Claims rejected with the following Claim Adjustment Reason Codes … GENERAL SURGERY PROCEDURE BUNDLES / CPT (COLORECTAL, MINIMALLY INVASIVE SURGERY, BARIATRIC SURGERY, SURGICAL ONCOLOGY, TRANSPLANT, TRAUMA/ACUTE CARE/CRITICAL ... 47379 Lap & Open Radiofrequency Liver Ablations 47370/47371 (laparoscopic 47380 (open) Portal Decompressive Procedure 36481 Split Liver Transplantation and Procurements. Coding Information CPT/HCPCS Codes Group 1 Paragraph: N/A Group 1 Codes: CODE DESCRIPTION 33202 INSERTION OF EPICARDIAL ELECTRODE(S); OPEN INCISION (EG, THORACOTOMY, MEDIAN STERNOTOMY, SUBXIPHOID APPROACH) • 33203. Added CPT code 89398, Unlisted Reproductive Medicine Laboratory Procedure. It would be inappropriate to report 49321, Laparoscopy, surgical; with biopsy (single or multiple). If a laparoscopic biopsy of the liver is performed at the same time as another laparoscopic procedure, report unlisted code 47379, as there is no CPT code for a laparoscopic liver biopsy (see Table 3). For example, the code descriptor for CPT code … The HCPCS/CPT code 37760 descriptor includes the service described by the descriptor of HCPCS/CPT code 15271. 1.8: 07/26/2018: Added codes: 81479, 81599, 86486, 88749. For custom search results, try using our LCD Search Tool. be reported. Thus, based upon the HCPCS/CPT code descriptors, HCPCS/CPT code 15271 is bundled into HCPCS/CPT code 37760. We make our reimbursement policies available to health care professionals as part of Anthem's commitment to transparency. Therefore, CPT code 49320 is included in CPT codes 38120, 38570- 38572, 43280, 43651-43653, 44180-44227, 44970, 47562-47570, 49321-49323, 49650-49651, 54690-54692, 55550, 58545-58554, 58660- 58673, and 60650. It would be inappropriate to report 49321, Laparoscopy, surgical; with biopsy (single or multiple). Please note that inclusion in this list does not imply coverage or non-coverage. 1.8: 07/26/2018: Added a new section identifying supporting documentation needed for unlisted molecular pathology codes. The applicable CPT/HCPCs codes are listed to the right of each LCD and/or Article. Because unlisted codes do not include descriptor language that specifies the components of a particular service, these codes are reported without modifiers. Pancreas Visit to find our policies and understand the basis for reimbursement if a service is covered by a patient's benefit plan. 1.4: 10/17/2017: Added list of supporting documentation needed for unlisted surgery codes. Palmetto GBA reserves the right to require additional documentation for any claim. Important Note: While Palmetto GBA has made every attempt to identify all services that will require additional documentation, the nature of health care and changes in coding and pricing requirements, the above list is not all-inclusive. So if a laparoscopic biopsy of the liver is performed at the same time as another laparoscopic procedure, unlisted code 47379 should be reported, as there is no CPT code for a laparoscopic liver biopsy. Code 47379, Unlisted laparoscopic procedure, liver, should be reported without any CPT modifier. 2019 Biliary Reimbursement Coding Fact Sheet 3 of 5 Hospital Outpatient Reimbursement Outpatient facility claims also report CPT® and HCPCS6 codes, which map to Ambulatory Payment Classifications (APCs), which assign a Medicare hospital outpatient payment rate for the service. With this newest release of SARS-CoV-2-related CPT codes, along with releasing the standard code descriptor PDF, we are also releasing an easy to use Excel file of just the SARS-CoV-2-related CPT codes. Refer to the (hyperlinked) LCD and/or Article for specific information. There is no specific CPT code to describe laparoscopic wedge liver biopsy. CPT code 58555 is included in CPT codes 58558- 58565. If a laparoscopic biopsy of the liver is performed at the same time as another laparoscopic procedure, report unlisted code 47379, as there is no CPT code for a laparoscopic liver biopsy (see Table 3, page 43). The file contains the SARS-CoV-2-related CPT codes released since the 2021 data file release on Aug. 31, 2020 and includes: