If you put an egg in the incubater or just bought a cow, you don't have to feed it until it's fully grown. Get the latest Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PlayStation 2 (PS2). Visit the Harvest Sprites.4. Trigger the "Sacred Land" event. Also, they grow quickly. Stuck in this game? Creamy Soup: Potato, Milk and Pot. Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland Release Date 2001-07-05 GenreStrategy Role-Playing Simulation Developer Victor Interactive Software, Inc. Victor Entertainment PublisherNatsume PlatformPlayStation 2 PlayStation Network (PS3) PlayStation 4Share This Concentrate on making money … Next, sleep. It takes FOREVER to save up money in this game. He will sell the player cows, chickens, animal feed and animal medicine. In your pasture. Does anyone know how much money it is for these things, in Harvest Moon save the Homeland? From gameshark.com Harvest Moon: Save The Homeland Master Code(M)Must Be On ECB7FBB014468B5C Never Tired 1CB1FB58F87AE781 Infinite Money 1CB1FB8C17E9C70C Infinite Fodder 3CB1FB601456E788 Infinite Potato Seeds 3C1425FF1456E788 Infinite Tomato Seeds 3C1425041456E788 Infinite Corn Seeds 3C1425051456E788 Infinite Breadruit Seeds … Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland Review Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland is an engaging, long-lasting experience, and it may just be some of the most fun you can have on a lazy weekend afternoon. For characters from other games in the series, check out the Characters page here. Note: If done correctly, you will have two extra fodder (put in dog dish). Reviews Reviewer: malufet012 - favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite - June 10, 2010 Subject: dfdsfsdf Down Home Cookin'So you got your kitchen extension, but all you can make is gray lumps of non-food. Go talk to Lyla at the Flower Shop to get some Seeds. 2. Wait for the egg to hatch, and grow up. Talk to them and milk the cow. For some reason my prices and such don't show up D: Then, plant your potatoes in one field and breadfruit in the other two (or just in one if you are out of energy). Bob is a character in Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland. The Cafe is one of the most convenient places to make quick money, simply because the items you pick up near the Cafe can be sold immediately nearby. Harvest Moon: Save The Homeland is oddly caught between two worlds in many ways. Everyday you will have two more leftover fodder. Precious Stones can be sold at either the Carpenter's Shop or the Tool Shop, and Limestone can be sold at the Flower Shop. In Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland, you are invited to take control of another run-down farmstead, turn it into the heart of the town and even make some coin in the process. Cream of Corn Soup: Milk, Corn and Pot. He also offers the player part time work. A good combination of all of these moneymaking tactics will earn you lots of dough quickly. Trigger the "Sacred Land" event. Hot Milk: S Milk and Pot. When the first one appears, place it on the incubator. Upon arrival, he encounters the Harvest Sprites, who are busily discussing ways on how to prevent the village from becoming a theme park. Sekarang saya akan share versi Harvest Moon lagi yaitu Harvest Moon Save The Homeland. The next day, stop at the supermarket. The area near the Carpenter's Shop and Harvest Goddess Pond is especially … HARVEST MOON: SAVE THE HOMELAND. You start with a small sum of money, but you'll need to get a little more in order to buy a good number of seeds. Go back to the Farmer's Supply and sell all of the cows. Mixed Omelet: Egg, any vegetable, and Pan. Bouillabaisse: Tomato, M Fish, and Pot. Cheats, Tips, Tricks, Walkthroughs and Secrets for Harvest Moon: Save The Homeland on the Playstation 2, with a game help system for those that are stuck Cheats, Hints & Walkthroughs 3DS Go to the Grocery Store and buy as many S Milks as possible. The first two should be easy to get, but the third is beyond her. 4. Ask a question below and let other gamers answer your question or view answers to previously asked questions. Each time an egg is laid, put it on the incubator to make it grow into a chick. Never fear, IGN Guides is here! It … You'll want to start out with some Potato Seeds. You can get a … Note: Eggs are better given away than sold. Use the specified cookware and ingredients to produce the correct dish. Once you get a dog to stay on your farm, you'll have to train him. If you're lucky, you might even be able to court one of the town's young ladies! Once you have six chickens, in the morning collect all the eggs, but keep them. 16. After the intermission sequence he will explain and give you the rod. Flan: Egg, Milk and Oven. Cran Berry Jam: Cran Berry (3x) and Pot. Go and do the part-time job … We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. Once