I'm sure it will take many years … But I'm a jew and just feel like there trying to sell me the same thing twice. It's a ripening agent, and unless you have waaay heavier feeders than I've had, it will cook your girls to a crisp if you use the full recommended amount. theres already tons of P and K in maxibloom and its already light on N. adding kool bloom will fuck your shit up for sure. Liquid KoolBloom should be used at the start of the reproductive cycle initiating larger, heavier fruits and flowers. Click to View List of Seeds. Read somewhere that people need to be careful with this product because it tends to raise EC like hell. The nutrients needed for optimal growth vary from strain to strain so it’s really hard to know exactly what and when to feed. Basically, it’s offering a kick of phosphorus and potassium that are higher than normal levels in a basic fertilizer. Liquid KoolBloom enhances essential oil and fragrance production by mildly stressing plants during the blooming stage. • Facilitates ripening in annuals • First two weeks of bloom phase your bloom booster is Bud Ignitor. JavaScript is disabled. BTW, it's recommended to be careful using … You don't need a PK booster if you're having nute burn. Dry KoolBloom is rich in phosphorous potassium, fortified our own secret ingredients. Liquid KoolBloom. Any other feedback is welcomed too! It produces a variety of original classic cannabis strains varieties and also some of the best new var.. Sensi Seeds. One dry (2-45-28) and one liquid (0-10-10). PCSS appreciates your feedback.Dr. Your plants don't need/want it until they're ACTUALLY flowering... not transitioning under 12/12 lighting. Koolbloom powder works great for me and it is very cheap. Dry KoolBloom is used late in the bloom phase to increase weight, yield and to encourage rapid ripening. I bought the adjoining liquid koolbloom, and am now using that in conjunction with by base nutes in beginning flower. It's a weed. Enriched with stress reducing vitamins and nutrient transporting acids, it promotes heavy production of essential oils, fantastic flavors and increases fruiting and flower development. Howdy Porcha, I have used (and with great results) the Armor Si, Diamond Nector, FloraNector, Floralicious Plus, and the Liquid KoolBloom with the base nutrients MaxiGro and MaxiBloom (dry powders). Would appreciate some input. Enriched with stress reducing vitamins and nutrient transporting acids, it promotes heavy production of essential oils, fantastic flavors, and increases fruiting and flower development. KoolBloom® is to be used only at the very end of a plant's life cycle and will help build larger, heavier fruits and flowers. I’m not saying they don’t work, and one did interest me. Hydroplex by Botanicare. 5-1-1 Fish Fertilizer is easy to use and a favorite in our garden. I ask specifically about koolbloom powder as it seems to be quite cheap and what I have found online in the way of results seems positive. JavaScript is disabled. This blend enhances production of essential oils and fragrances by mildly stressing plants during the formation of fruits and flowers. From my experience with the stuff, I'm sure we've talked about this before too so forgive me, yes it will finish up the buds quicker. Gardeners can give plants a boost during the final phases of fruiting and flowering with KoolBloom. There's a reason GH warns against this. And FYI- there are 2 different products a liquid and a dry and they both do different things. Dry KoolBloom is used late in the bloom phase to increase weight, yield and to encourage rapid ripening. I grow in Coco Loco in 5 gallon smart pots..I also use House and … Basically, it’s offering a kick of phosphorus and potassium that are higher than normal levels in a basic fertilizer. Flower bulking formula ; Liquid KoolBloom initiates profuse flowering by increasing flowering sites, limiting … To be clear - the liquid and dry Koolbloom do work well. The dry Koolbloom I keep at 50% - VERY bad to over use the dry. Studies Exploring The Plant’s Potential As An Effective Treatment June 6, 2019. Day: 75: Coco LED150 PHOTO Seeds. The elements needed by plants for normal growth and health. View more products from General Hydroponics. Liquid KoolBloom® is a is a bulking agent that goes way beyond other bloom boosters. never noticed dry or wet , but i do use the pink powder kool bloom , it has its good points and works well , i do feel it might lack in b vitamins n such though , maybe not exactly that , but is lacking in something others have, Im using maxi gro and bloom as well on advice from a friend.