What are the symptoms? Flat-Chested Kitten Syndrome (known more popularly as FCKS) is thought to be a genetic condition, although it can occur among kittens with no family history of the disorder. When I checked online, I came to the conclusion that it had flat chested kitten syndrome. Symptoms: Crying excessively; Sleeping away from littermates; Not nursing; Weight loss; … With Flat Chest syndrome (which it sounds like what Nigel had) the kittens will do well if they survive very early kittenhood. The medical term for this is Pectus Excavatum and it is also known as Funnel Chest. If you have access to a good veterinarian who you trust then a trip to the vet is always useful, particularly so the vet can check for Flat Chested Kitten Syndrome as well. Fading kitten syndrome at a glance. In Flat Chested Kitten Syndrome, Part Two, we will discuss various methods of treatment for the condition, especially splinting.. Introduction. "Funnel-Chested Kitten Syndrome" (also see "Flat-Chested Kitten Syndrome") or "F.C.K.S." Learn more about the symptoms and treatment for chest bone deformity in cats, below. for short may not be a very common abnormality, but, it certainly isn't unheard of in the animal rescue world. Usually noticeable within the first few days after birth, FCKS occurs when the lungs of a young kitten do not inflate normally. Swimmer syndrome is a congenital condition that can occur in young kittens, causing the legs (typically the hind limbs) to splay laterally. that was granted sanctuary with an A Place for Cats Inc foster family.] ; Strange Eye Appearance Pupils may become dilated, and they may stare blankly into space; the eyes may … Flat Chested Kitten Syndrome is a deformity of a kitten’s ribs and sternum (breastbone). The Trademark: Rippling Skin The skin on the cat's lower back visibly ripples, accompanied by the cat biting and scratching at his back or tail. The syndrome of swimmer puppies is sometimes referred to as Pectus Excavatum, and described by many as “a condition of so-called flat-chested puppies.” Without intervention, and often despite best efforts, they usually die anywhere from two days to four weeks after diagnosis or symptoms. The term ‘Swimmer Kitten’ is sometimes used when a kitten with FCK crawls with both front legs out to the side of the chest in a paddling motion. Affected cats spontaneously recover, but if clinical signs are severe, anti-inflammatory medication may be required and your kitten or cat should be checked by your vet. [Pictured is "Yoshi", a kitten with F.C.K.S. Causes: Maternal neglect, blood type incompatibility, infection or congenital abnormalities. ; Loud and Insistent "Worry" Meowing Cats afflicted with this syndrome may also meow loudly for no apparent reason, often at night. I had noticed the runt of the group looked a bit different.. as if it had trouble breathing. In this article we will discuss the condition called Flat Chested Kitten, along with its causes and prognosis. Kittens (and puppies) can suffer from several different chest wall abnormalities. Sometimes, it can go unnoticed… My boy did look really bad as a kitten but got a lot better. The kitten may have a frog-like posture, with the hips jutting out to the side of the body and the feet facing … About: Fading kitten syndrome describes kittens who appear to be normal and healthy at birth but either slowly or suddenly fade and die. The sternum, or chest bone, is a long flat bone located in the center of the thorax, and the costal cartilages are the cartilages that connect the chest bone with the ends of the ribs. I'm sure you can see how that would happen from the look of the ribcage. I took it to the vet, but the guy wasn't much help..told me everything I already knew..and said that there was nothing I could do, except wait … hello, my cat just had three kittens about 10 days ago.. In some cases, kittens with Flat Chested Kitten Syndrome will have a poor chance of recovery, but in less severe cases it appears that even FCKS can be helped. But with the PE, the problems can come as they grow..