In many ways, aquarium fish and aquarium plants have a symbiotic relationship. The body of this Fish is laterally compressed, which means visually its body is tall and skinny. The owner of this website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon properties including, but not limited to or any third party affiliated with The Rummynose Tetra is among the most popular of all freshwater schooling fishes and is named due to the bright red marking that stretches across its face. With more eyes on the lookout for food, a school can find what it needs more quickly. Peaceful community fish that can’t eat them. Easy To Keep Species of Schooling Fish Perfect for Beginners, Stocking Ideas For Beginner Community Tanks. Shoaling fish group loosely or may not appear to group at all, but they still need others of their kind close by. Still, many fish keepers love them for their spunky personalities. Small fish and newly hatched fry tend to spend more time in schools than larger fish who can fend for themselves, … Keeping fish in a planted tank requires you to strike a delicate balance. This type of fish species, along with its near relatives, lives in South America. Which are non fish-friendly plants? It is recommended that they are grouped with smaller Fish. Therefore, it is best when these fish are placed in an aquarium with other dwarf Fish, snails, or shrimp. Ideally, you would like to have more than one fish in your tank but if you have very large fish, in a small tank, then their likelihood of comfort and survival is drastically reduced. The dazzling and stunning colors will attract the bigger Fish a little too much. You always want to do the research before you bring fish home, but that is especially true with white cloud minnows.


These extremely tough Fish are lasting breeders and mate for life. The above are some of the best freshwater schooling fish, but they hardly represent the end-all, be-all of species. These living organisms have a symbiotic relationship with one another, the fish create waste which is converted into nitrates (an essential nutrient for plant growth) and the plants produce oxygen. Many new aquarium owners want an algae-eating fish to help keep the place spiffy. Below we've provided a detailed list of the best schooling fish for your freshwater tanks.

This is one of the coolest schooling fish out there, but they are not for everyone. However, the most common one has silvery, blue-green bodies with a pink belly. Group behavior in freshwater aquarium fish is a function of both social connectivity and a mechanism for increased chances of survival. pH swings, low pH and CO2 in planted tank They don’t tell you this fish can grow to four feet as an adult. This is an active fish that originates from South India, particularly from Kerala and southern Karnataka. The Pencilfish is an easy breed and is best maintained in the aquarium due to its easy-to-meet tank requirements. Schooling fish makes a good complement to landscapes. Even peaceful fish species can start causing some trouble if the aquarium begins to become overcrowded. Another critical factor is to consider the hiding places for the various different fish species. Some aquarium fish are not suitable for planted tanks because they either uproot plants or destroy them entirely. I suggest avoiding them unless you are an experienced fish keeper who either has or will invest in an enormous tank. The Best Filter for Planted Tanks. That’s okay.


5. Its best suited for fish keepers that have a few years of experience under their belt. But many people don’t realize they are schooling fish that reach an adult length of a foot or more. This Fish originates from South America from an area with a rock-solid base within a freshwater lake. Further Reading: 12 Awesome Discus Tank Mates For Your Not-so-social Discus Fish – Compatibility List and Care Guide. ","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

This type of Fish is known as the King of the Aquarium. They jump out of the water! This fish is popular among aquarists for its small size, good temperament and on top of that, it is not demanding. Rasboras : A group of delicate, lovely rasboras schooling will look stunning against a backdrop of aquarium plants. The way they move so close to each other while maintaining perfect rhythm is mind-blowing. Before talking about the best fish for planted tanks, there are so many variations of fish we can see in the freshwater world. This type of Fish is highly adaptable with many other fish species that are commonly held in a community aquarium. However, they are easily startled and use an interesting strategy for evading predators.
  • White Cloud Mountain Minnow
  • Bala sharks are tempting as tiny juveniles, but these fast-moving fish grow to over a foot in length. As will any stocking decision, the most important thing is to research the fish you are interested in before you bring them home. Furthermore, they are able to tolerate a wide range of water temperatures and conditions, making them known for their extreme ease of care. This Fish has a unique body shape. They’re a unique diversion and fit in well in planted tanks. For the oddball keeper, they’re definitely worth a closer look. The Zebra Danios is a freshwater fish that belongs to the minnow family native to South Asia. Creating a thriving community aquarium can pose to be a bit of a challenge. Therefore, keep the following tips in mind when planning to keep schooling fish.


