For details about welding schools in major cities like Dallas, San Antonio, Houston, El Paso, and Austin, keep scrolling. Moreover, welding has a great outlook in Texas so you can find a job easily. ATI Career Training Center Welding 1417 S Valley Mills Drive, Waco, TX 76711 Phone: (888) 209-8264 Accredited with pipe welding and blue print reading classes plus welding certifications. The US Department of Labor claims that the number of job offers in this sphere will increase by 22 500. The program is a partnership with the American Welding Society and provides an unparalleled standard of excellence for welder training, qualification and certification. The Iron Workers/AWS National Welding Certification Program is a highly respected and nationally recognized program. Certification for Texas welders can be initiated through the American Welding Society website ( Austin Community College Welding Technology Riverside Campus 1020 Grove Blvd. The website contains all required application forms, as well as a list of accredited testing facilities in Texas. Texas has almost 180 welding certification schools all over the state. Apply for welding certification. A certified welder has passed the AWS D1.5 Bridge Welding Code qualification outlined in Texas' 2014 Standard Specifications for Construction and Maintenance of Highways, Streets, and Bridges, Article 448.4.2.2, "Certified Steel Structures Welder." Employment can be wide ranging, including jobs working in manufacturing shops, maintenance shops, steel erection operations, ship building yards or oil fields. Other related jobs can include rig building or wild life and ranch-related welding. All welding for certification must be performed in the presence of testing lab personnel. All in all, there are 179 Top Welding Schools for Certification in Texas. Schedule your certification test at an accredited test facility. The Welding CE Certificate consist of two (2) required course sections, taken in the following order: WLDG-1000 Introduction to Welding; WLDG-1043 Intermediate Arc Welding Gerald Austin 423-914-1481: Texas: Alamo Colleges: St. Philips College S.W. 16380 Hwy 290 W Burton, TX 77835 You can register and pay online 24/7 or you may call our office at (979) 289-9000 to register and pay with a credit … Top 179 Welding Certification Schools in Texas. Austin, TX 78701 512-416-2232 Testing Laboratories TxDOT does not maintain a list of approved testing laboratories, which must have a Certified Welding Inspector (CWI) and an American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) Level II Examiner available to perform tests and interpret results. The Top Welding Schools for Certification in Texas: Finding Welding Schools Near Me. The Welding Technology Department is located in Building C on the Riverside campus and in Building 5000 on the Round Rock campus.. All continuing education, Art Metals, and Welding Inspection classes are taught at the Riverside location. Building C Austin, TX 78741 Phone: (512) 223-6220 Round Rock Campus Texas has opportunities waiting for welders like you all over the region in a variety of industries. Austin Community College offers two different classes, both of which transfer to our Welding Technology credit department as technical electives. Schedule your test. Below is the contact information for each.