The smoke from a burning smudge stick is thought to remove negative energy. Okay, so you want to make your own smudge sticks. Set the mood & light-up smudge stick. Among them, the Native Americans have long used sacred (or white) sage, cedar, tobacco and sweetgrass for ceremonial purposes and purification rituals. Fold in any stray sprigs, tucking them under the string as you ⦠Jun 21, 2015 - Of great use in blessings and rituals of purification, this Cedar Smudge Stick brings the sacred smoke of Cedar to your ritual and prayer. [Different Chants], Harvest some fresh cedar branches. Take a sturdy stick as a base. Personally, I love medium-sized herb sticks; they are more cohesive, more beautiful to look at, and it is easier to find a concave object that can contain them, such as a shell as was done in the past. Based on the Word Net lexical database for the English Language. When choosing herbs to combine, make sure they compliment each other. Tie the two ends of the cord together at the base. Starting in the centre, wrap the string toward the top of the bundle before returning to the base. Roll with slight pressure, keeping the mat snug as you advance. Prepare your chosen herbs by trimming it to an appropriate size. These herbs have some properties used for smudging. Find us on: What Kind of Feather is Used for Smudging? For this technique, you would need about 15 to 20 sprigs of your chosen herbs, a pair of scissors and some jute twine. What to Say When Smudging a House? Assemble enough branches of cedar until you have the thickness you prefer. Smudging can sound a bit intimidating to beginners and may seem unsafe or complicated, but in reality it is quite easy and completely safe when you follow simple steps. Don’t be impatient, give it the proper time to dry, and get ready for what’s next. If the bundle feels too loose, tighten your hold slightly and roll a little more snugly. You can easily make you own, or purchase one already made here. Clip the amount of cedar you'll need for the number of smudge sticks you plan to make. See disclaimer. Please note: Do not inhale the smudge smoke, that will make you cough. Rinse off any dirt, dust or debris and let them all dry. (Note: I prefer to let the fresh branches wither for a day or for the whole night before the next step); Measure a piece of thin string (cotton is good) 4 times the length of the branches; You don’t need to be too precise about this. Mabon 2020 Giveaway Winners!! Holding the stick at the base, use a match or lighter to ignite the top end of the smudge stick. When you want to build a protective energy shield around you, your loved ones, or even your pets and your home, cedar is the perfect option. Light up some candles and then begin to evenly light up your smudge stick. Today, smudging has come into popular use in various spiritual circles. 2. Debra J. Rigas, a professional writing coach, has been a writer and editor since 1975. Cedar Smudge Sticks Wild Crafted Cedar smudge stick Size- 8â³ Cedar is a medicine of protection. The wood of this plant also attracts material prosperity and is therefore an ingredient in incenses for economic growth rituals. If, after a while, you still notice your cedar smudge stick is not ready, don’t freak out and don’t rush things! ], Does Smudging Kill Germs? Traditionally used by the Native Americans in sacred rituals and as an offering, cedar is a medicine of protection. Cedar is more suitable for protection and to get rid of unwanted presences around you, giving these souls a chance to heal and rest, while white sage is all about cleansing from any sort of negativity from the evil eye to haunting presences attached to your home or an object. When you have reached the end of the group, continue wrapping the string in a reverse direction. Light one end and enjoy! When lit, the smoldering bundle pr Being very versatile, you can use a cedar smudge stick at your workplace as well, especially if it’s a place where tensions and a lot of arguing take place! Wrap the string around the whole bundle (pressing it well). Terms of Use
Gather all the materials you'll need to roll the bundles. Trim the cedar from the branches, cutting them into lengths about 6 or 8 inches long. How to Make a Magic Wand. I provide these “do it yourself” articles for educational purposes, but it is strongly recommended that you consult an experienced spell caster such as myself and allow me to do the work for you. This part is so important as dry herbs are what work as a cleansing tool. 4. Roll it all the way to the end of the mat, using firm pressure. How to Use a Smudge Stick. In your mind, imagine this force field filling with love and security. Doing a Cedar Smudge. 