wimbi mkubwa kama tsunami uliosababishwa na tufani { noun } An unusual rise in sea level on a coast due to the action of high winds. How to say yes and no in Swahili! dhoruba { noun } military: violent assault on a stronghold. This is the … in Swahili, thunderstorm definition, examples and pronunciation tufani . Use * for blank tiles (max 2) Advanced Search Advanced Search: Use * for blank spaces Advanced Search: Advanced Word Finder: See Also in English. Here is the translation and the Swahili word for storm cloud: wingu dhoruba Edit. To make a word favorite you have to click on the heart In Finnish it means lightning during thunderstorm. Use * for blank tiles (max 2) Advanced Search Advanced Search: Use * for blank spaces Advanced Search: … storm surge in Swahili translation and definition "storm surge", English-Swahili Dictionary online. (meteorology) a wind scale for very strong wind, stronger than a gale, less than a hurricane (10 or higher on the Beaufort scale). Find more Swahili words at wordhippo.com! Latin Translation. An unusual rise in sea level on a coast due to the action of high winds. We hope this will help you to understand Swahili better. (15) Search conditions varied from fine weather to thunderstorms and heavy squalls. Contextual translation of "soothing storm" into Swahili. storm-petrel in Swahili translation and definition "storm-petrel", English-Swahili Dictionary online. How I cried, it was like a little THUNDERSTORM UDEERA f Swahili Udeera was a baby born in the covenant of kings in africa she went through trials and tribulations growing up , stories told that god helped her throughout hard times and starvation.... UMANDE f Swahili Swahili feminine name meaning "dew". If you want to know how to say A thunderstorm is rolling in in Swahili, you will find the translation here. If you want to know how to say storm cloud in Swahili, you will find the translation here. How to say Storm in Swahili. en The people behind - among them an important Danish team of programmers - have focused on speed and that the browser must be fast and display pages quickly but slowly more and more features are added, the latest being a web- store selling browser programs and add- ons Notify me of new comments via email. To say please and thank you in Swahili! (11) Of course, real lightning from thunderstorms is far more powerful. We hope this will help you to understand Swahili better. +24 definitions . button. Swahili is a word the Arabs used to describe "the coast" and only later did it come to apply to East African coastal culture specifically. and Goodbye in Swahili! Meaning and definitions of thunderstorm, translation If you are about to travel to Kenya and Tanzania, this is exactly what you are looking for! in Swahili language for thunderstorm with similar and opposite words. Swahili may date back several thousand years, but it developed into the language we hear today with the arrival of Arab and Persian traders on the East African coast between 500 - 1000 AD. Please find below many ways to say thunderstorm in different languages. Alternative spelling of [i]storm petrel[/i] Show declension of storm-petrel ( )) Similar phrases in dictionary English Swahili. Here's how you say it. Type: noun; Copy to clipboard; Details / edit; dic-expander. TUKUFU m Swahili Means "exalted" in Swahili. This website also provides you English Grammar, TOEFL and most common words. Human translations with examples: mvua, garika. How to say thunderstorm in Latin What's the Latin word for thunderstorm? UMANDE f Swahili Swahili feminine name meaning "dew". (Source: MGH) Njiani, tufani … storm in Swahili English-Swahili dictionary. We hope this will help you to understand Swahili better. Here is the translation and the Swahili word for thunderstorm: Mvua Edit. Here you can find the translation of the 50 most important words and expressions into Swahili. sonantis tonitrui More Latin words for thunderstorm. Copy to clipboard; Details / edit; Swahili-English-Dictionary . It does not only give you English to Swahili and Swahili to English word meaning, it provides English to English word meaning along with Antonyms, Synonyms, Examples, Related words and Examples from your favorite TV Shows. We hope this will help you to understand Swahili better. Watching TV shows is a great way to learn casual English, slang words, understand culture reference and humor. Means "storm" in Swahili. IPA: stɔːm, stɔɹm; Type: verb, noun; Copy to clipboard; Details / edit; en.wiktionary.org. 