Forgot email or Access ID? Nun löst er sie ohne Probleme, da er während des Spezialauftrags etwas gelernt hat, das ihm bei der Lösung der Trainingsaufgabe hilft. Oso fragt das zuschauende Kind, ob es ihm bei der Aufgabe hilft und den Tatzenlotsen, was die drei Schritte zur Lösung der Aufgabe sind. It is Oso's computerized assistant who guides Oso through the three special steps he needs to accomplish his current mission. Zusätzlich erhält er eine Trainingsmedaille für das erfolgreich abgeschlossene Training. 1 Synopsis 2 Songs 3 Note 4 Cast 5 External Links Oso travels around the globe to help three kids prepare for three different holiday celebrations – Celeste in France celebrates Christmas, Noah in Israel celebrates Hanukkah … Spezialagent Oso (Originaltitel Special Agent Oso) ist eine Zeichentrickserie von Autor Ford Riley und Regisseur Jamie Mitchell, gedreht ab dem Jahr 2008 in den Vereinigten Staaten. Specialagent Oso fra Disney Channel. Summary: Special Agent Oso is anxious to receive a special holiday assignment and be awarded a special present. 6 years ago | 306 views. Oso muss die Aufgabe mit Hilfe verschiedener technischer Hilfsmittel und des Zuschauers lösen. It is the episode 1 of the movie. Watch DIRECTV ; Movies … Maybe you are wondering what actually are the three special steps Oso needs to accomplish for his current mission so those steps are some kind of stages, offered by Paw Piot to Oso, which may simplify his final mission, which is saving all the kids. Dieser besteht darin, dem Kind bei seiner Alltagsaufgabe zu helfen. Oso bestätigt dem zuschauenden Kind, das er es ohne seine Hilfe nicht geschafft hätte, dann wiederholt der Tatzenlotse das Lied, diesmal als Bestätigung für den Erfolg. You will easily recognize the scene from the movie, and to recreate the picture exactly, set up the perimeter … 46,488 Pages. September 2009. Not only that, Oso doesn't even have a family of his own. Die Serie wurde im deutschsprachigen Raum zunächst auf Playhouse Disney gesendet. Chelsielavonna 8637. © 2014 - 2021 Спецагент Осо - Эпизоды с агентом Осо/Special Agent Oso - Special … If you wonder about their ages, here they are: Mr Dos is 38-year-old and he is the boss because he is the oldest, Special Agent Wolfie is 30-year-old and a great help for Oso and Agent Dotty is 25-year-old, the closest age to Oso's. Find out when Special Agent Oso is on TV, including Series 2-Episode 21: The Living Holiday Lights. Follow. This animation is so great because it promotes helping each other, especially kids and of course, it offers so many pieces of advice, so necessary for any kid in the world, for simplifying daily tasks and requirements. Chelsielavonna 8637. Get DIRECTV. The biggest surprise is that Oso doesn't just have one special holiday … Oso Agente Especial Español Latino, Special Agent Oso full gameplay, Licencia para Bucear. Also, Paw Pilot belongs to Oso and it is actually a kind of computer, that allow Oso to know all the time where something wrong is happening and when! Throughout the special assignments, he is always compassionate and encourages them in turn. There is such a wide range and a variety of games from which you can select from so you can only choose your favourite games to play. Create Account. Die zweite Staffel wird in den USA seit dem 10. 2 Part 5 … 4:35. Juni 2020 um 11:35 Uhr bearbeitet. Where do I stream Special Agent Oso online? 8:35. Episode guide, trailer, review, preview, cast list … However, he is a bit worried that Agents Dotty and Wolfie don't seem to have time to spend with him. Der Tatzenlotse weist Oso mit dem Lied „Drei kleine Schritte“ (Three little steps) in die Lösung der Aufgabe ein. Browse more videos. Special Agent Oso is anxious to receive a special holiday assignment and be awarded a special present. Directed by Seok-hoon Lee. Oso has to help three different children around the world prepare for three different holidays. Maybe you wonder how is he able to find out about the trouble the kids are involved in so let's find out! alongside Season 1 The episode titles are parodies of the names of James Bond movies and novels. You can paint a