There are different species of kangaroos but they are all strict herbivores. The average weight of males is 420 g (15 oz), compared to 234 g ⦠The site includes a "Cyber-Terrorist" page, which contains viruses, password-stealing programs, e-mail "bombers" and other downloadable hacking tools. The Jersey Devil. According to the most common myth, the creature was the 13th child of a woman named Mrs. Leeds, who was so sick of having kids that she cursed the child and ended up giving birth to a beast with bat ⦠A few years ago people started pointing out that the hammerhead bat looked a lot like drawings of the Jersey Devil, a cryptid supposedly seen in the southern New Jersey pine barrens. And, what is even more exciting and tingling, is that while browsing for pictures on the internet of the hammerhead bat, I came across yet another even more exciting picture, that of a Jersey Devil, which looks even more like the Big Bat I had encountered, in that the Jersey Devil has the hooved feet that my alien cryptid also had. "Despite its fearsome attributes, however, this bat is a mild ⦠They are frugivores and figs and fruits make up the bulk of their diets. HAMMERHEAD BAT:The amazing thing is that the Hammerhead bat is not native to the US but to Africa. The hammer-headed bat is the largest bat in Africa with a wingspan of 686 to 970 mm (27.0 to 38.2 in) and a total length of 195 to 285 mm (7.7 to 11.2 in). The well-designed Hammerskin Nation Web site, coordinated by the Eastern Hammerskins in New Jersey, features concert reviews, chapter listings and information about upcoming events. The Hammerhead Bat, a creature known to have an elongated head, strange nostrils, and large leathery batwings is strikingly similar to depictions of the Jersey Devil in some respects. The hammer-headed bat is the largest bat in mainland Africa. The 1.1-million-acre Pinelands Natural Reserve stretches south and west from northern Ocean County and makes up 22 percent of New Jerseyâs total land mass. A bat's wing is anatomically homologous to the human arm, consisting of an upper arm, forearm, wrist, and a hand with four elongated fingers and a clawed thumb, which is used to cling onto any rough surface. ... New Jersey. Males have wingspans up to 90.1 cm (2.96 ft), and all individuals have forearm lengths exceeding 112 mm (4.4 in). The majority of bats (70%), including those in New Jersey, are primarily insectivorous. A HORSE LIKE FACE: Based on this varied descriptions, the Jersey Devil's face could resemble a deer, horse, kangaroo, moose or a bat, all of which are land mammals that mankind has been familiar with for many centuries.Minus the Hammerhead Bat, all the mentioned animals are on the larger sized and also eat fruits or various kinds of plants. In the Pine Barrens of New Jersey, legends tell of the Jersey Devil. Newspaper accounts of the Jersey devil started circulating in the early years of the 20 th century, although it may have been an established folktale before then. Bats are the only mammals capable of true flight. The hammer-headed bat is a real animal, and its scientific name (Hypsignathus monstrosus) references its monstrous appearance.Indeed, websites and social media describe the hammer-headed bat's appearance as "the spitting image of a devil" and even claim that it's a cryptid known as the "Jersey Devil. This breed of bat (Hammerhead) might have been mistaken as the Jersey Devil. Males, ranging from 228 to 450 g (8.0 to 15.9 oz), are significantly larger than females, which range from ⦠KANGAROO:As the same with the deer, kangaroos also have chambered stomachs. It has pronounced sexual dimorphism, more so than any other bat species in the world, with males up to twice as heavy as females.