Clouds are the real beauty of the sky. So, let us discuss it here. Sometimes these are also linked with mid-latitude cyclones. They do not produce any precipitation, but sometimes you can see drizzles (very light snow or rainfall). Still, there is some variation between them. So, kids can make you aware of constant rain or snowfall after seeing these types of clouds. Even we can guess the weather after learning their types and patterns. Thus, it forms cloud droplets. Thus, these clouds usually show severe weather. #ece #science #weather #cloudsactivity Letâs learn all the types of clouds! Cumulus clouds that do not get very tall are indicators of fair weather. Stratocumulus remains at the height of 1200 to 6500 feet. These clouds are Clouds form in three basic patterns:1.Cirrus2. Like cumulus clouds, stratus clouds are considered low-level clouds. Some clouds are high up in the sky. Like wet clothes, air particles take water vapors from the large water bodies as well. Every time we observe the sky full of small white clouds, our mind feels relaxed. They are thin because they are made of ice crystals instead of water droplets. Still, condensation needs a surface. These clouds show the presence of moisture in the air. Mid-level clouds are mainly present in the middle-height. Our earth holds water everywhere. Many water droplets formed together scatter reflect sunlight and you see a white could, but with a dark or gray cloud, the sunlight is scattered in all directions instead of reflected. Different types of clouds for kids - Betrachten Sie dem Testsieger der Redaktion Wir haben viele verschiedene Hersteller ausführlich getestet und wir zeigen Ihnen als Interessierte hier die Testergebnisse. Further, many kinds of clouds have various formation methods. We'll look at these types of clouds: cumulus, cirrus, stratus, nimbus, cumulonimbus, and nimbostratus. What do they mean? Typically, altostratus is grey or blue or bluish-grey colored. There are many different types of clouds. Clouds Level 3 2 3 Some clouds are fluffy, while others are wispy. Cumulonimbus clouds are the result of hot summer days due to high aerial temperature. Further, wind currents are the reason for their wispy form. So, clouds can easily float in the sky. It is because of evaporation. And the group of these droplets creates clouds in the sky. Cirrus Clouds Are the most common of the high clouds. In sunrise, they show bright yellow, and at the time of sunset, they become bright red. Sometimes we can see a broad blue sky when there are no clouds at that time. Orographic clouds have hills or mountain-like features. It is likely due to increased airy temperature and pressure. If you see a nimbostratus cloud, then you can forecast continuous rain or snowfall. These are aligned like flat grey sheets and normally boring. Through those wind currents, the ice crystals become twisted and spread into strands. These clouds look like honey-combs or lump-like at the base. So, follow us for more such articles. Cirrocumulus has tiny fluffy white patterns. These clouds are a sure sign of rain if it is warm and snow if it is cold. For more such interesting General Knowledge articles and videos, visit: General Knowledge for Kids . We mixed the puff paint recipe recommended by Meaningful Mama, but we doubled the amount of shaving cream., but we doubled the amount of shaving cream. (1) STRATUS !!! Hence, today in this article, we will learn the basics of clouds. You can see these like curly-sheets spread to a longer distance. Pools, oceans, lakes, swamps, rivers all are vast water sources. Your email address will not be published. These clouds form when the weather has been cold and warmer moist air blows in. They are altocumulus, altocumulus, circus, cirrocumulus, cirrostratus, cumulonimbus, cumulus, nimbostratus, stratocumulus and stratus. Some are big and others are small. Cirrostratus - High, flat clouds Teach your kids about the different types of clouds with this classification activity from Gift of Curiosity. Altostratus may release rainfalls, but if the rain touches the ground, it becomes nimbostratus. With this fun educational music video. Not only various facts about clouds, but kids can also find much other learning here. Thus, the seven different wavelengths of VIBGYOR after being scattered combined to form the white color of the cloud. Stratus clouds look like a huge thick blanket covering the sky. These cloud books will inspire your children to find shapes in the clouds, learn their names, and imagine wonderful, magical, and cloudy adventures. The big sky is surrounded by many tiny clouds. TYPES OF CLOUDS !!! Due to fluffy rounded ball-like appearance called “cotton-balls’ or “sheep back.”. CumulusWhen clouds combine with each -other , a number of different cloud combinations are created. So, your kids can easily forecast fair but gloomy weather. We can see different colors too. So, many shapes, sizes, and patterns of clouds are present in the sky. Often both are mixed to form a cloud. This was actually a question that my daughter had: How do clouds stay up in the air? These clouds never mixed up together to form dense clouds. Cirrus clouds are the thin, wispy clouds seen high in the sky. So, if the pressure drops, the vapors again become water drops or solid ice. These particles can float in the air. These clouds typically look like fluffy big cotton balls. Lenticular clouds are caused by a wave wind pattern created by the mountains. Thus, you can predict Cirrostratus as a symbol of rainfall or snowfall within 24-hours. Also, they have a color of patchy white or grey. Also, these are patchy, thin, ripple-like clouds scattered all around the sky. You can read this fun cloud book to your kids as well. They look as if someone took a cloud, stretched it, pulling pieces off, like a cotton ball when it is pulled apart. Each light has a unique wavelength. Clouds are made up of very light water droplets or ice crystals. When high-flying jet airplanes move quickly, contrails are formed. A cirrus cloud has a lightweight, silky, fluffy, and thin shape. These are mainly made up of ice crystals. They look like discs or flying saucers that form near mountains. They can be a combination of two clouds, like a cumulonimbus, which means a puffy black cloud with rain falling out or it, or a stratonimbus, which is a dark blanket with rain falling out of it. So, for knowing the formation method, we must see how those droplets are made. Hence, they got a fish-scale like an appearance and hence, they got the name “mackerel skies.”. Science Projects For Kids Science Activities For Kids If they do grow tall, they can turn into thunderstorms. The third high-level cloud is Cirrostratus. These clouds can become altostratus if they change their height. Mammatus clouds are usually associated with severe weather. Fog is a cloud on the ground. All clouds are masses of ice crystals and water droplets. White fluffy clouds means no rain, but when they form into dark or gray clouds, it is going to rain. Evaporation is a process of change of water droplets into vapors. Two words altos and cumulous having meaning flattened and heap, sequentially. Nimbostratus are very thick clouds and thus easily block sunlight. So, the small water drops jump from the liquid phase to the volatile phase by taking heat. Hence, they got a fish-scale like an appearance and hence, they got the name âmackerel skies.â. So, let us start. In Latin, the word cumulus means pile. Stratus clouds are composed of thin layers of clouds covering a large area of the sky. One way is by where they are found in the sky. Copyright 2021 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. These clouds are of three types, such as; Mid-level clouds usually present above 6500-23000 feet (2-7km). This type of cloud is formed when warm air rises carrying water vapor with it by evaporation. Altocumulus are usually known as cloudlets. The pouches are created when cold air within the cloud sinks down toward the Earth. Cumulus clouds are the puffy clouds that are usually scattered throughout the sky. Clouds that form between 6,500 feet to 18,000 feet are called âAltoâ clouds. Maybe, when youâre done, you can create a cloud journal about different types of clouds with your findings. Stratocumulus is a sign of fair weather but may lead to the storm. These clouds are present above 5km from the ground. Such a cloud would be known as fog, ice fog, or mist.The types of clouds can be divided into th⦠Further, the clouds are white. If these types of clouds appear in the sky, kids can easily predict fair but cold weather. If stratus clouds are near the ground, they form fog. These are formed by the air flowing from oceans. Cloud Facts For Kids Check out our fun cloud facts for kids and enjoy a range of interesting information about clouds.