Medium-size seeds (tomato, lettuce greens, columbine, hollyhock, etc.). Prepare the container as per directions set out above. Lettuce seeds are tiny, but when sowing them indoors, there is an easy way to plant them one at a time. When buying seed by weight, keep in mind: Seeds do not have 100% germination rates, so not every seed planted will sprout. ... Lettuce seeds germinate best when temperatures are 55 to 65° F. ... 4 per square foot for leaf varieties (if it says space plants 6″ apart) But…no matter which method you choose, think about how much lettuce … Planting lettuce seeds of any sort requires a microscopic eye, and arugula is no different. If you want to plant more than 4 seeds, prepare several pots ahead of time. Each seed has a 25% chance of failing, and with two seeds, the chances of both failing at the same time drop to 6.25%, giving you a much higher probability of successful tomato growth and increasing the seed germination rate to 93.75%. For an early start, seeds can be started in flats 4 weeks prior to the last frost and transplanted outdoors in mid to late spring. Don’t exceed three seeds per hole. It can also be grown year round in a container near a window. Large seeds (morning glory, lupine, sweet pea, and etc.). Pepper 20 3,000 50-70 50 lbs. To make it easier, you can use the stick that we used before and carefuly with the stick push the seed inside the hole. Then when they germinate and have grown a couple weeks, you thin them out leaving the strongest. Watermelon 20 400 70-85 70 fruits Feet of Row Per Acre (1 acre=43,560 square feet) Average Seeds Needed Per: Average Yield Per: Vegetable 100’ Row Acre 100’ Acres I sow 6-8 per gallon-size container. Place a saucer beneath the pot to trap draining water. Label planted seeds. 3. 1 How many of my seeds do I use per pod? If you think one per hole is fine, goahead with one per hole. Seeds do not have 100% germination rates, so not every seed planted will sprout. Used a box cutter to cut a hole in the plastic about 3″ smaller than the “top” of the bag. Plant your seeds approximately 1 in (2.5 cm) apart. Step 4: Sow two to five seeds per cube for leaf lettuce (two to three for summer plantings) or one seed per cube for head lettuce. Lettuce has shallow roots, so plants need consistent watering. 7. How many lettuce seeds are in a hole? Seeds should be planted 2-3 per hole, about 1-2 inches deep. ... lettuce, seed saving, seeds, seedstarting Earlier I wrote about Seed starting Lettuce with many pictures of various steps involved. The seeds are tiny, and I spaced two per hole about a ¼-inch deep and 4 inches apart in my Garland Grow Light Garden. Grow. Limit your seeds to 4 per pot to avoid overcrowding the lettuce as it grows. Once the seedlings have germinated and are around two to three inches high with four leaves then it is time to thin them out. These seeds are large enough to handle (and count!). Seeds per 100′ Yield per 100′ ... 1 Pound: 400,000 Seeds * These are average lettuce seed counts. 8. If more than one seed sprouts from a single planting, they should be thinned to the strongest sprout. How many Tomato seeds per hole? Our pac choi seeds are 100% guaranteed. Plant seeds according to packet directions – generally, two or three times as deep as the seed’s diameter. If you’re planting large seeds like cucumbers, melons, or pumpkins, you should only use one seed per hole. A disease-free test does not guarantee a seed lot to be disease-free, only that no pathogen was detected in sample. How many lettuce seeds are in a hole? How many lettuce seeds are in a hole? Tomato 30 7,400 50-85 150 lbs. Seeds do not have 100% germination rates, so not every seed planted will sprout. As an example, I direct-seeded lots of okra seeds per hole (four holes for each of six varieties), and I only got germination in six of the twenty-four holes (well, maybe eight or nine, but some of them died). Fill a pot or 6-pack with moist growing medium. Lettuce mosaic virus (LMV) is highly seed-borne. Two weeks later, while out in the garden harvesting lettuce leaves, sow 12 more seeds in 6 more holes. When sowing seeds directly into the soil, you should plant approximately 10 seeds per foot. I sow two per hole. on the same day as transplant, direct-seed another 6 lettuces (2 seeds per hole in 6 holes, to be thinned later). But seeds sold in packets–especially those sold in stores–commonly list the weight, but not the number of seeds. Sow lettuce seeds in average soil in full sun in early spring for first crop. MTO-10, MTO-30: 10,000 or 30,000 seeds were tested for the presence of Lettuce Mosaic Virus, none was found. Use a pencil to poke a small hole in each cell or container. Choose a reputable seed source. Limit your seeds to 4 per pot