At a Glance. John 3 Resources. The Book of John Series Scott Huckaby is developing a Bible Study series that will be a verse-by-verse exposition of the book of John. John The Baptist's Testimony (John 1:19-34) - John the Baptist confessed that he was not the Christ. The Woman at the Well-Part 2 (John 4: 27-42 - Continued from the Woman at the Well Part 1. God be praised for this beautiful teaching of His word. He was an *elder, that is a leader, in the church there. Which means his disciples baptizing by his command was in reality Christ baptizing, as it says here. anywhere, far exceeding the speculations of philosophers. We recommend that you actively apply the principle to your life throughout each day to develop … Your Sorrow Will Turn into Joy(John 16:1-15) - Jesus did not doubt their faith, but He knew it would be tested tremendously in the next few days. In John Verse by Verse, respected New Testament scholar Grant R. Osborne invites the reader to become caught up in the dramatic masterpiece of the Fourth Gospel. The hostility and plots against Him, continue. 6 1 brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of … Yet was he but a foil to set it off, his night-taper dwindling before the Dayspring from on high ( John 3:30). A free Bible Commentary on John's Gospel in EasyEnglish. Thank you so much for being a faithful servant. Few books of the Bible command as much respect and generate so much adoration as does the Gospel of John. He writes, "If I were teaching a course in college or seminary on creative writing, John's Gospel would be set alongside Shakespeare as models of brilliant characterization and plot." Read the book of John from the Bible with full chapters, highlighted popular verses, and helpful Bible commentary for studying Scripture. 11. Peter is Forgiven and Restored (John (21:15-25) - Three times Peter had denied knowing Jesus -  Three times Jesus asks Peter, "Do you love me? Click on a Book listed below which will take you to its "Introduction Page". 8. not that John to have to explain that "he was not that Light!" There came a man, sent from God, whose name was John. In Him is life, and that life is the light of the world. The word of God is precious and far beyond human wisdom (Isa. The book has won such praises as "scholarly, concise, and practical"; "the best overall commentary on the Gospel of John"; and "clear-headed and consistently informative." Hebrews . gospels. 21:23). the good news brought to you by a man whose reference to himself as someone He had been with God since the beginning, and all things had been created through Him. They had no other resources to live on. The Word; John the Baptist; Disciples : 12: Feet anointed; Jerusalem entry, death coming: 2. Clicking on that will take you to the next section or chapter. J… Matthew Henry . Study John using Matthew Henry Bible Commentary (complete) to better understand Scripture with full outline and verse meaning. Their own church sent them to teach the *gospel of Jesus Christ. Presented here is a verse by verse exposition of the New Testament. "Prince:Nigeria"I This Bible study draws from those gospels, as well as from the other books of the Bible. Verse 7 John asked Gaius to help these Christians. Verse by Verse. Jesus Triumphal Entry (John 12:12-26)  - Many of those waving palm branches in His honor and hailing Him as King, would soon be yelling, "Crucify Him! Love your Gospel of John Bible study. 1 After these things Jesus went over the Sea of Galilee, which is the Sea of Tiberias. In Him is life, and that life is the light of … … Also reflections on water, Spirit, and even baby baptism, Chief Priests and Pharisees Plot to Kill Jesus. Of the four books in the Bible dedicated to chronicling Jesus' life and death, John's account is unique in content, form and purpose. The Gospel of John: A Verse-by-Verse Exposition . Why do you preach verse by verse through books of the Bible, unlike other notable preachers such as C. H. Spurgeon? The book of Job is considered being part of the poetic books (Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs) in today's Bible editions. The Resurrection of Jesus (John 20:1-10) - His reference to the sign of Jonah meant that after three days He would rise from the dead. Thanks for providing us such study like this. Book Of John Bible Study Pdf . Verse-by-verse explanations with a literal translation Shouldn't a Bible commentary clarify what God's Word actually says? This verse-by-verse Bible study and commentary of The Acts of the Apostles ("the Book of Acts" or simply "Acts") is in-depth but uses plain language that everyone can understand, as well as a format that will engage you. Common terms and phrases. apostles. Jesus Turns Water into Wine (John 2: 2-11) - Jesus' first miracle was to turn water into wine at the wedding in Cana. Just click the link to the commentary of a chapter that you want to read: Chapter 1: Introduction to the Revelation of the Day of Yahovah ("the L ORD ") Chapter 2: Letters to the Assemblies at Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, and Thyatira The Way the Truth and the Life (John 14:1-14) - Early Christianity, used the word "Truth" when referencing God. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. "Jama: Somalia: © Copyright 2006-2021 He preached in the same church as C. H. Spurgeon over one hundred years earlier. Paperback $14.00 $ 14. Thank you for a wonderful website, so still am - the most popular name John 4 Resources. Jump to: Adam Clarke Commentary; Albert Barnes' Notes on the Whole Bible; Coffman Commentaries on the Bible; John Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible; … W: Zimbabwe. Verse by verse exposition of the New and Old Testament can be found in commentary written by some of the greatest Christian church leaders including John Calvin, Matthew Henry, Charles Spurgeon, and C.I. Jesus Appears to the Disciples(John 20:19-23) - By now, Peter, and John had surely told the John's calling to be a disciple of the Lord is described in the synoptic Gospels (Math. F.F. Habakkuk. But He has promised the Holy Spirit to help us understand (John 16:13). I'm using your site to help me teach Youth Church. He preached in the same church as C. H. Spurgeon over one hundred years earlier. It is one *grace and then another *grace. Samuel L Mills PO Box 4456 Maryville, TN 37802, Great site, praise the lord!Mark: United Kingdom, This is wonderful. Resources by Chapter. This was because they were going to serve Christ. Bruce. The Gospel of John: A Commentary Rudolf Bultmann Limited preview - 2014. It was essential to complete the burial before sunset. He was a great writer of sermons and was masterful in his prose and his insights, plus he possessed tremendous creativity. Thank you so much for being a faithful servant.Jonetta: United States, I have been reading & Studying On my own. John. Please enter the word that you see below. The "Gospel of John" has been received down through the ages as being the truth of God, Divinely revealing that Jesus is the "Son of God," and "Lord of Lord. In John Verse by Verse, respected New Testament scholar Grant R. Osborne invites the reader to become caught up in the dramatic masterpiece of the Fourth Gospel. Mary anoints Jesus for His Burial (John 11:55-John 12:8) - Mary anoints Jesus feet with a pound of expensive ointment made from pure nard, then wipes his feet with her hair. Pool of Bethesda (John 5:1-30) - Jesus heals a cripple by the Pool of Bethesda, but the authorities say it is against the Law because it was on a Sabbath, The Fourfold Witness(John 5:31-47) - In this study, Jesus presents witnesses to prove that He is, "The Messiah.". Commentary On The Book Of John. He wrote The People’s New Testament Commentary, which is a verse-by-verse exposition. "Date:Between A.D. 85-90After the destruction of Jerusalem (70 A.D.)Before John was exiled to the Island of PatmosGeography:The Judean country side: Samaria, Galilee, Bethany, Jerusalem. Tonya: United States, Love your Gospel of John Bible study. '” We took turns pretending. 760. May God Jehovah abundantly bless you." 3 John 1:3 » 25 Comments. John is nowhere named in the book; but instead of arguing against his authorship, this argues for it. The Crucifixion of Jesus (John 19:17-27) - Crucifixion, reserved for slaves and criminals, was a hideous Roman method of execution despised by the Jews. 1+2) and the end (chap. committed to serve for the Lord, so still am Video. VERSE-BY-VERSE COMMENTARY with Dr. Grant C. Richison exposes the mind of God to the mind of man by expounding individual books of God’s Word verse-by-verse. John 21 Resources. John 2 Resources. Luke, "the beloved physician" was no apostle and probably no Jew either (compare Colossians 4:11 ; Colossians 4:14 ; the Jewish-Christian brothers are mentioned especially in verse 11 and we may conclude, therefore, that Luke and Demas, the co-workers mentioned in verse 14 , were heathen … Exodus. Few books of the Bible command as much respect and generate so much adoration as does the Gospel of John. Yet most people today have never heard of John Gill. (Spanish), “Jean” (French), “Jan” (Dutch), “Giovanni” (Italian), And “Gospel” simply means “good news.” Hopefully you will enjoy By: F.F. Verse By Verse Bible Study Of John. Verse by Verse of the Book of John. ketubim) in the Hebrew Bible, which is the third part of the OT. Menu. The Word was God. Exegetical Commentary on John 11; 15. ", The Son of Man Must Be Lifted UP (John 12:27-36)  - The Father God speaks from heaven - Jesus said, "When I am lifted up I will draw all people to myself." He served in local churches, held positions in multiple colleges, and edited Christian newsletters. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Gospel of John: A Verse-by-Verse Exposition. I AM the Light of the World (John 8:12-30) - Jesus, "The Light of the World," removes darkness and lights the path ahead. It belongs to the "writings" (hebr. Going beyond questions of authorship, date, sources, and historicity, respected linguist and teacher Gundry offers a one-volume exposition of the New Testament that focuses on what is most useful for preaching, teaching, and individual study--what the biblical … Christ, and the purest and most elevated views of God to be found He wasa leader of the churches in that region as well. The beginning (chap.