8 Steps to Smudging 1. Wrap the string in a spiral or circular motion, All; Smudge Stick Making; Tephyr; 1998, 2007. By continuing to use this website, you consent to the use of cookies. Cedar Smudge Sticks. Making a smudge stick is as easy as gathering wild flowers and herbs and letting them dry. Below is a step-by step guide on how to make them, storage tips, and a guide to 10 plants that are probably growing around your home that you can use. By Charlene lowe Kemp / April 17, 2020 ... Cedar- Cedar is a medicine of protection. The tips also have more fragrant oils than the woody stalks. While these smudge sticks are only about 4 inches long, having 3 different kinds is a perk. I highly recommend giving thanks to nature when harvesting its gifts, honoring the cycle of life, and raising vibrations while creating a deep connection with the cedar that is going to. You'll feel the differences once you attempt to make a bundle. Cut the plant with a sharp knife (you will need pieces around 8 to 12 inches long) 3. You created your cedar smudge stick, but things don’t seem to be resolved? Trim off the tips of the cedar if you want a flat look or leave them in their natural look. [Guide], Is Smudging Bad for Your Lungs? Oct 26, 2016 - while we were at the farm i also made a few smudge sticks i have enjoyed smudging for a few years since a friend introduced me to the practice, and started making my own smudge last year. I wrote about how to make smudge sticks, and as promised, wanted to write a bit about smudging herbs and some of the best plants to use. When you reach the tip, begin working your way back down toward the base. Wrap the string around the whole bundle (pressing it well). Several boughs can make three or four bundles, depending on how you cut them. Or it is simply placed on an earthenware bowl, on stones, or on large shells. Magic wands are used in many pagan ceremonies to focus energy in spells and rituals. When using smudge sticks, light and blow out your bundle until it is smoldering like charcoal. This year we made most of ours out of sweet Annie, sage, and cosmos. Knot the two ends of the string at the base. Today, I want to talk about cedar and how to make a cedar smudge stick. This way you know it’s being done by someone experienced and knowledgeable and I’m also always here to answer questions about your casting and provide follow-up at no additional charge. For example, you can fold several thicknesses of newspaper or use a sheet of leather cut into a 12-by-18-inch rectangle. © 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. Set up your work area in a comfortable location. With the other hand, wrap the string around the part you are holding two or three times. 2 Trim the cedar from the branches Trim the cedar from the branches, cutting ⦠Maiden Magik. Burning a cedar smudge is a good way to improve self-confidence, self-esteem, strength, and determination. I offer many different spells to offer you cleansing and protection for you and your space. We often hear about sage smudge sticks, but did you know that there are many different cleansing herbs we could use to smudge and cleanse our homes? they're really easy to make, actually, and if you're lucky enough to go to a friends farm in⦠Take at least three deep breaths to focus your mind, have your Intention ready â it need not be complicated just done with a pure heart. We use cookies to give you the best experience, as detailed in our privacy policy. She is the author of the nonfiction book "Everyone's A Guru" and has edited novels ("The Woman Pope") and worked in arts and sciences as a filmmaker, boat captain, landscaper, counselor, theater administrator and licensed midwife. Shop cedar smudge sticks at Mountain Rose Herbs. Then carefully close the bundle together in your hand and wrap with cotton twine. Foundation
Have all your supplies ready, a bowl with sand or earth in it, your Intention, a wooden match and/or a candle to light it, a cedar stick. [Which Herbs To Pick? You can harvest a huge amount of cedar and create different sticks to perform the cleansing ritual and smudge your space over and over again. Add springs of dried cedar, lavender, roses, rosemary or anything else you have on hand (maybe even some palo santo wood?) Woody scents like cedar, juniper and sage go well with floral and citrus scents. A quick and simple seasonal DIY, the cedar will help cleanse the air and make your home smell fresh. In the Native American tradition, it is also indicated as a remedy to induce good sleep. Also read: Light the cedar stick. Within a week or two, the cedar will be dried enough to use for smudging. Faced with a pretty large pile of brush, I got to work filling our planters with greens for the upcoming holidays, and even had a florist friend come and take a truckload for an upcoming wreath workshop. #smudgingforbeginners #howtomakesmudgesticks #smudgesticks #sagesmudgesticks ⦠Regardless of how old we are, we never stop learning. Wrap the string in a spiral or circular motion, moving from the base to the tips hanging down. When you reach the top, tie your twine securely and trim the excess. Pick the greenest tips from the plant, to avoid damaging the plant. My kids and I recently made smudge sticks with the herbs and flowers from our garden. According to the ancient traditions of the Indians, each plant had the power to protect a sacred spirit, and it is thanks to this that they were able to find healing benefits on a physical, mental, and spiritual level. Trim off any herbs that happen to be sticking out of the bundle. Smudging is an ancient practice in many cultures and religions. Set your smudge stick aside and allow it to dry for at least two weeks. I try to let them dry in a dark, dry place. Cut a length of string about three times the length of the bundle. The Negative Energy Clearing & Protection Spell is a powerful combination of three rituals/spells designed with the ultimate goal of clearing away negative energy, clearing and balancing the chakras of the body