EAGLE CLIFF TRAIL: Squam Lake Road (3.2 Miles from Center heading toward Center Harbor, trailhead on left). Squam Lake and Red Hill from the top of Mt Livermore Overlooking Squam Lake, Mt Livermore is at the heart of a small trail system managed by the Squam Lakes Association which maintains over 50 miles of near Holderness, New Hampshire, on … The Mt. The Squam Lakes Association maintains over 50 miles of trails around Squam. I realized It is important to seek out a variety of trail buddies; some who hike for the views, some for the exercise. Holderness, NH Intermediate. He donated these and other materials related to the creation of his two local maps to Squam Lakes Natural Science Center in the 1980's. conserving for public benefit the natural beauty, peaceful character and resources of the Squam Lakes watershed. Explore the New Trails at Fogg Hill; Geology of the Ossipees Hike with Mary Ann McGarry of PSU; Osprey Presentation with the Squam Lakes Natural Science Center; Aquatic Ecology Paddle with the Squam Lakes Association Its shorefront area and trails are managed for public use by the Squam Lakes Association. from Ctr Harbor) 0.4 miles north of Moultonboro and Sandwich town line. Members I'm a Member. Chamberlain-Reynolds Memorial Forest – 157 acre forest with over a mile of waterfront, several beaches, swamp walk, over 4 miles of hiking trails managed by the Squam Lakes Association Moon Island, Bowman Island and Belknap Woods. The trail is a short but very steep and rocky trek. Boat access for canoes, kayaks, sailboats and boats with 25-horsepower of less located at the Squam Lakes Association, US 3, Holderness. The trailhead is located on Squam Lake Road, Sandwich (Bean Rd. Presented by SLA & Waterville Valley Athletic & Improvement Association. 0.1 mi 0.2 km #1 Caves Trail. Holderness, NH 4 2.0 mi 3.2 km #2 Five Finger Point Trail. Squam Lakes News LRCC Q & A Sessions : Thinking about applying to the Lakes Region Conservation Corps and want to learn more??? ... Trails: 37. In collaboration with local and state partners the SLA promotes the protection, careful use and shared enjoyment of the lakes, mountains, forests, open spaces and wildlife of the Squam Lakes region. We work to strengthen the voice of land trusts in the legislature and public agencies on issues of direct interest to … Maintained by Squam Lakes Association. Call LRTA today to speak with a vacation planning specialist! NHLTC advances land conservation in New Hampshire through professional development, policy advocacy, and education. The Forest Trail is 2/3 mile long and takes about an hour. The trails start on College Road in Center Harbor. The Official Vacation Planning Website for the Lakes Region of New Hampshire including Lake Winnipesaukee, Squam Lake, Ossipee Lake, Lake Opechee, Mirror Lake, Newfound Lake, Lake Winnisquam and the White Mountains. Mount Fayal – Elevation 1067′ One mile challenging hiking trail up Mount Fayal provides great views of Squam Lake and the surrounding mountain ranges. When you arrive at Eagle Cliff ledges there are beautiful views of Squam lake and mountains. Distance: 1 mile Time: 1 hour Follow the red blazes. Squam Lakes Natural Science Center in New Hampshire features live native New Hampshire animals, guided cruises on Squam Lake, Kirkwood Gardens, Blue Heron School, New Hampshire's first nature-based Montessori early learning center, science and nature … 3 … Difficult. Maintained by Squam Lakes Association. 0.1 mi 0.2 km Caves Trail. West Rattlesnake, with over 70,000 hiker visits a year, is the most popular hike in the Squam Region. 534 US Route 3, Holderness, NH 03245  |  Phone: 603 968-7336  |  Fax: 603 968-7444  |  Email: info@squamlakes.org You may catch a glimpse of some truly wild creatures or interesting plants and trees. Holderness, NH Unknown Update. Protecting trail networks in the Squam watershed is a high priority for the Conservation Society. Of the original 11 work plans, only Map 5 (Dog Cove area) is missing. Difficult. The Squam Watershed Wonders series, created by our Director of Education, Leigh Ann Reynolds, is inspired by the videos & photos she has taken throughout her years hiking the trails, paddling around the islands, and snorkeling along the shores of Squam. Events. We hope that no matter where you are that these virtual hikes might bring back fond memories, keep you connected to the Squam Watershed or inspire your next hike! The Squam Lakes Association beautifully maintains 3.5 miles of trails including a boardwalk through the wetlands, with access to several small, secluded beaches. Live Animal Exhibit and Ecotone Trail Loop [CLOSED] - New … We hope that no matter where you are, these virtual hikes might bring back fond memories, keep you connected to the Squam … Dogs are allowed but must be on a leash at all times. Mt. Enjoy "Little Pine" by E.A. Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Squam Watershed, "Little Pine": A StoryWalk at Chamberlain Reynolds. Take a hike and enjoy a glorious sunrise! Trails were opened 5/2/2017 Thank you for your patience! The videos explore the who's, what's, why's, and when's of the watershed. If these hiking opportunities are important to you, consider giving back to the trails. From Mead Base Camp, which is used each summer by trail crew members of the Squam Lakes Association and the Wonalancet Outdoor Club, the start of the hike found us following the northernmost section of the Bearcamp River Trail. Fayal, elevation 1,067 feet, offers beautiful views of Squam Lake. Castle in the Clouds Conservation Area and Red Hill Conserevation Area HIKING TRAILS MAP 2017 EDITION This waterproof map is a great resource for hiking within LRCT’s 5,381-acre Castle in the Clouds Conservation Area in the Ossipee Mountains overlooking Lake Winnipesaukee and the 2,650-acre Red