picture or accompany the hero adventures. Dies wird durch einen Satelliten aufgenommen, der das Problem an Osos Auftraggeber, die Geheimorganisation U.N.I.Q.U.E. "Special Agent Oso" The Living Holiday Lights (TV Episode 2010) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Beim letzten Schritt zählt eine Uhr rückwärts. Special Agent Oso is a great teddy bear, who helps children in their tasks during the day or even the night and he has been doing this all his life. Report. Movies. Mr. Dos is a special character, because he always sends Oso so many things to do and tasks to solve, but he is probably the only character who has never been seen by anyone, so that's pretty myterious but his voice hears so clear. In this special category of games, you will meet only interesting and the most important, interactive games for you, with the great Agent Oso and in the following period of time, you are going to find out some new things about him, which you probably didn't know. Nachdem Oso die Übung begonnen hat, wird auf ein Kind umgeblendet, das in ein alltägliches Problem gerät. Da er den Film im Nachhinein nicht für seinen Sohn geeignet hielt, hatte er die Idee einer Serie für Kinder, die das Agententhema aufgreift, aber dem Alter angemessen ist und keine gefährlichen Situationen enthält. Special Agent OSO - OSOs The Living Holiday Lights Game - Disney Junior Games. Спецагент Осо - Эпизоды с агентом Осо/Special Agent Oso - Special … Welcome to the Wiki. Playing next. Karussell Royal / Laubharker - Streng geheim! Not a DIRECTV customer? His special drone, who notices absolutely everything especially when something wrong happens to a kid, named simply Shutterbug, gives semnals to the boss of Oso, who is Mr. Dos! Register Start a Wiki. Oso travels all around the globe helping three kids prepare for three different holiday traditions. He is always interrupted because a case, where a kid does need his help so Oso simply doesn't stay and think, but act as fast as it is possible. Heatedtease. The biggest surprise is that Oso doesn't just have one special holiday Along the way, Oso learns that family and … Special Agent OSO S03E11: The Living Holiday Lights Vol. The Living Holiday Lights Special Agent Oso is anxious to receive a special holiday assignment and be awarded a special present. SPECIAL AGENT OSO - "The Living Holiday Lights" - In "The Living Holiday Lights," Special Agent Oso travels around the globe to help three kids prepare for three different holiday celebrations - Celeste in France celebrates Christmas, Noah in Israel celebrates Hanukkah and Brayden in Washington, D.C. celebrates Kwanzaa. 1:40. Die erste Staffel wird in den USA seit dem 4. All of them are working for an organization, named U.N.I.Q.U.E, The United Network for the Investigation of Quite Usual Events and they are trying to help kids all the time. "The Living Holiday Lights" is a special extended holiday episode of the Disney Junior show Special Agent Oso, originally aired on December 6, 2010. Vapeur is R.R. Join Oso and his super heroes friends in this special worlds of Special Agents interacting with kids and have so much fun trying any adventure proposed by them, only for you! [7], Nach der Lösung der Aufgabe kehrt Oso zur Trainingseinheit zurück. Oso's name comes from Spanish, where oso means bear so everything makes sense right now! (The United Network for the Investigation of Quite Unusual Events, übersetzt Vereinigtes Netzwerk zur Untersuchung ziemlich unüblicher Ereignisse) meldet. Specialagent Oso fra Disney Channel. "The Manny with the Golden Bear" is an episode of Special Agent Oso. Release Calendar DVD & Blu-ray Releases Top Rated Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Showtimes & Tickets In Theaters Coming Soon Coming Soon Movie News India Movie … [7], Zu Beginn jeder Folge absolviert Oso eine Trainingseinheit mit einem seiner Trainer, wobei ihm dieser zunächst genau erklärt, was zu tun ist. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Sleeping Beauty; The Little … This is a full list of Special Agent Oso episodes made by series creator Ford Riley.There are 60 episodes in the whole series, 24 in the first season and 36 in the second season. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 7. Not only that, Oso doesn't even have a family of his own. Season 2 is no longer airing on Playhouse Disney UK due to the channel shutting down. Watch Special Agent Oso: The Living Holiday Lights from Season 2 at Join / Sign Up Keep track of your favorite shows and movies, across all your devices. It is a crossover withHandy Manny. Oso erhält für die Ausführung des Auftrags eine „Spezialauftragsdigimedaille“ von Herrn Heimlich, die er stellvertretend für das zuschauende Kind entgegennimmt, das ihm bei der Lösung des Falles geholfen hat. Get DIRECTV 1-888-777-2454 . Vorlage:Webachiv/IABot/, Vorlage:Webachiv/IABot/,, Wikipedia:Defekte Weblinks/Ungeprüfte Archivlinks 2019-05, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, Mike Himelstein (Komponist), Ford Riley (Gesang) -, Sag niemals nie wieder Zähneputzen / Agentenkleber, Never Say No Brushing Again / The girl with the golden book, Springen und schwingen lassen / In fotografischer Mission, Der Freund mit dem goldenen Geschenk / Geburtstagsfieber, The Boy with the Golden Gift / Birthdays Are Forever. Hauptdrehbuchautoren der Serie sind Ford Riley und Noelle Wright (2009 bis 2010) sowie Krista Tucker und John Loy (2009 bis 2011). [5], Regie führte bis 2011 Jamie Mitchell, seit 2011 Kelly Ward. Juli 2010 ausgestrahlt, in Deutschland seit dem 20. In order to get there, Oso must use various vehicles. Oso is excited by the prospect of receiving a special holiday present, but first he has to complete a special assignment. arbeitet, eine Organisation ausgestopfter Tiere, die zum Ziel hat, Kindern bei der Bewältigung von Alltagsaufgaben zu helfen. Watch Special Agent Oso - The Living Holiday Lights (s2 e11) Online - Watch online anytime: Buy, Rent Special Agent Oso, Season 2 Episode 11, is available to watch and stream on Disney. Animated films. You can also buy, rent Special Agent Oso on demand at Amazon, Google Play, iTunes online. But when he tries to land the space jet … Seit der Einstellung des Senders wird die Serie im Nachfolgesender Disney Junior ausgestrahlt. Special Agent Oso - Osos The One . Zur Lösung seiner Aufgaben stehen ihm diverse Gadgets und Fahrzeuge, etwa Sportwagen oder Helikopter zur Verfügung. The biggest surprise is that Oso doesn't just have one special holiday assignment--he has three! Die Idee der Bewältigung von Alltagsaufgaben kam ihm ebenfalls bei der Beobachtung seiner Kinder. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Oso is to deliver a briefcase to Professor Buffo who is on a submarine. Special Agent Oso is a series that is currently running and has 2 seasons (60 episodes). Dotty and Wolfie are on call if he needs help, but Oso thinks he can complete the mission by himself. Leni. [7], In der Folge wird Oso eingeblendet, der einen Fehler bei der Trainingseinheit macht und dies mit den Worten „Das gehört alles zum Plan – mehr oder weniger“ kommentiert. All Rights Reserved. Im deutschsprachigen Free-TV wird die Serie seit dem 11. 1:40. He likes doing training exercises and helping kids out when each one wants to learn something new. TVGuide has every full episode so you can stay-up-to-date and watch your favorite show Special Agent Oso anytime, anywhere. Plot. Games Movies TV Video. Oso is brave, kind, and adventurous. [2] Zielgruppe sind Kinder im Alter von zwei bis sieben Jahren. Seit der Einstellung des Senders wird die Serie im Nachfolgesender Disney Junior ausgestrahlt. Special Agent Oso is a great teddy bear, who helps children in their tasks during the day or even the night and he has been doing this all his life. Special Agent OSO S03E12: The Living Holiday Lights Vol. Special Agent Oso online games can be useful if you want to learn the basics of the English language. In diesem Moment geht ein Anruf von Herrn Heimlich ein, der einen „Spezialauftrag“ für Oso hat. Oso travels the globe to celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa. Februar 2010. I guess your interest is pretty high right now so in this special category of games, there will be only this kind of