and offering a protection spell that lasts 4-6 months! Smudging is a vital way to complete sacred work. Sage smudge stick; Cedar smudge stick; Sweetgrass smudge stick; Lavender smudge stick; If you want to know how to make a rosemary smudge stick or how to make a sage and lavender smudge stick, just follow the instructions and add the herbs and flowers of your choice. Your choice! You may place it in a fire-resistant bowl, or walk around with it holding a dish below, to catch any falling ashes. Cedar is placed under the influence of Jupiter but also has solar characteristics. Available in two sizes. As you begin the purification by burning it, focus your intentions on what you are trying to protect, like a mirror-like force field where any attack bounces back to the sender. Faced with a large pile of cedar brush, Celine from Pure Green Magazine decided to make smudge sticks. Whether you’re studying times tables or applying to college, Classroom has the answers. You can use a white cotton string or a colored one. Cut the branches of the plants you are using to 17-25cm in length. Approach the plant with respect and ask its spirit for permission to use it in your smudge. Cedar is a strong and resistant tree, able to live even in hostile environments; these characteristics can also be found in the smudge (bunches of leaves and twigs) produced with it. The smudge can be ignited by setting fire to its pointed top and, as soon as it starts to smoke, extinguishing the fire so that it burns slowly. With the branch tips pointing down, wrap the string around the base of the branch bundle. Sacred to Native American tribes known as the Mother and giver of life, these smudge sticks can be used for protection, purification, cleansing, healing, and prosperity. 7" You should do it when the plant as at is best. What’s cedar? [Here's How To Do It Right], Here's How to Use Palo Santo Smudge Sticks [Tips & Tricks], What is the Purpose of Smudging? Different Types of Smudge Sticks and their Uses. There are various qualities of this great tree, but the best known and the only one with a deep-rooted magical tradition is the one from Lebanon (Cedrus libani), not to be confused with the other great variety, the Atlantic one. Now that you have your team assembled, you are ready to smudge! Spellcasting FAQ
It is the sacred tree of the gods, and in particular, of the ancient Mesopotamian god, Enki-Ea. It needs to be dry as it’s the smoke that does the job! Cedar has been revered for thousands of years and its leaf used in smudging to cleanse and protect. Privacy Policy
With the long end of the string, begin to wrap the bundle tightly, spiraling up towards the top of the bundle. Remove the smudge stick and either hang it to dry or lay it atop your drying rack. I am only used to White Sage and with this package, you get to try Cedar and Blue Sage. Although they are available commerciallyâand are fairly inexpensiveâit's easy to make your own if you've got herbs growing in your garden, or if there's a place nearby where you can go wildcrafting. And I have a special recommendation for you: if you feel some negative energy is around you and it’s affecting your financial situation and your work, smudge your space on a Thursday to boost even more Jupiter energy! Step-By-Step Smudge Stick Making. The smudge is made by drying the fresh herbs in a dark and dry place and, after having tied them with a string and left them hanging for about a week, the stick will be ready for use. You might want a pure sage bundle or add a few bits of lavender. Usually, for cleansing rituals, white cotton is even better as it recalls the white energy that is needed to cleanse the dark, negative energy. Cut any excess string. [A Quick Guide]. Contact Us
Recently in my yard we trimmed a large cedar. The leaves must be completely 100% dry to burn so itâs best to wait until youâre sure. You want to make sure to wrap the twine as tightly as you can so that it stays bound when the flowers dry and shrink. Making the smudge sticks is quite simple once you have gathered the materials together. Step 1: Gather The Herbs. First of all, give it at least a second try, and then if you think smudging is not your thing, you can rely on a spell casting! The herbs have been for centuries seen in the Middle East, Do what feels good and what you can. Hold the entire bunch in one hand, with the tips hanging downward. The smudge is prepared only with natural herbs and flowers, it is not real incense because it lacks the natural resins used to create the classic incenses that are found on the market. Classroom is the educational resource for people of all ages. Check out my shop and choose the right option for you! You'll need: No matter what your mindset is, when you are ready to light a smudge stick itâs a great idea to set an intention for your smudging. 