How to Care for a Poinsetta Plant Year Round. Water the plant when the surface of the soil feels dry to the touch. Once again, pinch or cut the new stems, leaving three to four leaves on each shoot. Allow the surface of the soil to dry between waterings, and be sure to apply enough water so that the pot is evenly moist and some drains out … Poinsettias need a bright location out of direct sunlight. Poinsettia also called the Christmas flower, is widespread throughout the Americas and can be grown as a shrub in gardens, or as an indoor plant. Just like Christmas cactus, they’re a staple of the holiday season.But no one wants to deal with wilting leaves before Christmas even arrives. This festive favorite cheerfully heralds in the holiday season as we look forward to gathering with friends and family. Add fertiliser You can keep an eye out for these varieties: If you wish to keep your poinsettia through more than one season and force reblooming, there are a few steps to follow closely. The trick: Give them enough sun, warmth, and water, and your … Poinsettia Plant – Care and Growing Tips for Success. When in doubt, skip the water. Unwrap your poinsettia carefully and place in indirect light. From about September through November light becomes crucial in poinsettia plant care. Once nights become longer in fall, bring the poinsettia indoors. In a week or two, when the plant has acclimated to this drying process, move it to a cool spot, such as the basement or a heated garage. Do not fertilize poinsettias during their blooming period. Andy is a big fan of misting the Poinsettia leaves to keep up the humidity. 3. Don't let any direct rays hit the leaves, as they can burn easily. Sign up for our newsletter. Poinsettias are forced into bloom timed with the holiday season, so they need extra care to stay looking fresh throughout the holidays. Although it is a succulent, poinsettia does like a reasonable amount of moisture. Temperature: These plants prefer temperatures from 65 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and from 60 to 65 degrees at night. February 16, 2021. Continue watering whenever the surface of the soil feels dry and watch for new growth. How to Grow Donkey's Tail Succulents (Burro's Tail). Poinsettia Care There is no need to throw your poinsettia out come January—you can keep it healthy and vigorous throughout the holiday season and beyond with the right care. Misting simply involves spraying the leaves (and bracts) of a poinsettia with a fine spritz of water regularly to keep the plant humid. To rebloom, poinsettias need about 10 weeks with 12 hours or less of sunlight per day. During the holidays, while in full bloom, they typically enjoy semi-cool, humid locations in bright, indirect light with plenty of moisture. Fertilizing poinsettia plants is never recommended while they’re still in bloom. It needs to be protected from drafts and about 65 Degrees F ( 18 C). Nothing quite says Christmas is coming like a colorful pot of ruby-red poinsettia. However, with proper care, your holiday poinsettia should continue to put out blooms, or in the least remain attractive for weeks after. 17/11/2020. Getting a poinsettia to rebloom is not an easy process, so don't be disheartened if you don't have success on your first try. Provide semi-cool, humid locations in bright, indirect light with plenty of moisture once blooming occurs. This is to encourage a stout, well-branched plant. The familiar red plant, native to Mexico, has been joined by even flashier hues, thanks to hybridizers that have expanded the range of colors from the familiar scarlet to pastel yellow and vibrant pink. Keep the temperature around 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Make sure to thoroughly soak it each time. Poinsettia care should begin immediately. For years, poinsettias have had a bad reputation for being extremely poisonous. If your home tends to be dry, consider investing in a small space humidifier to increase levels in the area surrounding your poinsettia. Keywords: poinsettia, plant, bracts. Place it somewhere where it will receive at least 6 hours of light daily and keep it away from anything cold, like a window or window sill. If you want to impress with a poinsettia yourself this year we can send to your nearest and dearest in over 100 countries worldwide. Poinsettia plant care is relatively easy. Once new growth appears, begin fertilizing every two weeks with a complete fertilizer. Once home, unwrap your poinsettia and place in indirect sunlight. Once flower bracts have fallen, you have the option of discarding the plant or keeping it an additional year. The plants prefer bright, indirect light, though they can do ok with partial shade. If you want to try, keep it in your sunniest window, maintain moisture, and place it outdoors after all risk of frost is past. Poinsettia plants remain one of the most popular holiday plants, synonymous with Christmas decor and festive cheer. Poinsettias are tropical plants that benefit from plenty of light. Ultimate List of Perennial Vegetables To Plant In Your Garden. They certainly are not meant to be eaten by humans, pets, or livestock, and ingesting poinsettias would probably cause some stomach upset—as would eating