The best build for Noelle in Genshin Impact: To build Noelle as the main DPS of the party, Skyward Pride, The Unforged, and Wolf's Gravestone are the … Let us know in the comments below! This ability turns Noelle into a DPS machine with the appropriate set-up. Whiteblind (4-Star) – On hit, normal or charged attacks increase attack and defense by 6/7.5/9/10.5/12% for six seconds. I didn't check this before - I just assumed 20% shield strength on The Unforged would be better - but actually Whiteblind has the same shield absorption as The Unforged too. Noelle works really well with characters who can set her up to deal lots of unchallenged damage, especially through freezing opponents. Can only occur once every 0.3s. Do not have an account yet? Tier List . The Unforged (5-Star) – Increases shield strength by 20/25/30/35/40%. The first constellation upgrade helps make Noelle better in your team comp, but it’s the final one which really makes her shine as another DPS. The Unforged is all around Noelle getting shielded, then staying shielded to reap the huge damage increase the weapon provides from being protected by a shield. This effect can only occur once every 60s. Noelle -> Barbara: Deal Hydro damage as well as receive healing from Barbara. Every four normal or charged attack hits will decrease the cooldown of Breastplate by one second. Wolf's Gravestone For Max DPS. Noelle is the free character of Genshin Impact. If you are instead considering her for DPS, Noelle is actually very sufficient - she shields and heals herself, and as DPS she’s already doing good damage. Noelle’s choice in weaponry is often dictated by different priorities to other Claymore wielders. Summons a protective stone armor, dealing Geo damage to surrounding enemies and creating a shield. Noelle is a character that pretty much every Genshin Impact player has in their party as she was readily available at launch, and her shield abilities work in much the same way as Xinyan, and can make her far more deadly and capable than early tier lists may have assumed. Claymores restrict the character wielding them to slower hits than other melee weapons like Swords and Polearms, but those hits deal much more damage per swing. The game forgives your mistakes when you play as this character: nothing terrible will happen if you don't use your skills on time or fail to complete the combination of attacks. For a more stable DPS, Wolf Gravestone is recommended. Hitting multiple enemies with a single attack is only counted as one hit. Full Maiden Beloved is the go-to option for a supportive, shielding Noelle. When it comes to artifacts you’ll really need to focus on percent defense, critical rate, and critical damage. Scoring hits on opponents increases ATK by 4% for 8s. You can switch out Defender’s Will for 2-piece Retracing Bolide for more reliable on-field heals - a stronger shield means less chance of it getting broken, so more healing uptime - but remember the strengthening effects only affect the artifact wearer. DEF% is an amazing sub-stat for Noelle as her entire kit scales off it, and the Infusion Blade ability only amps it more. She can do this every minute! If you can get Noelle to Constellation Level 6, this build sky-rockets in priority because of her increased conversion of DEF to ATK. offer finest quality Genshin Impact The Unforged Diluc Razor Noelle Chongyun Beidou Claymores Cosplay Weapon Prop and other related cosplay accessories in low price. Whiteblind is truly a great weapon if you can stay in Sweeping Time. Maximum of five stacks. The Unforged is a Claymore in Genshin Impact. I have Noelle and Razor already leveled, but with razor without a way to shield himself, and Noelle has pretty poor shield uptime. Keeping her Defense and Attack stats as high as possible will yield the best results for Noelle's Damage and survival. He can't seem to quit games as a service or looter shooters — unfortunate news for his backlog, really. Composed also offers a good chance of reducing Breastplate’s cooldown, synergising very well with “Nice and Clean,” which also lowers the skill’s cooldown. For a more aggressive, DPS build look no further than Skyward Pride. When Noelle’s normal and charged attacks hit a target, they have a certain chance to regenerate HP for all characters, both on and off the field. While protected by a shield, this attack increase effect is doubled. In other words, more abilities more of the time. This effect can only occur once every minute. Base attack, secondary stat, passive bonus, rarity, rank, level, and ascensions. While priorities do shift depending on whether you want a DPS or shield/heal focus for the Maid of the Knights of Favonius, if in doubt DEF is generally a good choice. It will never happen even with a weapon like the unforged that gives you up to 130 percent. Maximum of four stacks. Afterwards, Noelle gains the following effects: Increased attack that scaled based on her defense. But let's not ignore the other characters who could make great use of The Unforged. Now is the time. Whenever her shield is up, she can regenerate health for the entire party by dealing damage. This will only scale massively with each refinement you can upgrade. With an idea of what sets you will (or want) to run on Noelle, it’s time we turned our eyes to sub-stats. If you need more oomph, or are running Noelle as a DPS or sub-DPS option, activate Sweeping Time too to maximise her damage and healing output. How to Obtain The seal can be purchased and sold on the Auction House. It will also boost her attack while shielded making her deal great amount of damage. Find Beidou build in Genshin Impact here including best weapons for Beidou from 3 star to 5 star, best artifact set, and best build as an electro DPS. Gathering the strength of stone around her weapon, Noelle strikes the enemies surrounding her within a large AOE, dealing Geo damage.