Foundations of Observation Checklists (pre/post format): This was designed to assess the children’s and parents’ performance related to: (1) Measuring axillary temperature (2) Measures to reduce fever (3) Personal hygiene (4) Pain relief. Parasitic worms: knowledge, attitudes, and practices in western Côte d’Ivoire with implications for integrated control. Nonprobability, purposive sampling of 600 schoolchildren was recruited from 6 primary schools in East and South Cairo governorate, Egypt. The person learns when he chooses stimulus in the situation and then reacts to it as a feedback . Mrs. JL expresses that she need assistance to get The situation differed between the settings for the other types of intestinal parasites. As a way to move forward, we return to Hildegard Peplau's seminal ideas about the transformative power of relationships in nursing. phase). difficulty in mobilizing. Prevention and regulation of anemia are of vital implication. The PED can be a difficult place to work. Concerning family sizes, more than half of the families from East Cairo (52.6%) had only 1-2 children. In the resolution phase, none of the subjects obtained a ‘Very Good’ score pre-intervention, but more than two-thirds (62.7%) achieved this post-intervention. verbalisation and client & family appearing (1997). She expressed satisfaction when able to move without On the other hand, blood sample analysis carried out for each enrolled child to follow the results to confirm improvement of anemia. (2013). Jasrasaria, R & Brooker, SJ. The study confirmed that younger children did not know how to manage well the personal hygienic measures, and self-care. Evaluation (Resolution Phase): The researchers allocated 8months for this phase, 3 months to evaluate the children’s needs and ensure that the clients no longer needed professional services and had ceased dependent behavior. PLoS. 5th edition. Theory Application and Case Study The purpose of this paper is to discuss Hildegard Peplau’s interpersonal relations theory with an application to a case study. nursing – human health and function. (Exploitation phase), Evaluation               Regarding monthly household income of participant families, more than one-third (34.0%) of families in East Cairo earned between 2000 to 3000 Egyptian Pounds whereas in South Cairo, 34.3% of families had a monthly income in the range of 4000-5000 Egyptian Pounds. The power of interactions in nursing care used as a back bone in the current study in emphasizing the nurse-schoolchildren relationship.  (Resolution 300 students/region), Table 2. A descriptive quantitative, pre/post-test design was used, with an age and sex-matched control group. George JB. not necessarily imply a deteriorating condition. Author Hildegard Peplau (1909-1999) Education We propose that Peplau's formulations and, in particular, her seminal Interpersonal Relations in Nursing can provide direction. Exploitation and 4. Always use back support while turning the patient that In addition to a constant reconnaissance practice focused on monitoring inactive case finding, evaluating the influence of health teaching communications, and adaptation to infection control patterns are crucial. IV. The constant development of medical treatment will greatly improve the spectrum of child diseases that can be treated, and improve disease management in pediatric nursing. the roles of the nurse. Lego describes how the nurse can assume several different roles while in group psychotherapy, which shows how effective Peplau’s theory can be in application (1998). Make the patient to perform the breathing exercises (2009). The interpersonal focus of Peplau’s theory Oral informed consent was gained from schoolchildren and their parents, following explanation of the study’s purpose, to guarantee readiness to involve in the study. None of the subjects from either setting obtained a ‘Very Good’ score prior to the intervention; however, the situation improved dramatically following the intervention, especially in East Cairo where 62.7% achieved a score of ‘Very Good’ post-intervention. Evaluation               Identification: Patient The present study pinpoints that parasitic infections are chief community health difficulties and one of the major causes of anemia among the schoolchildren studied. Observation Checklists (pre/post format). Provide articles near to the patient and encourage participates in goal setting; has feeling of belonging and gathers important information. Nurses engaging in pediatric care shoulder the expectations of the whole family of a sick child. The theoretical element of the intervention included 4 educational sessions about intestinal parasite types, causes, manifestations, and prevention measures (hygienic measures as hands washing before and after any daily life activities; washing green vegetables and fruits before eating, keep food covered; and keeping fingernails clean and short, in addition to complications and management, and importance of investigations and follow up. asking fewer questions. up, Explained regarding the signs of aggravation of Provided non pharmacological measures like diversion, Prevalence of malnutrition in schoolchildren, Table 6. derive full value from what he/ she are offered through the The relationship between nurses and children lies at the heart of nursing practice. severity and the type and duration of pain. Background of Hildegard Peplau. The nurse helps the individual to recognize and understand