), Not unpopular. They're both equally fun, jugg is more easier to learn and understand though, or in other words, maras have a higher skill floor. Dezember 2011. - Click Here To Subscribe! They have a pretty straight forward rotation and have good aoe burst capabilities. Both classes are great at DPS but since you are new go with Vengeance Juggernaut. Do both. Juggernaut is really good but I find marauder more fun, I love leaping to and fro with my mara, I get the impression that it is more of a multiple-target class while jugg excels in focusing on one at a time, roughly speaking. Jugg has the ability to switch to tanking meanwhile Mara has three different dps specs that all have their own playstyle. New/Returning Player. It provides a blend of Burst and Damage Over Time (DOT) abilities for high single target and Area of Effect (AOE) damage with its DOT spreading effects. 1. I’ve heard that Jedi Guardian is like the Kotor story we never got. Jumping between them and doing really good single target dps on them. Both are pretty fun though. Any differences with the Marauder in overall PvP effectiveness are really not going to matter until you are within the top 20% of player skill anyways, so play what you like and have fun. You will have most fun with Jugg (Vengeance) . They're both fun but I enjoy Juggernaut (and Jedi Guardian) more than marauder (and sentinel). Tanks are generally more welcome/needed in groups than DPS classes are. You can’t go wrong with either Marauder or Juggernaut. Ablative Plasteel Armor Set Synthweaving Level 220, Random Schematic. As a devastating flurry of dual lightsaber strikes and Force attacks overwhelm their foe, each successful flow can serve to embolden the Carnage Marauder in their assault, making them all … 1 Codex 1.1 Juggernaut Primary Abilities 2 Combat Proficiencies 2.1 Utility Points 3 Gallery Sith Juggernauts are powerful and defensible warriors that wear heavy armor and can crush … So if you aesthetically like the idea of a Juggernaut and the Darth Vadery feel better, I would say go ahead and make a Juggernaut. I really enjoy playing juggernauts, my main is one, but they're not at all a good dps class in endgame PvE, the only reason to bring them to raids is you really love juggernauts or can't play as anything else (a dps juggernaut that is, tanks are in a great place) I look forward to hearing what you all have to say :). swtorguide, 15:29h. Juggernaut will be too familiar, and marauder will be tough without a good tank. Lots of people have multiple characters, and it doesn't take very long to level them. It is in a bad place. Im torn between these two specs as to which one i want to go. Been toying with making a sith warrior but unsure what tree to go down. 5 years ago. The Vengeance Discipline is the second of three available paths for the Sith Juggernaut Class. Mara feels agile when playing, basically, Solo player and very casually getting into the game. This time flexRus pursued the Taris story missions with a purpose. Create a character in each class and level them to 70. I know they are powerhouses in pvp at the moment but what concerns me is pve with them. Prologue Korriban. Ausdauer- als Tank das wichtigste Attribut, da sich mit jedem Punkt Eure Lebenspunkte um 10 erhöhen und je mehr Lebenspunkte man hat, umso länger hält man an vorderster Front den Attacken stand. When you get Jaessa, you can decide to switch and STILL be perfectly okay. Question. Never hesitating, never faltering, there is no swifter bringer of pain in the galaxy. Hi, I have a Jedi Guardian Vigilence (vengeance) spec. Ich werde meinen Sith Krieger später als DD-Juggernaut spielen, einfach aus dem Grund da ich einfach diesen "Darth Vader"-Style mag (1 Lichtschwert, dicke Rüstung). You can spec as a Tank or a DPS (or a hybrid). While Juggs can tank, they also have two DPS specs, and while you will hear different opinions as to whether Jugg or Marauder is more survivable in PvP, I will say that at least when I was first learning the classes and getting into SWTOR PvP I found the Jugg to be much more survivable. Cleaves through content pretty quick and does make you feel powerful with the exaggerated swings. I’m leveling much faster then I expected to be quite honest. IF they are close enough together to hit with a Vengeful Slam. Samstag, 3. For soloing heroics with a companion, they are both really good. I’m having a hard time picked which class to play based off: -Best Customisation -Most fun to play -Better Class story. I've found that the Marauder tends to clear content faster if the mobs are farther spread