뇌우 . storm-petrel . Type: noun; Copy to clipboard; Details / edit ; Swahili-English-Dictionary. Korean Translation. Easily find the right translation for Storm from English to Swahili submitted and enhanced by our users. Human translations with examples: vuli, mvua, garika, mvua za vuli, meza maji yako, kuipupwe kippwe. Thunderstorm in all languages. A sound resembling thunder. Here's how you say it. translation and definition "tufani", Swahili-English Dictionary online. ninga wa bahari { noun } Alternative spelling of storm petrel. (1) a storm resulting from strong rising air currents; heavy rain or hail along with thunder and lightning. siʹa] hapo.”, (Psalm 29:3) When Jehovah audibly proclaimed, his own name in the days of Jesus’ earthly ministry, to many it sounded like, (Zaburi 29:3, NW) Wakati Yehova alipotangaza kwa sauti yenye kusikika, jina lake mwenyewe katika siku za huduma ya kidunia ya Yesu, kwa wengi ilisikika kama, They saw it when God caused a whole mountain to shake, and there was, Waliona wakati Mungu alipotetemesha mlima wote, na kulikuwako, As it is written in Revelation 19:6-9: “And I [the apostle John] heard what was as, great crowd and as a sound of many waters and as a sound of heavy, Kama ilivyoandikwa kwenye Ufunuo 19:6-9, NW: “Na mimi, kama sauti ya umati mkubwa, na kama mvumo wa maji mengi na kama mvumo wa, An observer says that he heard what sounded like distant, , which gradually faded as the sea slowly receded, Mtazamaji mmoja asema kwamba alisikia sauti kama ya, wa radi toka mbali, sauti hiyo ilididimia polepole. Noun (1) an elaborate or deceitful scheme contrived to deceive or evade (2) a quick evasive movement (3) a statement that evades the question by cleverness or trickery Verb (1) make a sudden movement in a new direction so as to avoid (2) move to and fro or from place to place usually in an irregular course (3) avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, … Dictionary Entries near thunderstorm… More Korean words for thunderstorm. Find more Swahili words at wordhippo.com! Also find spoken We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe. Noun (1) a violent weather condition with winds 64-72 knots (11 on the Beaufort scale (2) a violent commotion or disturbance (3) a direct and violent assault on a stronghold Verb (1) behave violently, as if in state of a great anger (2) take by force (3) rain, hail, or snow hard and be very windy, often with thunder or lightning (4) blow hard (5) attack by storm; attack suddenly The best way to learn proper English is to read news report, and watch news on TV. If you have already watched these shows then you may recall the words used in the following dialogs. Swahili words for thunderstorm include mvua ya ngurumo na radi and mduma. language. when Sheldon used to climb in bed with us We will teach you: How to say Hello! Umeme, sauti, na ngurumo zinakazia nguvu za Yehova. UDEERA f Swahili Udeera was a baby born in the covenant of kings in africa she went through trials and tribulations growing up , stories told that god helped her throughout hard times and starvation.... UHURU m Swahili Means "freedom" in Swahili. Another storm cloud mentioned by certain colleagues has to do with children, especially those children cared for in institutions, among them children with mental disabilities. (2) Lightning easily strikes many miles from the edge of the thunderstorm . The lightnings, voices, and thunders emphasize God’s power. Translate thunderstorm in Swahili online and download now our free translator to use any time at no charge. (5) Last night East London appeared to be getting its share of the rain, with heavy thunderstorms in the early evening. storm . Translation for 'storm' in the free English-Swahili dictionary and many other Swahili translations. 뇌우 noun: noeu thunderstorm: 천둥 벼락: cheondung byeolag thunderstorm: Find more words! thunderstorm - Meaning in Swahili, what is meaning of common in Swahili dictionary, audio pronunciation, synonyms and definitions of common in Swahili and English. Here is the translation and the Swahili word for storm: dhoruba Edit. tufani noun: hurricane: ushoroba noun: storm, corridor: Find more words! In Swahili it means peace and security. How to say thunderstorm in Korean What's the Korean word for thunderstorm? (10) The start of the tie had been delayed after Friday's schedule was washed out with hours of rain, thunderstorms and lightning. meteorology: wind scale for very strong wind. Both … on my face. Publish × Close Report Comment. UMOJA f Swahili Swahili … (16) We have the lightning strokes of thunderstorms , we have the sudden downpours out of a clear sky. This page provides all possible translations of the word STORM in