My mom still smokes Benson & Hedges. Belair was discontinued ( 2001-2002 ) shortly after RJ Reynolds purchased Brown & WIlliamson. The sender point depends on the brand you order. Captain Earl's Honor Blend Year 1999. I remember all those old smokes from when I was a kid I use to watch the vending machine guy load em up at my father's gas station .I. But,Smoking is certainly not cool any more. If it wasn't so bad for you I would still do it. Now, I'm on the e cigs. Just rememberring for some reason. And my mom started having breathing problems shortly before she died (of complications from diabetes.). Of course, I also grew up in the days when almost everyone's drinking glasses tended to be comprised of used snuff jars... the design is so hilarious anyway, compare the design this day.except : Benson & Hedges, you can get a lady if you smoke this ( too bad they already disapear). I still needed my "nic fix," but couldn't handle my usual brand and Carlton cigs were mild enough to handle. Aw man, if only I had gotten a chance to taste them. I remember all the brands..."Satin" was okay,and "True"..they were mild..but as prices went up,and I started coughing, I quit too,as one other here had said. Time left 3d 9h left. Both Raleigh and Camel offered incentives on their packs up until the 1990s. Pretty sure Chesterfield had coupons, too. After a brief flirtation with Marlboro reds (yawn) and Winston, which by the way would always remain as my once in a blue moon choice of non menthol cigarettes, I fell in love with Kool soft pack and remained faithful until 1982 when I graduated high school and switched to Kool Milds. Rare cigarette case, vintage cigarette case, collection cigarette case, cigarette case,russian antiques bestshopsoviethings. Well, this was a nice trip down Memory Lane. Not sure if those are still available. Interior marked with black stencil "Sweet Caporal Cigarette" and "The purest form in which tobacco can be smoked". Alamy and its logo are trademarks of Alamy Ltd. and are registered in certain countries. I started smoking in the late '60s,a brand not shown here, with the "Recessed Filters", PARLIAMENT! ... New Listing Marlboro Man Lights Cigarettes Original Print Ad 1972 Tobacco Cowboy Vintage . Prima cigarettes, red army cigarettes, retro, vintage. 5 out of 5 stars. 6 Kings, Carlton Long size, Silk Cut King Size, Picadilly King size, Player's Gold Leaf King size, Rothmans., Sobranie cigarettes advert, advertising in Country Life magazine UK 1951,,, Marlboro Cigarettes billboard in Los Angeles, CA circa 1976,,, Vintage American Matchbook advertising Chestefield Cigarettes,, Same here, I loved the era of cigarette smoking. They should raise the price to 20 Dollars a pack. About a year later, I think it was RJ Reynolds that came out with a new brand called BRIGHT which were cool and sweet tasting like peppermint candy and I really liked 'em. My favourite US brand was Lark (see, someone did smoke them). 1) Panter Arome, Made in Holland 2) Benson and Henges Super Virginia Cigarette, London, UK 3) Three Nuns Tobacco "None Nicer" J&F Bell, Glasgow 4) Flying Dutchman Aromatic Pipe Tobacco, Product of Holland 5) Cafe Creme Noir, Cigars, Henri Wintermans 6) Scooters, Henri Wintermans 7) Pikeur Ritmeester, Cigars, Made in Holland Buy from more than one kijiji listing and pay less. At times I would smoke Dorals because they were cheaper than my usual brand and I just wanted to save a little money. I think Raleigh was one of them. :-). Trade Mark Kinney Bros. - Manufactured by Imperial Tobacco Co. of Canada, Limited, Successor, Montreal Canada. I am Canadian so Does anyone remember Black Cat cigarettes? or Best Offer. Your Lightboxes will appear here when you have created some. Marlboro did something similar where you could save the side of the pack marked with "Marlboro Miles" and that pretty much worked the same was as Camel Cash where you could purchase various items of Marlboro merchandise. I remember those crushed red soft packages on every surface of our house. I remember Black Cat making a brief comeback in the 1990s before disappearing again. Expect to rehydrate. Watch; D 1 S O p o T G n 9 O 1 6 6 N s o r e d. Vintage Unopened More 120's Cigarette Tobacco Promotional Playing Cards. What a time we had! Same here, I loved smoking and were it not for the fact that it's so unhealthy, I would still be doing it. (Found out that B&W were adding tons of additives to them) I now have an anyurism of the heart from smoking "Kent" and "Parliament" even tho I quit 19 years ago. It is being produced by the Gallaher… I JUST FOUND THIS SITE BY LOOKING 4 COUPONS, MY MOM ALWAYS SMOKED WINSTON 100'S BUT I REMEMBER HER TRYING A CIGARETTE SHE SAID THEY TASTED LIKE A LEMON, ANYONE REMEMBER A CIGARETTE LIKE THAT? You left out