STERCULIACEAE MENGKULANG 2 Bhesa spp. Bombacaceae. Tiliaceae: Tiliaceae are trees and shrubs, rarely herbs; bark usually mucilaginous and with strong fibres. Tiliaceae 2. The leaves of Theobromaare simple, Sterculiaentire or palmately lobed, and Herraniapalmately compound. In the analysis presented below, we examine the relationships between children's completed schooling and a number of factors, including single-parent family structure.We find that, while statistically significant, the strength of the relationship between living with a single-parent family and educational attainment is comparable to the relationships for family size and the age of … 4. Elaeocarpaceae 3. Internal hemorrhoids typically present with prolapse or painless rectal bleeding. STERCULIACEAE Nama: Margaretha Vani Bima Nim: 1604070005 a. Habitus Pohon, semak (kadang-kadang berupa liana) atau terna dengan rambut-rambut bintang atau sisik-sisik. Family # 1. Learn new and interesting things. Generally trees (Sterculia, Pterospermium. STERCULIACEAE KELUMPANG 1 Palaquium spp. Leaves are alternate rarely opposite, simple, … Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Some plants are shrubs and tree-like. 4. The family Sterculiaceae bears remarkable affinity with Euphorbiaceae in the following morphological characters such as stellate hairs, nature of fruit, occasional presence of androphore, tendency of unisexality, presence of caruncle in the seeds of some genera {e.g. If medical ther… You can download the paper by clicking the button above. of Sterculiaceae family is locally known as "Faloak" in East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. • Active constituents: • 1- Alkaloids: Theobromine and traces of Caffeine. Mainly herbaceous or softly woody and fibrous, calyx always valvate, anthers split in two and therefore 1-locular. Sterculiaceae 4. Looks like you’ve clipped this slide to already. Define sterculia family. To learn more, view our. Economic uses:Theobroma cacaois the source of chocolate. All of the Sterculiaceae trees here have entire leaf margins. The Sterculia yield a fiber, sterculia, which has bulk laxative effects. Get ideas for your own presentations. Winner of the Standing Ovation Award for “Best PowerPoint Templates” from Presentations Magazine. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. Introduction: Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.; family Sterculiaceae) is indigenous toSouth America. KITTUR RANI CHANNAMMA COLLEGE OF HORTICULTURE, ARABHAVIPresentation on Crop Improvement in. View Fabaceae PPTs online, safely and virus-free! a large family of herbs, shrubs, or trees (order Malvales) distinguished mainly by the numerous monadelphous stamens and 2-celled anthers… Theobroma cacao • Family: sterculiaceae • Part used: seeds • Uses: Cocoa has nutritive, stimulant and diuretic properties. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. According to Engler, Malvales consists of five families:- 1. 51. Find Info For . The Asteraceae or Compositae (commonly referred to as the aster, daisy, composite, or sunflower family) are an exceedingly large and widespread family of flowering plants (Angiosperma) 2. Genera are now placed in the Family Malvaceae, in the subfamilies: Byttnerioideae, Dombeyoideae, Helicteroideae and Sterculioideae. Theobromine is used as a diuretic. & G. Forst. Fabaceae, also called Leguminosae, pea family of flowering plants (angiosperms), within the order Fabales.Fabaceae, which is the third largest family among the angiosperms after Orchidaceae (orchid family) and Asteraceae (aster family), consists of more than 700 genera and about 20,000 species of trees, shrubs, vines, and herbs and is worldwide in distribution. Euphorbiaceae, the spurge family, comprises some 7,500 species and 275 genera of flowering plants distributed primarily in the tropics. CELASTRACEAE BIKU-BIKU 1 Sterculia spp. See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement for details. In the mid-1950s, A. Chatterjee and co-workers (197) isolated, initially from Rauvolfia serpentina and then from JR.perakensis, an indoline alkaloid, which they called rauvolfinine and for which they claimed the structure 90 (Fig. 1. Many are downloadable. They'll give your presentations a professional, memorable appearance - the kind of sophisticated look that … P The leaves are alternate and simple or infrequently palmately lobed or compound; stipules are present but they are shed early. no longer supports Internet Explorer. Sterculiaceae was a family of flowering plants: based on the Genus Sterculia. P: Genus Ayenia L. – ayenia P: Genus Brachychiton Schott & Endl. Most patients with hemorrhoids experience only mild symptoms that can be treated with nonprescription topical preparations. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. It has less action on the central nervous system than caffeine but is more diuretic. Theobroma bicolor was known to Maya (one of the Indian races inAmerica) as there is evidence to show that the Mayas in South Americawere cultivating cocoa which was wild and inferior in quality. Current Students; Prospective Students; Alumni & Friends The Plants Database includes the following 7 species of Sterculia . Presence of mucilage in plant parts. Primitive characters: 1. – chiranthodendron P: Genus Cola Schott & Endl. In Brazil, 29 genera that subdivide into 260 species have been reported (Lobão et al., 2005). sterculia family synonyms, sterculia family pronunciation, sterculia family translation, English dictionary definition of sterculia family. STERCULIACEAE KASAH 7 Acacia mangium FABACEAE-MIMOSOIDEAE MANGIUM 1 Heritiera spp. Click below on a thumbnail map or name for species profiles. GTTN II kickoff meeting, PD Dr. Gerald Koch, TI 7 Genus / Species Family Trade Name Number Pterygota spp. – cola P: Genus Commersonia J.R. Forst. Byttneriais a spiny liana of river edges and disturbed sites, and Melochiais an understory shrub. Malvaceae 5. Helectres), Shrubs (Walthria, Malhania, Dombeya) or Herbs (Pentapitis). Sterculiaceae definition is - a large family of herbs, shrubs, or trees (order Malvales) distinguished mainly by the numerous monadelphous stamens and 2-celled anthers. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. The leaves are simple or palmately compound, with stipules, and the petiole is often long and kneed.The flowers are regular, small, and pentamerous, with a stamenal tube ovary which has 2–5 locules.The fruit is commonly dry and dehiscent.There are about 60 genera, with about … Cocoa Syn: Cocoa bean Source: seeds of Theobroma cocoa Family: Sterculiaceae GS: South America, Central America & West indies Constituents: Theobromine & cocoa butter (Theobrom), polyphenols Use: Nutritive, stimulant, diuretic. 3. The family has considerable economic importance, mainly … This review article discusses the antioxidant properties of extracts obtained from medicinal plants from the Brazilian Cerrado and the cell … Purdue system wide search. Many species contain milky latex, and some are useful as a source of oil or wax. Theobroma cacao is native of tropical America. The pantropical Sterculia (150 species) and the African Cola (125 species) were part of the former family Sterculiaceae, whose members were noted for having separate male and female flowers borne in often quite large and branched inflorescences. Cocoa seeds ‫الكاكاو‬ ‫بذور‬ • Origin: • The dried ripe seeds of Theobroma cacao, Family: Sterculiaceae. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. in Sterculia) and leafy cotyledons. ADVERTISEMENTS: In this article we will discuss about the classification of Malvales. Asteraceae family ppt y vani 1. Find Info For. The Mayas, Toltecs and Aztecs knew the plant more than 3000 yearsago. uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience. It is used as a thickener and emulsifier in foods, as a laxative, as a denture adhesive, and in seals for stomas. The use of natural antioxidants in cancer therapy has increased: first, due to the potential of natural antioxidants to kill tumour cells and second, because of their capacity to protect healthy cells from the damage caused by chemotherapy. ex Cav. You can change your ad preferences anytime. Sterculia species. STERCULIACEAE Verbenaceae, family of plants, in the order Lamiales, a worldwide but mainly tropical grouping of 30 genera and some 1,100 species, some of which are important for their flowers. World's Best PowerPoint Templates - CrystalGraphics offers more PowerPoint templates than anyone else in the world, with over 4 million to choose from. Leaves alternate, simple, stipulate. Sterculiaceae A family of trees, shrubs, climbers, and herbs that have stellate hairs or scales. Seperti yang terjadi pada setiap nama botani, batasan tersebut, status danpenempatan takson telah bervariasi dengan sudut pandang taksonomi. (Theorbromine diuretic), oil is widely used as suppository base & chocolates 27. Theobromine • B.S. Share yours for free! External hemorrhoids also bleed and can cause acute pain if thrombosed. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. 3).However, the data presented for structure 90 are somewhat vague and most would apply to the indoline alkaloid structure in general. Malvaceae, or the mallows, is a family of flowering plants estimated to contain 244 genera with 4225 known species. Medical therapy should be initiated with stool softeners plus local therapy to relieve swelling and symptoms. We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads. Well-known members of economic importance include okra, cotton, cacao and durian. Cocoa … Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Objective: Sterculia quadrifida R. Br. – brachychiton P: Genus Chiranthodendron Cerv. Engler and Prantl put this family together with Tiliaceae, Bombaceae and Sterculiaceae in the order Malvales. Family: Sterculiaceae – Cacao family Genus: Sterculia L. – sterculia Subordinate Taxa. Cocoa - chemistry processing and technology, No public clipboards found for this slide. Members of the family, sometimes known as Verbena or Vervain, have … The largest genera in terms of number of species include … 27. 2. There are also some genera containing familiar ornamentals, such as Alcea, Malva and Lavatera, as well as Tilia. Hutchinson placed the single family under Malvales. Annonaceae is an essentially tropical and subtropical family that comprises approximately 135 genera and 2500 species. See our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Sterculia is a genus of flowering plants in the mallow family, Malvaceae: subfamily Sterculioideae (previously placed in the now obsolete Sterculiaceae).Members of the genus are colloquially known as tropical chestnuts.The scientific name is taken from Sterculius of Roman mythology, who was the god of manure; this is in reference to the unpleasant aroma of the flowers of this … The Sterculiaceae are trees, shrubs, or herbs comprising about 65 genera and 1,000 species that are further characterized by the presence of stellate hairs. • 2- Solid fat: Theobroma oil or Cacao butter. Family Sterculiaceae – Cacao family : Contains 19 Genera and 32 accepted taxa overall : Down one level : Genus Abroma Jacq. Karaya gum (E416), an exudate of Sterculia urens and other members of the genus, is an acid polysaccharide composed of galactose, rhamnose, and galacturonic acid. SAPOTACEAE NYATOH 1 Scaphium spp. Patients usually seek treatment when symptoms increase. 3. The flowers are typically unisexual and are borne in a characteristic cluster known as a cyathia. Title: Microsoft Word - Vol 12 text.published.02Oct2007.doc Author: Nick Turland Created Date: 10/3/2007 2:36:52 PM Sterculiaceae is a family of flowering plants with 65 genera and 1000 species distributed in tropical and substropical regions of the world. Engler and Prantl have placed the family Malvaceae along with seven families including Tiliaceae and Sterculiaceae in their twenty sixth order-the Malvales of class Dicotyledoneae and subclass Archichlamydeae.