We thank the team at Monoprice for giving us this opportunity. After comparing both stacks I … THX 789 is slightly brighter and more sterile, while Mjolnir provided more bass slam, warmth and vocals are one step closer to me. We’ve already given the Pro-Ject Head Box S2 (US$149) and Schiit Asgard 3 (US$199) the once over. SMSL released their first THX-AAA based headphone amp soon called SP200 that I’ve also reviewed here and to my surprise in few key areas as slam and engagement factor, it was outperforming the Drop-789 … Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. This might have to do with specific implementation options. This headphone amp is versatile and can be used to drive a variety of headsets including those that have high … Which one is better as an amp. 63. I find it clean as a whistle, detailed, smooth (in a good way), and dynamic. Hello wonderful readers! Both feeding from Gungnir Multibit using XLR cable. 15. I planning to use both with either a Topping d50 or the smsl su-8 with an audeze lcd2, 6xx, 7xx for home use . The Monoprice THX 887 and the SMSL SP200 are new entrants to the market, both use THX technology, and both are in the same price range as the Drop THX 789. To me there's no reason anyone who hasn't already ordered a 789 shouldn't get the 887 instead. I actually do enjoy the 789 as it is a good complement with the Mjolnir 2. 789 is … SMSL SP200 THX AAA 888 Balanced AMP! Topping A90 ($499 / €499) VS Flux Lab Acoustics FA-10 ($750) Thanks. Dec 14, 2018 2964 VIEWS. Now, over thirty-five years later, products bearing the THX brand still ensure you’re getting the truest sense of the artist’s vision—audio and … The figures go down to 800 milliwatts at 300 ohms and 400 milliwatts at 600 ohms. I'm assuming the heresy will solve my problems, but from a Magni 3 that's a side-grade. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Drop + THX AAA 789 Linear Headphone Amplifier - Desktop Amp with Balanced XLR and Single-Ended RCA Inputs at Amazon.com. If so, that leaves us with comparing the offered specs on performance and features from the manufacturers, rather than on the number ("788" vs "789"). (Fingers crossed). In this review I will be as objective as possible and will leave my personal opinion … It's the same price, slightly better performance, and will ship sooner. I currently own the Grace m9xx DAC/Amp. Also, I'd prefer to have a pure analog device in this case. SP200 seems to be debated regarding whether or not it's better than a 789. Having 3 units like this wasn't a thing a year ago. they want to add to their Massdrop stack). This is awesome news, looks like Monoprice learned their lesson with the 788 by releasing a fully analog THX amp to really compete with the 789. I'm curious about the Monoprice THX but that's easier to get than the Massdrop THX 789, so I'm staying in the drop. While my sample size is small, I think it is a beautiful sounding amp. That’s thanks in large part to THX AAA technology, which reduces harmonic, intermodulation, and crossover distortions. Continue this thread level 2 Amirm, Founder/ Admin audiosciencereview . The SMSL SP200 THX Headphone Amp is the newest product in the SMSL lineup with the top of the line audiophile high power grade THX AAA-888 technology. 789 was much cleaner, tighter, and more defined lower octaves. I have two cons for SP200. THX AAA TECHNOLOGY: Capable of driving any headphones, including high-impedance, high-current, and high-sensitivity types, the THX AAA 789 amp transmits the original audio in its purest possible form. Disclaimer: The Monprice Monolith™ THX Amplifier sent to us for this review is a paid-for sample. First, if you don't connect the RCA cables firmly, SP200 produce huge noise, which doesn't happen on 789. tangentially, THX AAA 789 vs. JDS Element (amp only) was pretty significant delta. Monolith (by Monoprice) have release another THX AAA based headphone amplifier, the snappily-named “Monolith by Monoprice THX AAA Balanced Headphone Amplifier featuring THX AAA 887 Technology” at $399. What I am eyeing, a ~mid R-2R that can process DSD native. The Monolith 24459 is one of only a few headphone amps (the others being the Benchmark Media Systems HPA4 and the Massdrop x THX AAA 789) to use THX’s Achromatic Audio Amplifier (AAA) technology. pslayer1. In Stock This item should ship today (2/12/2021) if ordered within 12 hours 34 minutes. Featuring dual THX AAA&t Monolith by Monoprice Desktop Balanced Headphone Amplifier and DAC with THX AAA Technology (Dual AKM 4493 DACs & Dual AAA-788 Modules) - Monoprice.com If you are visually impaired and are having difficulty navigating this site, please call our Customer Support line via our toll free number 1 (877) 271-2592. I am currently using Mjolnir 2 and THX-789. Qty:-+ Add to Cart. So if i were to buy the Monolith THX AAA 788 amp and put the rca out to the Massdrop THX AAA 789 will i get all of the special features of the … Extensive specs are on the product page… Add to Wishlist. I’m running it from an RME ADI-2 DAC FS into HD600s, 650Ms, and a couple of Grado mods using the balanced connection. THX AAA 789 vs LCX. THX Achromatic Audio Amplifier (THX AAA™) ensures the ultimate no-compromise headphone audio experience by delivering the world’s highest fidelity audio with infinitesimally low levels of noise, distortion and power consumption. Aug 16, 2018 435 VIEWS. EU or UK please. BUT, as many have mentioned, both of those amps are pretty dry/square/boring or bright-ish. $399.99 . I was researching the THX (Drop) AAA 