The fair will … Select “Career fair”. A fair on our system can cost 90% less than other virtual fair … Session to review the appropriate behaviors and expectations for a virtual career fair 9/18/2020 10 - 11 am Virtual Register on Handshake Career Development Center Training for Virtual Career Fair on … Handshake Career Fair Information for Employers On-Campus Interviews ... Get the Most out of Your Virtual Fair: Student Training Webinar Hosted by Handshake – Register in Advance. Handshake Virtual Career Fair Attendance Instructions. For Jobseekers. The career fairs ares being held virtually and will be hosted within the Handshake platform. Employers at the Career Fair . Log in to Handshake ; On your left navigation bar, under the ‘Campus’ click ‘Fairs’ Our super flexible technology and superb customer support make running a virtual career fair an easy choice. The cost of a virtual career fair depends on variables such as the number of events you want to host, the features needed, and scope of the event (i.e., local versus global), among others. The perks? Started in 2014, Handshake has connected more than 1,000 colleges and universities with over 500,000 employers, providing students and alumni access to full- and part-time job postings, internships, and volunteer opportunities. Learn how to successfully navigate a Temple University virtual career fair using Handshake's new online platform. Handshake’s Virtual Expo will allow Employers to schedule one-on-one time with students, or group sessions to share information about your company or open positions. Click on the "Events" button to find the LCSC Career Fair. Tips from Handshake on How to Prepare for a Virtual Career Fair Virtual Fairs in Handshake: A Guide for Employers 1. Branded e-environments with lobbies or welcome areas, video greetings from company executives, exhibit halls with booths, rooms where candidates can chat with recruiters to learn more about an organization in real-time, and the list goes on. Getting Started With Handshake: Employers . Go To the Fair Website. Get the Most out of Your Virtual Fair: Get the Most out of Your Virtual Fair: Student Training Webinar. ️ Blog: How to Add Employer Sponsorships to Virtual Fairs ‍ Career Centre Training and Best Practices. Our Career Center is committed to working with all employers who meet our Recruitment Policies and Guidelines and adhere to NACE’s Principles for Ethical Professional Practice. Please make plans to join the UA Career Center at the Virtual Hired in Alabama Career Fair on April 20 via Zoom!This fair solely features employers from around Alabama, providing one last chance to meet with employers and secure a job before graduation. Launch the next step in your career. Prepare to interact with employers 2. We share this resource with Syracuse University and operate as a college within their larger umbrella. Virtual Career Fairs in Handshake What to expect: Day Of CareerFair page 9 How to set-up your account for the fair.... page 2. Handshake allows students and alumni to connect to employers, search and apply for jobs, apply for internships, search for events, schedule interviews and connect with Career Hub team members. The Baylor University Career Center hosts a campus-wide career fair every Fall and Spring semester with multiple locations and employers connecting with all majors and fields of study. How to Register for a Career Fair . Complete your individual registration in advance (Repeat this for each fair that you want to attend). Career Fair Plus™ is here to help! College of Charleston is an exceptional source of talent with 10,000+ students, 61 majors, 24 master's degree programs, and more than 90,000 alumni. Apply in as little as two clicks. Different from past years, the career fair this fall was hosted completely remotely due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Career & Professional Development Center will be giving an overview of the platform, Handshake, and will be showing SD Mines students how to prepare for the virtual career fair held on February 2nd, 2021. 2021 Spring Virtual Career Fairs on Handshake. Student registration will open September 17, 2020. Bring the best jobs to your students. Handshake is where employers hire college students and new grads. On the 24 th November 2020, 10am-4pm we will be hosting our very first Virtual Careers & Opportunities Fair.. A combination of the Streatham Careers and Placement Fair, STEM Fair, and the Penryn Careers and Opportunities Fair this virtual day of activity will combine exhibitors from all sectors that would usually attend those fairs. ... Career Fair & Event setup in preparation for your launch to students FREE. While the costs range from $9,000 to $20,000 for a single event, a virtual career fair still generally costs a … This virtual career boost will be facilitated through Handshake, VWU’s new career management platform, and coordinated by the University's Career Development Program. To get to the Career Fair's page, either directly select an invitation link (if you received one), or follow the steps below to find our fairs. Learn about jobs and employers through student reviews and exclusive virtual events. Click on the name of the fair (“UW Bothell All Industries Virtual Career Fair 2020” and/or “UW Bothell Tech & Engineering Virtual Career Fair 