Soichiro Honda (本田 宗一郎, Honda Sōichirō, 17 November 1906 – 5 August 1991) was a Japanese engineer and industrialist. Las habilidades de ingeniería y mercadeo de Soichiro Honda hicieron que Honda Motor Company venciera a Triumph y a Harley-Davidson en ventas en sus respectivos mercados. A avut puterea de a visa într-o lume extrem de rigidă. A fact from this article was featured on Wikipedia's Main Page in the On this day section on August 5, 2018 Plagiarism? Sōichirō Honda 本田 宗一郎 (Hamamatsu, 17 novembre 1906 – Shizuoka, 5 agosto 1991) è stato un ingegnere e imprenditore giapponese, fondatore e primo presidente della Honda. If you can improve it, please do. Soichiro Honda, (n. 17 noiembrie 1906, d. 5 august 1991), a fost proprietarul companiei Honda. This article has been rated as C-Class. Al año siguiente, Honda contrató a Takeo Fujisawa, que revisó las finanzas de la compañía y la ayudó a expandirse. Pada saat 15 tahun, tanpa pendidikan formal, Honda pindah ke Tokyo untuk … [1] Em 1948, ele fundou a Honda Motor Co., Ltd. e supervisionou sua expansão de uma cabana de madeira que fabricava motores de bicicletas para uma fabricante multinacional de automóveis e motocicletas. 本田 宗一郎 Honda Sōichirō; * 17. Soichiro Honda has been listed as a level-5 vital article in People, Business. The first son of blacksmith Gihei Honda and his wife Mika, Soichiro Honda was born on November 17, 1906, in rural Iwata-gun, Japan. Cei care l-au cunoscut l-au catalogat drept un om extraordinar. Sōichirō Honda (本田 宗一郎, Honda Sōichirō, November 17, 1906 – August 5, 1991) was a Japanese engineer and industrialist, and founder of Honda Motor Co., Ltd..Soichiro was born in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan.. Honda spent his early childhood helping his father, Gihei, a blacksmith, with his bicycle repair business. Honda had little tolerance for formal education and jumped at every opportunity he had to work with his true love: motors. Sōichirō Honda (本田 宗一郎), född 17 november 1906 i Hamamatsu i Shizuoka prefektur , död 5 augusti 1991 , var en japansk ingenjör och industriman. August 1991) war ein japanischer Unternehmer.. Im Jahre 1948 gründete Honda die Honda Corporation, die sich schnell zu einem der bedeutendsten Kraftfahrzeug- und Motorenhersteller entwickelte.Er blieb bis 1973 Präsident von Honda. Soichiro Honda (本田宗一郎 Honda Sō'ichirō, lahir 17 November 1906 – meninggal 5 Agustus 1991 pada umur 84 tahun) adalah seorang industrialis Jepang yang dilahirkan di Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Jepang.. Honda menghabiskan masa kecilnya membantu ayahnya dalam bisnis reparasi sepeda. Biografia. In 1948, he established Honda Motor Co., Ltd. and oversaw its expansion from a wooden shack manufacturing bicycle motors to a multinational automobile and motorcycle manufacturer. Sōichirō Honda (jap. Soichiro Honda, 1964. Han grundade 1938 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. The Honda Super Cub or Honda Cub is a Honda underbone motorcycle with a four-stroke single-cylinder engine ranging in displacement from 49 to 124 cc (3.0 to 7.6 cu in).. In continuous manufacture since 1958 with production surpassing 60 million in 2008, 87 million in 2014, and 100 million in 2017, the Super Cub is the most produced motor vehicle * in history. Soichiro Honda (本田宗一郎, Honda Sōichirō; 17 de novembro de 1906 — Tóquio, 5 de agosto de 1991) foi um engenheiro e industrial japonês. November 1906 in Kōmyō, Landkreis Iwata (heute: Hamamatsu), Präfektur Shizuoka, Japan; † 5. A fost un visător, un non-conformist și un inginer versat. In 1922 he graduated from the Futamata Senior Elementary School.