adventures, with Oso trying to assist you why completing his challenge so let's get to the work right now and try to do not make any mistake. In each episode Oso receives his "Special Assignment" to help a kid with an everyday task by breaking it … 8:35. Special Agent OSO - OSOs The Living Holiday Lights Game - Disney Junior Games. Log in. Add new page. Along the way, Oso learns that family and friends are the most … Special Agent Oso is available for streaming on Disney, both individual episodes and full seasons. My Account. IMDb, the world's most popular and authoritative source for movie, TV and celebrity content. [7], Gemäß Angaben des Senders kam Ford Riley die Idee zu Spezialagent Oso, als er einen James-Bond-Film ansah, sein Sohn dazukam und sofort fasziniert war. Spezialagent Oso (Originaltitel Special Agent Oso) ist eine Zeichentrickserie von Autor Ford Riley und Regisseur Jamie Mitchell, gedreht ab dem Jahr 2008 in den Vereinigten Staaten.Die Serie wurde im deutschsprachigen Raum zunächst auf Playhouse Disney gesendet. Another secondary characters that appear in this TV animated series is Special Agent Wolfie, Special Agent Dotty, Professor Buffo, Whirly Bird, and Special Agent Musa. April 2009 ausgestrahlt, in Deutschland seit dem 13. Käfigdienst für das Kaninchen / Pfannkuchen gibt es nie genug, For Your Nice Bunny / For Pancakes with Love, Lizenz zum Aufräumen / Im Küchendienst ihrer Cousine, License to Clean / On Her Cousin's Special Salad, Das Versteck-Spiel / Abspülen und trocknen lassen, Lizenz zum Anziehen / Energie sparen - jetzt erst recht, Drei Räder sind nicht genug / Im Angesicht des Lamas, Three Wheels Are Not Enough / A Zoo to a Thrill, The Girl Who Cheered Me / A License to Twirl, In hopsender Mission / Hufeisenwerfen Royal, Der Schein der Taschenlampe / Sandburg Royal, The Living Flashlight / Sand Castle Royale, Agentenschleifen / Freunde finden - jetzt erst recht, Tie Another Day / You Only Start PreSchool Once, Mission Apfelkuchen / Nur Teller sind nicht genug, For Your Pies Only / The Plates Are Not Enough, Lizenz zum Fernsteuern / Bettdecke Royale, Ein Stäbchen ist nicht genug / Basketballfieber, Goldroller / Der Junge mit den bunten Stiften, Goldscooter / The Boy with the Colored Crayons, Der Nachbar mit dem Golden Retriever / Ein Stuhl ist nicht genug, The Man with the Golden Retriever / The Chairs Are Not Enough, Mischen und Malen lassen / Saubere Finger, Im Angesicht des Tigers / Mission Halloween, Lizenz zum Schlittenfahren / Eine Schneeflocke ist nicht genug, In werfender Mission / Fangen und Fangen lassen, Ein Quantum Soße / Das Mädchen mit der gefalteten Wäsche, Quantum of Sauce / The Girl with the Folded Clothes, Grüner Daumen Royal / In schlafender Mission, Der Mann mit der tierischen Farm / Schnipsfinger, On Old MacDonald's Special Song / Snapfingers, Lizenz zum Bestellen / Ein Quantum Tischmanieren, License to Order / Table Manners Are Forever, Verlieren und wiederfinden lassen / Im Dienst der Wahrheit, Im Angesicht des Feueralarms / Anschnallfieber, Ein Quantum Sellerie / Trink an einem anderen Tag, In Handabdruck-Mission / Mission Schwebebalken, Im Angesicht des Tores / Fege an einem anderen Tag, -Stopptanz Royal/ Der Junge mit dem Pappkartonhaus, Freeze Dance Royale / The Boy with the Cardboard Fort, -Die Freundschaft stirbt nie/ Lizenz für die Vorschule, Best Friends Are Forever / For School Days Only. Leni. His name is French for steam. Each … DC Fanzone Top 5: Bertram fra Jessie – Disney Channel Danmark. First of all, no one really kows his real age, so you will be the first one among your friends who find out that this special agent Oso is 21-year-old and his main task is to save kids, by helping them accomplishing successfully each task they've received. The Living Holiday Lights is an one-hour long episode this Christmas. Wikis. "Special Agent Oso" is a lovable special agent in training. Augustusfareweather42. 1:53. Augustusfareweather42. 4:35. Forgot password? 1 Part 1 … The Holiday season is here and Oso is excited by the prospect of receiving a special holiday present! Not only that, Oso doesn't even have a family of his own.