Quozl wasn’t that great and I never got into it and I put down Spanish Harry Potter in favor of English Harry Potter…several months ago… More recently I blitzed through Johnathan Strange and Mr. Norrell (again) and am now re-reading a book I haven’t read for like a decade. basically the sweetest superpower ever I teleported into the bank and took all the money then teleported to Amsterdam and bought some fat pounds then to the Bahamas to smoke it! Teleportation is one of the greatest powers ever, and here is why: The ability to teleport anywhere in the wi else it in the universe, so long as you displace solids, liquids, and gasses, you would be unstoppable. IF you’re lucky and get the good kind of immortality, then guess what? Imagine it for a second: keep out signs are just a suggestion, no door is ever closed, nothing you want is out of reach, and if you get caught, jail is just a room. How does one even choose the best superpower? I somewhat facetiously submit that Telekinesis is the most interesting and therefore best superpower. It doesn't have to be the best in a … Is there even a correct answer? There is nothing you can’t do that teleportation can not solve in some fashion. you most certainly would plummet to your death. Lastly, teleportation has other uses. Say what you want about how this movie is nothing special, easily forgettable, but what it does very well is drive the exact point I’m trying to make right now home. If you were to develop any superpower such as mind reading, flying, rapid healing, being bulletproof, etc, it won’t be long before the government discovers that you have this power. You may be thinking, ‘Random Blog Post I’m Probably Not Reading Right Now, how can you say that when super strength, flight, invisibility, eye-beams, immortality, invisibility, shape-shifting, telepathy, telekinesis, weather-control, invulnerability, super-speed, and that time travel thing from Superman: The Movie are all on the table?!?’. At least I’ll be forewarned. From a young age, after discovering his ability and running away from home, the movie’s protagonist David Rice becomes self-sufficient at 15 by simply teleporting in and out of bank vaults till he lives the high life in a sweet apartment. I'm doing this essay and I'm trying to find out which is the best superpower and why. The girl's figure was screen-printed on a sheet of transparent poly film. Now that’s a bold statement (literally…ok I’ll stop), because in media today super-powers are a dime a dozen. If a genie suddenly appeared and told you that you could become superhuman, what superpower would you most want to have? Only one of them knows anything about bombs, and due to being one of the mutan-umm–‘tomorrow people’, he’s able to teleport  from bomb to bomb every fraction of a second to diffuse all 6 at once, moving so fast that he’s essentially in all 6 places at once while simultaneously being in none of them. 1. I would get about an hour more of sleep every day because I could leave for work seconds before my shift starts. ( Log Out /  Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. This feature is not available right now. and get to where you want to go, but again, it is wasting time in transit. So much of the expense of money or effort in life comes down to transportation, just think of all the disposable income you have as a fine upstanding citizen who’s able to cut that shit out of their life? Coordinate Change/Movement 4. Though you'd have to set up a momentum nullifying device. Firstly, it depends on the kind of immortality you get: are you comfortable with the possibility of spending eternity as a pile of disconnected limbs? That’s it, that’s my spiel. The simple lesson here is that you can either be in danger or out of it no matter how fast you’re going, because you never know when something will surprise you. You’re still screwed, just take it from Image Comics’ The Immortal after a few more centuries of the unending torment that indefinite existence turns out to be: On that note, any argument about what constitutes the best superpower shouldn’t be dominated by a weighing of their merits in combat because, as I mentioned before, most people don’t actually see a whole lot. Why? Change ). While it is the most powerful superpower in all of fiction (since I don’t Recent Examples on the Web Either Baron Cohen is an excellent actor with teleportation abilities, or this particular prediction may not be panning out. You never have to call another Uber and force small-talk, you can always be where you like the weather, vacation anywhere, travel effortlessly,  you can escape dangerous situations, and you never have to listen to elevator music again unless you want to, like if you’re some weird elevator-music connoisseur. The reason for … and "The Fly." Those of you arguing for invisibility may argue that you could just sneak onto a plane, train, bus, etc. Blink (League of Legends) 3. So, teleportation wins when it comes to the best superpower. The human-mutant displays a wide range of abilities that make him one of the most agile characters in the X-Men timeline. I'm Molly Bloom and this is Smash Boom Best, the show where we take two things, smash them together, and ask you to decide which one is best. Whether you’re fighting close range or at a distance, the simple solution to getting the upper hand is not to ever be in any one place at the same time for long enough for your opponent to do a damn thing about it. What if you crash into something while flying? Boundless Geo-Leaping/Phase-Jumping/Spatial Movement/Translocation/Teleportation/Tele-Transportation Teleportation is the best super-power. Samuel L Jackson’s sole motivation to hunt down and kill Rice and his kind down is that their power is basically too cool to exist, and he’s exactly right! If that’s the scale of teleportation expertise we’re working with, then yeah, eat your heart out, super-speed. Essokinesis is the most powerful, while Chrono-chronokinesis is my most favorite one. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. In that case the same thing could’ve happened to a teleporter right? Geo-Leaping 5. Teleportation can do the same thing, you could easily teleport to be sneaky or unseen. With teleportation, you are immediately transported to your destination without leaving the ground. This becomes more important in scenes where (a different) Quicksilver is doing his time-freeze thing and happens to see a cool hammer fly by in Avengers 2, tries to grab it, and gets dragged along to get a pile of crates toppled on top of him. With that in mind, here are the 20 best superpowers of all time, … Paying for gas (or needing a car, for that matter)? The superpower I would like to have the most is the ability to read peoples minds. Position Change 7. One could teleport out of trouble if it arises. Don’t agree with me? I mean, travel time is basically the same when you compare the fraction of a second it takes to teleport across the room vs the fraction of a second it takes to super-sprint across it, right? One could teleport out of trouble if it arises. Due to the popularity of Quicksilver’s similar scene in X-Men: DoFP, some people out there may be thinking that all these same things are true of super-speed. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. I just entered to win a DrakenStone Dungeon Terrain Bundle from @audio_dungeon @TheDrakenStone #dungeonartist… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…, The Mandalorian – Chapter 13 nerdcaster.com/the-mandaloria… #Mandalorian #MandalorianSeason2 #StarWars #AhsokaTano, Hubie Halloween review is up on Nerd Caster nerdcaster.com/hubie-hallowee…, Copyright 2016 Nerd Caster | All Rights Reserved |. Let me know on Facebook or Twitter. Now of course there’s always room for random chance to screw you over as your enemy fires at the exact spot that you might suddenly appear and hits you dead in the face, but as far as superhero weaknesses go, extreme improbability is pretty harmless. That the reason you chose this superpower is that you want to be incognito and/or sneaky. Any power that’s primarily offensive is going to see diminishing returns on its usefulness for someone who’s afraid of accidentally punching someone’s head off (i.e. Perhaps warping spacetime could count as a method of teleportation. “Superpower essay” The superpower that I would want to have would be being able to transport to different places by just thinking about being in that EduCheer! This movie portrays teleportation as what it really is, complete freedom. two of the main characters are stuck in a trap with 6 bombs that are all rigged to blow in a matter of seconds. Breathing underwater or reading people's minds? It's called teleportation, and you probably know it best from the likes of "Star Trek" and "The Fly."" Why would you need the power of flight if you have teleportation? What is the best superpower? Let me know in the comments though if you think I missed something, or am just a filthy filthy liar that Samual L Jackson is going to taze-murder. ( Log Out /  Today, it's another superpower showdown. So thanks for that. Teleportation is definitely the most useful in a fight. Now, once again, we agree with Stan the man, Lee. Think about it. It’s a question that has been used in many trivia or “know your partner” type board games. Take the quiz and find out! Wouldn’t it be great to travel the world without wasting time in transit? Flying and teleportation would, of course, be useful for getting around, presuming that we're assuming you can use powers publicly without everyone shitting a brick over it. Nightcrawler’s Teleportation Superpower In particular, most X-Men fans probably recognize Nightcrawler’s ability to teleport from one place to another. ‘Porting wins out though due to the seemingly slight advantage of not being tangible in those fractions of moments. Good luck is the greatest superpower Lastly, teleportation has other uses. Teleportation is the hypothetical transfer of matter or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them. Sure, it kind of amounts to chunking your kid in a subatomic wood chipper every morning, but just think of all the time you'll save! 6 Safety Being excessively solid is an incredible superpower to have with regards to battling, yet being immune is apparently better. Furthermore, the appeal of Sylar can in large part Free Samples and Examples of Essays, Homeworks and any Papers Challenger one is teleportation, the That is, in professional terms, damn impressive, and is one of the many reasons why John is the only cool person in that whole show. While Superman can win most clench hand battles, it likewise enables that slugs to ricochet off him without him even noticing. Spatial Movement 8. Essokinesis or Reality Warping is the ability to manipulate reality itself. Apparition/Disapparition 2. Do you have another superpower that is better? Transmutation (American Horror Story: Coven) Of all the superpowers you could possibly get, teleportation is definitely one of the most useful and powerful. Why not forget disintegration and reassembly, and simply concentrate on transporting material over large distances quickly? ( Log Out /  Do you like the sound of awaiting judgement day in the form of a paper-weight? Teleport 9. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. by Matthew Perpetua BuzzFeed Staff Click on the superpower you would like to have. Time to find out what's hiding inside! Translocation 11. It’s the first of the MTG Ravnica books, which is fun to get back into with Ravnica breaking into D&D. everyone, hopefully). The above link will take you to one of the coolest scenes in the X-Men franchise where, despite the weirdness of Alan Cummings wafting around like so much sulfuric bamf-smoke, Nightcrawler storms the goddamned White House single-handedly. Thing of the past. That the reason you chose this superpower is that you want to be incognito and/or sneaky. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Teleportation definition is - the act or process of moving an object or person by psychokinesis. What Is The Best Superpower? Oh, and I need at least 3 reasons why (: please&thankyou. Teleportation Superpower Essay, essay on wedding, basic facts homework sheets, essay on prevention against heat stroke 24/7 support We provide affordable writing services for students around the world. The reason why is their are a lot of fake people out there, and two faces. When it comes down to it, most comic book powers are pretty lame in real life. For those of you with a conscious who might be thinking ‘yeah, sounds cool if all I want to do is fuck over my fellow man but it’s a hard pass for me’ (yeah, I think there are some out there), I’d tell them to imagine all the shit you could do that’s perfectly damn legal! That superpower is teleportation. Of course teleportation is the best superpower, and I’m confident you know that regardless of how you feel about planes, trains, or automobiles. I am sure some of you are shaking your heads at the moment, saying things like “Nope, flight is better” or “invisibility trumps teleportation any day.” Well, I am here to tell you you are wrong, and here is why. It is a common subject in science fiction literature, film, video games, and television., film, video games, and television. You endured why we think each of the above powers has merit to be considered the “best superpower” and also why we think they’re not. If you like topics like this, check our podcast. Telekinesis. To this, I suggest my hypothetical readership should refrain from any Faustian bargains they may have in the works, because they have not thought this through. Instead of wasting time flying to your destination you could teleport there in the blink of an eye. This is why a character like Hulk, Professor X, Doctor Strange and Thanos will always triumph over someone like Plastic Man or Jubilee. And for this, I must draw your attention to 2008’s Hayden ‘My-Bad-Dialogue-In-Star-Wars-Was-George’s-Fault-I’m-Actually-An-Ok-Actor’ Christensen led sci-fi film, Jumper. to make conversation. 30.2m members in the AskReddit community. For example, in season 1, episode 4 of the all-around-meh CW show The Tomorrow People. So I don’t update this anywhere near frequently enough. the ability to move instantly from place to place using ONLY YOUR MIND. With the best of effort. ( Log Out /  ‘But surely,’ the avid readership I don’t have yet cries, ‘wouldn’t it be better altogether to just be immortal? You could argue that traveling isn’t the reason for choosing invisibility. This is a question that anyone at any age has asked friends, family, etc. Then you wouldn’t have to worry about not staying still in order to stay alive!’. An argument could be made that Quicksilver need not have died since he jumped in front of a gun to save someone else, so that’s not exactly his powers’ fault. We already know that you're a cool superhero, but we don't know what your superpower should be. Well the point I’m trying to make is that you can still be hit by random chance either way, but the time you’re open to chance is significantly lowered if you’re only tangible for another fraction of a second. Let's decide this once and for all. If you answered no to either, then you’re superpower is out of the running. Ok, yes, he does have super agility and acrobat training which helped him dodge a few bullets and kick a few more faces, but if teleportation is the only power you’re packing, you can do the same exact thing just by teleporting a few more times and appearing in just the right spot to face-kick anyone trying to hit you. Therefore, the best power for me would be teleportation. Teleportation can do the same thing, you could easily teleport to be sneaky or unseen. Cloaking into your surroundings is another classic superpower that humans have discussed over the campfire for centuries, and it's been a staple in science fiction since the 1897 H.G. The first thing I want to say is that not everyone is going to end up a super-hero/villain once they get juiced up, so usefulness in a fight does not necessarily translate to “best power,” but with that said, Teleportation is definitely the most useful in a fight. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. The first story is about how people don't have to depend on the weather anymore. Obviously Magneto is the coolest X-Men villain. What is the best superpower and why? Here’s something to think about when they start handing out super-powers, whether “they” is some cosmic space-god with a Santa disposition or a freak lab explosion that covers everyone in glowing goo: Now that’s a bold statement (literally…ok I’ll stop), because in media today super-powers are a dime a dozen. When in doubt, face-kick, face-kick, face-kick. The Expert always seems to scoff or turn their nose at the Subject. Please try again later. Tele-Transportation 10. CMV: Teleportation is objectively the best superpower Deltas (s) from OP You can fly by just teleporting into the sky for a while. That’s why we work without Teleportation Superpower Essay a … The significance of this isn’t that Bryan Singer really knew his stuff and made a really awesome X-Men sequel (he didn’t), but that were Nightcrawler in his right mind and possessed of a will to do so,  he totally would have killed the President of the United States, and nothing anybody could do, as we see in the scene, could stop him. He parties in Paris, has lunch on the Sphinx’s noggin, takes a date to the restricted part of the Colosseum, literally nothing is off limits. Phase-Jumping 6. Time control, you can stop it and do whatever you want. Telepathy, teleportation, super strength, invisibility or the ability to regenerate your cells? Take the quiz and find out! This is where teleportation really shines, day-to-day usefulness. If you are stuck in a sticky situation teleport out of it. May find some fun stuff to use there for my semi-ongoing game. While the question is a matter of opinion to most, there is essentially only one superpower that one would need and thus makes it the best. Because teleportation is great, but it causes some major problems as well.