    Speaking of boldly patterned fish, take a look at the German blue ram, or Mikrogeophagus ramirezi. It’s the same as wanting to stay in groups when traveling to dangerous parts of metropolitan cities. However, the bigger the school the more impressive and interesting they are to watch. Aptly named the black widow because of its unique black fins and black stripes on the body and its tendency to become aggressive towards smaller Fish, the Fish thrives in schools of 3 or more in one aquarium. 8 Best Algae Eaters for your planted tank; Will copper from fertilizers hurt my shrimp or fish? Clown loaches are tropical freshwater Fish that originate from the botiid loach family. By being smart when combining species you can achieve a beautiful and safe environment in the fish tank. Good choices are schooling fish like small tetras, rasboras or gouramis. does not intend to provide veterinary advice. Schools of fish look amazing, especially in large tanks that replicate their natural environments. Not all schooling fish are compatible with every kind of tank. Large aquariums with at least 15 Chili Rasbora will find them staying tightly together around the aquarium. You will primarily find them in the Araguaia River basin located in South America. Let’s take a look at what schooling aquarium fish are, as well as the best schooling fish species for your aquarium. These flashy fish are amusing to watch as they are incredibly lively schoolers, and their dazzling facial coloration will make it an excellent addition to any aquarium. The reason schooling fish look so good in aquariums is because they help bring distinction, activity, and color to the aquarium. 20 Best Community Fish for a Social Aquarium. Here are ten schooling and shoaling fish that make impressive additions to the home aquarium, along with five large schooling fish you need to think long and hard about before purchasing. As a result, your Harlequins may be under threat. Put a large school of cardinal tetras in a planted tank filled with greenery, and you won’t be able to pull your eyes away. I hope you love the products I recommend!
  • Clown Loach
  • Setting up a community aquarium can seem like a daunting task. Here is the big daddy of all poor aquarium decisions. How Many Schooling Fish Should I Get For My Tank Size? Keep them in a group of six or more and give them a tank of at least 15 gallons. The Chili Rasbora is another brilliant choice for the planted aquarium setup. Create a natural home for aquarium fish using aquatic plants. Its scientific name is Hyphessobrycon amandae, and it measures between 0.75 and 1 inch as adults. It feels as if every Fish is being controlled by one mind simultaneously. While swimming, they open and close their tails, making their distinct tail fins to look like scissors. Where tropical fish do well in temperatures between 75 and 80 degrees, these minnows prefer temps about ten degrees cooler.

    If you are starting to construct an aquascaped aquarium and looking to find fish for schooling, then look no further than the list below:

    Medium-sized and small semi-aggressive fish; medium-sized community fish; avoid fish with long fins. When they are around others of their kind, they are happier and healthier. They are semi-aggressive, and they have a reputation as fin nippers. Scissortail rasboras are little freshwater Fish with branched tails that resemble the blades of a pair of scissors. However, this article will provide you with an overview of the different types of schooling fish and their characteristics, as well as answers to various questions that need to be considered when looking to set up a community of schooling fish. Typically, some groups of Fish contain species that comprise of good community fish, as well as species that are more aggressive. This list encompasses my favorite 11 nano species for freshwater tanks. Jack also runs another blog where he shares his love for the outdoors and backyard lifestyle. Males have a bright-red coloring while females are more subdued. Some of the more well know planted tank destroyers include: 1) Goldfish. Let’s just face it: small things are cute and tiny things are even cuter.


    Their chunky little bodies with black stripes and flowing black fins make them sharp-looking fish. This semi-aggressive Fish is generally very nippy and will hunt other slow or long-finned Fish. Fish for the Planted Aquarium Planted Aquarium Fish - Discuss which type of aquarium fish are best suited for the aquatic plant environment you have created.


