To help you brainstorm some messages to send your friend, we asked our Mighty community what text they’d like to receive in the midst of depression. You can change the shortcuts on his phone to funny words or phrases. How to Share Music from Your iPhone. Go out to dinner with friends or family and have A DRINK OR TWO not 10. You don't have to be right beside each other in order to stroll down memory lane. Because life's too short not to be an utter bastard to your loved one. say "oooh your sally from my second grade class!" Feel the extremes of the entire spectrum of human emotions if you really want to know how to piss someone off on text. When a friend isn’t getting out of bed or being social, texting can be a great way to let them know you care. Meeting His Ex One of the most important blackout times is when you’re driving. -This is my first video sorry for errors & the terrible video xD -Ways to Annoy your Friends! You will learn how to use your ex-girlfriend’s emotions to get what you want, and it doesn’t matter if she has positive or negative emotions. Any time a friend can simultaneously annoy their own friend and make us roll over in laughter, the text exchange is a great one. How to Prank Your Boyfriend over Text: 10 Fun Ideas 1. Then, send it over to your friend to give 'em a good scare. Anyway, let’s have those 8 Prank Links to Send to Friends. Scare my friend over text? Flip Text. Clearly it did not make their friend laugh, but the foreign exchange student loved it, and we do too. Change the Shortcuts on Their Phones to Funny Words. 1. If iCloud doesn’t appear in the sidebar, set up your Mac with iCloud in System Preferences → iCloud. A sweet and thoughtful message not only can make a very dull day interesting and different, but also give you an opportunity to make the other person miss you madly. But you want to pull some strings and show him that you are really into him. Here’s another prank app that takes Photoshop out of the image fooling process. by Sam Parker. The double text is just going to bother her, and the triple text is going to make her think you have social issues. Hey, I bet the French would love it too! You can use a text flipping app or website to flip some text that you have written (you can write anything that you can imagine). Stephanie Petit | Jun 26, 2015 2:37 pm. Open the Music app. Scare someone with an electric shock hand buzzer and a handshake. How to share reminder lists on Mac. A text like this will definitely put a smile on your friend's face. Don’t dislike something, hate it. Tell them that you are right outside of their bedroom, typing on your laptop. Like you can change ‘yes’ to ‘moo’. Ever feel the need for being obnoxious while taking it to the fifth floor? Try not to stare into their eyes. It’s got awesome features that let you edit photos and videos to have your own ghost lurking in them. But friends, next time you text him give him a toast of shock prank. Get friend #2 to turn the light on and when he feels friend #2s cold hands, he'll freak right out. Have one or two questions for me or need advice on a situation with a guy super fast? The perfect way to… You decide to make things spicy and hot. Act like you know the person. “Ghost Lens ” makes it possible to clone your own ghost in picture AND video. Worksheet included. 3 Be Over Expressive. Trying to share some photos with friends and family via iMessage and Messages App on your iPhone, but just can’t figure out how to do it? Curious. Making friends online is one way to solve the issue of time that can prevent us from developing close social relationships. Ever wondered how to scare people in an elevator? If you have to create more than one message, you may want to compose your message in a different app, like the Notes app or Google Keep app, so you can easily paste it into multiple messages. Im trying to make him think that our texts are being monitored by bell or telus cuz he keeps swearing and talking about weed so please help me he keeps asking for pictures to prove that i am telling the truth. 15 ways to scare/annoy people on online chat 1. Seducing a man over a long distance is possible. Just as they are about to walk by, jump out and make a loud noise or yell, “boo.” To really creep them out, hide under their bed, wait for them to turn out the lights, and start whispering their name in a spooky voice. I don’t advise on drinking heavily because you and I both know there’s a 50% chance you’ll text her/him something embarrassing and it's game over after that. You may have even Googled some of the ideas. Relevance. 17 Absolutely Brutal Pranks To Play On Your Friends. If you don’t know a cat well, it’s best to avoid staring or it could make the cat nervous. 8 years ago . If you have two friends over at night, turn off all the lights and have friend #1 to make his hands freezing cold using ice and to hold his hand over the light switch.