It can be repaired by: Bob - the axe seller in Lumbridge Tindel Marchant - the weapon and armour repairman at Port Khazard Dunstan - the smith in Burthorpe Squire - in the workshop area of the Void ⦠24 Dec. khopesh of elidinis rs3. It has the same combat bonuses and degrade/repair mechanics as the regular Khopesh of Tumeken: it degrades to a broken state after 60,000 charges of combat but can be repaired at Bob in Lumbridge, or at an armour stand. Itâs t92 so should be good? ","lendable":"no","destroy":"Drop","highalch":400000,"weight":0.453,"tradeable":"no","examine":"The blade is detailed with inscriptions about Tumeken. For this item's augmented variant, see augmented khopesh of tumeken (ice). The khopesh degrades to broken over 60,000 charges of combat. save. share. ","version":"new"}, Item JSON: {"edible":"no","members":"yes","noteable":"no","stackable":"no","stacksinbank":"no","death":"reclaimable","name":"Khopesh of Tumeken","bankable":"yes","gemw":false,"equipable":"yes","disassembly":"yes","release_date":"3 July 2017","id":"40657","release_update_post":"The Magister - High-Level Slayer Boss","lendable":"no","destroy":"Drop","highalch":400000,"weight":0.453,"tradeable":"no","examine":"The blade is detailed with inscriptions about Tumeken. The weapon is created by blessing a khopesh of the Kharidian with the Blessing of the Sea, the Blessing of the Sky, and the Blessing of the Sand, requiring level 92 Crafting. Exchange page: Exchange:Khopesh of Tumeken, Equipment JSON: {"ranged":0,"class":"melee","attack_range":1,"lp":0,"tier":92,"speed":"fastest","damage":883.2,"armour":"0.0","slot":"main hand weapon","strength":0,"style":"stab","charges":60000,"magic":0,"prayer":0,"accuracy":2577}, I know they're t92 but fuuuuck me is ~610m just for two weapons a lot of money. Current Guide Price 671.3m. level 1. ","version":"broken"}, Item JSON: {"edible":"no","members":"yes","noteable":"no","stackable":"no","stacksinbank":"yes","death":"reclaimable","name":"Khopesh of Tumeken (Third Age)","bankable":"yes","gemw":false,"equipable":"yes","disassembly":"yes","release_date":"23 April 2018","id":"42530","release_update_post":"Patch Week - T92 Dyes & more! ","version":"broken"}, Item JSON: {"edible":"no","members":"yes","noteable":"yes","stackable":"no","stacksinbank":"yes","death":"reclaimable","name":"Khopesh of Tumeken","bankable":"yes","gemw":{"name":"Khopesh of Tumeken","limit":2},"equipable":"yes","disassembly":"yes","release_date":"3 July 2017","id":"40655","release_update_post":"The Magister - High-Level Slayer Boss","lendable":"no","destroy":"Drop","highalch":400000,"weight":0.453,"tradeable":"yes","examine":"The blade is detailed with inscriptions about Tumeken. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Hello Select your address All Hello, Sign in. Mar 15, 2018 - The augmented Khopesh of Tumeken is a tier 92 main hand melee weapon, made by using an augmentor on the Khopesh of Tumeken. Khopesh ⦠This thread is archived. hide. Blessing of the Sea 18 comments. Khopesh of Tumeken/Elidinis? He aims an attack at the Hetman's horse and it falls, wounded. Base cost to repair this item is 3,200,000 Coins by talking to one of the repair NPCs: Bob in ⦠Are the t92 khopesh weapons worth it or are drygores a better alternative? Members? The base repair cost of the Khopesh of Tumeken (blood) when completely degraded to 0.0% item charge is 3,200,000 coins. The result will appear here when you submit the form. It can be augmented with an augmentor to make the Augmented Khopesh of Tumeken. It has the same combat bonuses and degrade/repair mechanics as the regular Khopesh of Tumeken: it degrades to a broken state after 60,000 charges of combat but can be repaired at Bob in Lumbridge, or at an armour stand . hide. Khopesh kard. ","version":"new"}, Item JSON: {"edible":"no","members":"yes","noteable":"no","stackable":"no","stacksinbank":"no","death":"reclaimable","name":"Khopesh of Tumeken (Third Age)","bankable":"yes","gemw":false,"equipable":"yes","disassembly":"yes","release_date":"23 April 2018","id":"42531","release_update_post":"Patch Week - T92 Dyes & more! ","lendable":"no","destroy":"Drop","highalch":400000,"weight":0.453,"tradeable":"no","examine":"The blade is detailed with inscriptions about Tumeken. For this item's augmented variant, see augmented khopesh of tumeken (third age). It can be augmented with an augmentor to create the augmented khopesh of Tumeken . form = repairForm Khopesh of Tumeken and Khopesh of Elidinis: 92 : 360,294,746 (Main hand) 420,911,540 (Off-hand) 883 / 2577 (92) 441 / 2577 (92) Degrades: Both the Main hand and Off-hand have 60,000 charges of combat (but lose 2 charges per hit), and costs 3,200,000 coins and 1,600,000 coins to repair respectively via a Repair ⦠Khopesh of tumeken + drygore mace or scythe? form = repairForm This provides a discount of 0.5% per Smithing level (including boosts). report. 