Peplau’s theory focuses on the The present study demonstrated a possible link between parental educational background and prevalence of child infection especially in South Cairo. evidenced by participating in self care within the VI: Blood sample analysis: Each enrolled child was asked to give blood sample follow strict sterile technique. (2012). Acta Tropica. Authorized consent was obtained from the principles of schools where the study was being conducted. Then collected samples examined, without preservation, in a private laboratory. other phases are completed successfully. normal alignment and to prevent strain. IV. Application of Social Skill Training using Hildegard Peplau Theory Approach to Reducing Symptoms and the Capability of Social Isolation Patients. Peplau's theory of interpersonal relations provides a useful framework for investigating clinical phenomena and guiding nurses' actions. Fernandes and Naidu (2017) interestingly found in their study that Peplau’s Theory encouraged client engagement with self-care diabetes management. her verbalisation of reduction in pain responses. Anemia was defined as a hemoglobin level of less than 11 g/dL and severe anemia was defined as hemoglobin of less than 5 g/dL, in accordance with 7 recommendations. Dr. Peplau introduced her interpersonal relationship theory in her book Interpersonal Relations that she published in 1952 where she emphasized patient-nurse interactions and believed that shared experiences with patients were foundational to nursing practice. Prevalence of intestinal parasites among the population of the Gaza Strip, Palestine. (2010a). Nursing is therapeutic in that it is a healing art, assisting an individual who is sick or in need of health care. Longitudinal studies are needed to decrease health damages to school age children. The nursing process for Mrs. JL based on Peplau’s theory is as Hildegard Peplau’s theory of interpersonal relations is a middle range theory that focuses on the nurse – patient relationship and how the two work together toward the common goal of wellness. Since in this research the interaction between a nurse and patients with obesity is the key element, Hildegard Peplau’s theory of Interpersonal Relations in nursing is taken. This is especially the case for children aged 6-8 years, who were more vulnerable than any other age group to develop anemia. Missouri: Mosby needs, Assisted the client in doing her self care activities. Pre/post application of interpersonal process of therapeutic interaction model assessment format which is based on Peplau’s theory and includes 4 phases. A score was given according their level of achievements in these assessments.  (Resolution phase). According to 11 and 12 nursing is therapeutic because it is a healing art, assisting an individual who is sick or in need of health care. patient. client, She asked her doubts regarding the illness and the 107th Session, Provisional agenda item 3.3 (EB107/31) Geneva: WHO;. The scoring system for children’s scores was as follows: > 7 Very Good, 5 -7 Average, and < 5 Poor performance. who can help. to improve the circulation. to bed. Orientation, 2. By the time she was able to pursue a nursing career, the nursing profession was primarily restricted to simple supportive tasks and did not emphasize communication. An individual learns when he or she selects stimuli in the environment and then reacts to these stimuli. The prevalence of malnutrition in children from both settings in the present study was alarming, especially for schoolchildren between 6-8 years, where 61.8% of children from South Cairo were underweight. doing activities within limits. We express our sincere appreciation to the head-teacher, teachers, parents and pupils of the study schools for their approval and cooperation throughout the duration of the study. The average salary in South Cairo was higher than in East Cairo. Nursing was not considered a profession in 1952. She verbalized that her anxiety has reduced to some Policy I Pelpau was a pioneer theorist who introduced the middle-range theory of interpersonal relations to promote health care of children. Anemia was highly prevalent among all children in both settings, with prevalence of 73.6% and 82.4% in the 8-10 years age group. My profound appreciation to Dr Ahmed Atef, Dr Nourah Alsadhan and Refah Alotabi for their kind help and great cooperation throughout the study. anxiety, depression, or frequent feelings of apathy, and the measures used to overcome these problems. Originating from psychiatry, this theory was reconstructed for nursing by Peplau in 1952 (Jones, 2014). Also, source of water for drinking, toilet facilities, and hygiene practices. It is clear that the cycle of infection and environmental contamination by intestinal parasites will continue unless radical steps are taken. Hildegard Peplau’s work formally began the development, basis and revolution of nursing knowledge for general nursing as well as for psychiatric mental health nursing. El MasryMA. which will strengthen the respiratory muscle. The most common intestinal parasite that children were suffering from was Giardia lamblia. A pre/post Peplau's theory model questionnaire for structured interviews: This was developed by the researchers, with consideration of relevant references, to determine children’s needs. All necessary modifications were made based on the pilot study results. emergency. Intestinal parasites in patients with chronic abdominal