Ahsoka and Echo offense, CD, CC. The same way ultra-high offense , is pointless without cdmg. I heard that modding GS for Health/Prot is better against Malak, while Offense is better in mirrors. Like any Raid battle in SWGoH with SLK, giving him turn meter anytime you can is critical, and this teamâs strategy is no different. With this team I was able to get nearly 1% of Phase 1 Heroic (0.95%, 428k), and a similar squad with Zeta Asajj Ventress lead, Mother Talzin, Nightsister Acolyte, Old Daka and Talia recently scored 1.6 million at Tier 5. SWGOH.GG is a database and sqaud builder for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes on iOS and Android. By far one of the best F2P counters and updates in SWGoH for a long while! The offense set does not impact them, but a CD set does. it is other way around. You can check mine out here: https://swgoh.gg/p/678398652/. Skuddy YouTube. The Isolate debuff remains the key to the team because it adds a constant debuff to Nihilus which makes FOE’s hits more effective and adds survivability to the team. Then, with his Battle Meditation, he will spread that buff to the whole team: everyone will be able to ignore a good portion of Sionâs armor, and will consequently hit significantly harder. Resistance Trooper and Scavenger Rey are here to deal damage. Mookdog. The rest of 501st will do dmg, especially 5s and Echo. If your team is low gear (g8-10), then you could have a hard time keeping everyone alive – you could consider replacing Scavenger Rey with Visas Marr (but you will need her to be zeta’ed). I will have to try out the protection build it sounds like it would be much much better. Ahsoka with 9k offense will hit 15k on her basic, JKA with 9k offense will hit 40k on his basic. Skelturix. 1. Visas will assist and heal up the damage that the Jedi are taking. KeKattia. So if you can have monstrous offense at 192% cdmg , that is better than bluntly saying "crit dmg is better the end". No witch-hunting or unfair persecution of players or groups. I thiiiink it might depend on what your opponent's team is. With the popularity of both the Star Wars universe and mobile games, SWGOH has seen an influx of new players. Follow Reddiquette. He gets another 50% from his unique in a full 501st team... 112% with no mods making crit chance sets worthless. This team has no healer, but between health steal and foresights, they can sustain the damage Nihilus deals to them. What makes the specificity of phase 1 is that Nihilus ignores your protection when he attacks. e.g Yoda , Bastila , Revan, etc etc. This is just my opinion and feel free to disagree. Stop trying to compare a god like offense set to a shit CD set to make a point, it's an unfair comparison. You do it with the arrow so can I. Anyhow , since you said "the end" , i've got no reason to try and prove you wrong. Check it out! Galactic War and Mid-Tier Arena, Which Characters First? SWGOH Zeta Report Zeta Ability statistics based on 126,520,917 Zetas seen. What is the ideal set up for modding a GAS team? Character Count % Jedi Knight Revan: 4093: 43%: Supreme Leader Kylo Ren: 1902: 20%: Sith Eternal Emperor: 1641: 17%: Hammer. This is my annotations for the new farming guide. We don't have the exact same stats though do we ? Can you get your offense high enough to benefit from the extra crit damage? Would you use a Crit Dmg set with protection primaries minus the %Crit dmg one? [–]Damaged- 4 points5 points6 points 1 year ago (19 children). Echo CC/CD, CD triangle, a lot of offense secondaries. part of me thinks boosting protection/HP as much as you can will be better but idk. [–]Damaged- 2 points3 points4 points 1 year ago* (10 children), If you have a basic that does 1,000 damage and crits every time. The higher the scaling is, the better the offense mods are. Select Page. And you haven't understood the simplest of points which is why from the start and even now you still keep bringing into the equation other stats, or people's mod limitations. What was “effective” at the Heroic level was a Zeta Asajj Ventress lead with Mother Talzin, Nightsister Acolyte, Old Daka and Nightsister Zombie. 