to avoid overcrowding the lettuce as it grows. Lettuce 400 20,000 35-65 100 heads; 50 lbs. 4. When you start growing your romaine lettuce plants from seeds, you don’t know how well they will germinate. Shorter varieties can be planted closer, and sweeter varieties should be planted shallower. Like most things in gardening, there are always exceptions to this rule of 2-3 seeds per hole. Can you use Miracle Grow on lettuce? Here are a few methods of reusing a seed pod. Though you can purchase a Master Gardener Deluxe Kit from AeroGrow that will allow you to use your own seeds, AeroGardeners often choose to reuse the included seed pods. Gently sprinkle a little water over each hole … 5. Step 5: Leave seeds uncovered or cover lightly with coarse vermiculite, which will help retain the right amount of mois-ture. Sow beet seeds in rows 10cm (4in) apart, with a row … But before knowing this, it is better we also learn on when is the right time to begin growing these seeds and also how to plant them. I couldn’t blog about the results actually. Organic and exclusive varieties. Sow every two weeks to extend harvests. Space your rows 12 to 18 inches apart. In general, two to three seeds should be planted per hole. You can buy seed beginning soil mixes from most plant nurseries, or backyard centers. In general, two to three seeds should be planted per hole. Growing Guide GROWING NOTES. It seems the larger the seed, the larger the seedling. Cucumbers, squash, zucchini, melons, and pumpkins like to be planted in a mound, so instead of a hole pile the dirt up into a mound about 6 inches above the ground and mix the composted cow manure into the mound. That’s why you plant at least 2-3 seeds per hole. However, you can still plant seeds close together and then thin them out … Cover holes with pinches of extra moistened soil. Plant seeds with a tweezers or pinch seeds between your fingers. How many lettuce seeds do you plant in one hole? In general, two to three seeds should be planted per hole. If I had only planted one seed per hole, I might not have gotten any, statistically speaking. In late summer, sow in a protected are that stays below 75 degrees F. Sow thinly in rows 12 inches apart and cover with ¼ inch of fine soil. Scatter the seeds as thinly as possible onto the soil. Anyway, […] Reply. Sow in late summer for fall crop. Head lettuce is usually grown from seeds started indoors during warm weather for a fall garden. Romaine and butterhead lettuce seedlings require 6 to 8 inches between each plant. Consider alternating rows of green and red lettuce for a whimsical touch. Thin leaf lettuce seedlings to 4 inches apart. Seeds that need light to germinate should barely be covered. Varieties can vary. Lettuce grows best in full sun, though excessive heat can cause plants to bolt to seed, or leaves to wilt. Johnny's Selected Seeds 955 Benton Ave. Winslow, Maine 04901 * 1-877-564-6697 This is because the more seeds there are, the more likely you are to … Melons 200 13 oz. The idea is that this increases the chances that at least one of the seeds will germinate after the 2 weeks have passed. 6. Some seed sellers sell by the piece–1 seed per penny, for example. Sow the seeds two per hole. Repeat at two week intervals till daytime highs are approaching 80, then Browse pak choi (bok choy) varieties, including mini, full-head, and baby-leaf types. Buy a piece of quarter-inch dowel and sharpen it in a pencil sharpener; you will use this like a magic wand to plant your lettuce seeds. Mist your planted seeds with a spray bottle filled with water. Pour some seeds into one hand. Transplant head lettuce in rows 12 to 18 inches apart with 10 to 12 inches between each plant. 2 Sanitize the used seed pod 3 Replace the sponge 3.1 Can I reuse a sponge? Melons 25 800 70-85 100 fruits Onions, Bulbing 150 4,000 75-100 100 lbs. Takeout the seeds from packaging; Place a single seed in each hole that we’ve previously made in the rockwool. Dig a 4–6 in (10–15 cm) deep hole and place your seeds inside at about 1 in (2.5 cm) apart. Sow seed with appropriate spacing: Dig a 4-6-inch-deep hole and place your seeds inner at about 1 inch 2.5cm apart. For plants like pumpkin, cucumber, melons, you only put one seed per hole if you are direct seeding into the garden, but you can put several seeds close together. Plantings should be approximately 12-15 inches apart, and rows should be 30-36 inches apart. Also make sure that you don’t push the seeds more than 6mm in the rockwool. Vegetable seed for home gardens is often sold by weight–by the ounce or by the gram or by fractions of ounces and grams. How far apart to plant lettuce depends on the type of lettuce you’re planting. Growing lettuce in rows gives your garden a traditional look.