pain Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology, Vol.45, No.2, August J. Egypt. New York, NY: Springer. Jul-Sep; 30(3): 145-7. One application of Peplau’s theory of Interpersonal Relationship in Nursing is in the field of group psychotherapy. Post-intervention the average BGLs were 115.8 mg/dl. Objectives Define Hildegard Peplau 1909-1999:Interpersonal Theory Describe all the Phases of Nurse-Patient Relationship Orientation Identification Exploitation Resolution Application of Peplau’s theory into nursing practice Define Dorothea E. Orem :Self-Care Deficit Theory Explain three parts of Orem’s Theory Application of Orem’s theory into nursing practice Nursing can be viewed as an interpersonal process because it involves interaction between two or more individuals with a common goal. By giving nurses a sense of identity, nursing theory can help patients, managers and other healthcare professionals to recognize the unique contribution that nurses make to the healthcare service (Draper 1990).Hildegard Peplau, one of the role model of nursing theorist, established a theory of interpersonal relationships in nursing. Kept the articles within t he reach of the client, Frequently visited the patient and enquired for any Pre/Post an interpersonal process of therapeutic interaction model assessment format: It based on Peplaus Theory 4 phases and includes: 1. Assist the patient in doing her self care activities. Impacts of environmental conditions on incidence of intestinal parasitic infections in two low socioeconomic areas in Alexandria, Egypt. A pre/post Peplau's theory model questionnaire for structured interviews II. The nurse helps the child to recognize and understand their condition, and the importance of intervention and treatment 11 and 12. met appropriately, She achieved and maintained self care activities Report by the Secretariat, Executive Board. As a stranger, the nurse receives the patient in the same way the patient meets a stranger in other life situations. Peplau’s model for nursing, which helped later nursing theorists and clinicians develop more therapeutic interventions, includes seven nursing roles, which show the dynamic character roles typical in clinical nursing. Ad Policy I Findings of the present study designated the necessity for safety from pollution in the locality and improvement of water supply scheme. She became the first published nursing theorist since Florence Nightingale.Peplau was well-known for her Theory of Interpersonal Relations, which helped to revolutionize the scholarly work of nurses. Description of Hildegard E Peplau’s Theory of Interpersonal Relations There are four major assumptions in Peplau’s Theory of Interpersonal Relations. Nehal Allam, Zeinab Al Orapy, Wafa A.AL Megrin. (JESP), 45(2), 389-396. Allow the client and family to verbalize Resolution. Nursing Theories- The base for professional Nursing Practice, Introduction to nursing theories-Current nursing .3. Furthermore, D’antoniop et al, 10 revealed that academics and doctors have documented the significant effect of the mid-twentieth century emphasis on personal relationships and interactions in nursing. American Nurses Association 13 describes nursing as “the guard, upgrade, and optimization of health and abilities, hindrance of disease and damage, lessening of pain through the analysis and action of human response, and encouragement the human being”. The situation regarding other types of intestinal parasites differed between the settings and age groups. reinforce learning. Peplau discusses major features of the theory of interpersonal relations. We confirm that all listed authors meet the authorship criteria, and all authors are in agreement with the content of the manuscript. E. vermicularis was common (12.7%) among children aged 8-10 years, and E. histolytica and Hymenolepis nana were common among children aged ≥ 12 years. Mrs. JL was free to express problems of pain. patient. Phases and steps of experimental teaching to patients of a concept of anxiety: Findings revealed that when taught by the experimental method, the patients were able to apply the concept of anxiety after the group was terminated. This theory stressed the importance of an orderly, systematic manner. Nursing theories. home care and follow up. 3rd edition. Interpersonal relations in nursing: A conceptual frame of reference for psychodynamic nursing. ; 3(1):47-50. I. Design. Psychodynamic nursing is being able to This pattern was repeated for all phases. A greater proportion of children’s mothers were housewives in South Cairo than in East Cairo (41% compared with 29%). The situation was still poor for children aged ≥ 12 years in South Cairo, where around two-thirds (64.8%) were anemic, compared to 44.4% in East Cairo. Assessment (orientation phase): The researchers collected data over 3 months, interviewing subjects weekly (for 13 weeks) on Wednesdays and Thursdays during school time (8.