All of the options can be changed in the ECW: Chao World DJ's config menu! TSS Music Adventure 2012 TSS Music Adventure 2012 TSS Music Album 2011 TSS Legacy More . Its macabre aesthetics make it drastically different from the other Chao Gardens in the game. On the Steam version of Sonic Adventure 2, there is a glitch involving the Chao Stadium Races and the texture of the mating flowers, and the Neutral Garden fruit. The Mystic Ruins Garden is the second Chao Garden that appears in Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut. 1 Description 2 Trivia 3 Gallery 4 Music It is a mountainous region that is made of gray rock, is filled with twisted trees, gravestones and red-colored water, and surrounded, in some … 2 SA1 songs join the roster too! The Dark Garden is the third and lastChao Garden in Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. You can easily play through Sonic Adventure 2 without knowing the Chao Garden existed. The main difference between Sonic Adventure / DX and Sonic Adventure 2 / Battle is that the former has three adventure fields that you can freely walk around in between action stages.This is how we will come to find some secret Chao eggs! Sonic HQ is a fan run information, news, and reviews site specializing in Sonic Team games and related products and are not related to any of these companies. You can only have a maximum of 8 Chao in each garden. 1 Description 1.1 Differences between SA and SADX 2 Trivia 3 Gallery 3.1 Sonic Adventure DX 4 Music This Chao Garden is a wide light brown room with a dome with a sky view with a white floor with green stripes, at left there is a pool with a Chao … The place is overgrown with lots of grass and soil rounded in the … It seems to only be triggered by competing in the races - you don’t even have to complete the … If you have a full garden on Sonic Adventure for Dreamcast, you will be unable to remove a Chao from the VMU to that garden. Once inside, you will first be greeted by two Chao eggs. Secret Chao Eggs. The Station Square Garden is the first Chao Garden that appears in Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut. This website uses modified SVG icons from FontAwesome . If you have more than this, Chao will leave and go to a garden with free space. To get inside the Chao Garden mode, you will need to find one of the three Chao boxes placed in each level, which will contain a key that transports you to the Garden when you beat the level. With the Sonic Adventure (SADX) Garden and Race music being able to be swapped in and played in your gardens and over your races! I was always a fan of Chao Garden, which is why I wanted to work on the project in the first place, but college got in the way of things and decided to wait till I had a steady life till I could get working on it. Chao, Sonic, Sonic Adventure, and Sonic Advance are © 1996-2006 SEGA. 1 Description 2 Trivia 3 Gallery 3.1 Sonic Adventure DX 4 Music The garden is placed on a wide flat cliffside at high altitude with wood railings on the edges and features a view of the sea. Chao, Sonic, Sonic Adventure, and Sonic Advance are © 1996-2006 SEGA. - Sound Effect Settings