I'm happy I get to be part of such a great community! Celebrate the entry to that “teenage” or “adulthood”, by ordering a mesmerizing birthday cake online from us and keep rejoicing! Here's to many more hours of browsing and editing! Nov 27, 2019 - Send this card for anniversary couple... Free online Two Hands, Two Hearts Together ecards on Anniversary You are the greatest website on planet Earth. The song's working title was the more festive and humorous "Daddy Don't Get Drunk on Christmas Day". பிறந்தநாள் வாழ்த்துக்கள்! Thank you for MozCon. See a recent post on Tumblr from @ifishouldvanish about happy-anniversary-my-love. Thank you for bringing me countless hours of entertainment!→←→←→←→←§§. Share this quote on Facebook Send via Mail . Our skilled cake artists ensure that every order is crafted to perfection so that you can have a memorable cake for your special occasions. --. Out of the 365 days in a year, Birthdays are the most special ones. Wishing you lots of love, joy, and happiness. - hawaiiancoconut. Happy birthday, Wikipedia! 17. Thanks for 20 years of information! Wikipedia, you are now 20 years old. With you, I'm so well-informed. I wish everyone who has built and maintained Wikipedia a wonderful 20th Birthday! You fulfilled my life in more ways than I can say. —. I wish I could donate but I'm too busy doing other things. 9. —. Currently, Ferns N Petals offers a timely cake delivery in 400+ Indian locations. To the future of an open and free internet of knowledge. Happy Birthday source of knowledge! Maybe we should donate. Happy 20th Wikipedia! It is a day when close friends, family members, and relatives make... Read More... We all simply love chocolate making chocolate birthday cakes the most sought after. Thank you for being a free, reliable source of information for two whole decades. Happy Birthday!. :D — AfroThundr, Happy birthday wikipedia wish you all the best, Happy birthday Wikipedia! I hope this website gets 7 million articles soon! Happy Birthday, Wikipedia! Happy birthday! I have learned so much from this community. -, Thank you for filling me with knowledge and for all the free services you have been providing us. Birthdays are the joyous times that people eagerly await round the year. Thank you for bringing me out of my boredom in this danged quarantine for six months, and growing. - Centennial - Monday, Jan 4, 21 @ 9:28 am: Quiet and nice. Thanks for helping me pass all my classes ;), Happy birthday to one of the best sources of information out there. See you again the 20 next years :-) --. Thanks. here everyone have some cake , Happy Birthday, Wikipedia! Selamat hari jadi! I know Wikipedia doesn't read this, but happy birthday anyway! Well, since you aren't an. Happy birthday Wikipedia. Cakes are associated with celebrations, cherished childhood memories, cake fights, surprise parties etc. If love was a storybook we'd meet on the very first page. Here's to another 20 years! Thank you, and Happy Birthday! Thanks for information that answers tricky question. | Happy Birthday! It’s amazing how a site entirely made up of volunteers can make an. And thank me for fixing a typo at, Happy 20th Anniversary Wikipedia! Happy anniversary the precious Wikipedia,the source of uncommon pieces of information and the precious reservoir of knowledge. If you're half of a happy couple celebrating their anniversary or have been invited to give a wedding anniversary toast to the wonderful companionship and undying love that a special couple shares, you may be stuck looking for the right words. Mar 10, 2018 - LoveThisPic offers Our Love Story Is My Favorite Happy Anniversary pictures, photos & images, to be used on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, Twitter and other websites. Thank you so much for everything over the past two decades. Thanks for the info, this place really helped me , Happy Birthday Wikipedia! Love from [[jakarta]. you have helped me so much, and made me learn so many things, thank you <3 -- Camjam948. Search, discover and share your favorite Happy Anniversary GIFs. You've helped me with quite a bit! Happy New Year, my love! (it's "happy birthday Wikipedia" in Russian) Thank you for 20 years of free knowledge for almost 8 billion people around the world! Saved by SECRET ADMIRER. Thank you for everything you have done. All hail, Happy birthday, Wikipedia! Happy birthday Wikipedia! Discover more posts about happy-anniversary-my-love. on JAN 15,2021 MLK JR HAD HIS BIRTH. You've been a great source of information, and have given much enjoyment to me, both in reading articles and editing them. 60! Happiest birthday, wikipedia. Love quotes from Mignon McLaughlin, Fawn Weaver, Nicholas