All rights reserved. Her blond hair is pulled back into a ponytail with a violet band. Steph admitted. "Wh-w, b-bu, n-no. 1: Rise of the Batmen. But even newly renewed, their love story was anything but smooth sailing. That pressure would eventually boil over the day that Tim’s father found out about his second life as Robin. Between the pressure of Batman and Batwoman’s “boot camp” and Tim’s recent acceptance to a college that would ultimately force him to retire from the super hero scene, there was almost no time for planning for the future in a romantic sense. ", The gun wasn't loaded and it turned out Prudence really was on their side, but once Stephanie found out Tim had been working for the League, she ripped into him. The relationship strained further when Tim was forced to move to Keystone, Kansas by his father. Well, make room on that list for another set of names. To her astonishment, Tim told her she was right. As part of that balancing act, Tim found himself embroiled in a sort of secret identity love triangle that was just as awkward as it sounds. Stephanie Brown & Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake & Barbara Gordon & Dick Grayson & Jason T. & Damian W. Martha Kent & Kon-El | Conner Kent Clark Kent & Kon-El | Conner Kent Stephanie let him know this gesture had piqued her interest in him and she planned on seeing him again, much to Tim's chagrin. Steph’s constant fear of being seen as incompetent by the rest of the Bat family versus Tim’s perpetual anxiety about not being strong enough to protect the people closest to him made for a pretty volatile combo when things got shaken up. Tim said "nithe hook" while she apologized, and said it was better than a brick to the face. Nearly every issue of Robin she appears in. Just as Tim was about the be killed by an assassin, he smirked that Steph's seen minutes were up and the Ricochet smashed into the assassin. Stephanie goes back to being Spoiler, and Tim apologizes for his harsh words, but tells her he doesn't believe crimefighting is right for her. (Cluemaster had said he didn't believe the young Steph when she told him about the assault, but stopped inviting Murray over immediately after, and he'd died a few days later despite not being a user of narcotics). When the assassins attacked, Steph and Tim teamed up. And if you’re up to date on Detective, then don’t miss Stephanie in today’s DETECTIVE COMICS #957, which finds her struggling with how to defeat a powerful villain without seeking out help from Batman. Timothy Jackson "Tim" Drake (also known as Tim Wayne) is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics, commonly in association with Batman.. Batman saw her and decided not to take Arthur in. However, Stephanie returned as Spoiler, revealing her death had been faked by Dr. Leslie Thompkins . In the Batcave, Stephanie, Damian Wayne, Dick and Alfred Pennyworth congregated around him and waited for him to wake up. . Robin (182). She grew up ignorant of her father's other life. 2: the victim syndicate. Those crime fighting (or crime causing) couples that can never seem to decide if they love or hate each other. She even tried to follow him home once, but was attacked by a fellow teammate of Tim's from Young Justice, The Secret. Steph asked him why he wants to bring up the whole Scarab mess again after all she'd done to put that behind them, and he let her know it's noting like that, and he just needs to know what she knows for a plan he's hatching. Then he went off to become Red Robin and search for Bruce Wayne. She somersaulted off the high bars, saying if Scarab's in town, Steph wanted a piece of her. You can catch up with Steph as she tries to process her next move in the most recent Detective Comics collection, DETECTIVE COMICS VOL. Quoting Ms. Quinn: Can You Spot the Fake Harley Quotes? Gotham Knights (37) I'm still me. Tim was heartily resistant to the idea of Steph, who had very little training, putting herself in danger as The Spoiler. As they fought the assassins, Tim knew Steph had a plan and begged inwardly for it to work. Be careful reading further if you haven’t read through Detective Comics Vol. Tim thought to himself that though he'd never admit it to Steph, her vehicle was pretty cool. As Robin, however, Tim was seeing a fellow vigilante who called herself the Spoiler. He burst out "Are you kidding me?" Tim gave both girls a firm speech about trust. Steph insisted on helping Tim wrap up the case as Spoiler. Though he claimed to be \"rehabilitated\" upon his return to Gotham, Stephanie was furious to discover that he was actually returning