almost any houseplant. Note that some fancy colors, such as blue, are produced using dyes and the plant won't bloom again with the same color of bracts. Poinsettia plant care instructions During the holiday blooming period, place the poinsettia in a location that receives at least six hours of bright, indirect sunlight each day. Learn all about How to Care for Poinsettias in this post. Bring the plant back indoors and into your brightest window. You should water your poinsettia whenever you feel the soil is dry or you see that some of the leaves are wilting. Poinsettias like light, so place yours near a sunny window for at least six to eight hours a day. They need a minimum temperature of 13-15°C (55-59°F). Remove the foil wrapper that many poinsettias come with, or at least poke holes in the foil wrapper to allow excess moisture to drain out of the plant’s container. If left unpinched, the poinsettia will grow tall and spindly. Poinsettia plants are a traditional part of the holiday season for many, and although they make a festive, last-minute gift, few people actually know how to properly care for them. Be careful when transporting poinsettias from the shop to your home in the winter, as the cold outdoor temperatures can damage the foliage. To keep the poinsettia in bloom as long as possible, you want to maintain a temperature of 65 degrees Fahrenheit to 75 degrees Fahrenheit during the day (a slight drop in temperature at night will not hurt the plant). This Mexican native is often discarded right after the holidays, but with good care you can keep your poinsettias into next summer. These finicky short-day plants require specific growing needs in order to retain their Christmas blooms. How to Care for Poinsettias. For continual bloom of your poinsettia care following Christmas, the plant also needs day temps between 65 and 70 degrees F. (18 and 21 C.) and slightly cooler at night, though keep it above 60 F. (15 C.) to avoid leaf drop. But for most of the country, poinsettias are notoriously finicky about reblooming. And voila! Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! However, poinsettias have undergone extensive testing and there is no evidence that they are any more than mildly toxic to your pets. Take care of it well and it can keep things a little Christmassy all year round with its festive color. Play close attention to the following tips: Place in a room where there is bright natural light but not where the sun will shine directly on the plant. It’s important to pinpoint the possible cause in the event that your poinsettia plant leaves are falling off, as in some cases, this can be easily fixed. 4. It may also be a good idea to repot the poinsettia using the same type of soil. I hear talk that we can harvest the seeds to grow more plants here at home. Many people place their plants in a closet, but if the light gets in through the cracks or if you open and use the closet, it will affect the bud set. Increase humidity by spraying gently with water every few days. Begining when you get the plant around the holidays, water it consistently. February 12, 2021. Water it well and place the newly-potted plant in front of the brightest window you have, and once again keep it at a temperature of 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Just follow these simple rules: Light: Place your poinsettias in an area where they'll receive a minimum of six hours of bright (but not direct) sunlight each day. Either way is fine. Beginning October 1, keep your plant in complete darkness from 5 p.m. to 8 a.m.—any exposure to light will delay blooming. How do you take care of poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima)? In spring, return the plant to a sunny area and water well. Think of it like those fancy fruit and veg aisles in the supermarket, the mist keeps the plant happy and saves you time in the long run too. With proper poinsettia plant care, they will give you many years of beauty. You would never know it if you just kept your holiday poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) indoors as … When keeping the plant throughout the year, you can begin fertilizing in the spring at half-strength when there's no growth, but not until then. Once home, pop your poinsettia in a bright, draught-free spot out of direct sunlight, ideally 13-15ºC. If all else fails, the plant may need to be discarded. They're beautiful, festive, and easy to take care of. Besides the traditional red hue, you will find different colors of poinsettia to enjoy, including cream, yellow, and pink. When grown in the wild, they are moderately quick growers and can reach between 10 and 15 feet tall. Monitor how much you are watering your poinsettia. Poinsettias, like all plants, need water to grow, but they can be very sensitive to overwatering. Like many houseplants, poinsettias are susceptible to a variety of diseases and pests, including gnats, whiteflies, thrips, mealybugs, and powdery mildew. However, don’t let it dry out completely. Poinsettias are absolutely everywhere during the holidays, and for good reason! Take care not to give your new plants a cold ride home if you are in an area with a chilly climate. The cheerful red, pink, or white flowers with