You can make pretty much anything out of foam. Below is a picture of the chest I made. Here is my own how-to of tombstone carving from sheets of insulation foam board. Next, I measured and cut the fabric for each board leaving an extra two inches all around. I just hot glued the fabric down. We glued the Styrofoam together before lettering and painting. Cut black foam board to fit the frame. with my own little twists to it. Remember, they’re mostly made of polystyrene. One of my main decorations for my Voodoo Bayou party was this fake wooden coffin; I wanted to have it standing in the corner of the living room so people could pose for pictures in it. Using a yard stick or tape measure, draw the cut lines on the foam boards. I cut one foam board to fill that gap with an exact0 knife. The main material in the coffin is foam board — 17 sheets total. Make your own treasure chest for a pirate theme birthday party or pirate theme Halloween party. As an Amazon affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Be careful not to break the foam board in half. Start with one end and then move on to the opposite end. This post may contain affiliate links. It is basically the same as Keeba's method (Thanks Keeba!) When we use multiple pieces of insulation foam board / Styrofoam, we glued them together with Hot Wire Foam Factory’s Foam Fusion. (Mine had a Minnie Mouse cover.) I receive a small commission at no cost to you when you make a purchase using my link. I love them because they are inexpensive, pretty realistic-looking given how cheap they are, and easy to move around. Today, I’m going to teach you how to make a couple of the things that I typically make every year. Over the years I have collected quite a few styrofoam gravestones that I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with. I used a spare 2×4 as a guide to help keep my cuts at a right angle. Some foam boards come with a cloth-like covering. Prepare your Board. I’m a big Halloween enthusiast and every year I decorate my yard with props and decorations I’ve bought and some I’ve made. Making a foam board coffin Published by Manning on October 15th, 2015. I taped these triangles between the wall panels, and then taped the finished wall panels in between the big front and back edges of the sarcophagus. Every year for Halloween I put up a graveyard in my front yard. St Patrick's. Finish your corners but tucking under and using more hot glue. Rip that off. Glue: Typically, we used two inch Styrofoam. to create the right thickness for the walls. For larger tombstones, we used a combination of thicknesses. My favorite things to make are tombstones. HOW-TO: Carve Tombstones from Insulation Foam Board. If little chunks fall off, that won’t effect the end result. To do this, I measured and cut little strips of foam board to make triangular supports (above) to hold these wall panels apart at the right distance, i.e. If you’re board does break, try to hot glue it back together. Stick the cut out skull to the black foamboard using a glue stick Punch holes through the skull at key points around the outiside, eye sockets and mouth. For example here in Sacramento I can't find any blue foam (pink foam only in damaged 2x8 sheets), so I have to do with the 'inferior' white foam.