to crime without his need to leave clues behind. Eventually she came clean, and Tim mediated a discussion between the two women and Steph moved back in. That didn’t slow her down, though. Sounds kinda familiar, huh? Batgirl (8) Tim: [turns to the mirror] Holy shit, it’s perfect.. Stephanie: I don’t know how I got that arm hair to look so sad, but I did it.. Bruce: [knocks on Tim’s bedroom door] Tim, do you have any updates on the—[sees Tim dressed and styled exactly like him] Oh my god. Spoiler agreed to the terms, much to Tim's surprise. ... Stephanie Brown returns as Spoiler – but is later believed to have betrayed the Batfamily to … Steph rules. Tim was stunned Steph had taken out a member of the League so casually, then thought "Not Steph. Stephanie's plan was "hit 'em till they stop" which Tim said was "just like old times". Steph proclaimed "PWNED!" Tim wiped his nose, then started crying. Tim found out and came to rescue her, and she decided to thank him for saving her life the same way he thanked her when she saved his and pinned him forcefully to the ground and kissed him- in the middle of gunfire! Steph’s time as The Girl Wonder was cut short abruptly, and just in time for Gotham to spiral into the chaos of WAR GAMES. Stephanie complied, and got to interact with a few team members, including Tim's ex Cassandra Sandsmark, Traci Thirteen and the explosive Amy Allen, before she left in the Bat-Plane with Tim. But Steph ripped her dress and retrieved her staff, saying "better than old times.". Tim tried to keep Steph out of trouble and went after Arthur on his own while Steph stalked the two other villians, but this backfired, for when the Baffler and his friend buried the armored car they had stolen in concrete for safekeeping, Tim was trapped in the armored car with the Cluemaster, unbeknownst to Steph. Tim then realized the General had to be the one who shot Steph and began to get suspicious about her secrecy.Going back to The General's warehouse to investigate, Tim was seriously injured in an explosion from a bomb the General, now posing as Anarky, left. Instead, she glanced inscrutably at her Spoiler costume hanging on her closet door. Stephanie was fired as Robin, and shortly after appeared to die. The next day, Tim took Stephanie out and she confided in him her mixed feelings about her father, and how she had almost been sexually assaulted by one of his friends when she was eleven (she bit him and escaped before he could do anything). But do stop me if you ever catch me writing that on an overpass. Genre: Family/Romance A/N: This was too preciouuuuuuuus! But Steph refused to listen to him. I turn to her, she is wearing a purple jacket, a little tight if you know what I mean. After some conversation, Tim notes that Steph was glaring at him a little. After Bruce "dies" and Dick takes up the mantle of Batman, Tim gives up the title … Tim eventually gave up the mantle rather than put his father through any more lies, but losing his life as Robin put he and Steph’s relationship through even more strain. ...Or, well, Spoiler thought she was seeing Robin. Batman Family (8) He currently uses the superhero identity of Red Robin. Up on the roof, Steph informed her she had changed, and she was fighting for all the people in Gotham now. 1 Debut … Tim was furious to learn this, but Steph told him she had checked the man (Murray) out when she became Spoiler, and learned he had died of an apparent accidental overdose, but the evidence was Arthur may have killed him. Eventually, Robin asked Spoiler to be his girlfriend, though he regretfully told her he had sworn not to tell anyone, even her, his secret identity. ...No really! Tim's first introduction to Stephanie was a brick to the face. He claims to be rehabilitated upon his return to Gotham, but Stephanie becomes furious when she discovers that he is actually returning to crime, this time not leaving his trademark clues behind. He also told her he was leaving Gotham for a while (presumably to look for Bruce as Red Robin), and for her not to get hurt while he was gone. A lot?". The above, or did Tim yell at and generally abuse Stephanie before he ran off to become Red Robin? Tim and Damian time travel to stop the apocalypse; they overshoot a little. Afterwards, she met up with Tim and he asked if she stole the tech to make herself invisible to get around his ultimatum. It's really only shocking it took him this long to realize it.Tim pervs on Conner and Bart is a sweet, special snowflake who needs to be protected.Damian Wayne always saw himself in a certain light. He unmasked the person, surprised