a brand that was big in the fifties and sponsored many old comedy and varity shows! ��. Ebay removed the 40 vintage cigarette packs that I had listed. Vintage ads are shown here in fair use context. I'll never forget all the excitement of smoking a cigarette between classes in college, and how everyone on campus seemed to light up with enthusiasm. Smoked for 20 years, then quit for 23 years. LMFAO!!! But you can buy 20 no-names made from local tobacco for just over $1, and many people prefer these. I sincerely hope that no one will hate me for mentioning that there was never any physical or psychological withdrawal to speak of for whatever reason. My grandparents smoked Raleighs and had shoeboxes full of the Raleigh coupons in their closet. Vantages were were Viceroy. My great aunt used to smoke Raleighs and had amassed thousands of coupons. Camel was always my brand and I got a ton of stuff with camel cash. Today's EVE is completely changed. Although I thought the asbestos was gone by then, I heard that's not entirely the case (the factory in which the asbestos filters were used were never cleaned and purified. I really want to fish for some pike and musky, eat some poutine, and make a trip to good ole Tim Horton's! Captain Earl's Ten Russians Blend Year 1999. How about maverick and Harley Davidson smokes. Find great deals on eBay for vintage cigarette packs. Plain and Simple..but a beautiful Pack. Mores were just strange, both in look and in taste, never liked them. I eventually smoked B&H Menthols for years and that was my last brand before quitting. Grandma smoked Merit Ultra-Lite 100s in the blue pack. People still have the right to do what they want with their own bodies in their own homes and the very LAST thing we need to be doing is creating ANOTHER black market that's out of reach of some level of regulatory control. VintageUSSR1902. The old joke was: Use your Raleigh coupons to get your iron lung(if you don't know what an iron lung is, Google it! Approx. or Best Offer +$3.99 shipping. Brand New. (Update 3/30/15: See also Forgotten Cigarette Brands Part II) Cigarettes today are not what they used to be. History's Dumpster = GLORIOUS trash! I then switched to Pall Mall menthols, (also owned by RJ Reynolds by then), as they tasted identical to the Belairs, before quitting for good in 2003. He had quit smoking about 40 yrs prior to his death and blamed smoking. $75.00. From Romania +C $3.84 shipping. From the early 70s, the tobacco manufacturers added a large number of King Size brands. I started statted smoking at 9 yrs old. Flooding the market with coupons for free packs and also a free carton occasionally was definitely an incentive as well as I recall. or Best Offer +C $3.84 shipping. Pre-Owned. Brussels, BELGIUM - July 7, 2019: Cuban Cigar shop in the downtown. For more information see Vintage cigarette packets Vintage ads are shown here in fair use context. I also liked Merit and Vantage cigs from time to time when I wanted something different. They feature three popular brands of cigarette from that time. Call for Philip Morris! When he took them out, he could only smoke a third of the length because they all broke off. Woodbines were cheap cigarettes targeted at the working man. Vintage Players Navy Cut Cigarette magazine advertisement with the strapline Players Please published February 1947., True cigarettes billboard in Los Angeles, CA circa 1971, My Dad and Stepmother used to smoke Vantage in the late 70's. Whatever they're smoking now smells like doggie poo, straw and used condoms all rolled into one. From left to right and top to bottom: Benson and Hedges, Embassy King Size, Player's Kings, Player's No. I check the mail every day, but no luck. I can still remember walking in a convenience store and seeing huge selections of cigs, and it was fun trying different brands. $9.29. The Micronite Filter was long gone with the asbestos added. C $3.84. Welcome to the best cigarettes online Store,We Wholesale Newport cigarettes online,Newport 100s cigarettes,Marlboro Cigarettes,parliament cigarettes,lucky strike cigarettes,l&m cigarettes,winston cigarettes,dunhill cigarettes,buy cheap cigarettes from,save 50% off ! We Have A Cure For That! Can't think of the name and can't find on the net. from 1981- 2000, then I switched to Parliament lights box, now called Parliament , I think they dropped the "lights". There were always a handful of brands at the end of the overhead bin that I never remember selling, like Silvas. UK Library of Cigarette & Tobacco Brands 1870 - 1980; Smokers handbooks 1912, 1925, 1932, 1935, 1946; Old Price Lists 1883 - 1910; All available in a PDF format - Free to download Raleighs...I forgot all about those until I saw the photo. thank GOD I quit, very stupid thing to do. I simply