All Overwatch Crossovers Team Fortress 2 104 ... Halo 12. X-overs 45. Destiny 11. It was a quiet day in Cerulean City, and in the Cerulean Gym all was quiet as well until there was a loud deafening *GULP* in the empty gym. Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Worm universe. illhousen on Other Media Suggestions – Farla I'm currently reading the light novels. Zapillar (pronounced "ZAP-ihl-er") is a dual-type Bug/Electric Pokémon. Angel. Community. She takes over the ABB, and rebrands the gang. When the Masked Man attacks the Pokémon League, Chuck and … But what happens when you get sucked through a worm hole … 1 Special abilities 2 Moves 3 In the anime 4 Pokedex 5 In the games Wurmipilla, although weak is very fast and will run away if it sees any flying pokemon even if it’s owned by Wurmipilla’s trainer. Giving them a new name, new rules, and by handing out Pokemon to its members, a huge boost in power. More. Star Wars 6. Series. Legendary Pokémon (Japanese: 伝説 のポケモン Legendary Pokémon) are a group of incredibly rare and often very powerful Pokémon, generally featured prominently in the legends and myths of the Pokémon world.. Special Pokémon is a subcategory of the Legendary Pokémon that are restricted or banned from certain official tournaments, battle facilities, and link battle formats. It’s name is a combination of the misspelled Worm and Caterpillar. I think it's pretty good, I sometimes laugh about the antics of the MC who kinda know about the DC lore and also self aware at times. Worm 7. Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield introduce the Galar region and more Pokémon to discover! Fortnite 6. Pretty long. Forum. A Harry Potter FanFiction forum for those more interested in the darker aspects of Harry Potter fanfiction. Fanfic-trash!Cas :) 1 Personality 2 Biography 3 Known moves 4 Trivia Kartana is a cutting maniac who enjoys slicing through so-called worthless items, though it can be helpful at times. At the Indigo Plateau, Whitney arrives with her fellow Johto Gym Leaders to participate in the exhibition tournament for the Pokémon League against the Kanto Gym Leaders.In the second round, she faces off against the Cerulean City Gym Leader, Misty.Despite her tenaciousness, Whitney is easily defeated, giving Kanto its first win. Hi there, Guest Only registered users can really experience what DLP has to offer. Worm fanfiction artoria. Star Wars 16. Forum. Lilligant (Japanese: ドレディア Doredia) is a Grass-type Pokémon introduced in Generation V. It is Whimsicott's counterpart. Warhammer 26. It evolves into Zapcoon starting at level 10, and then it evolves into Zaptenna starting at level 15. Pokemon Vore: A mighty Misty meal. Add to library 151 Discussion 14. RWBY 20. As in, some of the character motivations and actions make more sense w… Socordya on Other Media Suggestions – Farla The manga Urasekai Picnic might be of interest to you. Worth a Shot Pokemon Radiant Sun - Novelization of Pokemon Sun. Taylor Hebert, also known as Skitter, Weaver, and Khepri, is a parahuman from the Wormverse and serves its Anchor. Fallout 7. Fate/stay night 47. The speech-capable worm asked incredulously, for he was a lot smarter than the ten-year old trainer with twenty year's worth of training and battling experience. Metal Gear 5. Recent Comments. The gym leader Misty was sitting by the Gym's pool having just swallowed a giant meal named Ash, a boy who owed her a bike Home; About; My account; Contact Us It's one of the Ultra Beasts. All Worm Crossovers. Pokemon Bet: The Lost World - Fusion with the superhero setting Worm, where Rachel the dog trainer supervillain from Worm becomes a pokemon trainer. Avengers 6. FanFiction. Mass Effect 10. Btw it's about 400k words. Pokémon 7. 8 - Sacrifice and Subjugation is a pokemon fanfic that one would love if they're into grim dark realities in the pokemon franchise. Ultra Wormholes: While in Pokémon Sun & Moon you could travel to one area of Ultra Space, Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon has changed it up by allowing you to ride on Solgaleo or Lunala to fully explore various areas in Ultra Space. Worm crossover fanfiction archive. Completed 3 days ago NerdyChicka . Wurimpilla is a bug type pokemon that evolves into Coocan at level 7 and into Battlefly at level 10. Comments: 75 Kudos: 346 Bookmarks: 145 Hits: 8055 Just In. Part 6 of Worm AUs; Language: English Words: 25,328 Chapters: 8/? This Kartana is a Grass/Steel-type Pokémon that appeared in the anime. Harry Potter 39. Ehe. Marvel 7. Though sometimes you need to concentrate real hard to understand what the MC is saying cuz he's an Irish. A blog dedicated to commenting on fanfiction in a (hopefully) humorous manner, and offer a bit of criticism. Undertale 6. Fanfiction, Pokemon Fanfic, Reviews NaRe2021, Pokemon fanfiction Ides of January 01/15/2021 Farla Add Comment. Canon Divergent AU starting loosely based around the episode 'Fanfiction' (10x5). They're pretty fun if a bit yuri-baity. League of Legends 7. High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D 16. Community. Kamen Rider 5. Team Rocket being your favorite team of villains! Differences are that Sam, Dean and Cas are in the bunker and Cas ain't running around with Hannah and all that Jazz. Naruto 28. Transformers/Beast Wars 8. Fate/stay night 6. More. Has the only romance I've found tolerable in a pokemon fic and the MC keeps within the carry limit of six. Just In. Kartana got out of an Ultra Wormhole at night. You are a 5 year old girl who loves the Pokémon series! The newly-minted Team Rocket will take the Bay by storm. 9 - Departure from the Diary is a harry potter fanfic that one should read if they're into the trope of gender bending the villain and making the villain and the heor an item in a plausible manner. New Long Pokemon Akatsuki Soul Eater Kakashi Haikyuu Horror Mystery Vampire England Boku No Hero Academia One Shot One Shots Sebastian Comedy Fairy Tail My Hero Academia Kuroshitsuji America More » Featured Anime/Manga Fanfiction. It's a fanfiction on Spacebattles. FanFiction. Spider-Man 6.