56% Upvoted. The khopesh of Tumeken is a main hand melee weapon that requires level 92 Attack to wield, and is the strongest one-handed melee weapon in the game outside of Daemonheim. The base repair cost of the Khopesh of Tumeken (Third Age) when completely degraded to 0.0% item charge is 3,200,000 coins. template = Calculator:Template/Smithing/Armour stand Khopesh of Tumeken. share. Production JSON: The base repair cost of the Khopesh of Tumeken when completely degraded to 0.0% item charge is 3,200,000 coins. param = charge|Item Charge|0.0|number|0.0-100.0|| 49 comments. result = repairResult ","version":"new"}, {"edible":"no","members":"yes","noteable":"no","stackable":"no","stacksinbank":"no","death":"reclaimable","name":"Khopesh of Tumeken","bankable":"yes","gemw":false,"equipable":"yes","disassembly":"yes","release_date":"3 July 2017","id":"40657","release_update_post":"The Magister - High-Level Slayer Boss","lendable":"no","destroy":"Drop","highalch":400000,"weight":0.453,"tradeable":"no","examine":"The blade is detailed with inscriptions about Tumeken. If it is only partially degraded the cost of a full repair is multiplied by the percentage of item charge that needs to be repaired to produce the current repair cost. When found, the following message is seen: You find an off-hand menaphite khopesh. Blessing of the Sky For this item's (un)dyed variants, see blood, undyed, Shadow, Barrows, Third Age. How are these in comparison to nox/zaros? Khopesh of the Kharidian ","lendable":"no","destroy":"Drop","highalch":400000,"weight":0.453,"tradeable":"no","examine":"The blade is detailed with inscriptions about Tumeken. It can be repaired by a Repair NPC for 3,200,000 coins, or for cheaper at an armour stand. The base repair cost of the Khopesh of Elidinis (blood) when completely degraded to 0.0% item charge is 1,600,000coins. havent seen any vids of khopesh so figured id post one. High lvl semi budget dps. The three blessings can be crafted from 100 scraps of scripture each, which are obtained from phylactery dropped exclusively by The Magister. I don't have enough for both t92 but would this with the gloves of passage be a better option than my scythe? template = Calculator:Template/Smithing/Armour stand You will need JavaScript enabled. The blade is detailed with inscriptions about Elidinis. Discussion. The khopesh degrades to broken ⦠{"edible":"no","members":"yes","stackable":"no","stacksinbank":"no","death":"reclaimable","name":"Khopesh of Tumeken","bankable":"yes","gemw":false,"equipable":"yes","disassembly":"yes","release_date":"3 July 2017","release_update_post":"The Magister - High-Level Slayer Boss","lendable":"no","destroy":"Drop","highalch":400000,"weight":0.453,"tradeable":"no","examine":"The blade is detailed with inscriptions about Tumeken. Can anybody that has one or both of these tell me whether or not you think they're worth it? It can be repaired by: Alternatively, it can be repaired on an armour stand in a player-owned house or on a whetstone device anywhere. best. This determined who won the Khopesh of Tumeken giveaway. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. save. It can be repaired by: Alternatively, it can be repaired on an armour stand in a player-owned house or on a whetstone device anywhere. Today's Change 0 + 0% 1 Month Change 33.0m + 5% 3 Month Change 69.7m + 11% 6 Month Change 185.9m + 38% Examine: The blade is detailed with inscriptions about Tumeken. param = cost|cost|3200000|hidden|||. report. It can be repaired by: Bob - the axe seller in Lumbridge Tindel Marchant - the weapon and armour repairman at ⦠Motorcycle; Renter; Landlord; Home; Auto; Life; Home Owners; Other. A warning message is given when attempting to dye a plain khopesh of Tumeken. ","lendable":"no","destroy":"Drop","highalch":400000,"weight":0.453,"tradeable":"no","examine":"The blade is detailed with inscriptions about Tumeken. The augmented Khopesh of Tumeken is a tier 92 main hand melee weapon, made by using an augmentor on the Khopesh of Tumeken . ","noteable":"no"}, {"edible":"no","members":"yes","noteable":"yes","stackable":"no","stacksinbank":"yes","death":"reclaimable","name":"Khopesh of Tumeken","bankable":"yes","gemw":{"name":"Khopesh of Tumeken","limit":2},"equipable":"yes","disassembly":"yes","release_date":"3 July 2017","id":"40655","release_update_post":"The Magister - High-Level Slayer Boss","lendable":"no","destroy":"Drop","highalch":400000,"weight":0.453,"tradeable":"yes","examine":"The blade is detailed with inscriptions about Tumeken.