went out and bought a pack of Salem for $.65 at the corner candy store because I somehow knew I would enjoy the taste of menthol and I figured that since it was already my Dad's brand, why the hell not? Gawd they were nasty-tasting! IN GOOD+ CONDITION, wear as obvious in pic over last 60+ years. But it would be an unmitigated DISASTER to make tobacco illegal altogether. This site does not endorse any advertisement. My mother died from lung cancer, she smoked Kent cigs. But, I got chronic asthma,and My Aunt had breathing problems due to smoking Kent. A weird one is Pall Mall Red unfiltered. Vintage "Sweet Caporal Cigarette" 50 Flat Tobacco Tin Box (1930 to 1940s) Empty Tin Box. And driving up the price could spawn black market dealers (who could adulterate their products in ways that could make Lorillard look ethical.). The Internet Museum Of Flexi/Cardboard/Oddity Records. Lol. Strange Ideas In Computing History: Software On Vi... "I've Never Been To Me" Charlene (1976/1982). It's uncertain times here, so many people are torching up. They are still manufactured, at least in Europe! Save vintage cigarettes unopened to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. My mom and I smoked Kents in the early '80s. But for a brief time in the early 60s I smoked (and liked) a (probably obscure) menthol brand that came in a dark blue soft pack. Vintage cigarette advertising, 1950s. I enjoyed cigarettes, which makes it very difficult to quit them. On the top row are two of the most popular cigarette brands of all time: Player's Medium (or Player's Navy) and Wills Wild Woodbine. I never smoked, but I worked in a drug store in the 80s. Too bad they didn't last for long. Rather than featuring a solid filter like most cigarette brands, Vantage's filter features a conical hole in its center. Introduced in 1879, Sobranie is one of the oldest cigarette brands in the world. They were really good. Mine are all from the 20th century, being 20-80 years old. He got really mad when he found out... but Thank God he quit later. Thank God for these e cigs. Don’t Think I’ve Forgotten: Cambodia’s Lost Rock-N... Broadcasting Archives @ the University of Maryland, Music You (Possibly) Won't Hear Anyplace Else. I also liked "TRUE" and "PARLIAMENT" (which are still made,but hard to find. Lorillard Tobacco changed the Pack,and "dropped" the Micronite Filter (it no longer has it on the Pack)..and it is a dead cigarette. .. I continued smoking those until they stopped making them sometime later in the 80's and then I returned to Kool Milds which I would keep on smoking until I started experiencing shortness of breath in 2011 at age 47 and I decided that after a pleasurable 35 years and no intention of giving up my beloved marijuana, it was time to call it quits with the cigarettes in order to salvage my remaining lung capacity and keep right on breathing as we speak. Have you ever taste Gudang Garam cigarettes yet? Terms and conditions ~
Larks were great but hard to find...I smoked as many as I could. a lady's cigarette (box,at least) should be pretty and fashionable. The cigarettes were terrible but had kind of a cool package. Attention: we do not ship from within Canada or USA. How about Players, Peter Jackson, Export A still selling these. Durable and hard wearing enough to withstand the pollution and weather for years. hen I started i the 1960's..they were 30 cents a pack. This is a list of current cigarette brands. I remember they were saving up for something from the catalog but never got it. When these were introduced in 1971..there was only 2 kinds...Full Flavor,and Full Flavor Menthol.Soft Pack. It has the brands, Mercury, Spear, Cabert and Minuet brand name printed on both sides. $19.99. Anyway, I smoked or at least tried many of these brands. Cigarettes have always been gross and deadly. Billboard promoting Winston cigarettes with an attractive male model not seen smoking in Los Angeles, CA. I absolutely loved smoking! My parents smoked that vile Kent brand. It should have been banned years ago..these companies lied to all of us consumers. Great times; nothing bothered you with a smoke in your hands. I was an intelligent and somewhat precocious kid and I was well aware of all of the possible health risks even then and I knew what I was doing. Their method of being able to tell who's pack was who's was where the tear in the bottom was made. I thank my lucky stars & good fortune to have quit some 47 years ago & wish I had never started in the first place .but it was then the grown up thing to do. I;m trying to sell the pack but don't know the value. Sitemap. I hated that they would make him sick, so I would bend the whole soft pack in half and back again. This site does not endorse any advertisement. blessings be with you my friend.Times are uncertain in all walks of life. They are just plain nasty smelling. I had a girlfriend in the '80s who smoked Virginia Slims and Satin (for a while) - she loved the Satins but said she found them hard to find, so she became a devoted VS girl. Yes..I smoked Kent in the 70's and 80's. Shop the top 25 most popular Cigarettes Vintage at the best prices! Vintage ads are shown here in fair use context. I ordered a free carton of Barclay's 35 years ago and have still not received them. Marlboro (US: / ˈ m ɑːr l ˌ b ʌr oʊ /, UK: / ˈ m ɑːr l b ər ə, ˈ m ɔː l-/) is an American brand of cigarettes, currently owned and manufactured by Philip Morris USA (a branch of Altria) within the United States, and by Philip Morris International (now separate from Altria) outside the United States. And the way the cigarettes were made was covered up.And to think how many people died because of this horrific, vile habit. Belairs were indeed superior to Salems & if you still smoke & loved them, I recommend the Pall Mall menthols. In the 80s, she switched over to Benson & Hedges. Cigarette packets from the 1920s and 1930s Pictured right above, is a collection of cigarette packets from the 20s and 30s. I quit smoking in 1964 when cigarettes cost .27 a pack. These enamel advertising signs adorned the walls of grocers and other small shops in the post-War years. Factory-made cigarettes, when contrasted … I too, liked RJR's "Bright" Brand. Buy It Now. Selective focus with s,, Craven A vintage Enamel Sign metal advertising wall sign, Vintage Tobacco promises grade A quality tobacco products such as cigarettes and classic … I had to endure my teenage years without her. 1954 U.S. Christmas advertisement for R.J. Reynolds tobacco brands: Camel, Cavalier and Winston cigarettes, and Prince Albert smoking tobacco. I first started smoking Pall Mall unfiltered, pilfered from my dad., Number 7 cigarettes advert advertising in Country Life magazine UK 1951, I remember standing on a chair at age 3, washing out the ashtrays after the dinner dishes were done. Pall Mall unfiltered was the original specialty cigarette, it was the 1st 85mm non-filtered cigarette, the size of filtered cigarettes. Until this month they were allowed to be sold with a disclaimer attached. Turkish latakia tobacco or Bulgartabac I got from Sophia were my real favourites though. As of 2014, they could still be purchased at some Walgreen's drug stores in Texas. Every gallery's images are © by their original company or artist. Theme images by, History's Dumpster for Smartphones, Tablets and Old/Slow Computers, Larks,Tareyton and Merits I smoked all brands.I was never a real smoker though...smoked Kools when it became the cool thing to do...then I quit at 37, I smoked larks for years... show me your lark pack was the slogan. Funny thing is..I was in Germany last year,and they still have the "Flowered Packs" over there. I'm not Canadian, but I've spent a few summers in Canada and I definitely remember Black Cat, Players, and Export A cigarettes. Enjoyed it for over 35 years and would start again if ever there's a safe way to do it. There was also Belair that had coupons on the pack and a strip of coupons in each carton. I started smoking about 10 years before you, so I tried (or know of) just about any brand that was available in the U.S. Newport (with the hint of mint) was great too, but you missed those, as Lorillard changed the look (A really nice chic package) and the blend of those in 1969. Watch; Vintage Ladd's Imperial Cigarettes Package. The oh-so-edgy Magna and the businessman's Barclay. Spring (Lorillard) came out with a Lemony menthol too in the early 90's. Had to be the box, not the soft pack, because they tasted different. Back in the day when I used to be a smoker I would smoke Carlton cigarettes when I had a cold. The price 2 packs of cigarettes. Lucky Strike was not big in the 60's it was the biggest in the 30's through the 60's. There will be smoking casualties for decades to come unfortunately. 1 x 50 gm $ 25.00 a tin each. Love the fake face in the Virginia Slims photo, as if someone forgot that was added in there. Brand New. The following items provide Tobacciana collectors with invaluable information to assist in dating and valuing vintage and antique cigarette and tobacco products. I too remember making ashtrays in school. In my corner of the world (Saskatchewan), a pack of cigarettes will free your wallet of $15 (sometimes more, depending on the brand). light smoking can be enjoyable if tobacco hasn't been tampered with, the the paper should be organic and tar/nicotine low. Time left 9d 6h left. Discover over 2523 of our best selection of Cigarettes Vintage on with top-selling Cigarettes Vintage brands. 