dark green leaves epitomize the season. Once the holidays are over, January through March, continue to care for your poinsettia as you did when you first brought it home. Introducing "One Thing": A New Video Series, 3–10 ft. tall (outdoors), 3–7 ft. wide (outdoors). Poinsettia plants should be watered thoroughly, taking care not to drown them by ensuring adequate drainage is available. Keep watering and treat your plant the way you did when you first brought it home in bloom. For those choosing to continue with poinsettia care, decrease regular watering to allow the plant to dry out some. While poinsettias typically come potted as gifts or from the store, if you're planting (or replanting) your poinsettia, choose a well-draining peat-based potting soil for best success. Around the last week of November, you can stop the darkness treatment and allow the plant to remain in the window. Now that you know how do you take care of poinsettias you can keep these lovely plants year round. This can be done once a month until the middle of August. Provided the poinsettia plant is given the proper environmental conditions, it should begin to regrow within weeks. Use an opaque box or material to block out light. Allow plenty of light during the day so the plant can absorb enough energy for flowering. DO Prune Your Poinsettia If You Plan to Reflower It Next Year. Warmer days (65-70 F./18-21 C.) and cooler nights (55-60 F./13-16 C.) are also recommended. Poinsettias are short-day plants, meaning their bud set is affected by the length of daylight. Move the plant back to the sunny window during the daytime and continue watering and fertilizing. Also, relocate the poinsettia plant to a cool, dark area until spring or around April. How much water you will need will depend on the temperature and humidity level. In mid-May, cut the stems back to about four inches and repot your poinsettia in a slightly larger container, using new potting soil. In order to encourage blooming, poinsettia plants require long periods of darkness at night (about 12 hours). Stop fertilizing around December 15. Before purchasing, shop for healthy-looking plants that have been kept away from drafts and excessive heat. Water your poinsettia whenever the soil surface feels dry to the touch. holiday poinsettia should continue to put out blooms, Poinsettia Care Following Christmas: What To Do With Poinsettias After Holidays, Types Of Poinsettia Plants: Choosing Different Poinsettia Varieties, Transplanting Poinsettia Plants: Can You Transplant Poinsettias Outside, Ancient Flowers - Learn About Flowers From The Past, Ancient Vegetables And Fruits - What Were Vegetables In The Past Like, Gardening Tips For February – What To Do In The Garden This Month, Repotting Houseplants: How To Repot A Houseplant, Flowers On Christmas Cacti: How To Make A Christmas Cactus Bloom, Christmas Tree Care: Caring For A Live Christmas Tree In Your Home, How To Make Poinsettia Turn Red – Make A Poinsettia Rebloom, Growing Heirloom Seed Varieties In Kentucky, Take Time To Smell The Roses – An Unexpected Journey With A Potted Rose, Watering The Garden: Hose Watering Plants Is My Go-To Pleasure. Poinsettia Care Tip 2. If all has gone well, it should be back in bloom and ready to begin the process all over again. In early July, pinch back each stem by about one inch. By mid-August, the stems should have branched and leafed out. The plant should be moist rather than soggy. Keep the plant in a cool, draft-free area and provide plenty of water. … One of the most important things to consider when bringing your poinsettia plant home is where you are going to keep it. Matt Hancock announces shake-up giving ministers more power over NHS Touch the soil and make sure it is neither too wet or overly dry. If you notice your pets exhibiting any of the below symptoms, contact a vet. Continue your normal watering routine until spring (or first of April), then allow it to dry gradually. Thank you to Espoma for partnering with us!LINKSEspoma Potting Mix - Grow! If you notice signs of an infestation or illness, remove the affected area of the plant immediately and treat with an insecticide or fungicide until all signs of problems have disappeared. Though poinsettia may look like flowers, they're actually shrubs, and the "blooms" are formed by modified leaves called bracts. With proper care, your poinsettia will last through the holiday season and right into late winter. Poinsettia Care Instructions Where to keep your poinsettia plants. If the area you are keeping your poinsettia intends to be dry, you may find yourself watering it daily. Poinsettia care: how to keep this Christmas plant alive year round Anna Cottrell. You should see flower buds at this point. However, cold drafts, allowing the leaves to touch a cold window, or more importantly, a lack of decent light, can injure the leaves and cause premature leaf drop. A poinsettia doesn’t need to be just for Christmas. Fertilize poinsettias only if keeping them after the holiday season. 