Theory of Knowledge Welcome to the TOK blog for students around the world. TOK IB World School 1 How to structure a theory of knowledge presentation By Tim Woods1 The following Theory of Knowledge presentation structure has been designed very carefully. The TOK essay. It must be clear to the marker when the essay moves from one to the other. Externally assessed (marked by the IB, not your TOK teacher). 2. It’s easy for you to follow and ticks all the boxes. TOK essays discuss different key terms in the Prescribed Title. The form is not marked. Contact Us. Your TOK presentation should apply what you have learnt in TOK to the real world, and provide the means to explore, understand, and arrive at a position on a significant real life situation. Students must fill in and submit the TK/PPF form along with the essay. To succeed in this task, it is important to know the TOK presentation structure, so we recommend sticking to the following guidelines: Slide #1: Cover Page (one minute). Students write one essay that is based on one of the six Prescribed Titles for the cohort. The timings are based on a 10 minute presentation. Your email address will not be published. Updated August 03, 2018 - Dom Barnard For many people the thought of delivering a presentation is a daunting task and brings about a great deal of nerves.However, if you take some time to understand how effective presentations are structured and then apply this structure to your own presentation, you’ll appear much more confident and relaxed. (It’s taken about 2 years of conversations!) The TOK Essay Prescribed Topics. Take a real life situation (RLS). Name * Your TOK presentation does not need to follow the structure above (e.g. TOK essays have several Knowledge Claims and Counterclaims. Required fields are marked . Here are some general guidelines about how to structure your presentation. While analyzing, other KQs will be identified and ... Can discuss and advise you on your structure in a final meeting. 3. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Maximum of 1600 words. Nevertheless, I was inspired to create 10 tips and tricks for a good TOK presentation in hopes that these will help all of you: Choose a good Real Life Situation. How to Structure your TOK Presentation. We are sure that you have many questions and queries concerning your TOK essays and presentations and this blog gives you the space to engage with them alongside like-minded, thoughtful people. 1. Please remember that this is just a guide and that your actual presentation may be quite different depending on your topic, format or personal presentation style. How to Write a Good TOK Essay in 14 Steps Within One Night. It is always best to consult with your TOK teacher for what your school expects as the standard for a good TOK presentation, considering that most presentations are internally marked. How to Structure a TOK Presentation Like a Pro. A TOK presentation comprises 9 slides (recommended number), each of which should have minimum text, with the most exciting parts highlighted. To be honest, I was overwhelmed by the work, and ravaged my brain to find “philosophical” and TOK related arguments. TOK Presentation Structure Help ToK/EE So I made a post yesterday about getting a 475/500 on my TOK presentation (yes my teacher graded it on a 500 point scale, don't ask because I honestly don't know why). TOK presentation structure OUTLINE RLS A computer program is able to simulate how the world would develop with the ability to take out single species or … I held my very first TOK presentation in class today. Extract a Knowledge Question (KQ) from the RLS. you can have 2 developments instead of 3), as it is just a sample suggestion. TOK essays compare and contrast … Analyze the Knowledge Question (not the RLS) from your own perspective from other perspectives using ideas and concepts from TOK 4. IB Theory of knowledge (Tok) Vocabulary. The TOK Presentation Write my IB Tok presentation: PPD and Script.