to find a blonde girl under the hood. Which turned out to not matter all that much, because, well...Tim’s life took a turn for the worse not long after he’d told Steph about his ideas for college, and now everyone thinks he’s dead. Soon after, however, she was picked up by Batman, who wanted her to check on Tim. Robin was predictably kind of unsure about the whole thing. Tim tried to loop-hole his way through the secret identity problem and date Steph in earnest by meeting up with Steph out of costume in a civilian cover identity he invented for himself by the name of Alvin Draper. But another blow came when Stephanie's dad was reported to be dead. lilatreus. Meanwhile, Damian starts a hostile takeover of the League of Assassins at the physical age of 5. ", Relationship: Romantic interest, friend, partner, Aliases: Robin III, Red Robin II, Alvin Draper, Mister Sarcastic, Gary Glanz, Family: Jack Drake (father, deceased) , Janet Drake (mother, deceased), Dana Drake ( former stepmother), Bruce Wayne (adoptive father), Dick Grayson (adoptive brother), Cassandra Cain (adoptive sister), Damian Wayne (adoptive brother), Jason Todd (adoptive brother), First appearance: (As Tim Drake) Batman #436, August 1989; (As Robin) Batman #457, December 1990. Tim, watching from the Batcave and saw the incident on his news feed, and momentarily worrying if Steph was okay, told himself to focus and went to fight Anarky, wearing the Red Robin cowl he fished out of the exploded warehouse he was in earlier to cover his burnt head. He told her the reason he had really wanted to tell his identity but that he thought Batman wouldn't want him to, and it was Batman telling her the secret without asking him first that really hurt his feelings. The strain between Tim and Stephanie got worse when Batman dissapeared, apparently insane. Her legs are covered with dark skinny jeans that are ripped in a couple places. The narration says that Stephanie is still drawn to Robin, and though Robin has lost so much lately, to get out of the abyss he left Spoiler behind. Robin/Spoiler Special She tried to follow Star to see who Tim really was so she could dump him in person, but that failed. He also tells her he's leaving Gotham. The romance continued when the Cluemaster ordered Steph kidnapped by Gully Carson and his gang. The two resumed their relationship, and Steph became involved in Tim's civilian life as well, meeting his father, Jack and stepmother Dana officially. But, in typical Bruce Wayne fashion, he didn’t bother to let Tim on his plan beforehand. She even wrote extensive entries in her diary about how dreamy Robin was, all while Tim struggled to figure out the right way to proceed. It wasn’t pretty. and Tim grabbed her a dress so she could take Leslie aside at the ball. So, with that in mind, let’s try and shine a light on some pieces to the puzzle that is Robin and Spoiler by taking a look back at the rocky road Tim Drake and Stephanie Brown have traveled to get where they are today. Stephanie Brown was born the daughter of the Cluemaster, one of Gotham City third-rate villains. He told her he needed her help to save the people they loved. Tim didn’t fake his death and flee the country like Steph did. "I'm sorry Steph, I promise I will never leave you, I will never abandon the baby, or let him grow out with a loving mom or dad." She grappled away, telling him she didn't want to get hurt either, but she might, as that was part of the life they chose to lead. She decided something needed to be don… The Trapeze Swinger: Dick Grayson's Past Comes Back to Haunt Him, The Archer and the Canary: The Not-So-Secret History of Oliver Queen and Dinah Lance, detective comics vol. 1: RISE OF THE BATMEN) and Steph trying to sort out her place on the team, things are a bit of a mess for them, romantically. Young Justice(54) Detective Comics (648) Following the events … Driven to insanity, Arthur attempted to blow up the remaining cast of the program during a live e… Back in the earliest days of his time as Robin, long before he picked up the Red Robin moniker, Tim Drake was a struggling high school student doing the best he could to balance his secret identity and crime fighting activities with keeping up his grades and maybe having some semblance of a normal social life with friends who don’t swing around from gargoyles in the middle of the night. Fic includes the wonderfully earnest line of “ “There is a place for Tim Drake,” she said … With Tim missing (you can read all about that in DETECTIVE COMICS VOL. They went to Tim's base, but Steph discovered a bomb. When Tim found out, the dynamic between the two became even more tense. 