Test Scores 4) 262830323436384042 Minutes Time to Run 5km 5) 2468101214161820 Hits Hits in a Round of Hacky Sack. 4 The expanded form of a number is shown. How many total flowers are there? A. Exercise . This scatter plot shows the relationship between the number of seeds he plants and the number of plants that grow. 3. Dot plots are a visual representation of the complete blood count (CBC); each dot represents a single cell. The box-and-whisker plot below represents the math test scores of 20 students. She put 6 cupcakes into each 3. A) 6 B) 8.5 C) 10 D) 12 2) The box-and-whisker plot below represents the math test scores of 20 students. For each response, put a dot above the number line at the correct spot. In the scattergram, each dot represents one student who participated in the 50-meter race. For dot plot, write a number line on the board. Page 9. A greater spacing between the cribbing supports and test pile or reference system may The dot plot below shows the number of flowers in each teacher’s garden. Title: Infinite Pre-Algebra - Dot Plots Created Date: a. b. c. 20 10 30 40 Age (years) 70 80 Which teacher has the least number of flowers? support not less than 10 ft. (3 m) or 5 test pile diameters (whichever of the two criteria is the greater distance) from the test pile or reference beam supports. 90,000 + 200 + 40 + 1. Day 2 - Dot Plots & Histograms A dot plot is a data representation that uses a number line and x’s, dots, or other symbols to show frequency. The number of times a value is repeated corresponds to the number of dots above that value. Measure these distances between the test pile face and the nearest face of the cribbing supports. 1. A random sample of eighty viewers of a television show was selected. The dot plot below shows the distribution of the ages (in years) of these eighty viewers. 70 80 90 100 4. What percentage of the test scores are less than 72? The student applies mathematical process standards to solve problems by collecting, organizing, displaying, and interpreting data. Each dot represents 5 flowers. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains *.kastatic.org and *.kasandbox.org are unblocked. A. Dot plots are also called line plots. A dot plot also shows the size of the data set. 1 10 C. 1 10 D. 10 11. This poster will help you identify various feline and canine disease states. You will teach the vocabulary with class examples and the student book pages 38-39. F 9,241 G 92,041 H 90,241 J 90,421 5 Serafina put a total of 42 cupcakes into packages. c. Which teacher has the most flowers? Ask five students how many children they have. Graphical Descriptions - Dot Plots Dot plots In experiments with a small the number of observations, a dot plot can work well for displaying data. What is the standard form of this number? Vicki won the race. Write the vocabulary words on the board: dot plots, box plots, quartile, and histogram. Grade 3- Dot Plot and Frequency Tables 3(8)(A) Data analysis. Which number best represents the slope of the line of best t through the data? 10 B. Dot plots are a critical element of the CBC, providing a snapshot of cellular morphology. 1 2 3 Distance (miles) B D C. Mathematics. What percentage of the test scores are less than 72? From Khan Academy ‘Creating dot plots’ You can round your data values to some appropriate level (signi cant The student is expected to summarize a data set with multiple categories using a frequency table, dot plot, pictograph, or bar graph with scaled intervals. 14 years. b. 1. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. It’s very similar to a histogram, but we can visualize every data point. Directions: Answer the following questions based on each of the dot plots. 2. Which dot plot represents these data? Practice reading basic dot plots and frequency tables. d. Common Core Algebra 9 – histograms, dot plots & box plots HW #91 Homework#91: 1) What is the value of the third quartile shown on the box-and-whisker plot below? a.