you get a dog to stay on your farm, you will have to train him with the Flute, once you get it. Cake: Egg, Milk, Breadfruit and Oven. Save The Homeland (2001) Save the Homeland is a multifaceted beast. You will receive 30,000G and you can sell all of that good milk they gave you. The sooner you can start focusing your vegetable crop on Breadfruit, the faster you will make money. If you think you are an expert then please try to help others with their questions. Here you'll have to brush, feed, and milk his cows, and take care of his horses. The graphics are cell-shaded. I was sent Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland by Natsume because I was the only one with a spare PS2 at the moment. In every other Harvest Moon game, you can get married, even in the Super Nintendo version. It may sound shallow, but the more presents you give, the better you'll be liked. On this page, we will talk about Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Cheats and Secrets, for Android, PC, PS4, and Nintendo Switch, which you can use to earn money fast at the beginning of the game. Fruit Flan: Milk, Egg, Any Fruit, and Oven. Also, they grow quickly. If you think you are an expert then please try to help others with their questions. Power Berry Locations Those familiar with Harvest Moon, you'll remember Power Berries, to be sure. Pick up all nature's bounty in the Spring. As you do this, once in awhile, you will uncover various minerals, metals, and coins buried in the soil. Brush the horses and cow. To do so, use the following button presses in order to get him to do what you wish: To get the horse, you'll have to visit Bob's farm quite a bit. Cooked Fish: Potato (or Herb), Fish and Pan. For instance, the Supermarket buys Cranberries and Blueberries, the Flower Shop will purchase Flowers and Herbs from you, and the Cafe will take Very Berries, Cranberries, Blueberries, Walnuts, and Mushrooms off your hands. Buy six potato seeds and sixteen breadfruit seeds. Once you have done all the chores around the farm, sell all of your chickens. comment. ... Easy money. Do not use, give, or sell them. These codes were also known as GameShark Codes and in most cases will work on both devices. The area near the Carpenter's Shop and Harvest Goddess Pond is especially stocked with goodies. When work at the part-time job at Bob's farm, go into the barn to feed his animals. This will cost a lot, but it will pay off. If you want a game where you can get married and raise a child, I recommend Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Special Edition for the Playstation 2 console, Harvest Moon DS, or Harvest Moon … A lot cheaper, but it takes a little more time then buying one from the ranch shop. Use of Alcohol and Tobacco, Use of Tobacco and Alcohol, Netflix's 2021 Movie Release Lineup: New Films From Chris Hemsworth, Dwayne Johnson, and Zack Snyder Revealed. Unfortunately, YOU CANNOT GET MARRIED! To woo a dog to your yard, keep putting food in his bowl. Plant them. Keep doing this until you have all your chickens back. The sooner you can get a Kitchen, a Dog House, and the ability to afford livestock, the better your life will be. When it catches, it should be a fish. However, if there is no music playing, then it is a rainy day. It's also nice to have a lot of money to buy the townspeople presents. Enjoy this game at its fullest! Go fishing.5. Mixed Jam: Very Berry, Cran Berry, Blue Berry, and Pot. 3. He is the owner of Brownie Ranch and he cares deeply about animals. Use the television to find out if it is going to rain. Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland - Walkthrough ... and Moon Drop Dew. Another way to get quick money is to forage around in the forest. Then, go to the Farmer's Supply store next to Brownie Farm and then buy as many cows as possible (five if you do not currently have any). Here you can find different fruits, nuts, and herbs, depending on the season. 5. When you wake up, if there is music playing then it is a sunny day. Omelet: Egg, Milk and Pan. Since he is able to see them, they request for his help. Another way to get quick money is to forage around in the forest. A cow; The thing to make a cow pregnant; A chicken A Dog house & A kitchen? Note: Plant them the day before a rainfall so you do not have to water them. Cream of Mushroom Soup: Milk, Mushroom and Pot. If you approach them, they'll run away. Use the television to find out if it is going to rain. Another way to make a quick buck is by raising chickens. Harvest Berry Jam: 3 Harvestberries and Pot (very good gift for Gwen)
Honey Cake: Egg, Honey, Breadfruit, and Oven. Befriending the people in town is the key to successfully completing your task. To give a modest and relaxed virtual life where you simply do what you need to get by and live a happy life. There are 9 possible ways to save the village depending on the choices the player makes, such as which villagers the player befriends. When your cow produces large milk do not go and sell it because you will only get 300$$. Then, go home and cut grass until you find a power berry. Either sell your chickens to Brownie Farm for a pretty penny, or sell your eggs to Clove Villa to make a more constant income off of your poultry. Your field should be well-tilled at this point, so simply plant Potatoes in the two beds closest to your house and be sure to water them. I have looked all over the place! To get the Power Berries scattered around the land, look in these places:
1. The day you get 1 Million (whatever currency the game uses), pigs can most probably fly. He'll bring it to your chicken coop. Addeddate 2004-06-07 12:41:34 Collectionid 021517 Identifier 021517 Numeric_id 7856 Proddate 2001 Type MovingImage. How to Get More Money Fast in Harvest Moon: Light of Hope. When you get 500G, go to the Farmer's shop and talk to Bob to get a chicken. Special Cheese Cake: Special Cheese, Small Milk, Breadfruit, and Oven. 2. Brush and milk these cows until they produce L Milk. When fishing, rotate the Left Analog-stick without pressing (X) you should feel the controller pulse or rumble very quickly. This trick requires six chickens, If you do not already have that amount, buy some eggs at the store and put them in the incubator. Cream of Tomato Soup: Milk, Tomato and Pot. Sunny-Side Up: Egg, and Pan. First, buy the Brush for the horses and cows and the Milker from Louis' Store. Leave immediately then go in the store before 8:05 a.m. and ask for part-time work. Blue Berry Jam: Blue Berry (3x) and Pot. Then raise the chick until it becomes a chicken. To get the Power Berries scattered around the land, look in these places: 1. Not only is it a hearty plant that will produce many harvests, it will also yield a lot of money for you. Fruit Omelet: Egg, any fruit and Pan. Say, "Yes," and he'll take you to the farm. To get fast money, put all your money in potatoes. Pancakes: Egg, Small Milk, Breadfruit, and Pan. Use the television to find out if it is going to rain. Plant them. Do part-time work taking care of his horses and cows and give him lots of presents. Start with the beds nearest your house and use the hoe to make the soil ready for seeds. Taking on all of the obstacles and unexpected pitfalls a real farmer has to deal with, you'll try to raise your crops before the season turns. To do so select the Flute, press X, then use th.., Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland PlayStation 2 Cheese: L Milk and Pot. The following cheat can only be used once you own a kitchen. IGN Store: We got Tees for Spider-Man, Star Wars, and more! Cheescake: Milk, Breadfruit, Cheese, and Oven
Cheese Cake: Egg, Gold Milk, Breadfruit, and Oven. Next, till up two or three of your dirt fields and put the egg in the incubator. This is a big disappointment. By now, you should have 820G. After you have sold them, you should get about 1,000 G. You will still have chickens. This is a quick way to get a little extra spending money to jumpstart your farm. Many of these can be sold at various shops. This may be slightly difficult when you are starting out, but is a good way to easily make at least 30,000G in a relatively short period of time. Note: This is a ten day process. Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland Wiki Guide, Essential Tips for Getting Started in Valheim, Little Nightmares 2 Spoiler-Free Puzzle Guides, CoD Zombies: Outbreak Mode Weapon Unlocking, Things to Do First in Assassin's Creed Valhalla, How to Get the New Mario Items in Animal Crossing, Bowser's Fury: 12 Big Tips for Getting Started. Every day, repeat this process, but use the leftover fodder in your backpack. Feed it and make sure it doesn't get sick, and it will lay eggs for you. The chick will hatch in three days. Go to the Cafe as soon as the new day begins and you will see a carpenter. Eventually, after a solid chunk of work (a season or more), he'll bring a horse to you. Very Berry Jam: Very Berry (3x), and Pot. An easy way to save your money with chickens is to leave them outside,but watch the weather and day closely.After you do part time work, you should go around the place and search for things to sell.Do this and you'll have some good luck.Also, at the end of the day,if you're not that tired of course, drain your energy tilling the ground and you can find more things to sell. It is very easy to tell if it is a rainy day. To tell if it is a big fish, if it darts around everywhere with lots of restraint, reel it in. At some point, he will let you pick him up, and he will be yours! Ultimately, you have to be liked in order to trigger any of the events that will eventually save your farm. To get fast money, put all your money in potatoes. Put the fodder in the bins. We have all of that information below for your likings. Yogurt: M Milk