then if sword is back after sword, use light saber on box, and saber will be boxed after sword is out. I know a lot of people will recommend DS Jaesa, but I found her really boring. |, 08.03.2012 Close. Dark Side is just a dumb Brute. The voice actress is simply better at portraying inflections of kindness in her tone. , 07:51 AM DS Jaesa is a cold blooded murdering lunatic. hide. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Dark Side for the male, because that voice is just so domineering. Personally, jugg feel like an enforcer to me in the intimidating heavy armor (Plus I can use Vetter and Quinn more effectivaly at lower levels.). The Reflection called him a fool, like all sith. I rolled a Marauder and got him to 21, but I rerolled as a Jugg and am much happier for it. The statements and opinions expressed on these websites are solely those of their respective authors and do not necessarily reflect the views, nor are they endorsed by Bioware, LucasArts, and its licensors do not guarantee the accuracy of, and are in no way responsible for any content on these websites. report. |, 08.01.2012 Has anyone clicked this tag? Vote. many of the Light side choices allow you to let someone live just to use them later or skip killing someone to get to your goal quicker. I've decided to get back into SWTOR after a long time, and want to create a sith character that I intend to go through the entire class story, and … Press J to jump to the feed. Light side Sith Warrior is the best. As I understand it, the Darkside warrior is a pure Sith- Get what you need to know, then get rid of them. |, 08.02.2012 Underlying this system is the concept of the Force and the two opposing aspects, Light side and Dark side, that are reflected in how The Force is manifested in the world. Turning her Dark as a light side Sith is something I have not tried, but some people say they played strict light side up until that confrontation between Jaesa and her master, when they had to choose dark options to turn her. Star Wars™: The Old Republic, a story-driven MMORPG from BioWare and LucasArts. If you already played one side and want to replay the class, the answer is obvious to me: go the other way (or at least gray). Fear is an emotion that you tent to feel sometimes. Though i am torn if i should re run dark side because sith reasons, or go light side sith.. Also, which is better story wise, ds jaesa or ls jaesa? While i did dark side in my last SW playthrough, i have to admit i wasnt too fond of it too much and figured i need to play it a second time to really appreciate the SW story. Star Wars The Old Republic (SWTOR) Female Sith Warrior (Neutral/Light Side) Much like that … Once thing you can do, which I do during the really good sections like these is press "esc" at the very end of the cut scene and try them all. Spoiler I play my Sith Warrior as a more neutral alignment and make my decisions based off of more intelligent choices and what will best serve myself and the Empire. Light Side or Dark Side Jeasa for a Neutral Sith? |, 08.01.2012 As a smart but ruthless Sith like my Sorcerer, you'll earn mostly dark side points, but LS once in a while. , 09:04 PM share. I went pure dark side on my IA and it was pure evil, death, and destruction. Would like to know which is a better and more interesting story wise... light side or dark side. , 02:16 PM level 2 She would really view herself as much dark side as it gets. Light Side if you're playing a female character. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The Sith Inquisitor, at least the female one, has something sly and witty about it that sometimes makes the light side options come relatively easy, sometimes it's simply the most logical solution because the dark side option would mean forfeiting valueable assets, but other times they are either dumb or … He displayed incredible reflexes and durability, shown in his first duel with Starkiller, w… Being DS-aligned, PvP and crew missions will earn you only DS points, so you'll still progress on the alignment bar. Just keep in mind that your role in the story is an enforcer. Watching Jedi preach their hypocrisy as they try to kill someone that has stronger morals than them because they have no room for nuance because sith bad and kill things. Vote. save. - Voltaire. Such as refusing to fight Jedi, and showing that Jedi were more bloodthirsty than a sith. The Sith Lord Cendence was hand-chosen by the Dark Councilto hunt down and destroy any Sith not deemed pure. LS Jaesa seems to be a bit more naive but fits perfectly into her role as your apprentice. |, 07.31.2012 If you had the force, you would be a Sith. LS sw if you care about the empire because a lot of ls choices end up benificql to the war effort, With the release and return of jaesa post KOTFE/ET I prefer LS, You can still romance her and her confession is so sweet compared to DS Jaesa bitching and moaning about “how you started an empire with out her”. Lol, so much this, I actually created a new full DS juggernaut yesterday... on my second warrior i've gone for a mix of both, makes more sense in some choices in the story. LS is quite surprising in a goo way, not only it makes your SW act like a non-dumb jedi, but it also benefits the Empire in the long run. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy than here. Posted by. , 03:12 PM Star Wars™: The Old Republic, a story-driven MMORPG from BioWare and LucasArts. , 09:37 PM I tend to prefer a mostly LS Warrior after all. I can't say I've seen much of darkside, except from other players, but.. in my opinion, the LS sith warrior has one of -the- best stories in the game. Romanceable by: Sith Warrior dark-side male characters About: Once in a millennium, a man or woman is born who expands the frontiers of what Force users can achieve. While often taking the LS choices, I really enjoy some of the DS choices in the main story. Like Starkiller, the Sith Warrior was a proficient practitioner of the dark side of the Force. Proud, young Jedi Padawan Jaesa Willsaam discovered the unprecedented ability to discern any being’s true nature and uncover a person’s most secret intentions. share. Where as Light Side sort of had a moral code of not killing anyone who doesn't need to die, not as strong as the Jedi code but you spare a few people which in Chapter 3, creates a pretty epic cutscene. Press J to jump to the feed. Both are fun. Keep in mind, while she doesn't love killing for the sake of killing, she is all about killing people who deserve it and copious amounts of extortion. definitely more unique with a LS warrior. If you do not wish to follow this link, simply report. |, 08.01.2012 Screen Shot. To go to this page, click the link below. Screen Shot. After dispatching the Jedi (again with a light/dark side of the force choices about both if to fight them at all and if to kill one or both of them), a distraught Jaesa again contacts the Sith Warrior, pleading for an end to his chase. This big domineering force wielding warlord is actually a really good guy once you get to know him, Light Side SW is a lot more fun in my opinion. Star Wars The Old Republic (SWTOR) Female Sith Warrior (Dark Side) LS Jaesa actually has interesting motivations. You can romance Vette as DS just fine. I like the fact that you can still serve the Empire's interests while maintaining that diplomacy and mercy can be used to your advantage. Vote. 07.31.2012 "Faith consists in believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe. " My question is, I was at the story point at the. Many times the Dark side is more about being an A$$ and killing everyone. To be honest there both worth experiencing, I found them both to be good and you get some really funny lines as a LS sith when dealing with Jedi. There was one betrayal I was really annoyed I couldn't kill...! That means almost everyone who dares to betray the SW is going to be killed. , 06:12 AM As requested a clearer look at my light side Sith Warrior. Choice* (Opportunity for Dark Side or Light side points) ... Star Wars: The Old Republic will put players on either side of a massive war between the Republic and the Empire. For Star Wars: The Old Republic on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Sith Warrior, should I go dark side or light side? Light Side Sith Warrior should still kill people, just not as casually as Dark Side. Well, she defaults to the light side, so keeping her there is not difficult for a Dark Side Sith. well on tatooine, my reflection was darkside, which seeing as im LS 3 already, makes sense. |, light side is way more interesting and original,many times you will be remembered of your allignment,the most important part in on the end of act 1,with a completely different dialogue for each allignment. This mean that you are passionate, you want to have power, and victory is very important to you. Light Side if you're playing a female character. LS jaesa has a better voice imo but is such a child. If someone hurt you, you want to hurt him back and take revenge. close this message. 