23 Types of Pretty Poinsettias 23 Photos. To keep your poinsettia healthy and beautiful for a long time, you have to consider just a few tips and tricks Lack of humidity during dry seasons, in particular winter, is an ongoing problem for most houseplants, including poinsettias. Keep it in a partially shaded location and maintain your watering and fertilizing schedule. Poinsettias make any table bright. The trick: Give them enough sun, warmth, and water, and your poinsettia will provide the perfect seasonal color and cheer. Marie Iannotti is an author, photographer, and speaker with 27 years of experience as a Cornell Cooperative Extension Horticulture Educator and Master Gardener. Here’s how to care for them to keep poinsettias looking healthy through the holidays and beyond. If you're especially motivated, you can even work to save your poinsettia and bring it to bloom again next year. Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. Grab yourself a spray bottle and fill it with room temperature water. Poinsettia is the classic Christmas houseplant. The key is to let the water drain out the bottom, and make sure that your poinsettia is not sitting in water. Water only if the surface of the compost is dry, and continue to water sparingly. Julie Thompson-Adolf is a master gardener and author with 13+ years of experience with year-round organic gardening, seed starting and saving, growing heirloom plants, perennials, and annuals, and sustainable and urban farming. Keep the plant away from locations where it will receive hot or cold draughts. Perfect Poinsettias: Using the Season's Favorite Flower. Every year, without fail, we have to find out how to care for a poinsettia. They water the plant, give it sunlight, and eventually compost it once it finally succumbs to their understandable ineptitude. While poinsettias can be kept indoors throughout summer, many people choose to move them outdoors in a sunny, but protected, area of the flower garden by sinking the pot into the ground. Its main attraction is the striking red, pink, white or yellowish bracts that adorn the top, and which are often confused with flowers. Carefully. Our Poinsettia Flowers this Year. Poinsettias need bright, but filtered light, away from strong sun and draughts. Avoid direct sunlight, which might discolor the bracts . Adding plants nearby can help increase humidity levels in dry rooms, as will humidifiers. Growing Lavender, History, Planting, Caring, and Multiple Uses. After you have made your poinsettia selection, make sure it is wrapped properly because exposure to low temperatures even for a few minutes can damage the bracts and leaves. During the holidays, while in full bloom, they typically enjoy semi-cool, humid locations in bright, indirect light with plenty of moisture. Saturate completely until water runs through the drainage holes in the bottom, but do not let the plant sit in water. first, choose a spot where your poinsettia can get 6 hours of indirect sunlight each day. Be careful that the stem does not begin to shrivel—this is a sign the plant is too stressed and is dying. I’m always amazed at how deep the color is on the leaves of the Poinsettia plant. This will help keep the leaves and bracts in tip-top condition. Follow the poinsettia care tips outlined so far, and you may find that your houseplant … How To Care for a Poinsettia. Feed every three to four weeks until the plant is re-established. It will need watering at least once a week over summer (more often in pots, or when it’s very hot and dry). Poinsettia care is easy throughout the holidays. If you bought your plant in winter, it is likely to be in a pot wrapped in foil. February 15, 2021. Poinsettia care begins with proper light, water, and temperature conditions. Poinsettia plants should be watered thoroughly, taking care not to drown them by ensuring adequate drainage is available You will have to artificially create these conditions and it's crucial that you be diligent. Environmental factors such as warm, dry conditions are most often the reason for leaf drop. Stress can also be a factor. Your poinsettia should receive at least six hours of light each day, whether it receives sunlight or artificial light. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful (and bountiful) garden ever. Likewise, avoid letting them sit in water-filled saucers, which can lead to root rot. Apply fertilizer every two weeks or once monthly using a complete houseplant fertilizer. Therefore, move the poinsettia to a location where it will not receive any nighttime light or cover it with a box. There is no need to throw your poinsettia out come January—you can keep it healthy and vigorous throughout the holiday season and beyond with the right care. With care, poinsettias should retain their beauty for weeks and some varieties will stay attractive for months. Cut back all canes (branches) to about 6 inches from the pot’s rim. Come summer, move your poinsettia outside, pot and all. In warm climates, you can plant them outdoors. Here are some tips on poinsettia care that can help extend those blooms as long as possible — and maybe even encourage your poinsettia to bloom again next year. Place the poinsettia near a bright, south-facing window. After new growth has reached between 6 to 10 inches, pinch out the tips to encourage branching. Starting in early spring, gradually decrease your waterings, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings.