Nutraceuticals, according to US Food Manufacturing, are types of foods or drinks which, through addition of certain active ingredients, can offer health benefits beyond the basic nutritional values other foods offer. These antioxidants … However, it is good to drink water when eating almond in order to quicken the digestive movement. Nowadays, California is the largest producer of almonds in the world. The seeds are usually small, cream coloured, and somewhat oval-shaped- with a little pointy tip, and hard. Almonds are the fruits plucked from the almond tree, and they have been embraced in … Chin Chin are best described as fried diced cookies made from wheat flour, eggs and butter. As a matter of fact, no social gathering in the southeastern region is complete without the presence of the kola nut. Likewise, does soursop grow in Nigeria? Pictures below: This particular fruit is big and green, when it is ripe it becomes brown or yellow, and gives off an aromatic scent, which is very pleasant and inviting. The authorities identify the name given at a particular period so that in future, if the name changes again, or the taxonomists reclassify it, the correct identification can be traced. It is important to note that too much of almond is bad as it contains oxalate which can cause kidney or gall bladder problems especially in those that eat the seeds often. You can also extract the milk from almond which is quite nutritious although it is less nutritious than cow’s milk. The Yoruba for almond is irugbin eso. Yorubas call Almonds ofio and it is known to have many health benefits. A process completed by Britain in 1914, imposed on and accepted by Nigerians. It also contains zinc, selenium, copper, and niacin. Common names in English include country almond, Indian almond, Malabar almond, sea almond, tropical almond, beach almond and false kamani. Commonly called nettle, big string nettle, common nettle, stinging nettle, Urtica dioica is a leafy plant found in most parts of Nigeria, but ubiquitous in the Southern parts. About Ackee Fruit and Its Health Benefits. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Your email address will not be published. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. As a matter of fact, there seems to be a health renaissance going on, and so everybody is looking to eat healthy and natural, and so quite naturally nuts come to the fore because they offer excellent options in these regards. In this post, we are talking about some of the many nutritional, healthy, and delicious nuts that you can find in Nigeria. This delicious fruit is referred to as “fruit”. Terminalia catappa is a large tropical tree in the leadwood tree family, Combretaceae, that grows mainly in the tropical regions of Asia, Africa, and Australia. Almond milk is a plant-based beverage made from filtered almonds and water. But Nigerians definitely don’t bother calling it tropical almond. Snacks. In this post, we’ll highlight some of these benefits. Re: Igbo Name For Fruits by jnrbayano(m): 2:35pm On Jan … Heart healthy. The botanical name is Prunus dulcis and it is native to the Middle East, India and some parts of Africa. The almond tree is a wonderful one that produces the nuts generally called ‘almonds’. Almonds are a grouped species of trees that are native to the Mediterranean climate region of the Middle East like Israel and Jordan. is a social media network for Nigerian Languages and Culture, where you can post, discover and share Nigerian videos, pictures, words, pronunciations & translations in Nigerian Languages (currently Hausa, Igbo, Pidgin, Yoruba) Jack Fruits which are commonly cultivated and eaten in the Southeastern region of Nigeria produce seeds that are a little smaller than chicken eggs. In Nigeria, there is a growing market for this product. In order to harvest the seeds, you have to pull the whole plant from the ground. It is not only for its unique taste and Italian girth, it is because it serves as base to a number of cocktails and drink mixes, as well as coming in handy for culinary purposes. A bottle of Crème de Violette. Some soups are served with large chunks of meat or vegetables left in the liquid, while others are served as a broth. LOL). Today there is a growing market for Kolanut because it has been identified as a source of caffeine that can be extracted and then used as a flavoring, and concentrate ingredient for beverages. Re: Igbo Name For Fruits by jnrbayano(m): 6:50pm On Jul 09, 2018; Odunnu: We learn e'day. Almonds are the edible seeds of Prunus dulcis, more commonly called the almond tree.. Almond trees can be found in Asia, Europe, North America and Africa. The ripe fruit is purple, white, violet or light green; depending on the variety. Yoruba Name For Almonds – Ofio These delicious nuts are now popular in the southwest region of Nigeria, and many Yorubas are trying to know the Yoruba Name For Almond. In some places, crushed almonds are usually garnished with some delicacies. 1 talking about this. Almonds are packed with nutrients that promote the development and health of the human brain. is a social media network for Nigerian Languages and Culture, where you can post, discover and share Nigerian videos, pictures, words, pronunciations & translations in Nigerian Languages (currently Hausa, Igbo, Pidgin, Yoruba) Almond fruit is that oval shaped fruit that we used to eat back then .It falls off from the tree once it’s ripe. Macadamia nuts are the product of the Macadamia tree, which is an evergreen genus of Macadamia. After eating the fruits you are met with a hardback that may fool you into thinking that there is nothing else to get from the fruits. LEDC: Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda, Malawi, Zambia, Botswana, Ghana and many more. It is sometimes served for breakfast. It's that thing we generally call 'fruit' (at least we used to, while I was growing up. It is also used as a massage oil for growing children to aid in their muscle growth. Our trade process spreads across CIF and FOB depending on the buyer's preference. Peanut is a major cash crop grown in the tropical and subtropical areas of the world. Almonds are a grouped species of trees that are native to the Mediterranean climate region of the Middle East like Israel and Jordan. Make this drink. Crops that are frequently affected by Aspergillus spp. The soursop tree can thrive in any tropical region of the world including Nigeria. Almond Green Estate is a well planned and structured environment both for investment and living, you cannot go wrong in buying into this property. Tropical almonds are popularly called "fruit" in Nigeria, West Africa; it contains certain minerals which are very important to human health because they serve as cofactors for many metabolic processes in the body. Family Law in Nigeria: All You Need to Know, First Class Kings In Nigeria: The Full List, Divorce Process/ Proceedings/ Procedure in Nigeria, Nigerian Army Salary Per Month (Current Breakdown). Although the melon fruit is sweet, edible, and fleshy, the focus is usually on the seeds which are usually dried, peeled by hand, and then ground to serve as an ingredient for cooking one of Nigeria’s most famous soups- the egusi soup! Maybe you can find one that appeals to you, and perhaps even be inspired to start a business venture packaging and distributing naturally packaged freshly picked nuts to shops and supermarkets in your area. The tree can grow as high as 14 m (46 ft), but the dwarf cultivars, growing up to 6 m (20 ft), prove more profitable, with earlier maturity and greater yields. The almond (Prunus dulcis, syn. In Nigeria, they are called egusi, which is the name for the nut which comes from the fruits which are as big as pawpaws, and look like watermelon fruits, to which they are no doubt closely related. What Yorubas called Ofio is Tiger Nuts. So are you curious about how almond milk is made in factory? Another name for fenugreek in Nigeria is hulba, although fenugreek is also frequently used. The trees can, however, grow to immense proportions. In a nutshell, that parable is of the Muslim Students Society of Nigeria (MSSN) which is like the Almond tree. In Nigeria, however, the variety of almonds which you will readily find is the Tropical Almond (also called Indian almond, but Nigerians simply call it ‘fruit.’) They are usually big evergreen trees that have broad hairless leaves. It is amazing to see how much fertility their lands have to grow so many things! An outer covering, known as the shell protects the edible seeds. It is also known in some places as groundnuts. Almonds are fruit ... enclosing a hard shell that contains the seed—which is, coincidentally, the edible part of the fruit. Almond nuts are very expensive but the fruits are readily available in Nigeria. Almond is packed with fiber which promotes bowel movement when consumed. Ogi/Akamu is corn pudding common in Nigeria, called Ogi by the Yorubas and Akamu by the Igbos. The tree is a tropical evergreen tree of the Treculia family. Everyone is familiar with almonds: these nuts can be enjoyed in a variety of ways, including eaten whole, turned into almond butter, or used in desserts and breakfasts. It is ivory in color when raw and commonly dyed yellow with borututu root or palm oil.It is widely used in cosmetics as a moisturizer, salve or lotion.Shea butter is edible and is used in food preparation in some African countries. What is Almond called in Nigeria? "There was a herbal concoction which we used, but it didn't work," said Soweba, a slight woman with almond-shaped eyes. The kola nut plays such an important role in the traditional way of life of the peoples of southern Nigeria. We make delicious and healthy meals for individuals, companies and events. The authorities identify the name given at a particular period so that in future, if the name changes again, or the taxonomists reclassify it, the correct identification can be traced. A developing country, also called a less-developed country, is a nation with a low living standard, underdeveloped industrial base, and low Human Development Index relative to other countries. It is the fruit of the evergreen kola tree and is native to the tropical rain forests of Africa, among which the southern regions of Nigeria belongs. Nigeria is such a rich country in Nuts and the entire agriculture industry. Ritual and ceremonial masks are an essential feature of the traditional culture of the peoples of a part of Sub-Saharan Africa, e.g. The fruits appear green and have their seeds on the outside, just attached to the fruit at the tip. Phosphorus is component of almond and this has been found to have a considerable impact on the strength and durability of bones and teeth while preventing or delaying the onset of age-related conditions like osteoporosis. The almond found in Nigeria is the sweet type and it is usually eaten raw. Here you will get a best meniere’s disease treatment. Is soursop good for ulcer? Almonds contain folic acid which is known to reduce the incidence of birth defects especially neural tube related defects. Almond Joy Because Amaretto brings nothing less than pure joy, we will start with the Almond Joy. Cashew nuts come from cashew trees, The Cashew tree is a tropical evergreen tree that produces the cashew apple. The scientific names used here are adopted from Burkill (1985 ff.) Boil them and you will be treated with another delight. Until recently the only companies I could find were a New Zealand company called Natural Sugars (they only supply Australasia) and the Spanish company, Ecomil (which you can buy here on Amazon). MEDC is blue and LEDC is red. How to Cook With Semolina . Likewise, does soursop grow in Nigeria? Almond oil is a brilliant moisturizer as it contains olein glyceride linoleic acid. makes information easily accessible for everyone. See Also: How To Start A Lucrative Almond Farming Business In Nigeria: The Complete Guide . Burnt Toasted Almond. They are green when new, but become yellow when ripe. It is a chemical element with the formula Be₃Al₂SiO₆. 2. ( Yoruba Name For Almond ). It looks like this: Cherry. You can also extract the milk from almond which is quite nutritious although it is less nutritious than cow’s milk. Furthermore, what is the local name for Almond? This seed which has been overlooked for many years now has enormous economic potential. They are native to the Middle East, but the US is now the … How to mix. Nigeria was at one time the biggest producer of peanuts in Africa and a major producer in the world. The fruits are usually dark green when new, but are usually light green/ yellow or purple/ violet when ripe (there are two types of this fruit). The nuts can also be used to make several products such as almond milk, almond butter, and almond oil. it is called Almond. It is used for sweet puddings in Europe and is a staple ingredient in Nigeria, where it's boiled with water and eaten with stews and soups. The decree nisi is a provisional decree of divorce pronounced when the court is satisfied that a person has met the legal and procedural requirements to obtain a divorce.Following the pronouncement of decree nisi, the marriage still exists and you are not yet ‘divorced’. Ice Cubes; ⅔ Part 20 ml ⅔ oz Amaretto; ⅔ Part 20 ml ⅔ oz Absolut Vodka; 1⅓ Parts 40 ml 1⅓ oz Cream; ⅓ Part 10 ml ⅓ oz Cream Liqueur; ⅓ Part 10 ml ⅓ oz Kahlúa; Parts ml oz. Amaretto, Absolut Vodka, Cream, Cream Liqueur, Kahlúa. Almonds Are High in Vitamin E. Vitamin E is a family of fat-soluble antioxidants. Christopher Abani (born 1966, Nigeria/US) Sait Faik Abasıyanık (1906–1954, Turkey) Carmine Abate (born 1954, Italy) Milan Kujundžić Aberdar (1842–1893, Serbia) Siôn Abel (fl. Gold mining in Nigeria In Nigeria, all operations about gold from production to exploration, mining, and refining was mainly significant in the year 1913 with its highest production in the early 1930s. Supermarkets everywhere in the world also stock peanut butter which is the process version of the seeds which has become immensely popular, giving rise to a multi-million dollar market for the product. (countable) An almond is the nut which comes from the almond tree. It provides the fastest, easiest and most innovative way for you to find information about businesses, real estate, automobiles, jobs, events, travel, sports, entertainment, health, education, technology and lots more. Your email address will not be published. The number of producers that manufacture powdered almond milk are on the rise. In fact, research has linked in take of vitamin E with a lower likelihood of heart diseases. That’s all on the list of types of nuts in Nigeria. In some places, crushed almonds are usually garnished with some delicacies. Almond. Grocery stores may carry raw ones for cooking, roasted ones for snacking, ground ones for pastes and … Find more Yoruba words at! The eldest man in the gathering usually blesses it and then it is shared to all present. Are almond skins bad for you? The almond found in Nigeria is the sweet type and it is usually eaten raw. Required fields are marked *. It helps to bring a glow to your skin and