The Dieffenbachia does like humidity and does not like cool temperatures. If your plant is infested, first isolate it to prevent spreading to other houseplants. If plants are lacking nutrients, they may yellow, produce smaller leaves and become stunted. Its leaves are elliptical and large and can grow up to 12 inches long. There are several precautions that you can take which will decrease the chances of having to deal with a pest infestation of your houseplants. Check your plant weekly and clean the leaves with neem oil to keep pests at bay. Dieffenbachia has given us a long list of handsome available foliage plants with dozens of named species, variants, and hybrids. You can also knock them off with your fingers or a cotton swab. Dumb Cane plants are among the most popular houseplants for its beautiful variegations, full foliage and thick stems. The smaller almost dwarf Dieffenbachia varieties like ‘Compacta’ as the name implies grows to only 24” – 28” when mature. Smaller varieties which reach 24” to 30” inches tall can also can also function as floor plants. After flowering, the center of the Dumb Canes stem “dies” but side shoots usually form, and the plant continues to grow. Dieffenbachia ‘Compacta’ – like ‘Camille’ growing to 22 inches tall with green spots. Do not overpot! Note: Wear gloves while pruning, to be safe from the calcium oxalate crystals that cause itching to throat and mouth. This sport or cultivar was discovered at Vanderlaan’s Nursery, Inc., Lake Worth, Fla. from a population of asexually propagated Dieffenbachia memoria Corsii plants. The virus is more common on select Dieffenbachia cultivars. They also enjoy feeding on your Dieffenbachia. To combat top down stem rot take the following steps: NOTE: These spots aren’t caused by bacteria and will appear withered as compared to a rotten and smelly when they are infected. Yes, the dumb cane is poisonous and toxic, causing swelling of the throat and skin irritation, and more. Propagating plants gives the homeowner a simple way to increase their collection. Thoroughly water the plant and allow the excess water to drain from the drainage holes. [source]. Control aphids, mealybugs, plant scale and more. Water needs will be more in summers, as compared to winters and during the rainy days, and it is also going to depend on the climate in your region. These large varieties make striking individual specimens indoors if you have the real estate or outdoors on a covered patio for example. Plants often need more water during the summer seasons and less during winter time. Grows to 22 inches tall. This aphid (rice root aphid) can be found by removing the plant from its container and inspecting the roots with a hand lens. Root Herb Cuttings from Store | ReGrow Herbs from Grocery Store... 14 Dramatic DIY Flower Tower Ideas | Tower Garden DIY. Aphids are an extremely common pest both indoors and out. Interestingly, as popular as Dieffenbachia Amoena is, the plant IS NOT an “accepted” species. The root systems of Dieffenbachia spp. Below are several well known varieties growing in size from 18” – 30” inches. Popularly known as dumb cane, dieffenbachia is a no-fuss plant. Dieffenbachia is a hardy plant, but it can still be attacked by typical houseplant pests like spider mites, aphids, and scale. Today’s post is all about dumb cane care. Aphids bite into the underside of a leaf and feed on the plant’s sap that’s stored in the leaf. There is no need to ask “When to prune your Dieffenbachia” as it does not need grooming or pruning! Let’s talk about the dieffenbachia plant! I was about to try the tea, but then saw the rubbing alcohol - hope it works!" The leaves will have black or dark tan spots in the center and dark, narrow margins. All three pests enjoy setting up home on the Dumb Cane. Leaves on white-patterned Dieffenbachia varieties – Compacta, Camille, Exotica, etc. It can also be used as a soil drench. Keep the plant the proper growing conditions. All three pests enjoy setting up home on the Dumb Cane. Aphids enjoy sucking the juices and feeding on new growth during the active growing season. The varieties available break down into two groups based on their size – large floor plants and smaller “table top” selections. You may not be stealing things from people, but you can steal thoughts. Aphids all have similar life cycles… This requires the plant be planted in larger pots (14” inches or more) for the plant to not become too top heavy. There’s tiny green bugs. There is no exact schedule. Control aphids, mealybugs, plant scale and more. Fertilize the plant regularly during the growing period. Dieffenbachia ‘Nelly’ – small, well branching, compact slow growing with cream and green leaf variegation. Aphids. Dieffenbachia ‘Splash’ PPAF – A hybrid from Oglesby. Too much fertilizer can cause marginal leaf burn. If the root system looks good, and only a few roots need removing put the plant back into the pot, add new soil if required or repot using fresh soil. Because insecticidal soap is too harsh for dieffenbachia, dislodge insect pests with a stream of water and wipe leaves every few weeks with a damp cloth to keep pests at bay. The larger Dieffenbachia varieties make excellent floor plants. Pests like, aphids, mealybugs, mites, thrips and two-spotted spider mites can also be some other problems, that you may encounter with this plant. The root systems of Dieffenbachia spp. Pests like, aphids, mealybugs, mites, thrips and two-spotted spider mites can also be some other problems, that you may encounter with this plant. Schott was a botanist well known for his extensive work on the aroids (Family: Araceae). Dieffenbachia can grow outdoors with lots of sunlight but needs protection from wind and the hot noon sun of summer or plants begin to look sickly. Dieffenbachia ‘Tropic Marianne’ pp #8832 – characterized by a dense upright branched habit and yellow-green oblong leaves bordered with green. Freely clumping, full, dense plants with an upright growth with an outwardly arching growth habit. . Wash them away: Use a strong stream of water to blast aphids from your plants. This is one of the simplest methods for removing, killing, contoling,and ultimately treating aphids on indoor plants. It shouldn’t be. Choosing the pot depends on the variety, which you are growing. Major foliage plant hosts of aphids are Aphelandra, Dieffenbachia, Gynura, Hoya and Schefflera. My attention was attracted to one particular plant in this block which bore some variegated leaves quite different in appearance from the other leaves on this plant and different from those of all other plants in this block, as well as strikingly different from the leaves of all other Dieffenbachia varieties previously known to me. Dieffenbachia ‘Tiki’ pp #7298 (expired) – Deep green margins on the leaf edge with light green venation fading to dark with bright white spots. This is a question many ask. Characterized by large leaves with unique and attractive variegation pattern. There aren’t a ton, but the usual houseplant pest suspects can sometimes be found lurking around. ... Webby material under the leaves with yellowing is a sign of spider mites, while aphids are easily seen crawling on the foliage. Through the years the plant has also been known as the mother-in-law tongue (the common name used for Sansevieria aka “snake plant”) referring to the toxic sap with calcium oxalate crystals, which inflame the tongue and throat causing temporary loss of speech if ingested.