Residence After his teammates chose to stay and were consumed by Plasmus, Robin almost fell in a tub of acid before being saved by Cyborg. While he was preparing for a performance one day, he overheard two gangsters who worked for a crime boss named Tony Zucco attempt to extort protection money from the circus owner. While the girl came to, Dick received a call from Hank, having been attacked by their old adversary Dr. Light, suggesting he and Dawn join them in San Francisco. Jason brutally beat them down, stopped only by Dick, who scolded him for his intense violence. This is in large part due to his intelligence and his keen understanding of his team, their strengths and weaknesses. Bruce, sensing Dick's turmoil, revealed himself as Batman - the cowled scourge of Gotham's underworld - and offered Dick a position as his sidekick, Robin. Raven is seen by Robin as a very close friend/companion, as they can understand each other and are on extremely good terms. Returning Clayton to his home, he helped clean up his acid wound. He also has a more muscular build and has grown much taller. Trading Dick's Porsche in for a minivan, they made their way to Do-Si-Do Motel, where they hoped to lay low. An example of Cyborg and Robin's friendship. Beast Boy and Cyborg hang around with each other more than they do with him, and Raven and Starfire are both independent but still interact with others, yet Robin often spends long days locked in his own room, planning. Dick gave chase, and tracked her to a room in an abandoned hotel, tied to a chair, with her captor dead in a pool of blood. At the start of the film, when the Titans are chasing after the villain Saico-Tek, he (Saico-Tek) makes Starfire fall out of the sky, but luckily Robin saves her, and they continue to pursue Saico-Tek on Robin's R-Cycle together.When the Titans first arrive in Tokyo, they have trouble with the language. In "The Quest", After encountering a thief with expert fighting moves, Robin decides to improve on his martial art skills by seeking out a legendary trainer: The True Master. Gizmo calls Robin "Bird Brain". Some fans have debated over which Robin leads the Teen Titans. Robin hates Slade with every bone in his body. When Jason became annoyed when Gar properly hit him, Dick stressed the importance of the exercise. They are two of the closest people on the team, and as such Raven often finds comfort in Robin, telling him about things no one else knows. Teen Titans: 20 Things About Robin That Make No Sense Robin is mysterious, so we don't have all the facts about the Boy Wonder. As a child, he and his parents were a family of circus acrobats known as The Flying Graysons. His torso features shoulder straps with the "R" symbol and layered armor on the lower half. Robin demonstrating just how lethal his kicks can be. This is not solid fact, however, as for a few episodes. That night, Kory and Dick admired as Gar and Rachel bonded. The top-half of his suit is split into black and orange sides and an ash-gray utility belt. Robin then uses it to reverse it's aging effects turning him back to normal and Mod back to an old man. Allies Dick went outside and found their car, using their cell phone to locate Dr. Adamson in Chicago, Illinois. In "Betrothed", Robin accompanies Starfire to Tamaran, knowing that the latter is the bride of an arranged marriage, and gets jealous of Glgrdsklechhh. Getting cocky and rude, Dick roughly knocked him to the ground. It is only after Robin takes her hand that he admits that "as long as [they're] together, it'll be okay", and Starfire is once again able to use her powers. The two talked and Dick explained his visit before he noticed Jason entering a fight, having made his way into the speakeasy. Before Nick could do any real harm, Jason attacked him from behind, Dick then knocking him out. Watching as Trigon regained his true form and headed outside to begin his work, Dick's mindscape was entered by Rachel, who attempted to make Dick see reason. Robin A reported character description from Titans Season 3 has surfaced for "Danny," however an Instagram user theorizes "Danny" is actually a codename for the Tim Drake Robin as the description states: Robin is the only one serious enough to truly understand her, even after having been through the psychological labyrinth that is her mind shown in "Nevermore". Dislikes Determined to get him to open up, Kory came on to Dick and the two had sex. In "Date with Destiny", Robin is forced to to take Killer Moth's bratty daughter, Kitten, to her junior prom, or else Killer Moth will destroy the city with a swarm of hostile mutant moths. If Robin refused, they would be killed from the inside out. In "Betrayal", This may have also been one of the reasons why she betrayed the Titans to Slade. Seeing that he sought advice and a place to stay, she gladly lent a helping hand. Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake and Damian Wayne are generally the versions of Robin chosen to be portrayed. issue #47 "Regarding Robin/One Morning" revealed that Robin's secret identity is in fact Dick Grayson, and this is strongly implied many times throughout the animated series: Starfire is Robin's best friend and main love interest throughout the series. Then he takes Starfire's hand and leads her onto the dance floor willingly, a marked difference from earlier, where Kitten had had to force him to dance. In "Bunny Raven... or ...How to Make A Titananimal Disappear", In "Titans East", Robin appointed Cyborg to help rebuild the Titans East. Dick's brutal fighting style and angrier nature are more associated with the second Robin from the comics, Jason Todd, specifically after he becomes the antihero known as Red Hood. He fought them off, but "Nuclear Stepdad" ran at Dick, sending him flying through the window and on to a car below, momentarily knocking Dick out. Back at her own home, she spoke to Dick on his internal issues and hoped to give him some insight on who he truly is. It can be assumed that Terra initially greatly respected Robin, having easily identified him upon their first encounter and was clearly enthused to meet him and the rest of the Titans. We break down the team's true origins and what it means for Titans 2.0. Terra asked Slade for help and he sent Plasmus, Overload, and Cinderblock (and fused them into one creature) to fight the Titans in her place while she would return to Slade's secret base. Right after Kory left, Dick was attacked by "Nuclear Mom" and "Nuclear Stepdad". Robin also respects Beast Boy, and believes him to be an integral part of the team. When Starfire and Robin fight, she whispers something indiscernible in evil Robin's ear, and he vanishes with a gasp. Robin watched as Beast Boy, Raven and Starfire became saddened over his leaving of the team as well. Robin's wacky lineup of Teen Titans, especially in the current (and still somewhat confusing) canon, aren't especially familiar with one another. Starfire tries to convince Robin otherwise; saying that that there has always been something more between them, but Robin denies any feelings towards her; again saying that a hero is all he is and all he can ever be. RobinBoy Wonder[1]Nightwing Nightwing has also appeared in Issue #31 of the Teen Titans Go! In DC Comics and other incarnations, Robin is even toned and playful despite some outbursts of rage, such as when he learns of his parents' killer and when he eventually stops working as Batman's sidekick (a situation that is mentioned in a roundabout way in the episode "Go!"). Suddenly, all of the power went out, including that of the vehicle. After Starfire was captured by alien probes, Robin went after her with the other Teen Titans and Blackfire. Robin's alternate dimensional counterpart, When Starfire is thrust into the future in ". Occupation Titans follows young heroes from across the DC Universe as they come of age and find belonging in a gritty take on the classic Teen Titans franchise. Robin, who has now become Nightwing, saves Starfire from Warp, but Warp escapes with the final piece needed to fix his time machine. With an awkward silence, Starfire is about to leave when the Old Man star… The Titans told her that they had to get out of the city as fast as they could before the volcano destroyed it, but Terra said she's the only one who can stop it and sacrificed herself to save Jump City by tapping into the volcano's lava flow. The following morning, he went to the federal reserve to pick it up. Meanwhile, the girl attempted to escape from Titans Tower, but was met by the rest of the team. Robin was born as Richard "Dick" Grayson to John and Mary Grayson. In Regarding Robin/Good Morning, Robin referred to Raven as the sister he never had. He headed in to talk to Rose, asking why she'd kept her father a secret, before giving her an eye patch to wear. comics. While the young Robin wears his hair spiked backwards, the old and frail Robin has white hair which seems to be almost completely slicked back. Reading an old manuscript that explained the prophecy, Donna concluded that Rachel's mother, Angela, might be involved in Trigon's plan. Also, Robin is perhaps the only Titan without any sort of exploitable weakness (aside from maybe his obsessive nature, and even then only Slade is shown to be able to successfully exploit it). She explained that Rachel had escaped, despite them trying their best