2020”), then select the “Register” button on the right. View a list of employers registered to attend a career fair by logging into Handshake. Virtual Fair Resources. September 15, 2020 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Address. Twelve hundred students pre-registered for Brown’s Big Virtual Fall Career Fair, which was hosted by the CareerLab on Handshake Wednesday afternoon. Visit with firms looking for interns and employees from all majors. Discover jobs and internships for students at your school. Employers. Handshake is the only career site you need. For maximum success follow the steps below. Virtual Career Fairs go beyond jut Registering; You must set up Sessions and (if desired) 1:1 appts. Handshake’s virtual career fair interface allows for students to engage with employers in either a group setting (by attending a 30 minute group discussion/presentation) and/or an individual setting (by attending a 10-minute 1:1 session with a representative from the host organization). Learn how to use the Handshake fair platform and test your technology before joining employer sessions Get tips for success from the Handshake team and your peers. Virtual Fair Virtual Peer Messaging. You'll need an approved registration for a fair in order to engage with students. Career Centers. Handshake Virtual Career Fair Student | Alumni Guide There are 3 Meet the Firms (Virtual Career Fairs) – you are encouraged to attend all 3 depending on your short-term and long-term interest (all events are FREE): • Sept 17, 4 pm to 7 pm: Big 4 & Mid-tier accounting firms • Sept 23, 4 pm to 7 pm: Regional & Local accounting firms Employer Acct CareerFair in Handshake. Wednesday, January 06, 2021. Get ready for all the virtual career fairs coming up! Handshake has offered a variety of helpful resources to help you navigate our upcoming virtual fairs: About Handshake's virtual fairs; Handshake's Employer Training Hub, which includes resources, guides and a link to join weekly virtual fair office hours hosted by Handshake; Virtual Career Fair Playbook for Employers Student Best Practices & Resources for Handshake Virtual Career Fairs . Handshake is a national recruiting platform that gives students and alumni real-time access to over 250,000 employers across the country and world. Join other students as Handshake experts walk through a live demonstration of how to attend a virtual career fair this fall. They also help with virtual summits and e-learning programs for your organization so if you are looking to replace your in person conferences or you are looking to help you with professional development for your current employees, 6Connex might just be the place to go. 6Connex is a virtual career fair platform that works with sales and marketing teams to help with virtual trade shows. January 26, 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. | Watch the Recording This session will show you h ow to navigate Handshake to prepare for the upcoming virtual career fairs, as well as how to share your profile and public resume.. Next Steps: How … Online job fairs allow organizations to run elaborate or simple recruiting events with the help of virtual career fair software. Students. This is a brief overview of how to login to Handshake, and register for Virtual Fairs. Tuesday 24 November 2020, 10:00 - 16:00 Online via Handshake. Virtual Career Day - Spring 2021 will be virtual in accordance with both Baylor University and CDC guidelines. Handshake Virtual Career Fairs give you a more curated, efficient experience to connect with recruiters! To find a career fair. Advanced preparation is required! Registration . Register for virtual fairs . First Steps: How to Navigate Handshake. Handshake is our new system for posting opportunities to students and recruiting talent. All WVU Career Fairs will be hosted virtually for the 2021 Spring semester. Students and alumni will need to register and plan their schedule for the virtual career fair. Instead of navigating a map of booths and waiting in long lines, now you can browse employers ahead of time and schedule all of your 1:1 and/or group sessions in advance. Virtual Engagement Training ~4hrs In this course, you will find all the early resources we have available regarding virtual engagement offerings on Handshake. Any employer attending the Expo must have a Handshake employers account to connect with students at the Fair. Tags St. Mary’s University MediaSpace™ supported by Academic Technology Services Create a Handshake Account You will need a n employer Handshake user account in order to register for virtual career fairs. Prepare for Virtual Career Fairs Virtual fairs are different than the previous in person fairs. Agriculture and Natural Sciences Virtual Career and Internship Fair Today the most active sectors in this arena are financial services, health care, nonprofit, internet and software, claims Handshake. Spring 2021 Virtual Career and Internship Fair Wednesday, February 24, 2021 from 11am - 4pm EST Virtual via Handshake Platform Click here to register! 4 hrs. Hire the next generation of talent. 24, 2021 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Students and alumni from Big 12 universities are invited to connect with employers through a free virtual career fair event. 2. Big 12 Virtual Career Fair Wednesday, Mar. 1. FREE.