Christmas Moss VS Java Moss – A Comparison of 2 Awesome Aquarium Mosses, 15 Best Floating Plants for Aquarium (Reduce Your Hassle to Search), Fluval CO2 Kit Review – Pros & Cons of a Reliable CO2 System for Beginners, Seachem Flourish Review – A Comprehensive Aquarium Plant Supplement of 2021, 9 Best Plants to Attach to Driftwood – First Three are Awesome, Planted Aquarium Fertilizer Guide – Keep the Greenery Spectacular. There are a few things to consider when deciding what fertilization your tank may need, if any. Choosing the right fertilizer for your planted aquarium can be challenging, but it is a crucial step for a beautiful planted aquarium. If the nutrient supply is limiting, it ensues slow plant growth. Use an aquarium water test kit to test the water chemistry in your tank – the ideal pH for a planted tank that includes both fish and plants is between 6.5 and 7.5. Before reading this article, I would highly recommend that you read the article on Low-tech, Non CO2 tanks. … Only an accurate dosing technique can help to attain the goal. These nutrients are usually added directly into the water rather than to the soil. Become an aquascaping pro in no time! Ce site utilise des cookies pour améliorer votre expérience. Si vous avez des questions, veuillez nous contacter. The amount of fertilizer you use can help in providing your plants with a controlled growth rate. This is an outstanding all-in-one dosing fertilizer that can provide the … How do micronutrients and macronutrients differ? The more light you provide, the more nutrients are required. I hope you enjoyed our guide to aquarium bacteria supplements and found the information helpful. Here is a complete guide on all the things you require to understand about planted aquarium fertilizers. Hopefully, my sharing will be somewhat helpful to make your aquarium journey awesome! Your email address will not be published. Différentes espèces de plantes ont des exigences différentes en matière d'intensité lumineuse. Besides my engineering profession, I deeply studied many fishkeeping topics since I started building my home aquarium. Naturally occurring Magnesium in the aquarium water may not be sufficient for plants. Also, it enhances plant growth. En plus de nombreux autres oligo-éléments, les plantes ont surtout besoin de fer. À toute valeur supérieure à zéro, l'apport en éléments nutritifs de la plante est encore légèrement supérieur à ce que vous ajoutez à votre routine d'engrais, vous devrez donc augmenter la quantité d'engrais de manière appropriée. However, there are some rules that you need to follow, regardless of the type of fertilizer you are utilizing: You may be tempted to use more than the recommended dosage, discerning that it will stimulate faster plant growth. Il existe des plantes faciles à entretenir, qui n'ont pas besoin de beaucoup de lumière; Les plantes à feuilles rouges ont besoin de beaucoup plus de lumière (et de nutriments). C'est une question que chaque initié à l'Aquascaping se pose en lisant sur le sujet. Pour cela, nous vous recommandons notre article "Carences dans les plantes d'aquarium - Carences et solutions nutritionnelles". Il existe des solutions pour tous les budgets, systèmes biologiques de CO2 de bas à moyen prix pour les débutants ou des systèmes un peu plus chers mais beaucoup plus efficaces qui utilisent bouteilles de dioxyde de carbone sous pression rechargeables, vous pouvez également apporter des contributions de carbone liquide, sous forme d'engrais, mais pour de courtes saisons ou en faible quantité. Usually, three categories of aquarium plants are familiar, based on their light needs.