to keep her safe. He is the Titans' main adversary and was the primary antagonist for the first two seasons. After her sacrifice, Robin continues to honor her bravery and her final decision to help the Titans. "Demo" However, she blows off his generosity, passing it off as a mere "stick". Human [3], The two of them headed back to the orphanage, where they found half of it having been blown up, along with the head nun injured. In "Fractured", Not long after, Larry arrives from another dimension and helps the Titans stop Johnny Rancid after Robin's arm had been fractured while on his R- cycle chasing the villain. After defeating the H.I.V.E Academy students and retaking the Titan Tower, Robin stayed concerned about the identity of Slade. Unlike most other superhero television series, the Teen Titans characters maintain their superhero identities at all times. The four of them headed off, arriving and making themselves acquainted with the building. Still convinced he does not view her as a friend, Starfire asks that Robin be honest with her at least this once, and tell her how he feels, unaware of the full scale of what that means, given that she does not know that Robin likes her. Eventually, he is brought back to the lair of a new villain, Professor Chang, and aids Robin with defeating him and freeing the rest of the Titans, though he doesn't take himself as an ally and escapes. Dick has a very clear sense of justice befitting a vigilante as well as a strong moral compass; that good people must be protected and criminals must be punished.[13]. Out of all the villains that the team has faced, the one that is most hated is Slade. When she finally did betray the Titans and fought them to bring them down, Robin was her last target to be vanquished. Later, he visited Donna and announce to her that he quit being Robin. Shortly afterwards, the two fall off crumbling cliffs on an isolated planet, and Robin saves Starfire when she reveals that she can't fly because she is emotionally distressed. [13] He has no relationships beyond his former circus friends or a few others like Donna Troy,[1] and has thus far exhibited no interest in pursuing a romantic relationship with anyone. Dick went to talk to Hank, who admitted he knew Dick had done the right thing, apologizing for his prior demeanor.[12]. Goal Robin insists that the two are nothing alike, despite Slade's claims to the contrary. When an evil Robin from an alternate future teams up with Warp, Nightwing somehow returns to Titans Tower and enlists help from the Teen Titans in order to fight the two villains. [10], Living in Titans Tower for the next three months, the newly-formed team began training, with Dick instructing them to practice combat using a blindfold. On their way back to the house, as Dick realized that was Angela's plan all along, Donna flipped through the book and discovered that there is only one way to defeat Trigon—through Rachel. That said, because he is a normal human, he lacks the durability the members such as Starfire and Cyborg possess, thus when he is struck with an attack it can be quite debilitating. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. That night, Dick talked with Rachel, who questioned him as to why he'd hurt Dawn, as she could empathetically sense it, but Dick refused to answer properly. Dick dislikes pineapple, at least on pizza. Instead of wanting to cause chaos and destroy the city, this Red X only wants Zynothium (a chemical that powers his suit) and to be "number one". They turned on the news, seeing news of a girl fleeing from police. The two fought alongside each other and defeated Plasmus. Do what you must." Starfire gets attacked by Warp, who needs the final piece in his time machine so that he can return to his future. After, when they'd all returned to their rooms, Dick helped Rachel to take down a mirror, scared of her demonic reflection. The relationship between Robin and Slade has never been easy. Out of his four companions, Beast Boy seems to be the only one who is shorter, and it should be noted that whilst Raven is usually depicted as the same height or a little shorter than Robin, there are occasions when she is taller. In "Haunted", in an attempt to help rid him of his self-imposed curse of obsessing over Slade and the danger to his team, Raven has also entered Robin's mind, seeing parts of his life ranging from the traumatic memory of the death of his family to his oath before Batman, establishing thereafter between she and him a powerful psychic bond. He used a maneuver called "The Sonic Boom" alongside Cyborg to stop Cinderblock from escaping. He insists on doing everything himself, such as being Slade's apprentice