0 comments. I'll just tell you it is a more cold and calculated than the DS sw. You treat your enemies with honor, but you still kill plenty of people. Ive been going Light Side on my Jugg, mostly to be able to romance Vette. ... Vote. At the same time, Master Nomen Karr contacts Darth Baras, calling him out to settle it between themselves. This alignment resembles in many ways the aspects of … Mixing in some light choices helps it feel more practical and reasonable though (like … , 10:04 PM The voice actress is simply better at portraying inflections of kindness in her tone. Close. can you make sword in box light sword so sword come out when opened? :P. The Emotions are useless thing made him sound like a wanna be Jedi. I've been hearing it's pretty radically different as light side. I found the Light side is actually more Sith then the Dark Side. hide. Dark Side for the male, because that voice is just so domineering. Does the LS SW reject emotion? He was also, much like Galen Marek, extremely skilled in lightsaber combat. Romanceable by: Sith Warrior light-side male characters About: Once in a millennium, a man or woman is born who expands the frontiers of what Force users can achieve. OR.. for the male, it can be an argument of contrast. This page is not meant to keep you from following the link you've clicked on. His range of techniques included Sith lightning and various forms of telekinesis, such as Force push, Force repulse and Force throw. Proud, young Jedi Padawan Jaesa Willsaam discovered the unprecedented ability to discern any being’s true nature and uncover a person’s most secret intentions. The Sith Warrior is one of two Force-sensitive, Sith Empire-aligned classes.Unlike the Sith Inquisitor, the Sith Warrior is known to focus more on melee combat and lightsaber skills.The Sith use the Dark side of the Force and fight against their sworn enemies, the Jedi and the Galactic Republic.Famous Sith Warriors include Darth Malgus. |, 08.03.2012 just now. Please upgrade your browser for the best possible experience. Light side Sith Warrior is the best. Dark Warrior: Felt right being dark side as the emperors wrath, because you’re basically just enforcing his will and killing those who stand in your way. Going through a 2nd sith warrior run right now. Killing anything in their path and bringing utter destruction in their wake. Posted by. I choose the they do not notice tag, but one of the options was Emotions are useless. Screen Shot. Screen Shot. I'm a lvl 36 light side Sith Juggernaut at the moment, and I personally like being the light side, especially when it comes to recruiting a certain companion during the story. |, 08.03.2012 1 minute ago. That means: not killing out of cruelty, but out of necessity. This is my Sith Warrior's version of "The Padawan Exposed" quest - the quest where you recruit Jaesa. Do you miss out on anything cool in particular if you don't go Dark Side? 100% Upvoted. |, 08.03.2012 I always thougth the ls sw was more like a grey jedi, using his emotions as a tool but not being controlled by them. Star Wars™: The Old Republic, a story-driven MMORPG from BioWare and LucasArts. Honestly, dark side warrior is my favorite way to play the class. , 08:35 AM , 07:10 AM The Dark Side warrior becomes very much like any other Sith. You belong to the dark side of the force. It is just a warning that you are about to leave this website. But she only makes sense if you play your Sith as a reformer, who wants to fix the Empire. Gray warrior is the best imo empire first leads a pretty good storyline. I think that's the way to go with it. I played mine full dark, and while I love imp agent story, the sith warrior one is my favorite, and I love playing juggernaut, I kid you not I want to do it over again. He was an expert Djiem So practitioner, but also utilised Dun Moch when required. DS jaesa is much more independent but her voice sounds like it has phlegm in her throat all the time and shes non-nonsensical. As requested a clearer look at my light side Sith Warrior. ". User account menu. 0 comments. Well my dark side reflection told me that the masters will smell my Light like a stench and will plot against me in secret and that i need to weild the most powerfull tools of passion and anger hatred. Includes: Cutscenes from Corellia through to Baras in the Dark Council Chambers on Korriban, Sith Academy When in reality a Sith should be focused on building strength which includes using others. , 11:33 AM However, spoilers ahead, some of the light side options had funny outcomes. save. I've heard the SW story is one of the best in the game, but I was wondering, which story is more interesting? During the Cold War a group of light-leaning Sith formed within the ranks of the Sith Empire. This article discusses the SW:TOR in-game system that measures and tracks a characters affinity to either the Dark side or the Light side of the Force. 100% Upvoted. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The Lightside warrior seems much more complex-He wants do what is right, only kills when absolutely necessary, all while …