    Factors You Need To Consider Before Keeping Schooling Fish, Tips For Setting Up Community Tanks For Schooling Fish. They are shy freshwater fish that should not be surrounded by large, fast, or aggressive Fish. It grows up to 2 inches in length, and the lifespan is about 3-4 years. They are larger than neons and a better choice if you have bigger fish in your tank. Other small and medium-sized peaceful fish community, Dawson [CC BY-SA 2.5], via Wikimedia Commons. None of the fish on the list require a tank larger than 10 gallons and majority of them can live happily in even 5 gallons. Tiger barbs are attractive fish with striking black stripes. The Five-Banded Barb is a quiet schooling species that is the best pick for a planted aquarium. Option #1: Neon Tetra: 5-6, Ember Tetra: 5-6, Option #1: Harlequin Rasboras: 10-15, Neon Tetras 8-10. At first answering, all these questions may feel cumbersome. Again, you usually won’t see them hanging out in a tight group like neons do, but it is still important to stock enough of them to avoid stress. This Fish can be found in India, Sri Lanka, all the way through Southeast Asia. First, let’s go through and understand the difference between shoaling vs. schooling fish.
  • Cherry Barb
  • Just don’t get them.
  • Hatchet Dadio
  • Primarily, live-bearing species of Fish such as the guppies, mollies, platies, and swordtails are all great community fish. Read on to find out. When your community. The Denison Barb is typically found in large schools in streams, pools, and rivers. This catfish, though, is only recommended for very large aquariums such as a 300-gallon tank. This Fish originates from Thailand and other parts of South-east Asia. Because of their small size and calm temperament, they make great fish for beginners. They are fun to watch, and you can think of them as part of the sanitation crew for your aquarium. Home About Contact Privacy Policy © 2019 All Rights Reserved. We go to great lengths to help users better understand their aquatic friends. By the way, any links on this page that lead to products on Amazon are affiliate links and I earn a commission if you make a purchase. Tan Meng Yoe at English Wikipedia / CC BY / via Wikimedia Commons. It usually lives only in freshwater habitats and considered to be an aquarium fish. But what determines the best planted tank substrates. Like most tetras, they’ll appreciate an aquarium with lots of medium and tall vegetation. In the wild, fish school to stay safe, find food, and swim more efficiently. It is very important to make sure your entire aquarium is tightly covered if you intend to stock these guys. Make sure you select the fish whose needs will match best to the conditions you have established in your tank. A few fish that like to live in schools are Danios, Barbs, and Tetras. There are many different peaceful species full of color that will enhance the look of your aquarium. Remember: Big fish eat little fish, so whenever you stock a tiny fish like the Zebra Danio you have to be careful. The Archer Fish belongs to the Toxotidae family. Jack's goal is to help beginners avoid the biggest mistakes when getting started. Harlequin rasboras are peaceful and only grow to a couple of inches in length. This is the second reason why Fish form schools. Thanks in advance for your support! Otherwise, the harlequin rasbora is an easy and colorful fish to keep in any tank ten gallons or bigger. Be sure to feed algae wafers so you know your otos are getting enough to eat. Which are the best schooling fishes? Jack Dempsey has over 20 years of experience with freshwater aquariums.


  • Black Widow Tetra
  • Here’s another hardy shoaling fish, and one of my all-time favorites. The reason we need to be sure to keep social fish in small groups has to do with managing their stress levels.


    Create a natural home for aquarium fish using aquatic plants. Fish come in all forms of shapes and sizes. The Glowlight Tetra is a beautiful freshwater fish with a bright strip along its body. For example, some species of Cichlids like Discus make excellent community fish, while others like Angelfish and African Cichlids are known to be aggressive and ideal for a small fish tank. These fish are usually silver-colored with black stripes, but albino and other color morphs are readily available.They don’t enjoy being solitary and are happiest in groups of 15+ in larger, heavily planted nano tanks. Their main advantage is their natural talent for schooling. Pygmy cories are little freshwater catfish that are a stunning addition to any aquarium. Read on to find out. German Blue Ram. The typical rainbowfish is of a variety of colors. Otherwise, you will find that it will quickly lead to failure and disappointment. It is in the best interest, for your fish, to have enough space for their size. They need to compliment the beauty of the plants and should not dig or destroy anything. White cloud minnows are cold-water fish. But be warned: These guys need very large tanks and aren’t appropriate for most home aquariums. It originates from tropical, warm places, which include Australia, New Guinea, and Madagascar and is considered to be an aquarium fish. Stay away from larger fish like goldfish, cichlids or catfish. Suggested aquarium equipment for an American Flagfish: I recommend keeping American Flagfish in a planted tank, so a good lighting option for one such 10-gallon aquarium would be the Finnex FugeRay Planted+ LED light. They are referred to as silver sharks due to their appearance and shape of dorsal fins. In the following we have compiled a list of species that are suitable for planted tanks. There are a few critical factors that need to be considered prior to keep schooling fish in your community tank. For more info on stocking your aquarium please check out a few of my other guides. There are some beautiful large schooling fish out there. Most rasboras do well in the planted tank and they are also a … In your aquarium, they won’t need to dodge predators or worry about where their next meal will come from, but they don’t know that. Otos look a little like miniature plecos and they will cling to the glass in the same way. The only problem there is that the common pleco can reach an adult size of two feet and is not appropriate for most home aquariums. Rummy Nose Tetras. In other words, there are several options for stocking your community aquarium. Planted aquariums are gaining popularity at a heightened pace. With aging, the color of the body becomes more and more saturated, which adds to the appeal of the Fish. However, the content on this blog is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. Emperor tetras are another peaceful schooling aquarium fish that you cannot afford to miss them in your aquarium.

    For a home aquarium try to have at least four to six fish of the same species to recreate the schooling behavior you would see in the wild.

    One aspect that makes schooling fish remarkably interesting to watch is their beauty.