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m.). Schools deliver a chiefly good entry point for hygienic actions, and they permit for easy establishment of the health behavior and health education, such as encouragement of washing hands and keeping environmental sanitation. Dis., 60: 209-210. Egyptian studies in Al-Fayom Governorate, Al Ghwass et al, 8 found that the frequency of iron deficiency anemia was 64% among children aged 6 months to 12 years. The teaching methods used were lectures, group discussions, demonstrations, a comic book, drawing activities and role-play. frequently, Taught the family regarding the disease process in Part 1- Theorist/Theory Introduction Personal information Peplau’s theory of interpersonal relations. High Inst. The study aims and procedures were explained in full. phase), Planning (Identification Prevalence of intestinal parasitic infestation in HIV/AIDS patients with diarrhea in Madurai city, South India. Administer analgesics as prescribed by the physician. Jurnal Keperawatan , 12 (3), 327-340. Neglected Tropical Diseases of the Middle East and North Africa: Review of Their Prevalence, Distribution, and Opportunities for Control. Acta Trop. Mrs. JL expresses pain in the low back region. The total number of procedures was 3.The researchers allocated 10 marks for each procedures performance. Rice, J.E. Penckofer et al 14 acknowledged that the Peplau theory clarified that children should collaborate with nurses and teachers to boost contribution, and to exchange information In this way, these approaches were recycled throughout the different phases (orientation, working, termination) of the nurse-participant relationship. Patients with long-lasting illness often have co-morbid despair and worry. (2004). To select schoolchildren who were representative of the sample, we undertook a nonprobability purposive sampling of 600 schoolchildren and their parents who were recruited to participate in the study. The situation was also poor for children aged ≥ 12 years. III. Peplau explains 4 phases such as: Orientation: Nurse and questions. Her achievements are valued by nurses all over the world and became known to … She used to call for the needs and all her needs were The nurse and child work together to become more knowledgeable in the care process. Privacy of all participant information and results was ensured. Following the intervention, child health status was excellent and schoolchildren had a complete understanding of care management. Parasitic intestinal infections can also adversely affect school audience and academic performance of schoolchildren 21. mind. 5th edition. Jan-Jun; 5(1): 29-35. The authors highlighted that this prevalence is higher than those found in many other studies conducted in Egypt. Patient will have improved physical mobility as Client expressed without movement and supine position gave Provide active and passive exercises to all the Hildegard Peplau’s Contribution to Nursing Theory: The Theory of Interpersonal Relations. This is greater than others where the incidence of iron deficiency anemia was 43% and 55% among studied samples of schoolchildren in Cairo and El-Minofia, respectively 9. illness. Schoolchildren and their parents were interviewed to determine their perceptions about intestinal parasite infection and its management. A large majority of children in this age group from both settings were anemic (83.3% and 87% of children from East and South Cairo, respectively). 2003 May; 86(2-3): 125-39. Bull. A retrospective analysis of prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites among school children in the Palajunoj Valley of Guatemala. Researchers also assessed their basic needs, anxieties, frustrations, and conflicts. extremities, Made the patient to perform breathing exercises, Massaged the upper and lower extremities Parasitol. Ibrahim F A.A. (2011). Besides Peplau believed that nurses play a crucial role in fostering the therapeutic milieu. The future in the past: Hildegard Peplau and interpersonal relations in nursing .Nursing Inquiry; 21: 311-317. Blood sample analysis Results. process and the findings in the client, Anxiety related to hospital admission as evidenced by The researchers attempted to create trusting relationships with children and tried to understand the various issues facing them at home through the interaction process. Expresses need to know more about prognosis, discharge and There was a statistically significant variance amongst the two settings. Impaired physical mobility related to the presence of The study involvements could not have had any damaging effects on applicants. recognize, clarify and define facts related to need. These results are unsurprising because this is an age group where several protozoan infections predominate. Keep all the articles within the reach of the E. histolytica was common in the younger age groups from East Cairo, whilst T. trichiura was more common against children aged ≥ 12. Deficient knowledge related to the treatment measures Khadka KS, Kaphle HP, Gurung K, Manoj Sigdel M. (2013). Ramakrishnan K R, Shenbagarathai A. UmaK. Hildegard Peplau was born September 1, 1909 in Reading, Pennsylvania. treatment and home care. help him/ her. Educationally, nursing students were discouraged from theoretical learning. Al Ghwass MM, Halawa EF, Sabry SM, Ahmed D. Iron deficiency anemia in an Egyptian pediatric population: A cross-sectional study. (2014). needs. Gyawali et al 18 mentioned that Giardiasis is the most common infection through autoinfection. During this phase, the patient attempts to Peplau describes this as a “maturing force and an educative instrument” involving communication between two or more persons with a mutual goal. difficulty. Peplau discusses major features of the theory of interpersonal relations. Six hundred forty subjects were initially recruited of which 600 completed the study, and 40 dropped out. Instruction media included colored posters, transparencies, handouts and use of the blackboard.