out. costs 750 thousand credits; Legacy level 10; Restricted to the sith warrior – it’s heavy armor, but if you are on a sith marauder you can still equip it via the outfit designer; Craftable. I do that in WoW and in SWTOR I … Report Save. If an article link referred you here, you might want to go back and fix it to point directly to the intended page. They have the single light-saber and it is cool to see. I can nearly play the Jugg while on conference calls at almost full potential... no way I can do that with Marauder. I’m wondering between the classes of Sith Juggernaut. Cookies help us deliver our Services. It's a bit slow sometimes but deals massive damage, have cool abilites, and doing better in pve than my Jedi Sentinel with the same level gear. Honestly if you're just playing casually then I'd just go with whichever saber style you like more, single or dual wielding. This is a disambiguation pagea navigational aid that lists other pages that might otherwise share the same title. http://www.swtorsecretsguide.com/ - This video will give you a PVP build for the Sith Warrior Marauder and explain how to make sure you get your gear right. But I would never say that it's better than Mara. A stalwart defender of the Sith Empire, the Juggernaut embodies the teachings of Marka Ragnos, charging into enemies with heavy armor and pure rage. I have a jug and I love it. The Sith Warrior's story starts on Korriban. Or Jedi Guardian. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Gameplay preference is very subjective. Agile and swift, the Carnage Marauder wins the day by way of sheer volume. Now, Marauder is better at DPS than a DPS-specced Juggernaut...but not so much better that it balances out the above. Juggernaut is more flexible. Marauders gain fury when they take damage and defeat foes. Fury Marauder Sith Warrior Basics Guide The dark side can be a powerful ally when one channels their inner fury, and no one knows this better than the Fury Marauder. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Juggernaut's Renowned Armor Set Legacy Vendor. I simply like it more. I'm not being flippant here. Hi, recently came back to the game, I play a Warrior class in pretty much every game I play. Faced with one opponent or many, the Fury Marauder strikes with raging bursts of power while maintain a balanced stance that offers protection against the enemy’s attempts at obliteration. The dcds for juggs are mostly reactionary and very straight forward, whereas for maras you have to anticipate damage to a higher degree. Star Wars™: The Old Republic, a story-driven MMORPG from BioWare and LucasArts. Juggernaut’s Renowned. Press J to jump to the feed. This is a disambiguation pagea navigational aid that lists other pages that might otherwise share the same title. Marauder / Sentinel really lack impact in my opinion with most of their abilities so I lean towards Juggernaut / Guardian instead. Juggernaut is squishier than mara, just saying. Offers great survivability for a DPS, and good crowd control (push, stun, and taunt) abilities. Juggernaut vs Marauder ? It really captures that Darth Vader vibe with the animations and skills. Sith Marauder is a Sith Warrior advanced class. With fury you have CC immunity, with annih you have 1.5k hps passive healing. A full stack of fury (30) can be used to trigger abilities like. Juggernaut and Marauder play more similarly to each other than any of the other advanced classes do. I am now a "grizzled veteran" of 5 years of PvP, including some at a pretty high level, and I've long thought that when played smartly Marauder was more survivable, BUT I still believe that until you are really good at the classes and frankly until you have a lot of experience in this game's PvP with it's various nuances that the Jugg is more survivable. Maybe you'll like one better than the other, or maybe you'll just love both of them. Jugg/Knight is more survivable, can act as an offtank and in DPS is pretty equal to Mara/Sentinel. SUBSCRIBE! Hass und Wut werden von Sith Krieger kanalisiert, um sich in bösartige Kämpfer verwandeln. If you’re mostly doing solo stuff I’d recommend Fury Marauder or Vengeance Juggernaut. Sith Juggernaut may refer to: Sith Juggernaut (title) - A title within the Sith Order. This sounds ridiculous but I just don’t like the way the dual lightsabers look/feel in-game (I understand this is an unpopular opinion, though!! Hi everyone. Sith Marauder durch rivalisierende Abwehrkräfte geschnitten, mit zwei Säbeln und beispiellosen Wut, Handhabung Todesfall mit grausamer Kompetenz. Marauder or Juggernaut STAR WARS: The Old Republic > English > Classes Marauder or Juggernaut Reply. 