and battling Red X. Robin hated Slade from the moment he learned Slade's name. Robin's hair is styled in the same manner as that of Dick Grayson's Robin. They all grew annoyed at him harboring a probable enemy, but he asked them to focus on Dr. Light, with him dealing with Rose. Starfire replies that it is, and this causes Robin and Starfire to start discussing the topic of kissing. The attending officer told him of a man has come in describing a girl of her description, giving Dick the man's name and address. This poster reveals how Robin's parents use to look as well how he used to look when he was younger. The man gave Kory the only possible location of Rachel he could think of, the Caulder house on Danny Street. However, the two noticed a surge of light in the back seat, Dick realizing it to be a bomb from Dr. Light. When Robin is given the ultimatum of either having the city destroyed or having to kiss Kitten, he refuses by saying, "Not even if you paid me!" However, he did and regrouped with the rest of his teammates. However, after Donna received a text message regarding personal matters and told Dick she had to take care of something before leaving him alone at the exhibition. Though their feelings are seen in almost every episode, there are five main episodes that focuses entirely on their relationship, showing just how much stronger they are becoming while also showing Robin and Starfire growing even closer towards each other. When Robin was searching for superheros in the DCUBOOK to form the team, he selected the ages of the team to vary between 18 and 15 and he said that he don't want someone older than him in the team, so he must be 18. They jumped out of the car and took cover, watching the vehicle explode. Robin instead battles the other Titans. He travels to Asia, where he meets an old woman who helps guide him, but first Robin must go through many trials before he is ready to meet the True Master. At first, Starfire thinks "Prom" is a duel, and cartoonishly slaps Kitten with a glove (a medieval custom indicating a duel is accepted), but is horrified to learn that Prom is a date. Furious, Dick ambushed Zucco's convoy and beat him mercilessly. In "Aftershock - Part 2", When the Titans resurface and attack her, Robin and the rest of the Titans finally hold nothing back, showing no more mercy for her betrayal, and are almost effortlessly able to overpower her. First episode [4], Dick realizes he is wrong for blaming Bruce. Starfire gives an apology to Robin, saying "I'm sorry." In "Apprentice Part 2", it is seen many times that when Robin battles the Titans on the Wayne Enterprises building, he is actively more merciful toward Starfire. In 2002, John and Mary fell to their deaths after Tony Zucco burned their trapeze ropes with hydrofluoric acid, when Dick was twelve. This side of Dick is not, however, evil, merely merciless and absolute for he does not harm innocents regardless of the situation and works daily to deny it for it is the side of him that Batman cultivated and encouraged most. Eventually, Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven, and Cyborg had a strategy and Beast Boy stole Mad Mod's cane giving it to Robin. Luckily, Robin had survived, and regrouped with the other Titans underground, who proved to only sustain minor injuries. He even pursued a romantic relationship with Dove, one that ended in resentment and jealousy. Before they could head to their rooms, he informed them of their guest, Rose, and how she was Slade's daughter, albeit on the run from him. and Thunder and Lightning. In "The End - Part 3", Robin was also able to give Raven enough hope and courage for her to defeat Trigon, and he told Raven that she was the most hopeful person he knew. After Rachel helped him let go of his inner darkness, Dick became more light-hearted, reconciled with his former mentor Bruce Wayne and reform the Titans team with his new friends and Jason Todd. Kory eventually regained consciousness but drove off in a frenzy. As a result, Robin fully trusts Terra and accepts her as an official Teen Titan. Terra finally realized her mistakes and she fought against Slade but in all her fury, she awakened a dormant volcano. Leader of the Titans Mentor of the Titans (formerly)Detective (formerly)Batman's sidekick (formerly)Acrobat (formerly) Realizing his mistake, he tried to help Jason up, but he brushed him off and stormed out of the room. Offering her name, Rose, the girl went to leave. The name "Bird Brain" was used by Poison Ivy to refer to Robin in the 1997 film, Robin has appeared in the most episodes, only missing the episodes ", Robin is only seen on 2 occasions without his mask, each time being only for a few moments. Cyborg, in reference to the fact that Robin is no longer a fugitive, states "So, I guess you're not a wanted man anymore," to which Robin replies "I wouldn't say that," of course meaning he is a "wanted man" in terms of being Starfire's boyfriend.