also acts as a mild disinfectant for wounds. by nkem79: 1:31pm On Apr 13, 2015; Propagated by seed the fast-growing Tropical Almond reaches 30 to 55-feet talls on average but can grow to 80 feet. Awka . The almond fruit contains riboflavin and L-carnitine, which have been linked with increased brain activity resulting in new neural pathways as well as the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease. This seed is what is popularly known as “cashew nut.” Nigerians have roasted this nut and eaten it alone or with a light meal called Garri for many years. Blood Pressure Regulation. Feeding growing children with almond has been linked with a higher intellectual capacity. by GoodWife: 8:02pm On Mar 02, 2013; That's tropical almond . Melons are crawling vines that are aptly classified as annual crops. Which dialect call groundnut okpa? Fill a shaker with ice cubes. But you have to care; there are four species of the plant, three of which are edible while one, M. jansenii, produces nuts that are harmful. The Journal of Nutrition reports that consumption of walnuts may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, and that walnut oil provides more favourable benefits to endothelial function, which is the lining of the inside of our blood and lymphatic vessels. Almonds can be nutritious and tasty as a snack, and almond milk is a useful dairy substitute. Actually, there are. I made this decision after a long period contemplating to move career due to family life and the demands of the job I had. Break that shell and you find a nut inside. Almonds are seeds from the fruits of almond tree. You will usually need a knife to open the thick skin of this fruit, and then you will find a very tasty and succulent inside of the fruit. Some of the things I liked in Almond Careers is the class room training apart from the online e-work experience. Kolanut is one type of nuts in Nigeria that the people of the country can truly call their own native nut. Almond is not popular among yorubas. My opinion though . Tropical Almond lives in the lowlands to a height of 500 meters with rainfall of 1,000 to 3,500 mm per year. The oil can be used for massage therapy with at corporate chair massage in boston ma and it is particularly recommended for newborns. Almond Quick Facts. include cereals (corn, sorghum, wheat and rice), oilseeds (soybean, peanut, sunflower and cotton seeds), spices (chili peppers, black pepper, coriander, turmeric and ginger) and tree nuts (pistachio, almond, walnut, coconut and Brazil nut). Almond is rich in vitamin E, calcium, phosphorous, iron, and magnesium. What Is Lemon? There are many nuts in the bushes of Nigeria which if you eat them you will end up in a hospital. *ALMOND GREEN ESTATE OKUN AJAH LEKKI SCHEME 2 Welcome to one of the newest development in the corridors of Lekki Scheme 2, a place where you can call home. 4. Almond trees can be found in Asia, Europe, North America and Africa. Crème de violette (violet) Creme Yvette (violet, vanilla) Rosolio (rose) St-Germain (elderflower) OM Vanilla & Rose Liqueur; Fruit liqueurs. Over the years, studies have revealed that almond can be used a treatment for heart discorders, brain diseases, diabetes, constipation, respiratory disorders, cough, anemia and impotency. And in Rote, you will call it “lisa”. What is the difference between decree nisi and decree absolute? Almond is rich in vitamin E, calcium, phosphorous, iron, and magnesium. Crème de Noyaux – Almond, apricot kernel, or peach kernel; Creme de violette – Violet; Creme Yvette – Violet, fruit, and others; Parfait d'Amour – Varies by maker, typically flowers with citrus; Flower liqueurs. Ingredients. Re: What Is Its Original Name? Grocery stores may carry raw ones for cooking, roasted ones for snacking, ground ones for pastes and chopped almonds for garnishes and salads. Topography: Dry Land Title: Governor's Consent Lemon is a sour yellow oval citrus fruit with thick skin and fragrance, it is used for many purposes, and the juice is also acidic. Shea butter (/ ʃ iː /, / ˈ ʃ iː ə /, or / ʃ eɪ /) is a fat extracted from the nut of the African shea tree (Vitellaria paradoxa). Well, the Yoruba Name For Almonds is simply Ofio. Add all ingredients. These seeds can also be eaten roasted if you prefer that nutty flavor that comes with the burning of the outer layer of the seeds. Tiger Nuts The name “Tiger nut” is yet to stick to this sweet root from Northern Nigeria. Has a lot of fibre and the almond nut at its core. This helps to lower the risk of atherosclerosis and other related heart disease. Sweet, flavoured with almond, and linked to the Italian region of Saronno, Amaretto is one of the most popular liqueurs that should never be lacking from your bar. as the most recent authoritative source. This seed is called an "almond." The almond (Prunus dulcis, syn. This cocktail mixes amaretto with coconut rum and creme de cacao for a drink that every candy lover will die for. Deciduous, it forms a symmetrical, upright tree with horizontal branches that reach 35 feet in width.