1 INTRODUCTION; 2 GEARING AND STATS PRIORITY. The Sith Juggernaut is a Sith Warrior advanced class. Sith Juggernauts use the Force to protect their allies and to punish their adversaries (unlike the Sith Marauder who would use the Force for more damaging abilities) they charge into the thick of any fray, and take the brunt of the assault and are even able to drain the energy of their enemies to further strengthen their resolve. Juggernaut is appropriately named, it makes you feel like an absolute tanky monster while you still do tons of damage. I've played every class in the game at this point, and for warrior I personally prefer Juggernaut. In short, the dual lightsabers are cute but require a lot if skill and time. Sith marauder. However ive tried tanking in a different mmo once before and to put it lightly, It did not go well at all and on top of that ive heard they are not doing well in pvp at the moment. In this case, the Jugg can clear content must faster. Warscheinlich wird man mit dieser Ausrichtung im späteren Verlauf des Spieles verpöhnt sein, aber ich gehe davon aus, dass der Juggernaut nach weiteren Patches noch ein ernstzunehmender Gegner werden kann.. Sith Marauder may refer to: Sith Marauder (title) - A title within the Sith Order. The jugg has a really good tactical that reduces the cooldown of Vengeful Slam. Marauder requires skill, practice, and patience. On the one hand i love how the juggernaut is essentially darth vader and i do love that they get force push. I also find that I'm pressing a TON more buttons with Marauder compared to the Jugg too... so if i just want a casual session, I'll use the Jugg.. if I feel more energetic I'll use Marauder. Cookies help us deliver our Services. For the longest time I preferred my Juggernaut to my Sentinel, but that's changed in recent days a bit. Angriffskraft- erh… UP TO DATE FOR PATCH 6.1.3. I have justed reached the imperial fleet on my sith warrior and am having difficulty choosing betwwen the juggernaut advanced class and the marauder advanced class. 2. Can't believe I'm saying thisTwitch: http://www.twitch.tv/beattieusFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/StarthrillerTwitter: https://twitter.com/beattieus Complete SWTOR Immortal Juggernaut 6.0+ PvE Guide, suitable for both beginner players and more advanced and experienced veterans, who seek to improve their performance! However, Mara is faster playstyle, more squishy and has an OP raid buff for PvE. Im torn between these two specs as to which one i want to go. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. With berserk uptime you have higher passive DR than juggernaut, better mobility, invulnerability cooldown, obfuscate 90% white/75% yellow immunity, and stealthout. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy than here. level 1. squadron 238. Only thing I’d do is avoid Carnage Marauder at the moment. My preferred spec is Annihilation Marauder but it takes a while to build up and probably isn’t the most ideal for solo content however I still prefer it over the others. Click on their names for their detailed If you don't have those three attributes you will suck and the class will not be fun for you or anyone you group up with. No kidding, granted I had exp boots but just a few hours of game play and mostly sticking to story and not getting into extra fights and I’m level 15. I lose force push which saddens me but i think i still keep force choke which im fine with. also marauder: vicious slash go brrrrrrrrrrr. Mario and Rossel WARKING SWTOR, GUILD WARS 2 and BLACK DESERT ONLINE: EUROPEAN SERVERS JOIN THE FUN. The saber swings feel a bit sluggish, yet strong and focused. Simply make 2 characters one of each of the class. Marauder sort of feels wild and less disciplined in comparison. CONTENTS. Marauders parse a lot more than juggernauts, even carnage parses like 400 dps more than vengeance. They're both fun to play I main juggy tho. Considering their strengths, you can have both, try different specs and see what goes for you :). Fearless leader flexRus is back with part 25. It very fun plus i like the overall feel of it i think it plays better with the warrior story as being this unstoppable force of destruction. Annihilation Marauder Sith Warrior Basics Guide Annihilation doesn’t have to be instantaneous – and that’s how the Annihilation Marauder likes it. I'm not likely to ever tank. The Sith Marauder is one of the of two advanced class of the Sith Warrior; the other is the Sith Juggernaut.