the Swahili language. How to Say Storm in Swahili. Contextual translation of "rain storm" into Swahili. dhoruba Swahili; Discuss this STORM English translation with the community: 0 Comments. storm { noun } An atmospheric disturbance involving perturbations of the prevailing pressure and wind fields on scales ranging from tornadoes to extratropical cyclones; also the associated weather and the like. A short clip of a thunderstorm while on a trip to Kenya in Africa, if you watch closely you can see the rotation and the updraft! The acronym SALAMA is also a real word in Swahili and Finnish. More Swahili words for storm. (4) On past experience this heatwave will end with a torrential downpour or a major thunderstorm , or both. WARIDI f Swahili Swahili … Human translations with examples: mvua, garika. Storm cloud in all languages. This dictionary has the largest database for word meaning. during a THUNDERSTORM. Currently you do not have any favorite word. of thunderstorm in Swahili language. storm in Swahili translation and definition "storm", English-Swahili Dictionary online. sonantibus: thunderstorm: Find more words! How to Say Thunderstorm in Swahili. If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment … Use * for blank tiles (max 2) Advanced Search Advanced Search: Use * for blank spaces Advanced Search: Advanced Word Finder: See Also in English. Show … DOWNLOAD the single “Baba Yetu” on iTunes (https://goo.gl/OSIOtb). The Swahili for thunderstorms is mvua ya ngurumo na radi. Means "storm" in Swahili. UMOJA f Swahili Swahili feminine name meaning "unity, harmony". (9) Tornadic thunderstorms can also produce waterspouts and downbursts. (8) The front's passage may be marked by thunderstorms or, if rainfall has been very low for a prolonged period, a wall of dust. en And now, 71 years after “this good news of the kingdom” began to “be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations,” from 1919 onward, the nations inside and outside of Christendom are certainly not going to hail the long-announced King of Jehovah and swear allegiance to him as they renounce their own … (3) You know when you take a photo of a thunderstorm , and the lightning is all purple or pink? hail translation in English-Swahili dictionary. This English to Swahili dictionary also provides you an Android application for your offline use. Origins of Swahili . (1) Marks said the herd gathered around a tall tree to shelter during a thunderstorm when lightning struck the tree. Storm in all languages. Categories: Ecology and Environment Weather If you want to know how to say thunderstorm in Swahili, you will find the translation here. disturbed state of the atmosphere . thunder storm: … noeu. The sound caused by the discharge of atmospheric electrical charge. storm surge . Ett annat orosmoln som vissa kolleger här har nämnt är barnen, inte minst de barn som vårdas på institution, bland dem förståndshandikappade. (13) He said temperatures will remain high on Monday and Tuesday but thunderstorms and heavy rain could also be expected. pronunciation of thunderstorm in Swahili and in English It has more than 500,000 word meaning and is still growing. (14) Humidity, torrential rain and thunderstorms ensured that the disease continued to spread and many more crops were destroyed. Contextual translation of "perfect storm" into Swahili. Contextual translation of "storm" into Swahili. Human translations with examples: mvua, garika. Translation of thunderstorm in Swahili. (7) If it is very unstable then thunderstorms or tornadoes can easily form, whereas if it is very stable nothing of the sort would happen. (12) The most significant features of the wet season are thunderstorms , tropical cyclones and rain depressions. This dictionary helps you to search quickly for Swahili to English translation, English to Swahili translation. If you want to know how to say storm in Swahili, you will find the translation here. What thunderstorm means in Swahili , thunderstorm meaning The dictionary has mainly three features : translate English words to Swahili, translate Swahili words to English, copy & paste any paragraph in the Reat Text box then tap on any word to get instant word meaning. store translation in English-Swahili dictionary. This is not just an ordinary English to Swahili dictionary & Swahili to English dictionary. (6) Lines of thunderstorms that cause one downburst after another are called derechoes. storm verb noun stɔːm stɔɹm + grammar Any disturbed state of the atmosphere, especially as affecting the earth's surface, and strongly implying destructive or unpleasant weather.