Hill Conservation Area in Moultonborough. The Squam Lakes Association is dedicated to conserving for public benefit the natural beauty, peaceful character and resources of the watershed. Fayal Trail. Holderness, NH Difficult. It is through the efforts of this program that individuals can experience the magic that makes Squam Lake and the watershed such a special place. If you are new to winter hiking, looking for new places to explore, or want a refresher on tips to stay safe during winter adventures, then this series is for you! You can adopt your favorite section or spend a day maintaining trails with us. Bring your curiosity, ideas, questions and your own beverage, to this virtual science pub held via zoom. 0. Holderness, NH Difficult. Two weeks of FREE self-guided fun at the SLA campus! The SLA trail system has dried up and can now handle hiker traffic. The Squam Lakes Association cares for the watershed's network of hiking trails, access points, canoe and kayak rentals, and campsites. The Squam Lakes Conservation Society strongly endorses the following statement from the New Hampshire Land Trust Coalition: The outdoors is for everyone. Fayal Trail is a one-mile hike, which will take you about an hour. Mt. Squam Lakes Natural Science Center Mount Fayal On Route 3 / Route 113 in Holderness. Are you a member of this club? Recording of the January 20th presentation "Tips to Stay Safe on Winter Adventures" by Erick Amero and Tyson Morrill. Add Your Trails. Glaspie while exploring the trails at Chamberlain Reynolds Memorial Forest. Hiking Project is built by hikers like you. Follow the links below get more information about: 534 US Route 3, Holderness, NH 03245  |  Phone: 603 968-7336  |  Fax: 603 968-7444  |  Email: info@squamlakes.org The map depicts 40 miles of trails, […] 3 Brad drafted 11 work plans to cover Big Squam, Little Squam, and White Oak Pond. © Squam Lakes Association, All Rights Reserved. A good trail relationship is someone who is on the same page with me and if their big goal is to hike 20 miles in a day- they can go ahead and do that with someone else. There are several beaches, a swamp board walk and over 4 miles of hiking trails. DOUBLEHEAD TRAIL to Doublehead Mountain on the Squam Range; intersects with the Crawford-Ridgepole Trail (see above). It is through the efforts of this program that individuals can experience the magic that makes Squam Lake and the watershed such a special place. Contact the Squam Lakes Association 968-7336 for parking and launch fee information. Our guide to conserving the Squam Watershed into the future. Leaving the pull-off, the path drops off the road shoulder and begins a moderate ascent through open forest. “As visitation increases in the Squam Range every year, so does the wear and tear on the trails… Glaspie while exploring the trails at Chamberlain Reynolds Memorial Forest. Enjoy a wintry hike on the Brooks Fisher Trail with Cecilia and learn how to ID a few trees along the way. Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Squam Watershed, The 2019 Squam Lakes Watershed Management Plan, Click here to learn more about the LRCC AmeriCorps program, Watch "A BEHIND THE SCENES LOOK AT THE WATERVILLE VALLEY GUIDEBOOK". Join us via Zoom for a virtual Adventure Ecology to learn how trees are able to withstand all that winter brings. © Squam Lakes Association, All Rights Reserved. The New Hampshire Lakes Region Tourism Association. Come for ice skating, sledding, and frozen mini-golf. We would love to see your pictures and hear about what you discover along the trails at Chamberlain Reynolds. As you wind your way up the switchbacks learn how to ID a few trees! Click here to download or print the Chamberlain Reynolds Memorial Forest Nature Trail Guide. Morgan and Mt. This is a living document. With your help, we can share more of what makes this forest such a Eagle Cliff, Sandwich. Free Trail Maps; Places to Visit; Educational Programs and Guided Excursions. Park on side of road. The Eagle Cliff Trail climbs moderate and steep grades and reaches Eagle Cliff at 0.6 miles. Thinking about applying to the Lakes Region Conservation Corps and want to learn more??? NEW Share Learn Adventure Post about Leave No Trace! Trails & Access in the Squam Lakes Watershed The Squam Lakes Association cares for the watershed's network of hiking trails, access points, canoe and kayak rentals, and campsites. The cliff is accessed by the Eagle Cliff Trail, which is maintained by the Squam Lakes Association, and travels through Forest Society land. For those who've never heard of leave no trace and even those well versed in LNT, you might learn a few new tricks from LRCC member Kodi! Holderness, N.H.– Squam Lakes Natural Science Center opens for its 48th annual trail season on Thursday, May 1.Regular trail hours are 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (last trail admission at 3:30 p.m.). So get out there an enjoy the Spring weather! Stay connected with videos, photos, activities, games, and prompts that inspire people to engage with, learn about, and explore a variety of nature topics. Trails in Squam Lake - 45. That March morning, I along with a few friends had decided to volunteer with an SLA trail crew. Older Post Mikey - Squam Lakes Association. Mt. Morgan/Mt. Operated by the Squam Lakes Association for conservation and low impact recreation. Squam Lakes Association. A short steep climb offering impressive views of Squam Lake. We add new material as we learn more about Chamberlain Reynolds Memorial Forests. Hiking in the Squam Range. Join the Squam Lakes Association on Wednesday, December 4th for a hike (possibly snowshoe) up to the Red Hill historic fire tower summit via the Teedie and Eagle Cliff trails. Learn about the SLA’s plan for a pollinator and rain garden, and how to start planning your own.