Sparks, Robert Brault, Rick Warren, Barbara De Angelis, Mahatma Gandhi and countless others. Here's to another 20 years! I grew up with you. Happy Anniversary. <3. Jun 23, 2020 - Happy anniversary funny quotes, happy anniversary my love greetings, happy one-month anniversary, belated, one month, 6 months and gift ideas I wish that we could have a happy year to live our love. We have a good collection of Anniversary Wishes For Couples. Thank you for giving me the knowledge to start a new career in online marketing. You will always be my Prince Charming and I wish to have a happy ending. Happy Birthday and thank you for the 5 minute presentation cram prep that you allowed me! Happy 20th Wiki-Birthday Wikipedia. God bless us! Happy Birthday Wikipedia thanks for being such an important resource for the last 20 years.! Keep fighting for the users! you have changed how we manage information, Happy Birthday Wikipedia! We have the best and the yummiest cakes for making your celebrations super special! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope your special day will bring you lots of happiness, love, and fun. I Love You. Warmest Hugs. Happy 20th birthday, Wikipedia! But I feel I am just too happy and cannot wait to be your wife. Thanks for answering so many of my very trivial questions (lol)! Thank you to all the editors and contributors and donors! Wikipedia's always helped me with everything I needed to know. It is truly outstanding to see millions of people editing Wikipedia, millions more viewing it and gaining information from it, and how the entire thing has expanded to such a colossal size in just two decades. May all failures, sorrow, and troubles stay behind in the passing year. Although we know Romans celebrated birthdays, we don't know if they wished one another the exact phrase "Happy Birthday!" Funnily enough I've known this place for pretty much my entire life (since I'm pretty much 3 years younger). From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for everything. Here's to 20.000 more years of open access knowledge on the WWW! So, don’t forget to send your dear ones cute birthday wishes in a little note tagged along with unique and thoughtful birthday gifts. With music streaming on Deezer you can discover more than 56 million tracks, create your own playlists, and share your favourite tracks with your friends. One of these days, when I have enough money, I will give you hundreds of dollars. Happy Birthday Wikipedia for 20th anniversary. Thanks for all the free knowledge! Your love, dedication, and commitment to each other is an example to all of us. You can send her roses, or you can write her a love song. If you are looking for something for your spouse please see the happy marriage anniversary quotes for him or her below. I Love You. SHAHEER ADIL STUDENT OF NED UNIVERSITY FROM KARACHI PAKISTAN. Thank you for helping me expand my horizons all these years. Happy birthday Wikipedia! Loving me in a very special way. Happy Birthday Wikipedia! May you grow bigger and better for another 20 years or another century :D, Happy birthday to Wikipedia! Happy Wedding Anniversary. Queen of Bruh Moments. Happy 20th Birthday, Wikipedia! At no other point in history has such an extensive selection of information been available to nearly everyone on the planet and at no other time has nearly everyone have an opportunity to contribute what they know to help the rest of humanity. Congratulations Wikipedia. Happy bithday wiki <3 :) you made my assignments easy , gave me immeasurable knowlwdge and taught me how to connect the dots !!! Happy birthday, Wikipedia! If you are looking for a perfect birthday cake, lay your eyes on our wide spectrum of cakes and place an order soon!

Free online Happy Anniversary, My Love ecards on Anniversary (in Tagalog: Maligayang Bati!) Now, we can keep that going for another ten years and see how many articles have been created here, then! !Happy Birthday Wikepedia! Thank you for being with us. happy birthday Wikipedia wish more years to you have helped a lot♥️♥️. 18) If your love story was made into a movie, it would give The Notebook a run for its money. thank you so much :), Happy 20th Birthday, Wikipedia! Always there for everyone :). –, Happy Birthday, my fellow Wikipedia. Happy birthday wikipedia!!!!! If I could ask for a gift on our anniversary, it would be that we both enjoy good health in the years to come. Wikipedia has changed my life! Happy Birthday Wikipedia, hope you keep growing and teaching the world! Similarly, for celebrating 5th, 13th, 18th, 21st or 30th birthday, we have a wide array of birthday cakes that can make the important birthdays more special.