Study. Click HERE for meeting materials consisting of: John Thompson, Chair of the MSH Buildings and Grounds Committee, will be leading a walking tour of the MSH property on Sunday, June 10, 2018, at 10 am. The Re-use Committee presented a Reuse Plan to the Medfield Board of Selectmen who are the governing body responsible for negotiations with the Division of Capital Asset Management. Please wear comfortable walking shoes and bring water. It will last for approximately two hours. Use this link to view archived newsletters from Medfield State Hospital Master Plan Committee. Medfield State Hospital Master Plan Committee Update The MSHMPC, along with the Medfield Planning Bd, met on Wednesday, July 12th with Erica Kreuter (Director, MassWorks Infrastructure Program. 66.67%), and it got 68.8%. Project FY2013 State Bond Cap FY2013 Project-Financed FY2013 Federal Funds FY2013 Other Funds FY2013 Total; Medfield State Hospital Remediation : 1,500,000: 0: 0: 0: 1,500,000: This project funds the … WHERE: Medfield State Hospital Campus, 1 Service Road, Medfield, MA, 02052 (free parking). To help with the process of developing the RFP, the MSHDC has applied for a technical assistance grant from MassDevelopment, a state agency that works to stimulate economic growth. The 2008 legislation built off of previous legislation enacted in 2002, which can be found here. They acknowledged the strong public and political support for the process and outcome. To that end, the goal is to collect input from residents regarding their values and to understand the impact that those values might have on the ultimate vision for the property. Voter registration ends 10/29/19. After four years and extensive public input, a master plan was completed in August, 2018. Epsilon Building Conditions Assessment (2014) LINK. Take a ride around the Medfield State Hospital with the Master Planning Committee. … The MSH Advisory Committee has also studied the zoning changes that accompanied the redevelopment of the former Danvers State Hospital. At its 2018 awards luncheon on Dec. 14, the state chapter of the American Planning Association presented an "Outstanding Planning Award" to the Medfield State Hospital Master Plan Committee. The Medfield State Hospital Master Plan Committee (MSHMPC) was honored to receive the prestigious Planning Project of the Year for the Medfield State Hospital Strategic Reuse Master Plan by the Massachusetts Chapter of the American Planning Association (MA-APA). Medfield residents’ concerns about toxic waste from a former state mental hospital that closed in 2003 have spiked as state officials said they were pushing ahead with a plan …