i have had had 2 ocellaris clowns for 4 months, just in the last 3 weeks they are constantly swimming at the top of the tank (besides the odd dart around the tank) and the sleep in the bottom corner. In fact, some breeders will put pairs in a 10 gallon tank for spawning. Clownfish Habitat and Tank Requirements. The first 2 days they appeared to be fine as far as swimming behavior, going around the tank, etc. Also it hasn't been eating well. If fish are swimming at the top of the aquarium, which is one of the hallmark symptoms of hypoxia, the owner should perform a water test to … Of course, this means properly cycling your tank before you add any fish. They were from the same tank and have been nearly inseperable all day. However, they have been sitting in a corner about halfway up the tank all day. This happens quite a bit to new aquarists. The first time I observed the clownfish breeding in my tank, the pair spawned in the front-right corner of the tank. They are hardy and so much easier to take care of than other saltwater fish choices at your local pet store. As long as you keep a close eye on the water parameters ensuring your saltwater temperature, salinity and PH are good … Clown Fish Tank Set Up for Beginners Read More » Clownfish live in the warm parts of the Pacific and Indian Ocean in coral reefs, or in shallow lagoons near Australia and Southeast Asia. Nano tanks of about 8 to 10 gallons are on the small end for the Ocellaris Clownfish but the fish will still do quite well in a tank that size. I recently added a platinum and a black and white clownfish. So today I bought 2 juvenille clownfish. Maintaining clean, healthy tank water one of the most important things you can do to make sure fish remain stress-free. One is an orange ocelaris that is about 1.5 inches and the other is a slightly smaller black ocelaris. One day, while watching my tank, I found the clownfish eggs right there on the aquarium glass. Pet shops don't always tell you about the nitrogen cycle, but it's one of the most important parts of successful aquarium keeping. The Clown fish is a really good choice for your first saltwater pet. The chances of hypoxia occurring in an aquarium increase when fish are overcrowded or do not have an adequate filtration system. The original pair liked the back corner, I unfortunately lost one to carpet surfing. They typically don't range too far from their spot. Clown fish behavior 12/4/15 Hi Folks, We have 2 clown fish and recently one has started remaining stationary and vertical on the wall of our fish tank.Sometimes facing up sometimes facing down. Waste chemicals build up in all tanks, and every fish keeper must take steps to reduce them. … I have two tank raised percula clowns that host a corner. the seem like they want food because when i approch the tank they get excited but im sure im feeding them enough and they get a good variety of brine,mysis, krill, and pellets. Clownfish won’t always spawn on the aquarium glass–they might choose a rock, tile, clay pot, or aquarium decoration. The main cause is adding fish to the aquarium before the nitrogen cycle is established. And yeah, your tank is a bit overstocked, 8 neon tetra is probably the maximum in a 30L tank. But its okay, you just have to do more frequent water changes. When we put the new clown in with the remaining one they moved to the front corner and have stayed there to this day, several months later. Then the following 2 days they were at the top of the tank near filter on their sides. Smaller tank is just a bit more work (water changes, stablilty, water parameters), gotta keep an eye on those more frequently.