and Pot. What's the rush? When you place these foods in the bowl, they immediately turn into doggie mush. Go fishing. When you buy them, you spend will 20G, but they are sold for 60G. To get the cash, till your fields. Pancakes: Breadfruit, Egg, Milk, and Pan. You should have 330G remaining. Visit the Harvest Goddess. We only take advantage of features that are given in the game itself. Anything will do: grass, eggs, berries. Fruit Flan: Egg, Small Milk, Fruit, and Oven. Characters who have appeared in Harvest Moon: Save The Homeland and its PSP remake, Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley. and the game sites that I have looked at for answers could not give me what I wanted to know. The Chosen One: He … Publication date 2001. Cheese Omelet: Egg, Cheese, and Pan. All you need to do to get a cheap chicken, is go to the supermarket, buy an egg, and put it in the incubator. CoolROM.com's game information and ROM (ISO) download page for Harvest Moon - Save the Homeland (Sony Playstation 2). Note: You can cook food after you buy a kitchen. How can you earn more money?, Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland Questions and answers, PlayStation 2 ... + Add Your Cheats and Codes / Ask a question + Help a gamer - Answer questions + Pokemon Ultra Moon Guide + Pokemon Ultra Sun Guide ... Sign Up for free. Toy The player character. Keep trying to pick up the dog (X). Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland cheats, Tips, and Codes for PS2. You can also roll in some money by working for Bob at Brownie Farm. After a couple of days of foraging and tilling you should have a nice sum of money. Not only do you make over 200 G a day doing this, but you also earn Bob's trust, which will ultimately earn you a horse of your own. Buy one egg then go towards the flower shop. ... Easy Money. In your pasture. After a while, you will notice the dog appearing at your farm more and more. After a series of questions to evaluate the player's nature, s… It's the best way to start your farm and an easy way to get money to upgrade everything. Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland - Action Replay Codes [US] The following are known Action Replay Codes for Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland on Sony Playstation 2 (PS2). The coins will go directly into your money stash, but the minerals and limestone can be taken to various places in town and sold for cash. Then go outside and wait until he calls you out at 5:00 p.m. On your way home, stop at Louis' tool shop and sell the milk. Visit the Harvest Sprites. The goal of Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland is to find a way to save the village from turning into a resort by the end of the year. Then, go to your kitchen and turn them into cheese. A whole community of characters populates the game, and you'll need to meet each one of them in order to get the information necessary to succeed. When you buy them, you spend will 20G, but they are sold for 60G. When you start with 100G, do part-time work. When you begin the game, you'll notice several stray dogs wandering around. Plant them. Harvest Moon: Save The Homeland ini bergenre RPG/Farming karena di Game ini anda harus mengelola sebuah perternakan dan mengurusnya. Feed the animals and you will have two left over. Take a part time job at Brownie Farms when you are feeding the animals fodder You can steal whatever is left over by putting it in your pack. Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland will offer nine unique ways in which to complete your task, and focuses more attention on relationships over profit. Follow the tips below: 1. The store is on a piece of paper near the refrigerator at the mansion. Special Cheese: G Milk, and Pot. Get in the circle to get it all the time. Simple Omelet: Egg + MilkSunny Side Up: Gold Egg (alone)Fruit Omelet: Egg + Egg + Very Berry or BlueberryVegetable Omelet: Egg + Egg +Tomato, Corn, Breadfruit, Potato, or CornCheese Omelet: Egg + Egg + CheeseMixed Omelet: Egg + MushroomPancakes: Breadfruit + Milk + EggCooked Fish: Small Fish (alone)Special Fish: Large Fish + Milk + Herb. There will be a lot of clouds in the sky if it is about to rain. Upon acceptance, the Harvest Goddesswill arrive and introduce herself. Ultraman Fighting Evolution Rebirth, (PS2). These special berries are fun to collect. Harvest Moon Save The Homeland - Digging Digging is one of my favourite things to do to earn some money, especially when it is rainy. Also, they grow quickly. If you go into your kitchen, walk up to the pot and press X. put the L milk in the pot and press START. Boiled Egg: Egg and Pot. When you harvest your first crop, take the potatoes to the Supermarket and sell them, then go straight to the Flower Shop and get some Breadfruit Seeds with the proceeds. When you buy them, you spend will 20G, but they are sold for 60G.