2: THE VICTIM SYNDICATE, Building Boyzarro: Patrick Gleason Expands the Bizarroverse, Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps: The Ballad of Soranik Natu, Doctors, Demons and Daddy Issues: The Strange Partnership of Nightwing and Robin, Being Bane: The Truth About the Bat's Most Devastating Foe, All Will Be Well: Meet the Blue Lantern Corps, Mine! She is the daughter of the villainous Cluemaster, and becomes a crime-fighter to atone for his crimes. Tim Drake and Stephanie Brown are a superhero couple that has endured supervillains, growing pains, and even a faked death. Waters were not calm forever, and Stephanie was fired by Batman, which caused her to reevaluate what she was doing. He had not checked in with Bats at the usual time (he was off on an adventure with Lagoon Boy, I can't make this stuff up) Bats had to tell Steph Tim's real name to do this, and when Tim found out, he was furious at this betrayal. Tim sped off and Stephanie followed him. Batman Incorporated: Leviathan Strikes Vol 1 1, All-New Batman: The Brave and the Bold Vol 1 13, Date information was found mostly on Comixology, ComicVine, and Mike's Amazing World. Stephanie was not sure what to think of these extreme methods, and revealed to the reader that her plan to "make Robin better" by hiring villians was under Batman's orders. Tim later tracked down Stephanie and after finding out she was trying to stop her father, introduced her to Batman. They pooled information, both deciding the villian is Egyptain and Steph let Tim know about Scarab's Middle East contacts so he can track the woman down. tim drake: you should be addicted to shutting the fuck up. Red Robin(2) Mine! Following the death of his father in Identity Crisis (2004) and the presumed death of his girlfriend Stephanie Brown in Batman: War Games (2004–2005), Tim relocated to Blüdhaven, the city where Nightwing fights crime, for a period of time in order to escape the "ghosts" of Gotham City and to stay close to his stepmother Dana Winters who was admitted into a Blüdhaven clinic after … Normally this is where I'd say the headcanon, but I don't want to spoil it (hehe, get it? There is substantial controversy over whether or not she qualifies as a Robin. DETECTIVE COMICS VOL. Teen Titans (second series)(17) Tim came back, and let Stephanie know he wasn't mad at her, but Batman. GOTHAM GAZETTE: BATMAN ALIVE? History (Submitted by Oracle)Early Years: 1994 - 1998. Okay, I hate to be That Person™ but it's all in the title. Stephanie Brown is the daughter of the Cluemaster, and one of Gotham City's third-rate criminals. With the help of the Gotham cops, she succeeded, but the General had planted a bomb nearby. New photos are added daily from a wide variety of categories including abstract, fashion, nature, technology and much more. because that person is Stephanie Brown in her Batgirl costume, who grinned and, after a greeting, proudly said, "Hey, good news. Who would have thought that it would be pretty uncomfortable to hang around your girlfriend who’s working closely with the boss you’re currently mad at? Without Bruce’s influence, Tim might still be around. For better or worse, Bruce agreed to give Steph a trial period as his new sidekick. He left for a while to sort out his feelings, and never one to let a void go unfilled, Bats took Stephanie on as an apprentice. Its Tim's Drake 21 birthday and he and Stephanie Brown get a little intoxicated, what will happened when to young adults are drunk at wayne manor? Brown briefly was the fourth Robin and Batgirl, and is a member of the Batman Family. After it all went down, Steph and Tim met. Mention of Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Barbara Gordon, & Cassandra Cain. Tim yelled at her, telling her he knew she'd been under a lot of pressure, and that he loved her, and that's why he couldn't have "Spoiler" screwing up anymore. When Stephanie was under the influence of The Scarecrow's fear gas, she hallucinated that Tim was telling her that she wasn't a good enough hero to save the city and wasn't a good enough girlfriend to keep him from leaving while he beat on her. Later, as Spoiler, she was watching Tim, Babs, Dick and Leslie attend a high society ball, when she saw Nocturna attempting to rob it. Grief stricken, Stephanie thrust herself into an unneccessary battle with someone over her weight class, and Tim had to rescue her. These are all available results you can get! He agreed, and apologized for being too harsh earlier, but told her he still didn't think crimefighting was her path.