[10]. The two-headed there, running into three of its occupants. However, like Beast Boy, his height "fluctuates" depending on the episode, and sometimes in individual scenes. During the movie \"Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo\", he briefly changes into a costume with his hair down with black shades and a skinny black suit with a long jacket in order to hide from Tokyo Troopers when he was wanted for the \"murder\" of Saico-Tek. However, Dick heard screaming, running to find Rachel engulfed in darkness. Brenton ThwaitesTomaso Sanelli (young). [11], They returned back to Titans Tower, where Dick was informed that Rose's father was Slade Wilson. Both Robin and Cyborg have a special combo move, called the Sonicboom, which involves the use of Robin's explosive disc and Cyborg sonic cannon. In "Sisters", Robin went to a fair with the rest of his teammates. Deciding they needed to know how to work best with each other, they found a warehouse and demonstrated their abilities to one another. To help clear his mind, she brought him to an exhibition featuring her photographs. Kory realized that Dick had his belongings packed and he confirmed her suspicions that he would be leaving due to something personal placing her in charge to look after the rest of the group while taking a train to Angela's home in Ohio. However, he was inspired by his cellmate's belief in Alazul to keep helping people. During the award ceremony, near the end of the movie, the two of them are seen holding each other's hands and smiling, confirming that they have finally become a couple. Dick headed out for some pizza, returning home to find Rachel in shock, consoling her. An aged and decrepit Robin as Mad Mod's prisoner. Starfire jumps through the portal, while Nightwing and the rest of the future Titans wave good bye. When Robin is Nightwing, he doesn't spike his hair anymore, and instead lets it grow past his shoulders. It is implied that during his time with Bruce as Robin, that Dick wasn't allowed to drive the. However the Titans managed to break free, with Robin revealing their findings to Starfire, just in time before the wedding vows were made. Robin is clearly happy to see her, and spends a long time admiring her. Robin originally came into existence when Bruce Wayne took Dick into his care and adopted him. Dick traveled there, hoping to get answers as to why he was targeting Rachel, but they were promptly ambushed by a group of soldiers trying to kill them. Cyborg has clashed with Robin on a few occasions, which resulted in Cyborg quitting the Teen Titans more than once. He stated that she must take, as goin' alone would be dangerous, but she points out that he's alone, too. In a Cartoon Network 2004 commercial/bumper, Robin has his own energy drink and vending machine. However he does have a soft spot for children, especially runaways as he identifies with them, and with a select few people who have proven themselves trustworthy, such as his late partner Amy Rohrbach. He uses the Skater's hair, and Damian Wayne's head. The two of them took Adamson's unconscious body to a safehouse. Dick put on his Robin suit and headed to a warehouse, finding a strung up Clayton. This version is based on Dick Grayson as Robin in the New 52. Richard John "Dick" Grayson Born to a family of circus performers, Dick Grayson had a tough childhood growing up. He is also Starfire's main love interest and finally becomes her boyfriend in the series' finale movie. For decades, Robin rarely appeared without Batman. In "Apprentice", later, Slade made Robin his apprentice, threatening to "annihilate" Robin's friends with nanoscopic probes, which had been injected into them unknowingly while they were diverted. Despite this, Robin does maintain a more relaxed, at times even playful side, which he sometimes expresses when the team is not actively engaged in crime fighting. Although the series hints at the concept of an alter ego or secret identity, it is rarely explored. Robin and the others wondered where it came from before returning to Titan Tower. There have been five as members of the Batman Family in regular continuity. Robin had him arrested, but Zucco was promptly released on account of providing the police valuable intelligence about the Maroni crime family. Shortly after defeating them, Robin gave the others communicators, and later created the Teen Titans, of which he became the leader.[1].