The American Taliban is waging a war against America’s diverse cultures, and some of them have taken this war against individual freedom to Idaho. American Taliban Quotes Showing 1-2 of 2 “He was still undecided. Created by Aaron Sorkin. Count The Five hosts among those who hate-watch The Newsroom. Change ). They will object not because of facts or evidence or court decisions, but because they want to prove their devotion to Trump, the most incompetent and unhinged man ever to hold the presidency. "I'm a marine, Don! ( Log Out / Dev Patel - Neal Sampat. Readers of the Baltimore Sun may remember John Arnold’s funding of a police operation for aerial surveillance which was unknown to local elected officials. Cast. and Special Operations personnel, backed by American air power. There are a few things that always work on The Newsroom: the characters and the quotes.Here are a few of our favorites from in and out of the ACN newsroom. But we should call them what they are. In the installment, anchor Will McAvoy (Jeff Daniels) tears into the Tea Party movement with a ferocity that would make even Chris “Race Card Dealer” Matthews blush. Undeterred by new information. A great memorable quote from the The Newsroom , Season 2 show on The American Taliban.”. In the opening sequence of the new HBO series The Newsroom, a world-beaten (as opposed to world-beating) TV news anchor finds himself on a journalism panel, seated between -- in a reflection of today's stark partisan divide -- a bleeding-heart liberal and a bombastic conservative. How can we improve our classes to address these problems of our society? Sam Waterston - Charlie Skinner. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” (Attributed to several humorists, including Mark Twain, Josh Billings, Artemus Ward and Will Rogers), “The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction (i.e., the reality of experience) and the distinction between true and false (i.e., the standards of thought) no longer exist.” — Hannah Arendt, “The Origins of Totalitarianism” (1951). With Jeff Daniels, Emily Mortimer, John Gallagher Jr., Alison Pill. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Just like there are many Black, Hispanic, and other minorities in this country and others (e.g, the Uyghurs in China) who have been denied opportunities, looked down on, laughed at, violently suppressed and even killed (e.g., shameful incidents of mob violence against Blacks in places like Memphis and a sad list of other U.S. cities), there are significant numbers of our citizens who have also been trashed by globalization, saw their jobs go overseas and even had to train their replacements to get a final severance payment after years of work for a company, saw their cities decay, lost their homes while people on Wall Street who caused the problems went unpunished. A great memorable quote from the The Newsroom movie on - Will McAvoy: Ideological purity. Denying science. I know that Jeff Daniels – who remains to me only Jim Carrey’s lesser counterpart in Dumb and Dumber – is one of the main characters. The new US administration under President Joe Biden is reviewing the agreement signed with the Taliban in February 2020, which was aimed at ending the longest war in American … Erik Prince Moderator [pause] You're saying— Will Yes. What ‘they’ let him do without a shred of accountability will linger one. American and Taliban officials have agreed Friday to sign a truce agreement that will see a seven-day “reduction in violence” in Afghanistan – in addition to possible U.S. troop withdrawals. Readers of Town and Country may recall that the magazine touted the “philanthropy” investment of Pew heirs and Arnold in community surveillance projects. “The Newsroom’s” idea of a Republican is a man gleefully describing the Tea Party movement as the “American Taliban.” That sums up HBO’s far-left series, which unleashed its final new episode of the year last night. People’s attitudes are clearly shaped by their families, their communities, the entertainment media, etc., often in much stronger ways than a class in school can overcome. And the American Taliban cannot survive if Dorothy Cooper is allowed to vote. In light of all of this outrageous conduct and seditious behavior by Republicans, here are two quotes which I hope will be shared far and wide in the days ahead. Compromise as weakness. A demonization of education. ... A commentary that ended with you calling the Tea Party the American Taliban. Later, when the United States transitioned to conventional Pentagon stability operations, this success was reversed. “We should call them what they are: The American Taliban. I don’t know very much about it. From the ACLU (Oregon) 7 mos. The chief of staff said the officers claimed they were unaware of her work position but did not stop questioning her when they learned she worked for a senator. I pulled them from my collection