49 more times to go. Feedback / SuggestionModding for 7* GAS/501st team? 7. Because ultra-high cdmg , without offense is pointless. The Golden God is either going to be with Padme or Rebels in that situation. Against a target with any Crit Avoidance, the Offense set should win. I would go full defense set with protection primaries except arrow (go speed). If you have it , flaunt it. He ⦠I run an offense set with a HP secondary just because it’s the better stats I have on mods. What sets would you use? Right now mine is at r7 with 72k hp, 90k protection and 8700 physical dmg and 7200 special. Focus on offense then speed and protection. [–]DarthAnez 1 point2 points3 points 1 year ago (15 children). More Sith Triumvirate Raid Strategy & Teams: Special thanks to SWGoH GameChanger Skelturix for his fantastic help in ensuring that this Sith Triumvirate Raid guide remains updated and in line with the latest HSTR strategies. What is SWGOH.GG? Echo: crit/ crit dmg with as much offense as you can get ? While I could not duplicate this squad on my personal account, trading zKylo Ren for FOE I was able to do 780k (0.74%) in Tier 5, but FOE is a key piece to the team above. My GAS goes down pretty quick but also slaughters the other team haha. Saturday(EST) is the exception for this rule. Seen 41445 Win % Submissions and comments must be safe for work. I started on the new years eve (f2p btw). Stay current on the most up to date news and info regarding this exciting new game mode. They are easily beaten on defensive, but can pick off certain teams on offense for max banners. Resistance – Let’s move on to the best teams to use in phase 1. Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. Bounty Hunters – GameChanger DBofficial125’s May 2019 video (graphic and link on the right) shows us how to score up to 8 million damage in Phase 1 using a Embo lead Bounty Hunter team. JKA gets 4.1 damage per each offense point, Ahsoka gets like 1.6 damage per each offense point. HK-47 lead with IG-86, R2-D2, BB-8 and Jawa Engineer which seems like it has the potential to graduate into the “effective” category based on the lower gear in the screenshot to the right. SWGOH GAC Counters Based on GAC Battles analyzed this season. See the complete list here. He has 61.96% CC with no mods at R7. Content creators must follow the 1:10 rule. Priority 3 â CLS Rebels. Offsky. Help Ga 3vs3 Need Counters To Two Fast Jedi Teams With My. and join one of thousands of communities. My Rex doesn't have my top speed mods, but he's fast enough to go ahead of every team DR on my shard, which is really all I particularly cared about. Using Embo as the leader along with Bossk, Greedo, Boba Fett and Cad Bane, this team takes advantage of the Bounty Hunter contracts and can nearly double the RJT team above. KeKattia. Because of that, one of the key things you’ll need to run a successful team is to have a way to heal back up. [–]ObiWanShinobi81 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (1 child). I am sort of following arhnaldt101's f2p guide but for some stuff I do it my own way eg: grand master Yoda. Errtai. Don't spam. [–]thechadley 1 point2 points3 points 1 year ago (4 children). Fives should have offense+defense set with protection and doesnt have to have a lot of speed. Feb 14, 2021 | Uncategorized | Uncategorized use the following search parameters to narrow your results: Discord Server You run offense cross so can I. Offense is better against DR teams with Malak and Protection is better in mirror. 9.5k offense at 192% cdmg , beats 8.5 offense at 222%. The full lineup is GMY(L), Hermit Yoda, Visas Marr, Ezra Bridger, and Qui-Gon Jinn. Since there is no order of farming. Fives: no idea. Make use of the appropriate megathreads, notably for team building advice and guild recruitment. I ain't hung up on anything ^ Don't forget that GR has crit immunity up the wazoo and GAS in a mirror match is immune to crits when the rest of the team is dead. Crit Damage will far, far outpace Offense sets for GAS. If he is taking hits longer the team/he can do more*. While ⦠Edit Delete Copy Link. What is the ideal set up for modding a GAS team? For this first 3v3 GA I think I'll try to utilize R2 with 3PO and Old Ben lead. I DON'T CARE. Titles must not be misleading, and must be descriptive if the submission is not. Naturally, some will be spending money but some will be playing for free. While I have mine modded for crit damage, offense is viable because crit immunity is a thing in both mirror matches and against GR.