789 and also came across the Monoprice Monolith THX AAA 887 and was looking for some deciding advice. The 887 did have a bit more bass power, but I got the best of both worlds by upgrading to an Asgard 3. I do wonder whether the compressed dynamics are part of the THX AAA design, as I’ve seen this noted on the other THX models as well. The Drop THX AAA 789 gives six watts to 16 and 32 ohm load headphones through the balanced output and that is very noticeable. I love it but I do know that I want another audio set-up, especially since I have a family member who wants it. 270. The only reason why I'd see someone buy the THX AAA 789 over the 887 is for aesthetic reasons (e.g. That’s thanks in large part to THX AAA technology, which reduces harmonic, intermodulation, and crossover distortions. Both offered a different signature. Jotunheim amp vs THX AAA 789 linear amplifier. In this series of ‘Starting points’ posts, we’re looking at more affordable headphone amplifiers. I've been really eyeballing the THX AAA 789 Amp and the Airist R-2R DAC. Product # 39359. Grace m9xx vs THX AAA 789/Airist R-2R . more_vert. I had the Monoprice THX AAA 887 delivered to me a couple of weeks ago. There was a comparison thread I saw when searching it up on google but the comparison didnt really voice any audible difference and didnt mention price either. Home. Headphone Amps ... SP200 is much smaller than 789, which I like very much. This technology allows for the highest fidelity with extreme output power and ultra-low crosstalk. A 'short and quick' impression of the THX AAA 789 as compared to the LCX. THX AAA TECHNOLOGY: Capable of driving any headphones, including high-impedance, high-current, and high-sensitivity types, the THX AAA 789 amp transmits the original audio in its purest possible form. Equipment Forums. Nov 20, 2018 2162 VIEWS. THX AAA™ World’s Most Linear Amplifier Technology for Headphones and In-Vehicle Audio Systems. Forums. HP: Hifiman Arya | Sennheiser HD6xx | AKG 712 Pro | Fidelio X2 Amps/Sources: THX AAA 789 | MCTH (LPS) | Creative X7 amp/dac (4x Sparkos op-amps) | Burson Fun (V6 Classic) | DarkVoice 336SE (Tung-Sol 6SN7GTB, GE 5998A) | Airist R2R Bookshelf: Klipsch RP-160M Past: Audeze LCD-4 | Audeze LCD2-classic | Ether Flow 1.1 | Hifiman Sundara | Hifiman HE400i | … THX has made waves in recent years in the field of personal audio, first with the release of the Drop.com (formerly MassDrop) THX AAA 789 headphone amplifier, reviewed here on Headfonia by guest reviewer HiFi Chica. Monolith by Monoprice THX AAA Balanced Headphone Amplifier featuring THX AAA 887 Technology . THX was born—and made available to moviegoers with the release of Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. Updated my Stack from the regular IFi Zen Stack to the IFI Zen Signature Stack to use with my HD6xx and HE-4xx and my Panda+Thx when wired. HPA4 and SP200 were already reviewed around here, THX-789 is a loaner unit from a closer friend of mine, thank you Dan for making this possible. My video comparison review: As promised my 3-way comparison review between 3 THX-AAA headphone amps is ready and here are my findings. Forget Drop THX-789, Monoprice THX-887 or SMSL SP200, those are coming close to A90, but are still not playing on the same level. The 887 went back. Today we step up our spend by another hundred bucks to take in the Drop + THX AAA 789 Linear Amplifier (US$299). Glaga. I’ve listened to the Drop THX-789 multiple times, it was included in several reviews and comparisons of mine, here is an in-depth look of three THX amplifiers that I’ve compared. I felt similarly about the 789 vs the RME (as I do about the 887 vs the RME), when I owned the 789. Frequency Response 20-70KHz THD+N 0.004% S/N Ratio 115dB Dynamic Range >119dB Stereo Crosstalk -124dB The single ended output gives three watts to 16 ohms, 1,8 watts to 32 ohms, 200 milliwatts to 300 ohms, and 100 milliwatts to 600 ohms. Massdrop THX AAA 789 Headphone Amplifier Review. Most amps reduce distortion by feeding part of their output in reversed phase back to their input, which cancels out most of the distortion. The combination of low distortion, huge amounts of transparent power and a $400 USD price tag set new standards for performance, measurement and value. It is priced at $499.99. To me, with my own ears and with my equipment, A90 is better than any of those and that tells a lot about the value of the Topping A90! I'll first say that the differences aren't earth-shattering but there are differences...differences that bring … I give up. The Monoprice Monolith™ THX Amplifier is a mid-fi priced THX certified DAC/Amp combo featuring dual AK4493 and up to 2W of power. I wish I still had the 789 to be able to directly compare the 789 and 887 but I sold it awhile back to go with some tube amps at the time. Hi, as per title i am after one of these amps, or a long shot for a Monolith THX 887. Tony. Monoprice does an "887" - seems to be "dual 888s". Balanced headphone amp with THX AAA technology to produce incredibly low distortion and noise, high power and low heat (AAA = achromatic audio amplifier, meaning ‘colourless audio amplifier’) This is a type of a product you buy once and you are done." [Review - Comparison] THX AAA 789 vs JDS Labs El Amp (The Element - amp section) ... Schiit Heresy, SMSL SP200, or Monoprice THX 887. "Both subjectively and objectively, the "Monolith by Monoprice THX AAA Balanced Headphone Amplifier featuring THX AAA 887 Technology" (yes that is the official name) beats the Massdrop THX AAA 789.