of favorite quotes assembled over the years, and do believe they are perfect for Americans to read before the debate in Congress tomorrow:“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. Quotes from the The American Taliban. - … ( Log Out / (CNN) The Taliban is reminding the U.S. to remove troops from Afghanistan. Who would have ever thought that this nation would come so close to becoming an authoritarian state? These problems existed long before Trump; Trump took advantage of a desperation that was ignored for far too long while a small fraction of our population made out like bandits, though from their perspective they can say (some with strong legitimacy) that they worked extremely hard to earn their wealth. H’e gonna be gone. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Will: Exactly the opposite. Intolerance of dissent. The Newsroom: The Tea Party is the American Taliban. Denis Smith, retired from the Ohio Department of Education, wrote the following: “At least 12 Republican senators and potentially upwards of 140 House Republicans will formally object in writing to the electoral results submitted…” says one report about tomorrow’s vote to accept the Electoral College results. And the American Taliban cannot survive if Dorothy Cooper is allowed to vote.” Daniels plays the anchor of a prime time newscast on the ACN cable network, which is run by a woman played by Jane Fonda. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. They can call themselves conservatives. I haven’t been on this or other forums for several months due to a serious back injury as explained in my first blog article in over six months at, but yesterday deserves a response. Undeterred by new information. The Department of Homeland Security and US Marshals Service deployed agents over the widespread objections of local leaders…the enforcement agencies indiscriminately used tear gas, rubber bullets… against protesters, journalists and legal observers. I might celebrate with popcorn after Congress officially accepts Joe Biden as the next president of the United States, but I know for sure I am going to take out one or two extra loaded firearms and keep them close when I’m at home, at last until January 21st, the day after Biden takes the Oath of Office and Trump leaves the White House on his own or is dragged out in handcuffs. Also noted in the article, it was unknown if the officers found out about the content of the Zoom discussion through a repairmen who was in the home at the time or, if they learned about the discussion by other means. Think about this observation spoken by Anchorman Will McAvoy, played by Jeff Daniels: “We have one party that has these characteristics: “Ideological purity. This quote from the iconic HBO series, The Newsroom, which aired from 2012-2014, has turned out to be particularly prophetic. They can call themselves the Tea Party. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Are we encouraging people to engage with others in respectful debates or are we ourselves also behaving ideologically, falling into the crass habit of believing in things without carefully examining all sides of an issue and yelling at, insulting, and denigrating our opponents without trying to put ourselves in their shoes?? "The Five" hosts shred fictional anchor Will McAvoy's "American Taliban" comment. Taylor: And in the body of the commentary - was a blistering indictment of Republicans. Calling the Tea Party the American Taliban is backed with all sorts of examples and facts and similarites, pointed out explicitly in this video (and many other sites go into more detail). That sums up HBO’s far-left series, which unleashed its final new episode of the year last night. ( Log Out / They should resign at once and wait for a new election. Will: Yes. Excerpts from what’s in the video: John Gallagher - James "Jim" Harper. The Republican members of Congress who deny the election of Joe Biden are, in the contested states, denying their own election. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Thomas Sadoski - Don Keefer. Jeff Daniels - Will McAvoy. Ann Coulter. Quotes MacKenzie McHale : [ while Will lies in a hospital bed, Jim reveals to them that Don is about to ask Maggie to move in with him. Pathological hatred of the U.S. government. Compromise as weakness. When Congress meets to accept the results of the vote of the Electoral College, a large number of Republicans say they will object. Politico reported that the cost over the past 4 years has been $24 mil. The distance on the road from authoritarianism to totalitarianism is not that far. But we should call them what they are: The American Taliban. It seems like an uphill battle, but one can hope. When the United States first went into Afghanistan in 2001, it devastated the Taliban and Al Qaeda in a matter of weeks using only a few hundred C.I.A. Severe xenophobia. The forces at play would