15:47. Powerful White Sage Smudge Benefits [Explained] The first step is to gather the herbs you want to use to make smudge sticks. Use the turkey feather or piece of paper to fan the smoke. About Magickal Spot. Itâs up to you. Smudging is a great way to cleanse a sacred space, and most people use smudge sticks made of sweetgrass or sage for this purpose. Focus on what you would like to accomplish as you smudge. Allow the sage to catch fire for a moment, and then carefully blow out the flame. For example, if you are using 8-inch-long cedar pieces, cut the string to 24 inches. You'll have what looks like a crisscrossed or figure-eight type of design. Do you still sense some negativity around you? It involves burning selected herbs or other materials in a manner that fills the home or other space with the fragrance of the smoke, and it is thought to clear negative energy. Clip the amount of cedar you'll need for the number of smudge sticks you plan to make. January 7. It clears stuck and low vibration energies. [Finding the Right Herbs], Where did Smudging Come From? Smudging means burning herbs and incense; it is the art of purification through the smoke generated by a stick of dried herbs that is spread on people or in a space by moving the smoke with the hands from the bottom up or, as tradition dictates, with the help of a natural feather. Hold the sage over an ashtray or bowl to catch any fallen debris. Work in a calm, centered and reverent frame of mind. [History Explained], How to Light Sage for Smudging? Casting your own magic spells takes skill and patience and isn’t recommended in most cases. Trim the edges if youâd like to make it look all nice and neat. Repeating the smudging is essential to see results. According to ancient ways and traditions, they know that at plants that have sacred healing and cleansing essence. When the smudge stick is dry, use it like this: light it with a candle; when the tips burn, put out the flame gently and let it smoke. Do what feels good. You can easily find a fallen tree branch, clear its negative energy, and create a personal magic wand. The ashes must be deposited outside the door of the house as if to return everything to the Earth. It is not complicated to make a smudge stick by hand, it just takes a little practice. Some people like to light a candle or put on sacred music at this juncture, and you can also meditate or offer prayers as you begin the work. [Different Chants]. Once the sage, other herb, or blend of herbs has been located, itâs time to harvest. Fresh herbs, string or twine, and a pair of scissors are the only materials needed to make a DIY smudge stick. Tie the ends of the string together in a knot or wrap the remaining string around the base a couple of times, then knot it off. Cedar trees are very old, wise, and powerful spirits. Tie the bundle at the base with a secure knot. Cedar’s magical properties: What makes cedar so good for smudging? Several boughs can make three or four bundles, depending on how you cut them. Smudging is a symbolic exercise found in feng shui practice, many native American traditions, and alternative healing practices. Magickal Spot is a witchcraft site dedicated to offering magical education, and we do this thorough explanation of the craft and its many nuances. Fresh, organic cedar boughs Natural cotton string (avoid something dyed⦠keep in mind, the string burns too) Trimming scissors or clippers For the full ⦠Dry the smudge stick in a basket for 7-10 days (or as long as needed). A cedar smudge has a fresh, woody, and decisive aroma. It possesses a strong purifying power and the ability to ward off bad dreams, evil spirits, and demons. Knot the two ends of the string at the base. Absolutely! Let the stick smolder and white smoke will start to travel upwards. Cedar is often used to cleanse a home or apartment when first moving in, inviting unwanted spirits to leave and protecting a person, place, or object from unwanted influences. Lay the bundle on the sushi mat -- or whatever you are using to roll with. In a room, start on the left side from the door, do not forget the corners and windows, and end with the front door. TEXT by Celine MacKay | PHOTOGRAPHS by EMILY BLACKMAN. Basically, cedar is a more versatile resource as it acts on your home, yourself, and your soul at many different levels. to the center of the bundle. Gather your material together and light a candle, asking the spirits of the plants you have gathered to help make powerful smudge. Why is using it the right option? Move the smoke with your hands or with the help of a feather, starting from the bottom and moving up in a clockwise direction. It can be a continuation of the process (the ritual, if you like). We've also rounded up a ton of resources for those who want to learn more about the Indigenous practice of smudging before they get started. Itâs a great idea to smudge before or after you have performed a healing practice such as meditation or yoga. HOW DO I MAKE MY OWN SMUDGE STICK? Is a cedar smudge stick as good as white sage? It’s completely normal as it takes a lot of time to dry. How to Make a Smudge Stick. Feel free to share this article on Pinterest! Set the smudge stick to dry in a basket or on a drying screen for 7-10 days (or as long as necessary). Dry the smudge stick in a basket for 7-10 days ⦠[Colors Explained], What to do With Sage Ashes or Stick after Smudging? Hold this with your thumb, or lay down the bundle to tie a small knot to keep it in place. With the branch tips pointing down, wrap the string around the base of the branch bundle. Powerful White Sage Smudge Benefits [Explained], What to Say When Smudging a House? A tutorial for how to make smudge sticks on your own, using a variety of herbs and foraged materials like cedar and blue spruce. You never have to extinguish a smudge stick, just let it burn out by itself.