0 bids. Seeing comments are closed I'll use the reply section to correct the author. Merit 100s were vile-tasting, like they were artificially flavored. 7. though...serious smokers consider ultra light/low tar cigs a waste! Free returns. These signs were found having been recycled in a barn to reinforce the old wooden floor, and had never been used for their original purpose. I liked them - strong, but smooth and easy to inhale. I liked Mores too. I actually found Montclair outside of Kalispell Sept. Wasn't menthol anymore and were pretty bad and cheep and burned down quick. Extremely common in the Black community of smokers. A great smoke!! Always smoked Marlboro red box. RJ Reynolds supports their Salem brand. This site does not endorse any advertisement. Regular and Lights. 241,850,861 stock photos, vectors and videos,,, Vintage American Matchbook advertising Chestefield Cigarettes (rear or back view),, Drugs cigarettes of brands preserved in old cigar,, Museum of Cars of Socialism - Peshtera, Pazardzhik Region, Bulgaria -October 10, 2019. Why you speak about Kent in past time? Anyone? My folks smoked Tareytons. Never got any satisfaction from 'weed', but tobacco hit the spot. I tried them twice, and it was so so menthol. And now, with all the additives (many)!!!! Every gallery's images are © by their original company or artist. I smoked Tareyton 100s as my regular brand for a while in the late '70s/early '80s. never smoked but remember my grandfather and aunts and uncles. You really didn't miss much from not trying the lemon "Twist's" by American Tobacco. In this article, Eric Beeson talks about collecting vintage cigarette lighters, including brands such as Zippo, Ronson, and Dunhill. When I ran out of the Camels I brought with me I would smoke Players or Export A cigarettes and I found the Export A brand to be closest to what I smoked., Vintage cigarette advertising sign on a wall of a abandoned building not much rust on it due to it being kept underneath the overhang protecting it fr,, Du Maurier cigarettes advert advertising in Country Life magazine UK 1951,, large collection of Cigarette card illustrations all vintage,, Capstan cigarette tobacco advert, advertising in Country Life magazine UK 1951,, Perfectos cigarette advertisement from 1907 The Studio an Illustrated Magazine of Fine and Applied Art,, Player's number 3 cigarette advert, advertising in Country Life magazine UK 1951,, State Express 333 cigarette card Sports Champions boxer Len Harvey. I wished I'd have never smoked. And prior to the change..they were regular size, then 100s..then 120s..then back to 100s..and the Pack..(even with the Flowers) was changed so many times that how did Liggett..expect Braand Loyalty?? No peer pressure or any literal or metaphorical gun was ever held to my head. Brand New. Red Virginia, Cavendish, Turkish with Perique. Never smoked but I remember a lot of the older brands listed here that were in the cigarette machine at my Dad's service station. Silhouetted view of cut out billboard of the Marlboro Man cowboy promotiing cigarettes on the Sunset Strip in Los Angeles, Califorina circa 1980s. Every gallery's images are © by their original company or artist.,, John Player & Sons, Perfectos cigarette advertisement from 1914 The Studio an Illustrated Magazine of Fine and Applied Art,,, Playing cards advertising cigarette brands,, Victorian advert for Ogden's Guinea-Gold cigarettes circa 1899,,,, Belair cigarettes billboard in Los Angeles circa 1972,,,, Playing cards advertising cigarette brands 1930-1940,, Victorian archives advert for Ogden's Guinea-Gold cigarettes circa 1900 featuring Boer of War soldiers,, Vintage British Matchbook advertising Mayfair Cigarettes,,, Edwardian advert for Gallaher Gold Plate cigarettes circa 1904,,, Victorian advert for Ogden's Guinea-Gold cigarettes circa 1900 Soldiers of the Queen,, Victorian advert for Ogden's Guinea-Gold cigarettes circa 1900 featuring child smoking,, Ogden's Guinea-Gold cigarettes advert circa 1900 Victorian featuring Boer of War soldiers,, Advert for Matinee Turkish cigarettes circa 1920 by The Imperial Tobacco Company,, Advertisement for Abdulla cigarettes used in magazine circa 1928,, Edwardian advert for award winning Teofani's cigarettes circa 1903,, Advert for John Player tobacco and cigarettes circa 1922 by The Imperial Tobacco Company,, Advertisement for Balkan Sobranie cigarettes used in magazine circa 1927,, Victorian advert for Ogden's Guinea-Gold cigarettes circa 1900 featuring Boer of War soldiers,, Advert for Piccadilly cigarettes circa 1939 made by Carreras Ltd,, Advert for Craven A cigarettes circa 1935 by Carreras Ltd,, Advert for Player's Bachelor cigarettes circa 1933,, Advert for Player's Navy Cut cigarettes circa 1929,,, Advertisement for Chairman No.1 cigarettes used in magazine circa 1938,,