overwhelm lessons learned in any high school civics class. [quote]and that the job of a news anchor doesn't consist of delivering pompous rabble-rousing speeches. What you see and hear should be much more frightening than entertaining. Denying science. Release date: 24 June 2012, HBO Will It's not the greatest country in the world, professor, that's my answer. Unmoved by facts. There are of course plenty of Aaron Sorkin haters out there and … A site to discuss better education for all. A journalist should check to see if there are links between Erik Prince and the US Marshalls. Intercept, Dec. 17, 2020 I will beat the shit out of you, I don't care how many protein bars you eat!" Moderator Let's talk about— Will Fine. But we should call them what they are – The American Taliban.”. Severe xenophobia. It may be much more exciting to speak in front of large crowds (or even our classrooms) and rile them up into a collective frenzy, but, now more than ever, we need to teach respect and rationality instead of giving in to the darker side of our nature. Jane Fonda - Leona Lansing. In fact, Joe Biden won by more than 7,000,000 votes, yet we have at least 152 Members of Congress that are challenging that simple fact. Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. Yeah, it accounts This would be laughable except for the fact that this whole spectacle is a challenge to democracy, an affront on majority rule – even though the Electoral College itself is a contradiction and a relic from the slavery era . That number represents about 2/3 of all Republican members of the House, a startling figure when you consider that all of these people were democratically elected, that every state had their votes audited and certified, and that 60 court cases have been dismissed due to the sheer lack of evidence. Please let us know if you're having issues with commenting. I have always thought, though, that either one is part of the problem or part of the solution. A hostile fear of progress. Ah Lloyd. They can call themselves conservatives and they can even call themselves Republicans, though Republicans certainly shouldn’t. In the meantime, get out the popcorn for tomorrow’s authoritarian spectacle. A newsroom undergoes some changes in its workings and morals as a new team is brought in, bringing unexpected results for its existing news anchor. Schools play only a partial role in the development of our citizenry, and we can easily sit back, throw up our hands, and say that there is nothing that we could have done. And they can even call themselves Republicans, though Republicans certainly shouldn’t. Well. It depended on how you thought of God. Top 10 Taliban Quotes ... Taliban and Al Qaeda in a matter of weeks using only a few hundred C.I.A. Denis Smith: “The American Taliban” | Diane Ravitch's blog. “Two officers with an FBI task force showed up unannounced at the home of a state Democratic Senator’s Chief of Staff (Mich.) and aggressively questioned her about a draft bill she had discussed in a private legislative Zoom call” … The bill would limit police use of tear gas against protestors. Tribal mentality. ( Log Out / She scolds Jim for continuing to date Lisa rather than pursue a relationship with Maggie ] You've got to do something before he asks her. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. [to the liberal panelist] Sharon, the NEA is a loser. – Will McAvoy, The Newsroom. They can call themselves the Tea Party. My article is at People learn these bad habits from watching others on TV and social media (especially Twitter), for example, but having a memorable civics or history teacher who is even-handed and empathetic, and who teaches students to examine carefully all sides of critical issues, can also be a lasting influence on people. They will object not because of facts or evidence or court decisions, but because they want to prove their devotion to Trump, the most incompetent and unhinged man ever to hold … The “American Taliban” Speech Episode 10: “The Greater Fool” Ever since a little show called The West Wing , Aaron Sorkin has made … A fundamentalist belief in scriptural literalism. I first heard the term; “The American Taliban,” on the series; “The Newsroom,” which was created & written by Aaron Sorkin. Pepper spray for grizzly bears is very expensive you know. “[I]f you think that American imperialism and its globalised, capitalist form is the most dangerous thing in the world, that means you don't think the Islamic Republic of Iran or North Korea or the Taliban is as bad.” ― Christopher Hitchens 1.95 [7] While covering the forced ejection of Egypt's president, the team learns of a protest in Madison, Wisconsin, that is condemning the Governor's plan to balance the budget to the detriment of teachers and other public sector union employees, leading everyone to try to cover the stories simultaneously. A demonization of education. And Betsy is a VIP : Very Impertinent Person. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. A hostile fear of progress. US Marshalls provide security for DeVos. National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ), Georgia: Federal Judge Tosses Another Trump Lawsuit, Bob Shepherd: The Devil Went Down to Georgia,,, FBI Arrest UCLA Student Who Participated in Trump Riot at Capitol, Sat in Pence’s Chair, Republicans Falsely Blame Wind Power for State’s Deep Freeze, John Thompson: Immigrant Children in Oklahoma Tell Their stories, Indiana: Three Former State Chiefs Join to Denounce Voucher Expansion Plan, Indiana: Expanding Vouchers Hurts Public Schools, Teresa Thayer Snyder: What Shall We Do About the Children After the Pandemic, FBI Arrest UCLA Student Who Participated in Trump Riot at Capitol, Sat in Pence's Chair, Arthur Goldstein Asks Michael Bloomberg to Stop Disrespecting Teachers, Jan Resseger: Trust The Teacher to Tell You How Your Child Is Doing, Not Big Data, The Shame of Swedish Education: J'Accuse! When Congress meets to accept the results of the vote of the Electoral College, a large number of Republicans say they will object. Quotes from the The American Taliban. As an addendum to the post, a Daily Beast article today is informative, “Loeffler’s Husband Entangled in Secret Government Surveillance Operation (involves the U.S. Marshalls and an airport hangar rented from Loeffler’s husband)”. Then when the pandemic hits, we find that there are massive lines at food banks (though this is just a video clip to people who can continue to work online ); we can not even supply enough masks to protect even our most critical workers, not to mention ourselves; we are reliant on foreign suppliers for critical drugs, etc., etc., etc. A fundamentalist belief in scriptural literalism. I know that Aaron Sorkin (The West Wing, The Social Network, Moneyball) created or wrote or directs it. However, we were fortunate in that Sorkin laid out the… This quote from Hannah Arendt is particularly chilling: But as is often the case, intelligent television doesn’t go over well with American viewers so it was a short-lived series. Each of us needs to look at what we do and make whatever changes we can to help combat these problems; the cumulative effects of many individual actions can be very significant. “The U.S.-Taliban agreement is conditions-based for a reason – the Taliban cannot be permitted to not fulfill their commitments while … A need to control women's bodies. The Republican members of Congress from Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, andMichigan who support Trump’s challenge—even though the courts in their states threw out his claims—are saying that their own election was invalid. It was a blistering indictment of people who aren't Republicans. Alison Pill - Margaret "Maggie" Jordan. He's simply reporting the facts of the situation. McAvoy, labeled a Republican by show creator Aaron Sorkin, certainly doesn’t even resemble a RINO nibbling on liberal talking points. I think the real question that should be considered in this forum about education is what can we do going forward? We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. Later, when the United States transitioned to conventional Pentagon stability operations, this success was reversed. The nation’s worst nightmare is a domestic threat to Biden taking office from highly trained, taxpayer-funded personnel. Olivia Munn - Sloan Sabbith. Ann Coulter: "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. Ideological purity, compromise as weakness, a fundamentalist belief in scriptural literalism, denying science, unmoved by facts, undeterred by new information, a hostile fear of progress, a demonization of education, a need to control women’s bodies, severe xenophobia, tribal mentality, intolerance of dissent and a pathological hatred of the U.S. government. ago- John Walker Lindh, the so-called "American Taliban" whose capture in Afghanistan riveted a country in the early days after the September 11 attacks, has been released from prison, authorities said. If God is nature, then God doesn't care, since nature doesn't care. Thank you Diane. Discover and share American Taliban Newsroom Quotes. A need to control women’s bodies. Emily Mortimer - MacKenzie "Mac" McHale. I have never seen The Newsroom.. "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. “The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction (i.e., the reality of experience) and the distinction between true and false (i.e., the standards of thought) no longer exist.” — Hannah Arendt, “ I was thinking about this tonight as I wrote this post: (Part 1), Peter Greene: The Great Big Money-Making Edu-Octopus, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Unmoved by facts. The group sent an open letter to the U.S. saying parties to … and Special Operations personnel, backed by American air power.