Los Angeles, CA 90027. The official name of the museum is The American Heritage Masonic Museum. Temple Of Thelema. Hollywood Masonic Temple, now known as the El Capitan Entertainment Centre and also formerly known as Masonic Convention Hall, is a building on Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, that was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1985. Location within the Los Angeles metropolitan area, The Maurice and Paul Marciano Art Foundation, "Marciano Art Foundation announces it won't reopen in wake of layoffs following union drive", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Scottish_Rite_Masonic_Temple_(Los_Angeles)&oldid=1004626121, Buildings and structures completed in 1961, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 3 February 2021, at 15:31. The mass ground-breaking took place on January 16, 1960, and was overseen by Superior Court Judge Ellsworth Meyer who was also master of the Scottish Rite branch in Los Angeles. The monumental Scottish Rite Masonic Temple on Wilshire, completed in 1961, was designed by artist, designer, and educator Millard Sheets. The Masons have an enigmatic reputation, but their L.A. temple was hardly hidden. Masonic Temple in Los Angeles, CA. It was designed by Millard Sheets. The 100,000-square-foot, steel-framed building contained an auditorium with space for 2,100 guests, classrooms, club meeting rooms, and a library. ... 3807 Wilshire Blvd. The Marciano Art Foundation—a partnership between Maurice Marciano and his brother Paul—will be housed in L.A.'s landmark Scottish Rite Masonic Temple building on Wilshire… The Masonic Temple, Glendale, CA 91204 - Office Space for rent. Do you have a story about this place? Of the hundreds of high schools built in the postwar population boom, the only one built within a block of the ocean—leading to its own design challenges. Marciano Art Museum Unveils Plans for Masonic Temple on Wilshire May 22, 2014 Julie Grist 2 Comments The Maurice and Paul Marciano Art Foundation is set to make the vacant Scottish Rite Masonic Temple at 4357 Wilshire Blvd. The Maurice and Paul Marciano Art Foundation bought the former temple in July 2013, repurposing it and reopening it in 2017 as a contemporary art space that pays homage to the building’s past. When California membership peaked at 245,000 in the mid-1960s, L.A.'s nexus for the group, the Scottish Rite Masonic Temple, had just been erected on Wilshire … The Scottish Rite Masonic Temple is a four-story,historically significant building adorned with the artistic hand of renowned architect, Millard Owen Sheets (1907 -1989). Condition: Good condition with normal wear along edges & corners/may include slight wrinkles and folds. (photo by Luis Rivas) The Scottish Rite Masonic Temple at 4357 Wilshire Blvd., a 125,000-square-foot property, has been left largely dormant since the original owners, the Masons, sold it in 1994. In 2002, a Masonic heritage museum was placed on the second floor, but legal battles over its use and compliance with neighborhood zoning codes limited its public use. Curating the City: Modern Architecture in L.A. The Marciano Art Foundation has taken over an old Masonic temple on Wilshire Boulevard and turned it into a massive contemporary art museum, due to open on May 25. Gagosian Leases Former Masonic Temple on Wilshire Boulevard. Note: In most pictures we have added an "uffdahhh" watermark for identification. 2020 Study: Preservation Positive Los Angeles, People + Places: The Forgotten Story of Rancho Los Amigos, Carthay National Register Nomination Fund. It's … YEARS IN BUSINESS (323) 599-3863. They bought the … With their simple Mid-Century Modern lines and their breathtaking views, the Nelson Houses are a rare work by one of very few female modernists to gain acclaim in postwar L.A. Last Remaining Seats/Greetings from Broadway! The Scottish Rite Masonic Temple in Los Angeles, California is a monumental building on Wilshire Boulevard which was completed in 1961. Usage & Privacy. Wilshire Boulevard Temple (3663) The oldest Jewish congregation in Los Angeles completed this Moorish-style building with its Byzantine-revival dome … Like many buildings for Masonic orders, the imposing Scottish Rite Temple on Wilshire appears to be nearly windowless, creating an aura of secrecy. The former Scottish Rite Masonic Temple on Wilshire Boulevard is under renovation, and plans call for it to be turned into a museum. I had a privilege of visiting the museum on December 11, 2002. Issue Updated Welcome to Los Angeles Lodge No. It was named for Henry Gaylord Wilshire (1861–1927), an Ohio native who made and lost fortunes in real estate, farming, and gold mining. DescriptionScottish Rite Masonic Temple, Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, California (16) (3125760930).jpg English:Wilshire Boulevard is one of the principal east-west arterial roads in Los Angeles, California. Millard Sheets and Studio, Scottish Rite Masonic history mosaic, 4357 Wilshire, 1963 Last week, I was able to drive along Wilshire Boulevard and see my local string of Sheets Studio art: three banks and this monumental building, the four-story former Scottish Rite temple designed and decorated by the Sheets Studio in 1963. Website Share your memories here! 200 shovels were used at the ground breaking for the Scottish Rite Temple located on Wilshire Boulevard between Plymouth and Lucerne Streets. The hottest ticket in Los Angeles at the moment isn’t for a new restaurant, a pop concert or a sports showdown – it’s for the re-opening of a Masonic Temple on Wilshire Boulevard, now the home of the Marciano Art Foundation. Jeans, bought the former Scottish Rite Masonic Temple in 2013 before converting it to the Marciano Art Foundation, an art museum curated by Philipp Kaiser which displays the brothers’ personal collection. It is located at the Scottish Rite Masonic Temple at 4357 Wilshire Blvd., at the corner of Wilshire and "Lucerne"Street, south of "6th" Street and bounded on the east by Plymouth St. The watermarks do not show up on the actual postcard. Lodge Officers for 2020 The Scottish Rite Masonic Temple in Los Angeles, California is a monumental building on Wilshire Boulevard which was completed in 1961. Brothers Turning Beautiful Masonic Temple on Wilshire Into Their Own Private Art Museum New, 78 comments By Adrian Glick Kudler Jul 25, 2013, 12:27pm PDT The monumental Scottish Rite Masonic Temple on Wilshire, completed in 1961, was designed by artist, designer, and educator Millard Sheets. 42 Upcoming events. Sheets served as the head of Scripps College’s art department and as the director of the Otis Art Institute on Wilshire. The gallery of art dealer Larry Gagosian has signed a lease for a chunk of the former Marciano Art Foundation building on Wilshire Boulevard. 523 W. Sixth St., Suite 826,Los Angeles, CA 90014, The Los Angeles Conservancy is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Copyright © 2020 Los Angeles Conservancy. As membership in the order declined, the building sat empty for many years. Brothers Do With the Beautiful Scottish Rite Masonic Temple on Wilshire?" Maurice and Paul Marciano, the founders of Guess? … its home for an extensive, private Modern Art collection of contemporary works from around the world. The exterior of the temple is made of marble and travertine that Sheets personally selected from an Italian quarry near Rome. The history of the Masons is depicted on fourteen-foot high travertine figures designed by sculptors Albert Stewart and John Edward Svenson. 23. By Roger Vincent of the Los Angeles Times. A Scottish Rite Masonic Temple on Wilshire Boulevard designed by Millard Sheets will be turned into a private art museum. [1], The building was purchased by The Maurice and Paul Marciano Art Foundation in July 2013.